Paul Revere by Cyrus Dallin, North End, Boston



Tuesday, October 15, 2024




This is Trump's answer last night in Oaks, PA, to a question on how he'll help small businesses in his next administration.

Trump never answers it because he is cognitively impaired and doesn't know anything about small business to begin with. All Trump knows is how to bankrupt businesses.

Read this after you enlarge it, and think about this mentally unfit man running the country.

Click on the image to make it larger.

Trump doesn't respect the law, and certainly will not respect any cease and desist demand from Rufus Wainwright.

Trump's campaign left his own cultists stranded in the desert in Coachella a few days ago because his campaign did not pay the bus company the money the Trump campaign owed it. 

Trump cares not for anyone or anything but himself.



No POTUS in my lifetime spoke in Hitlerian terms about ANY subject: immigrants, non-documented humans, fellow Americans with differing political allegiances. Not one. 

Trump has used the term "vermin" to describe Democrats; he's used "poisoning the blood," to describe immigrants (legal and undocumented! Hitler used similar language about Jews “poison[ing] the blood of others,” in “Mein Kampf,” his 1925 manifesto.)

Trump would turn Americans against each other, even threatening a "blood bath" if he doesn't win:  

“Now if I don’t get elected, it’s going to be a bloodbath for the whole — that’s gonna be the least of it,” he added. “It’s going to be a bloodbath for the country."

Monday, October 14, 2024



Donald Trump left thousands of largely senior citizens stranded at his Coachella rally because he didn’t pay the buses to come back and pick them up.

NOW CONFIRMED: The bus company booked by the Trump campaign for his Coachella rally refused to return to collect the stranded attendees after Team Trump ignored their repeated requests for payment.

Trump suggests using National Guard, military against ‘enemy from within’


From "The Hill:"

“Donald Trump is suggesting that his fellow Americans are worse ‘enemies’ than foreign adversaries, and he is saying he would use the military against them,” Harris campaign senior adviser and senior spokesperson Ian Sams said in a statement."

I've been through dozens of presidential elections, and I have never heard an American candidate describe his fellow Americans as "the enemies within." I've read those words in histories of dictators, autocrats, and anti-democracy thugs. Never did I ever dream of hearing those words from a former president who threatens to use the powers of the presidency and the military to punish fellow Americans who disagree with him!

Who are the Americans who would vote for this? Have they given up on our Democratic Republic? And are they willing to turn it over to a man who promises to use the military against our fellow citizens?

Trump said it; he'll do it! He won't have people around him, if he returns to the WH, who will put up guard rails to stop him from abusing his powers. 

Trump said it; he'll do it!



 "The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) temporarily paused aid in parts of North Carolina this weekend after alleged threats targeted the agency’s personnel aiding in recovery efforts following Hurricane Helene. 

 Ashe County Sheriff Phil Howell said in a statement Sunday that FEMA personnel in North Carolina’s “mountain region” were targeted by threats, prompting FEMA to take precautionary steps and temporarily pause aid operations at other FEMA sites."

Has anyone in America ever seen an ex-president or presidential candidate who wears this much make-up, bleaches his hair, wears lifts in his shoes, and pretends he's a manly man, and his cultists believe him?

"People who are mad for power are a mortal threat to democracy. They may hold different titles, but at heart they are tyrants." 

 "Today, America stands at such a moment. A vengeful and emotionally unstable former president—a convicted felon, an insurrectionist, an admirer of foreign dictators, a racist and a misogynist—desires to return to office as an autocrat. 

Trump has left no doubt about his intentions; he practically shouts them every chance he gets. His deepest motives are to salve his ego, punish his enemies, and place himself above the law. Should he regain the Oval Office, he may well bring with him the experience and the means to complete the authoritarian project that he began in his first term."

Saturday, October 12, 2024



Autumn Serenade

Fall in Boston


Charles River Esplanade 


Beacon Hill:

Commonwealth Avenue Mall:

Public Gardens:

Friday, October 11, 2024



Trump says immigrants have "bad genes" and they're  "poisoning the blood of America."
