Paul Revere by Cyrus Dallin, North End, Boston



Monday, October 21, 2024

Lewd, vulgar, brutish Trump at his rallies:


Trump used vulgarity in the video below to describe our sitting VPOTUS at a rally, and his cultists cheered and applauded his nasty and brutish name-calling, because they're as low and brutish as he is, IMO.

This is who the folks on the Mother Ship, and others who should know better, think is the best man to lead America! Think about what being in a cult does to people's brains:

Here Trump implies that Arnold Palmer has an impressive penis -- which is something one would never hear at a campaign for the presidency rally or at ANY political rally! EVER! And yet this vulgar, low, and gross man, Trump, is at his rally saying such things. And his vulgar, low, and gross cultists cheer him on! What does the size of Arnold Palmer's penis have to do with the presidency and how Trump will govern? Does anyone know?

Saturday, October 19, 2024

Thursday, October 17, 2024

Did anyone ever image hearing these un-American words from an ex-POTUS and candidate?


Trump is the only politician in my lifetime who ever uttered such unconstitutional and, IMO, treasonous words.

This country, especially the MAGAs and the media, has become numb to the avalanche of the unspeakably perverse, fascistic sentiments Trump spews on Twitter and at his rallies.

PS. Where's our friend, skudrunner? Has he seen this?

Trump brags about wanting to raise taxes on the middle class: “We are going to [create] a system of taxes. We call it positive taxation… Nobody's ever seen what we're doing. A combination of taxes and tariffs”


"The halfrican needed insurance against being 25d, so he grabbed the Delaware Dumbass as veep Sleepy Joe wanted to transfer Barry’s policy to himself, so he picked She-Who-Got-To-The-Top-The-Old-Fashioned-Way. And now Kamalho needs to cover her backside in the same manner, so she glommed onto Deer-in-the-Headlights Walz."

The above, in all its nauseating benightedness, is an example of a MAGA who identifies former President Obama by his race, (the very definition of a racist), then this wretch implies (like all misogynist do) that VP Harris succeeded in politics by illicit means. 

That would mean VP Harris would have had to have slept with the millions and millions and millions of Californian who voted for her for San Francisco District Attorney, California Attorney General, California US Senator, and VPOTUS! The misogynist who wrote this is not known for possessing a sparkling intellect. This description reeks of jealousy, since his/her candidate is an actual convicted felon, adjudicated rapist, tax fraudster, pu**y grabber, and traitor to the US Constitution for trying to illegally install himself as POTUS after he lost the 2020 election.  

Here's another MAGA's deeply philosophical interpretation of the interview:

"She didn’t look presidential. The Fox guy was more presidential. She was like a sniveling govvie being grilled at a Senate Hearing. 

Followed by a professional misconstruer (I think I made up that word):

"Looks to me that Kamala did herself some real damage." 

This MAGA at least showed a bit of originality in his otherwise predictable prose:

"I watched a clip. She didn’t answer the question, although she proved she’s a world class worm."

Here are non-MAGA opinions of the interview (from my email inbox):

It was definitely a hostile interview, as intended by Fox and as I'm sure the Harris's campaign knew it would be. Despite Baier's constant interruptions, she made her points for the Fox News audience to hear. She did not back down, did not stumble in the face of the hostility and slide shows. She was strong, presidential and cool under fire. She basically wiped the floor with Brett Baier. That's what I saw. And maybe, hopefully changed a few minds in the process."

My opinion: 

 An interviewer who knows what he's doing listens to what the interviewee has to say and then challenges it. It makes me laugh that the FAUX NOOZ people sat around and came up with the strategy Baier used: Go in aggressively and override Harris before she says anything to make it seem like Baier actually has a point. That might have confused Trump and caused him to lose his cool, but it didn’t work with Harris. They should have known it would fail. But then Baier works for FAUX. I wonder if Baier thinks he did a good job? I wonder if this is the pinnacle of his career as a journalist? Baier reminded me of a five-year old who would bombard me with questions, then barely listen to my answer before asking the next one. Five-year olds are delightful because they're curious and five. Brett Baier as chief political interviewer? Not so delightful. IMO, he embarrassingly demonstrated his lack of competence as a interviewer. 

One last point:

No politician answers questions directly or discusses policy details. Why? Because it has been proven that neither work. Direct answers are punished, usually by being taken out of context by opponents or the media. 

I vote on character. If you don't believe in the character of politicians then whatever they say, including policy, is irrelevant and meaningless. So which candidate has a stronger character? That is the real question. It certainly isn't: "What is your stance on transgender services in America's prisons?"

Ask yourself which of the two contenders for the presidency has character.      

Wednesday, October 16, 2024

How does an American explain this to the world?

I invite Trump supporters to tell us why they're supporting this threat to our democracy.

You know who else gets rid of his political opponents by putting them in prison and eventually killing them? Putin, Kim Jong Un, and Xi.

This is Trump's promise to America! 

Trump Escalates Threats to Political Opponents He Deems the ‘Enemy’ 

"Never before has a presidential nominee openly suggested turning the military on Americans simply because they oppose his candidacy. With voting underway, Donald Trump has turned to dark vows of retribution."


Trump rode hatred of others all the way to the presidency in 2016 and his very first executive order was what he called "a total and complete shutdown of Muslims coming into the country." 

Trump's acting on his hatred led to another of the Supreme Courts terrible and un-American decisions upholding Trump's Muslim travel ban after his administration put a fig leaf of "national security" over his flaming religious animus. He'd do the same to Jews too in a heartbeat. He recently said if he lost this election, it would be because of the Jews. Blame the Jews! Does that sound familiar? 

When he tells the GOP base he's their retribution, he's exploiting normal human imperfections and fears. The divisive, nation-destroying aspect is that he's convincing millions of Americans that someone is intentionally out to end their existence as free people, something conservative media has implied for decades on AM radio talk shows, which were listened to by millions as the hosts opposed healthcare reform, lied about the modern economic system, resisted gay marriage, claiming it would lead to an epidemic of women marrying their pets, while rejecting men and having a family. 

This is what the Democratic Party is up against with Trump activating these manufactured laughable ideas into real grievances. 


The Mother Ship, which represents the older (and should know better) generation has this meme up on its blog today:

Without a drop of self-awareness, they put up this meme and continue to support (and will vote for Donald J. Trump) a convicted felon, an adjudicated rapist, a tax fraudster, a serial adulterer, a pussy grabber, who's facing dozens more felony counts, a man who called our military personnel "losers and suckers," a man who called liberals "vermin," and said immigrants "poison the blood of our country," and who just the other day promised he would jail anyone who opposed him.

PS. These sailors on the Mother Ship are devout Christians who believe the Bible should inform our actions and our laws.

How does an American explain this to the world?

Tuesday, October 15, 2024




This is Trump's answer last night in Oaks, PA, to a question on how he'll help small businesses in his next administration.

Trump never answers it because he is cognitively impaired and doesn't know anything about small business to begin with. All Trump knows is how to bankrupt businesses.

Read this after you enlarge it, and think about this mentally unfit man running the country.

Click on the image to make it larger.

Trump doesn't respect the law, and certainly will not respect any cease and desist demand from Rufus Wainwright.

Trump's campaign left his own cultists stranded in the desert in Coachella a few days ago because his campaign did not pay the bus company the money the Trump campaign owed it. 

Trump cares not for anyone or anything but himself.



No POTUS in my lifetime spoke in Hitlerian terms about ANY subject: immigrants, non-documented humans, fellow Americans with differing political allegiances. Not one. 

Trump has used the term "vermin" to describe Democrats; he's used "poisoning the blood," to describe immigrants (legal and undocumented! Hitler used similar language about Jews “poison[ing] the blood of others,” in “Mein Kampf,” his 1925 manifesto.)

Trump would turn Americans against each other, even threatening a "blood bath" if he doesn't win:  

“Now if I don’t get elected, it’s going to be a bloodbath for the whole — that’s gonna be the least of it,” he added. “It’s going to be a bloodbath for the country."

Monday, October 14, 2024



Donald Trump left thousands of largely senior citizens stranded at his Coachella rally because he didn’t pay the buses to come back and pick them up.

NOW CONFIRMED: The bus company booked by the Trump campaign for his Coachella rally refused to return to collect the stranded attendees after Team Trump ignored their repeated requests for payment.

Trump suggests using National Guard, military against ‘enemy from within’


From "The Hill:"

“Donald Trump is suggesting that his fellow Americans are worse ‘enemies’ than foreign adversaries, and he is saying he would use the military against them,” Harris campaign senior adviser and senior spokesperson Ian Sams said in a statement."

I've been through dozens of presidential elections, and I have never heard an American candidate describe his fellow Americans as "the enemies within." I've read those words in histories of dictators, autocrats, and anti-democracy thugs. Never did I ever dream of hearing those words from a former president who threatens to use the powers of the presidency and the military to punish fellow Americans who disagree with him!

Who are the Americans who would vote for this? Have they given up on our Democratic Republic? And are they willing to turn it over to a man who promises to use the military against our fellow citizens?

Trump said it; he'll do it! He won't have people around him, if he returns to the WH, who will put up guard rails to stop him from abusing his powers. 

Trump said it; he'll do it!



 "The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) temporarily paused aid in parts of North Carolina this weekend after alleged threats targeted the agency’s personnel aiding in recovery efforts following Hurricane Helene. 

 Ashe County Sheriff Phil Howell said in a statement Sunday that FEMA personnel in North Carolina’s “mountain region” were targeted by threats, prompting FEMA to take precautionary steps and temporarily pause aid operations at other FEMA sites."

Has anyone in America ever seen an ex-president or presidential candidate who wears this much make-up, bleaches his hair, wears lifts in his shoes, and pretends he's a manly man, and his cultists believe him?

"People who are mad for power are a mortal threat to democracy. They may hold different titles, but at heart they are tyrants." 

 "Today, America stands at such a moment. A vengeful and emotionally unstable former president—a convicted felon, an insurrectionist, an admirer of foreign dictators, a racist and a misogynist—desires to return to office as an autocrat. 

Trump has left no doubt about his intentions; he practically shouts them every chance he gets. His deepest motives are to salve his ego, punish his enemies, and place himself above the law. Should he regain the Oval Office, he may well bring with him the experience and the means to complete the authoritarian project that he began in his first term."

Saturday, October 12, 2024



Autumn Serenade

Fall in Boston


Charles River Esplanade 


Beacon Hill:

Commonwealth Avenue Mall:

Public Gardens:

Friday, October 11, 2024



Trump says immigrants have "bad genes" and they're  "poisoning the blood of America."


Thursday, October 10, 2024

There's no hope for a country with this level of stupidity!


I don't need to tell you who she supports, do I.

Once there are enough people like this, democracy becomes unsustainable and implodes under the weight of mass paranoia.

Crybaby and Perpetual Whiner Trump:


Trump: Anyone who says mean things about me and doesn't trash my opponent is cheating and a fake!

There a millions of Americans who want this underdeveloped man-child as POTUS again. Just recently he was spreading vicious lies about the Biden Administration and its Hurricane Helene response. Every governor from every state affected has praised the Biden Administration and what they did and are doing for the Americans affected by the disaster.

Trump is a chaos agent who cares nothing for Americans who are dealing with disasters. He only wants to score points against VP Harris and the Biden Administration. He is an evil person for using this tragedy to promote his vicious lies.



My older sister who is a widow and lives in Bellaire Bluffs, Florida, which is just east of Sand Key, Gulf Boulevard, reports no damage, and did not lose electricity. She's fine, and so is Alvin, her cat!

Hurricane Milton

Speaker Mike Johnson says “...there’s no rush for Congress to approve hurricane relief…' as Cat 5 Milton bears down on Florida. He won't bring Congress back to vote on FEMA funding, but will for damn sure blame Biden-Harris.  

Florida GOP Congresswoman Anna Paulina Luna voted against $20 billion for FEMA disaster relief funding. Her district will be one of the areas hardest hit by the Category 5 Hurricane Milton.

(Reminder:  Florida took all reference to climate change out of state material.)

Wednesday, October 9, 2024



The Captain of the Mother Ship, who is a prime example of a Trump cultist, apparently gets her news ONLY from Trump-friendly media, because she asks these questions without a jot of irony. 

She and her Trump cultists are willfully ignorant about what Trump says (almost on a daily basis) about his admiration for anti-democracy strongmen, autocrats, and bloody dictators. Trump admires these murderous and anti-democracy thugs, and aspires to be one for the US!

Americans like her and her fellow cultists never look at other sources of information to see what a despicable, liar, cheat, and fraud they admire.


Captain of the M.S. quoting VP Harris: “He admires strong men, and he gets played by them because he thinks that they’re his friends,” Harris said. “They are manipulating him full time and manipulating him by flattery and with favor.” Kamala during the Howard Stern interview. 

Captain of the M.S.:  "I’ve been right… Democrats are mind readers. “He admires strong men” How’s Kamala know what Trump admires? “He thinks they’re his friends!” Did she ASK TRUMP that?

I ask my readers:  How can someone who claims to be a patriotic American be so willfully ignorant and post something so amazingly naive and foolish and, IMO, stupid! when there is proof all over the internet and other media that what VP Harris said about Trump is ABOLUTELY THE TRUTH!

It's not just the Captain of the Mother Ship and its sailors who are so miserably and willfully uninformed and blind, but millions of Trump cultists all over this country who are like this. And that's why we are in danger of having this malignant narcissist and convicted felon in the WH again. 

Trump Says Kim Jong Un Wants Him to Win: 'I Think He Misses Me'

CNN: "President Donald Trump on Friday defended his warm praise of Kim Jong Un, saying his newfound affinity for the North Korean dictator was making Americans safer. 

 At the same time, Trump expressed esteem for the forced deference North Koreans show for their leader and joked he wished “my people” would do the same."

Trump calls Putin ‘genius’ and ‘savvy’ for Ukraine invasionThe former president’s praise for Putin comes at a perilous geopolitical moment in Europe.

Trump says he's pleased by Putin's praise: 'I like that he said that' 


 “He said, ‘Well, but Hitler did some good things,’” the retired marine general John Kelly told Jim Sciutto of CNN in an interview for a new book. “I said, ‘Well, what?’ And he said, ‘Well, [Hitler] rebuilt the economy.’ 

But what did he do with that rebuilt economy? He turned it against his own people and against the world. And I said, ‘Sir, you can never say anything good about the guy. Nothing. I mean, Mussolini was a great guy in comparison.” 

 Kelly, a retired US Marine Corps general, was homeland security secretary in the Trump administration before becoming Trump’s second chief of staff. Resigning at the end of 2018, he eventually became a public opponent of his former boss.