Paul Revere by Cyrus Dallin, North End, Boston



Thursday, April 2, 2009


Compare and contrast.

Actually, who really cares.


lostinmassachusetts, said...

How stupid and Juvenile this post is..
I don't know what is proper protocol when an American president meets the Queen of England. But if he bowed to the Saudi king and not the Queen, then this is outrageous.

As for the First Lady (aka the First Pit Bull of the U.S.), I believe I've seen other First Ladies curtsy before the Queen. But I'm floored that Michelle Obama had the nerve to put her hand on the Queen. Truly sickening!

TAO said...

All I know is that Barack won over a tough crowd at the G-20...

He bowed to the Saudi King...big deal, GWB walked hand in hand with him at the Texas Ranch...

I watched the BBC tonight and it was quite obvious to me on those tapes that the Queen and Prince Phillip were quite pleased to meet the Obamas and quite taken in by them...

Or a quote, "A Buckingham Palace spokesman who asked not to be identified because of palace policy said he could not remember the last time the queen had displayed such public affection with a first lady or dignitary."

It looks to me that we are back to taking our leadership position in the world again...

Shaw Kenawe said...

Mr. Obama did bow to the Queen. T

Why would it be sickening to lightly put one's hand on the Queen? She's a human being not a deity. You're the one who needs to figure out why it sickens you to see a woman being quite human to another woman.

But really, let's be honest, lostinmassachusetts, you're outraged because Mr. and Mrs. Obama were a huge success on this part of their trip.

And the British, including the Queen, were quite taken with them.

Arthurstone said...

Fun watching the 'conservatives' bleat about the terrific reception President Obama and the First Lady received in London. Drives them nuts when they are forced to watch the regard with which the President is held.

If 'revenge is a dish best served cold' then envy is a dish best served microwaved.

Or, as Mr. T might say "I pity the fool(s)!"

Just My Opinion said...

TOA SAID: "He bowed to the Saudi King...big deal, GWB walked hand in hand with him at the Texas Ranch..."

Big deal?

Why does it ALWAYS have to be compared to Bush?

Stupid is as stupid does.
And Obama and Michelle are STUPID

AdamS said...

Don't worry, nobody in the UK is bothered about whether she greeted the Queen properly or whether Obama's gift was a good choice.

I am no Obama worshipper, but I will say this: after 8 years of GWB on tour, any outrage over Obama's conduct abroad seems a little misplaced.

TAO said...

Just My Opinion...

You may be quick to throw Bush under the bus but we are not...

dmarks said...


Lynne said...

A right wing talk show host in my area actually said that Michelle "manhandled" the queen. So, clearly their thinking is not reality based whatsoever. In fact, when I listen to them (the talk shows, Fox) it's as if they're not even seeing the same thing as everyone else. I don't get it.

Christopher said...

Queen Elizabeth II reached out first to our First Lady, Michelle Obama, in a warm, affectionate gesture.

Obviously, the Monarch was charmed by Michelle. It was a mother/daughter-like moment and rather nice.

I mean, can anyone in their right mind imagine Queen Elizabeth II reaching out to country-simple Pickles Bush or the icy-cold Borg Queen, AKA, Hillary Clinton?

Just My Opinion said...

Lynne you are full of sh@t as always

Gray Headed Brother RIP said...

Gray Headed Brother RIP?
3 04 2009


Push-Button Publishing
Blog has been removed

Sorry, the blog at has been removed. This address is not available for new blogs.

Did you expect to see your blog here? See: ‘I can’t find my blog on the Web, where is it?’

Oh well. Either he got threatened and ran, which is stupid. Or someone reported him and they yanked him, which is more stupid. OR he is hiding with octopus and friends, aka, The Legion of Doom

Shaw Kenawe said...

Just My Opinion wrote:

Why does it ALWAYS have to be compared to Bush?

Well, since you're too thick to understand, let me explain:

We compare the Obama administration to the Bush administration ecause after people recover from a horrific time in their lives, they ALWAYS compare the better times with the misery they had to live through, and relish the fact that it is behind them. That's why.

Stupid is as stupid does.
And Obama and Michelle are STUPID

That's nice, dear.

Now listen to your caretaker, she's here to change your Depends.

JLoophole said...

Shaw Kenawe said...

"Now listen to your caretaker, she's here to change your Depends."

Why do you find it necessary to belittle the people that disagree with you?

Do you only want people to pat you on your back for the insane posts your make?

Shaw Kenawe said...


If you were paying attention to this comment section, you would see that I belittle senseless ad hominem attacks--and saying that the Obamas are stupid is senseless and deserving of contempt.

If Just My Opinion could produce EVIDENCE to back up his claim that Mr. and Mrs. Obama are stupid, I'd engage him/her in an argument.

The Wordsmith said...

Barack Obama met the Queen at Buckingham Palace today and gave her a gift of an iPod loaded with video footage and photographs of her 2007 visit to the United States. iPods are what Santa Clause brings little kiddies that have been good. Not a gift to a Queen..
In return, the Queen gave Obama a silver framed photograph of herself - apparently a standard present for visiting dignitaries.
Thank God Obama didn't give her a signed photo of himself.
I'm just speechless. You can't make this stuff up. This man is a total embarrassment to this country. He is thoughtless, immature and classless.

dmarks said...

Shaw said: "If Just My Opinion could produce EVIDENCE to back up his claim that Mr. and Mrs. Obama are stupid, I'd engage him/her in an argument."

You don't get elected President without being very smart. This is also true of the previous guy.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Wordsmith wrote:

Barack Obama met the Queen at Buckingham Palace today and gave her a gift of an iPod loaded with video footage and photographs of her 2007 visit to the United States. iPods are what Santa Clause brings little kiddies that have been good. Not a gift to a Queen..

Really? And you know this to be true because? How? Do you have a special insight into what is appropriate for gift-giving between countries? BTW, Buckingham Palace said the iPod gift was entirely appropriate and very much appreciated by Her Majesty. You ought to write to her and tell her how insulted you are that she liked her gift.

In return, the Queen gave Obama a silver framed photograph of herself - apparently a standard present for visiting dignitaries.
Thank God Obama didn't give her a signed photo of himself.
I'm just speechless. You can't make this stuff up. This man is a total embarrassment to this country. He is thoughtless, immature and classless.

Again, it is easy to make accusations but difficult to back them up with evidence. You and your pals come here and call Mr. Obama names without giveing examples of why you defame him. How very junior high school of you.

Thoughtless? How--because he didn't give a gift YOU approve of?

Immature? Excuse me, but Mr. Obama managed to meet with the heads of state of many countries during the G-20 meeting and DIDN'T GIVE ONE OF THEM AN UNWELCOMED BACK RUB! I'd say that was very mature of him.

What is your evidence to prove your accusation? If you have none, then you're just a typical blowhard who hasn't the ability to back up accusations with facts.


That's very funny.

Actually, I'm thinking you may be an undercover comedian posing as a name-calling malcontent.

(O)CT(O)PUS said...

Results of the Washington Post / ABC News Poll released earlier this week:

Obama’s approval rating as President 66%
Michelle Obama’s approval rating 76%

According to the latest Gallup poll:

Obama’s favorability rating 69%
Michelle Obama’s favorability rating 72%

This morning, Buckingham Palace released a statement about the touching incident, pointing out that is was the Queen who touched Michelle first, signaling permission to do so and that the moment was a “MUTUAL” expression of admiration and affection.

One can NEVER convince those predisposed with prejudice and hate, but these polls put this comment thread into perspective. Contrary to comments here, the Obamas are popular and well liked, and those who continue to bash them do not represent mainstream opinion.

There is no point participating in this conversation any longer. It has turned into a Romper Room of children and become pointless.

The Wordsmith said...

(O)CT(O)PUS said.
There is no point participating in this conversation any longer. It has turned into a Romper Room of children and become pointless.


I would thank that anyone that would follow Michelle Obama’s favorability rating, would fit in your above description.

The J Mopper said...

Amen, Octopus...

I have to hand it to all of the Obama bashers: they never let facts or reason get in the way of their staunch beliefs.

The Wordsmith said...

Well John, Here is MY staunch belief! I say it's a Shame for America that Obama bows to his Muslim hero King Abdullah.
As you people would say...
"what if Bush did this?" Moment for the left to examine a little bit, and explain to us why your supposed Christian president practically got on his knees to kiss the hand and nearly the feet of a Muslim King? This man is not a Christian and never was. I personally think that Obama chose to make a statement with this bow and his deference to the Saudi ruler.

He thumbed his nose at America

Lynne said...

This from a man who has a blog about how he doesn't have a blog.

Christopher said...

The picture of Witchcraft Nancy sitting Mt. T's lap is a hoot!

I bet she found Mr. T the most exciting sha-sha-la bandit she's ever known. God only knows Saint Reagan didn't have any spark down yonder.

If he did, Nancy wouldn't have been fucking Frank Sinatra behind Ronnie's back.

What a whore.

dmarks said...

John said: "I have to hand it to all of the Obama bashers: they never let facts or reason get in the way of their staunch beliefs."

Then they would appear to have a lot in common with Bush-bashers.

The J Mopper said...

"Moment for the left to examine a little bit, and explain to us why your supposed Christian president practically got on his knees to kiss the hand and nearly the feet of a Muslim King? This man is not a Christian and never was. I personally think that Obama chose to make a statement with this bow and his deference to the Saudi ruler." - the Wordsmith

That post is truly idiotic. Greetings now dictate your religion! Wow!!!!! If the Saudi King shakes someone's hand then he is a Christian!!!

The J Mopper said...

"Then they would appear to have a lot in common with Bush-bashers." - dmarks

To you, most rational, independents, no - Bush supplied a ton of material on his own.

8 years of crap from "W" is a track record...60 days of Obama and now all the Monday morning quarterbacks are calling for his head (and we're still on the first drive)!

The J Mopper said...

"I say it's a Shame for America that Obama bows to his Muslim hero King Abdullah." - wordsmith

I'd say it's a shame you still think Obama is a Muslim. You obviously know how to use a computer so just look it up online.

Stating you think Obama is a Muslim is not an is incorrect. Much like stating that GWB planned the 9-11 attacks - I have no sympathy for those delusional folks either.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Wordsmith wrote:

Well John, Here is MY staunch belief! I say it's a Shame for America that Obama bows to his Muslim hero King Abdullah.

Here is MY staunch belief: Holding hands and taking a walk is way more intimate as a sign of homage than a mere tilt of the head to King Abdullah. Mr. Bush strolled hand-in-hand with the King, and in doing so, set up a precedent for deference to the King, so you need to STFU over this, because you're getting nowhere and teeterin on the edge of madness.

"what if Bush did this?"

As I pointed out to you, in the past, Mr. Bush held the King's hand and took a walk with him--a much more intimate gesture of respect.

...explain to us why your supposed Christian president practically got on his knees to kiss the hand and nearly the feet of a Muslim King? This man is not a Christian and never was.

Well good heavens, Wordsmith, we all know King Abdullah is not a Christian, but thanks for showing us the depth of your knowledge.

I personally think that Obama chose to make a statement with this bow and his deference to the Saudi ruler.

I personally think you are consumed with irrational hatred for Mr. Obama, so your opinion is worthless.

He thumbed his nose at America

More evidence of your descent into madness.

Rightwing heads exploding all over the country over the Obamas' popularity.

(O)CT(O)PUS said...

Shaw, I left a comment here and call attention to this excerpt:

Responsible bloggers should set higher standards, or else they will lose respectful readers and have only trolls for a following.

Please refer back to the original comment for context.

JoMala "Truth 101" Kelly said...

Bush danced with the Saudi king Wordsmith. He took a fancy saudi sword from him as a gift. Bush didn't get the Saudis to raise production or actually help stamp out extremism. But he got to do the two step with the king.

Christopher said...

Bush dragged Saudi's Prince Bandar around the White House Rose Garden holding hands and then planted a big, wet kiss on the Prince's mouth.

What a nauseating spectacle is was to see Bush behave like a school girl at a Sadie Hawkins dance.

dmarks said...

Christopher: "then planted a big, wet kiss on the Prince's mouth."

Still obsessed with homoerotica? I wonder which of these two you are the most jealous of.

ImAlwaysRight said...

0bama is the arrogant one who has simultaneously crowned himself king and declared he is a demigod and is continuing his world apology tour to destroy any prestige the US has.
What else is new.
Blame the US for everything wrong with humanity.
That's his style.
Blame America first!

The Wordsmith said...

ImAlwaysRight said...
"0bama is the arrogant one who has simultaneously crowned himself king and declared he is a demigod and is continuing his world apology tour to destroy any prestige the US has."

I agree with you 100 percent...
Our President goes ever seas and blames and puts down our great country is beyond contempt. Who the heck does he think he is, presuming to make this kind of sweeping pronouncement on behalf of all Americans? He's a hired public servant, not America's Apologist-in-Chief.

James' Muse said...

I'm Always Right said
"0bama is the arrogant one who has simultaneously crowned himself king and declared he is a demigod and is continuing his world apology tour to destroy any prestige the US has."

Wtf are you smoking?

When did he crown himself king? I believe he was elected President...demigod? Again, you have no proof as he never said so. What are you guys doing, reading "Left Behind" and projecting? WTF.

And in response, Wordsmith (who also makes claims with no proof) said
"I agree with you 100 percent...
Our President goes ever seas and blames and puts down our great country is beyond contempt. Who the heck does he think he is, presuming to make this kind of sweeping pronouncement on behalf of all Americans? He's a hired public servant, not America's Apologist-in-Chief."

Again, WTF. Who does he think he is? The President. Our leader. The one who was at a conference of other world leaders. Who was saying it was all of our fault. You know. The whole world. That we need to move past all of the rifts we've usually had.

You "conservatives" (read: right-wing nutjobs) need to get it together. You give other conservatives a bad name. Seriously.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Thank you, James. I'm too tired tonight to answer the trolls.

Lynne said...

I couldn't get past her blog name: ImAlwaysRight. Such arrogance is astounding.

Your Nemesis said...

Lynne said...
"I couldn't get past her blog name: ImAlwaysRight. Such arrogance is astounding."

Do you mean like YOU have been doing on someones else's blog 3-4 times a day?
Talk about being hypocritical.. And the pot calling the kettle black.
YOU take the first prize there!

Shaw Kenawe said...

Your Nemesis said this about Lynne...

Do you mean like YOU have been doing on someones else's blog 3-4 times a day?
Talk about being hypocritical.. And the pot calling the kettle black.
YOU take the first prize there!

Commenting on someone's blog is not arrogant. Lynne has stated she doesn't have one. She comments on other people's blogs. There no law against it, and it is NOT arrogant or hypocritical.

You, along with a lot of your pals, seem to have difficulty with the meaning of words.

dmarks said...

lost in said: "But I'm floored that Michelle Obama had the nerve to put her hand on the Queen. Truly sickening!"

I can't imagine anyone thinking that is is "sickening" unless they are a British royal protocol official from 1889.

I'mAlwaysRight: "0bama ... declared he is a demigod "

Do you have a Youtube link to this event? I'd love to see it.

Lynne said...

I actually wasn't even referring to her BLOG, just the name Mr./Ms. Nemesis, if I must explain myself. I said the NAME of the blog was arrogant. Nobody is always right. Secondly, I haven't commented on anyone's blog in a while because nobody who disagrees with you "people" is allowed to voice an opinion. I'm either deleted or degraded so why the hell bother. All you want to hear is people agreeing with you and telling you how right you are, which, IMHO, you are not. So suck it.