Paul Revere by Cyrus Dallin, North End, Boston


General John Kelly: "He said that, in his opinion, Mr. Trump met the definition of a fascist, would govern like a dictator if allowed, and had no understanding of the Constitution or the concept of rule of law."

Friday, November 29, 2024



until Trump and his MAGA turned it into a vengeful, hateful and lawless dystopian garbage can*:

*During his 2024 campaign, Trump called America a "garbage can."


Mike said...

I'm still amazed that there were enough stupid people in the US to vote the idiot back in.

Les Carpenter said...

More likely the result of ignorance rather than stupidity methinks.

Grey One talks sass said...

I disagree, our citizens were not 'stupid', no, not really. Deluded? yep Gullible? yep Bigoted? Yes to the power of you betcha. But no, not essentially stupid.

From what I've learned in the post election autopsy is that #45's campaign 'flooded the zone' with so much propaganda, so many lies - both little and huge - that an ordinary citizen was massively overwhelmed. Add to the mix the propaganda shoved into the country by foreign interests hostile to our Democratic ways and while not agreeing with many of my fellow citizens I can understand why they were so very totally bamboozled.

To the point of the post, We The People did indeed do our best to be a good country although systemic racism, a failure to honor one of our treaties with the indigenous humans who were here first, and blatant interference with sovereign countries all to make a buck.... yeah, We The People have a past which needs to be addressed and amends made.

Good news is now we know all this stuff. Half of healing issues is admitting they exist. Also sort of good news is #45's admin isn't steamrolling into Washington D.C. like they did last time. This term there are many who are taking him at his word right out of the gate. I am certain civil servants are erasing notes of how to do their jobs even as we speak. I mean, if I was told my nonpartisan job was suddenly partisan and I'd be out of a job on Jan 20? Yeah, I'd take my personal record of the short cuts and procedural work arounds with me. That's not company property, nor is it proprietary. Networks don't belong to my employer, especially if I'm the one who had to do all the grunt work.

Hopefully my take on the situation is mimicked across the board. The #45 crew thinks DC is a gridlock? HA! Welcome to Nothing Gets Done because No One has been in the job for more than a day.

Also a plus? The countries #45 threatened with his tariffs aren't just blowing off his words as bluster. They are challenging him not only personally but in the press. This didn't happen last time. Welcome to The World Decides Against Authoritarians.

Honestly I have no reason to feel so charged right now. My body has failed me - couldn't get together with family, couldn't even chew dang it - but my mind is filled with ways and means to make #45's upcoming term as bumpy as possible. Maybe it's because this is MY country too and I will not have our founding documents treated like toilet paper.

Anyway, we all feel the way we feel. I recommend rest, hydrating, lots of tasty snacks, and if one has critters all the pets and loves. When someone is ready to get into the fray they will, an opening will appear and they will know what to do. How do I know? LOL No clue, I just do. But I am a Witch so there is that.

Dave Dubya said...

Ignorance, apathy, gullibility, bigotry, racism, and stupidity are all hallmarks of incurious people.
Most Americans are incurious.
Lack of intellectual curiosity is the foundation of stupidity and invites the demise of democracy.