Paul Revere by Cyrus Dallin, North End, Boston



Friday, April 3, 2009


and he speaks to them as an adult instead of a petulant teenager. What a change. He promised change, and Europe is witnessing it.

President Obama pointed to both the US and Europe's tendency to mistrust and misinterpret each other. We need each other to confront the economic, ecological, and social problems facing the planet. Coopeeration is need, not name-calling. Remember when the Bush administration's cheerleaders called the French a bunch of "cheese eating surrender monkeys?" And the Congressional Republicans changed French fries to Freedom fries? Embarrassingly juvenile behavior. But then, we had a president who tended to act like one himself--"Bring it on!" That was the tone set by the Bush administration--bullying was in, diplomacy was out. But on November 7, 2008, our long national embarrassment ended.

STRASBOURG, France (CNN) -- President Obama on Friday called on Europe and the United States to drop negative attitudes toward each other and said "unprecedented coordination" is needed to confront the global economic crisis.

Speaking at a packed town hall meeting in Strasbourg on his first overseas trip as president, Obama said, "I'm confident that we can meet any challenge as long as we are together."

It's easier to allow "resentments to fester" than "to forge true partnerships," the president said. "So we must be honest with ourselves. In recent years, we've allowed our alliance to drift. I know that there have been honest disagreements over policy. But we also know that there's something more that has crept into our relationship.

"But in Europe, there is an anti-Americanism that is at once casual but can also be insidious. Instead of recognizing the good that America so often does in the world, there have been times where Europeans choose to blame America for much of what's bad.

"On both sides of the Atlantic, these attitudes have become all too common. They are not wise; they do not represent the truth. They threaten to widen the divide across the Atlantic and leave us both more isolated."

Obama's comments came after the G-20 meeting in London, England -- which Obama called "a success" of "nations coming together, working out their differences, and moving boldly forward" -- and on the eve of a NATO summit in Strasbourg marking that organization's 60th anniversary.


AdamS said...

There's something about Obama...when he talks. He's a great speaker, I'll grant him that...but when you actually look at what he's hard to put my finger on's almost as if he didn't say anything, if you get what I mean. Like what he says is devoid of content. It's weird.

Shaw Kenawe said...

The president said this:

"I've come to Europe this week to renew our partnership -- one in which America listens and learns from our friends and allies, but where our friends and allies bear their share of the burden," he said at the town hall meeting. "Together, we must forge common solutions to our common problems.

"So let me say this as clearly as I can: America is changing. But it cannot be America alone that changes."

There is plenty of "content" in those statements. Maybe you don't hear it because you don't want to.

Here is empty content, an example of a man who doesn't know what the hell he's talking about:

"Tribal sovereignty means that; it's sovereign. I mean, you're a — you've been given sovereignty, and you're viewed as a sovereign entity. And therefore the relationship between the federal government and tribes is one between sovereign entities. --George W. Bush, Aug. 6, 2004.

Christopher said...

The vast majority of the planet with the exception of Taliban Texas, Utah and Wyoming, let out a collective cheer heard around the world the night Barack Obama was elected our 44th president.

8 long, nightmarish years of the Motherfucker from Midland and Dick "5 deferrals" Cheney, had made not only Americans weary but, the other 95% of earth, too.

We have friends in Cape Town, Paris, London, Sydney and Buenos Aries and all of them emailed or phoned to say how thrilled they were to see Obama elected president and how relieved to see the Bush/Cheney freakshow come to a close.

ImAlwaysRight said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
ImAlwaysRight said...

“Oh No! Someone forgot to pack the Teleprompter....I'm screwed!”

Shaw Kenawe said...

I'M ALWAYS RIGHT wrote this:

“Oh No! Someone forgot to pack the Teleprompter....I'm screwed!”

He spoke for more than a half an hour today taking questions from the audience in Strasborg. What on earth are you hallucinating on?

President Obama took questions yesterday from the European press, after which the audience rose to their feet and applauded him.

You obviously are on some sort of mind-altering medication or are self-delusional.

Either way, you don't deal in reality.

dmarks said...

I see Christopher has no idea what either the Taliban or Texas are. I wonder if he finds it possible to type about anything he does not approve completely of without using juvenile smears.

Beth said...

Don't you liberals ever give it a rest? Give it a rest already. We get it. Yeah we get it. You don't care.
The rest of us aren't as easy to fool as we used to be. Everything you said in your original post is something I’ve heard a million times.
Give Obama a Chance, Give Obama a Chance, don't you get it? I don't want too. I don't want to bail anyone out with money to be paid by my children and grandchildren. I don't want to give Obama a chance to close up Gitmo. etc, etc, etc..I don't know what else to say but,

Shaw Kenawe said...

Dear, dear confused Beth.

You must have wandered into the wrong post.

rockync said...

Christopher, it is such a joy to be able to see our president stand at an international podium and not cringe, wondering what mangled Americanese he is going to spout.

I don't know what the future holds, but you're right, at least THAT freakshow is over!

AdamS said...

I have no doubt that Bush himself didn't know what he was saying half the time, never mind whoever was listening.

As for Obama, all of what he said was pretty generic. That's what I mean. Other politicians say the same stuff and it comes off as regular bureaucratic drivel, but when Obama says it everyone listens as if pure wisdom flows from his words.

That is a testament to Obama's ability to speak. Thomas Jefferson said this of fellow revolutionary Patrick Henry: "Although it was difficult, when [Henry] had spoken, to tell what he had said, yet, while speaking, it always seemed directly to the point. When he had spoken in opposition to my opinion, had produced a great effect, and I myself had been highly delighted and moved, I have asked myself, when he ceased, 'What the devil has he said?' and could never answer the inquiry." I think this applies to Obama.

It's not the same just reading what he said; he has an almost hypnotic speaking ablilty.

My concern over this is that a kind of 'presonality cult' following has developed, the likes of which has not been seen for a long time - you'd have to go back to the days of Mao at least, for a high-profile case like this. All I'm saying is, let's be careful not to be swept away from our senses by cultism; look at the details and you will see he has already betrayed almost everything he was elected on.

James' Muse said...

Adam said
look at the details and you will see he has already betrayed almost everything he was elected on.

Such as.......?

Arthurstone said...

AdamS free-associated:

Back 'to the days of Mao' to find a 'personality cult' such as you suggest has 'developed' around President Obama?


Turn off Glenn Beck, Michelle Malkin and the Drudge Report. Get some rest. Exercise and get on with your life.

You are typing nonsense. Complete nonsense.

AdamS said...

End the Iraq war. erm, nope.

End lobbyists' influence. nope.

Stop Bush's unconstitutional executive powers. nope.

End torture. nope.

At first he called NAFTA etc 'a mistake'. No more, now they're awesome.

On the other hand, now it seems there has been a massive surge in Democrats' support for the 'war on terror' now their man is in power. The groupthink is truly unbelieveable.

Also, I presume you've noticed the compulsory volunteering bills, including mandated 'service learning' in schools; now be honest and tell me if some other figurehead was in place of Obama presiding over these "changes", you would see it for what it was (classical fascism) and be outraged.

This is coming from someone who was delighted that Obama won the election btw.

All I hear is 'oh, give him some time!' or whatever the latest excuse is. Well I can wait, the Obama effect will wear off soon enough and the realisation that Bush may be gone, but what was considered his agenda is not, will sink in.

dmarks said...

Arthur: If one were to turn off the Drudge Report, is there another page that gets headlines together nearly as well?

James: Obama already blew his no-lobbyists promise. And he blew the no-earmarks promise in a big way. And didn't he say something about an ethical administration? And then we get all these tax-crook Cabinet nominations.

Anonymous said...

I live in near Saint Louis, MO. USA. I have traveled to Le Harve, Paris, Brussels, Neederlands and best of all Barcelona.

While you may not think Obama has said anything new. You are obviously stuck in your own end of the world and either do no want yo or unable to see a world view.

America has just elected a black President. While many in Europe may think that as nonsense. Here in America it is truly amazing.

Guess what now Europe has to get into the game. You can not rely on America's financial engine to support the whole European union any more.

We need common world currency? Who is arrogant now? I tell you what. Take the Queen off the pound notes. Once you bag that grouse then try America and the Dollar. If you want a depression that is the answer.

Let us all see how the E.U. Holds up when bread and water is being fought between the Socialist (In General lazy societies) and the capitslist(Those with military might & money).

Arthurstone said...

Sorry Adam. There are no 'compulsory volunteering bills'.

dmarks- I'm a firm believer in the essential uselessness of 'headlines'. That said, anything really of consequence will appear on my Google homepage.

Gordon Scott said...


I've read the quote you posted four times now. It is absolutely devoid of any significant content. It is standard feel-good boilerplate.

I know you love the guy. But if you think that pap has any meaning, you're so far gone that you're writing "Mrs. Shaw Obama" in your diary, and drawing hearts on your book covers.

Anonymous said...

For a politician, Obama is batting pretty good, for keeping promises.

He told us he would reengage in Afghanistan, and in just 2 months he has sent 20,000 troops.

He said he would close Gitmo, and he has put that in motion.

He said he would attack our financial problems with our money, and he has.

He said he would not let Gm go bankrupt, so far, true.

I could go on. But whether you like Obama or not point is he's fulfilling his promises at a much higher rate than most politicians.

dmarks said...

"He said he would attack our financial problems with our money, and he has."

I don't think that's true unless Obama does the responsible thing and passes a balanced budget. Otherwise, it's not "our" money being used. It is money that belongs to our foreigh creditors or our grandchildren.

(And before you pipe up on this, Arthur, this is also true for the debt racked up by Bush).

Shaw Kenawe said...

I know you love the guy. But if you think that pap has any meaning, you're so far gone that you're writing "Mrs. Shaw Obama" in your diary, and drawing hearts on your book covers.--Gordon

Gordon, love, jealous? No fear. The only hearts I draw are around the name that starts with "G" and ends with "N."

Shaw and Gordon, sitting in a tree...B.L.O.G.I.N.G.*

*Poetic spelling license for the sake of meter.

Christopher said...

Otherwise, it's not "our" money being used. It is money that belongs to our foreigh creditors or our grandchildren.

What a dipshit.

For eight years, your hero, George Bush, borrowed and spent money like a drunk Republican which is exactly who is George Bush.

He pushed through tax cuts for the wealthy during war times, forcing this nation to borrow money from Communist China and tripled the deficit.

Just like he did as governor of Taliban Texas. He squandered a surplus and created debt in his first six months.

These righties are really full of shit.

The Wordsmith said...

Beth is right..
I also am tired of Obama.. He is in way over his head.
An American bows to nobody. he has no sense of protocol, decency or history. He is another Jimmy Carter who ran all over the world apologizing to the world for America and our arrogance. He has disgraced, ashamed and embarrassed the United States of America. Worse, he has weakened it.

To see Obama with his rear-end sticking up as he practically falls at the feet of a Saudi King ... what can one say? It's absolutely deplorable.
Thank you Beth, your comments are great, even if the others on this blog put you down..

SHARIA LAW is a Marxist, communist/socialist/fascist movement people, you cannot “secularize” it to make it generic and think it’s “OKAY”.

Anyone with some reasonable amount of intelligence already knows that Socialism/communism/fascism/Marxism is “not and okay” thing.
Obama is doing what he is doing because he is not fit for the job. Plain & Simple. And our enemies know it. It’s one thing to want the Muslims of GOOD spirit and intention to thrive, live happily, and have the same right as anyone else to be free.
To this, I make no objection. Nor to any other culture do I object to this.

However…when a culture DOES infiltrate a society that does not follow or believe in laws that literally take life from people, rather than make it a better one, than there are only two choices to make as to what you want for your society. In this one, you can be sure there will be a civil war of biblical proportions that, even by sheer number, they are in no position for that challenge. The years many of them have spent embedding into their own minds that Americans are stupid people, have wasted precious time by not focusing on things of substance, and not on wasteful, needless things.
Yes Beth, I too am sick and tired of what he and his kind are doing to America.
Obama's bow to the King of the country which contains Mohamed's birthplace (Medina) and Mecca, two of Islams 3 holiest places, was consistent with backing away from a kiss from Carla. Barack Obama is a Muslim. He would bow to the king, and eschew touching a female not his wife.

And Beth, you are also right about not wanting to bail anyone out with money to be paid by our children and grandchildren and about Gitmo as well.
Good post

Shaw Kenawe said...


I am reluctant to delete comments on my blog, but if you keep coming here and ranting, you may force me to do so.

When you make unsupportable accusations such as this:

"Barack Obama is a Muslim."

you'll force me to scrub your comments. I notice you type more words here than you do on your own blog. Try bloviating there instead of here, okay?

If you have something rational to say, I'll let you say it, if you have only wild-ass, unverifiable accusations, please stay away.

Do us all a favor and use your own blog for your nonsensical scribblings.

Thank you.

The Wordsmith said...

Like it or not! The truth is Obama was raised as a good Muslim boy in Indonesia. We all know that. Given the natural hatred Americans have for Muslims in their hearts Obama is doing everything he can to deny who he is.
People like you may want to slant ANY picture of Obama and his past, if that's what you want then so be it.
And if you would rather that I not come here to express my opposing opining, that that's fine as well. Talk about "nonsensical scribblings" that is what THIS blog is all about. You and your back patting friends all in lock step with each other. And in love with that racist Gray head.
Thank God there are a few like Beth here to stand by her convictions.
Obama is not a man of conviction, but a political hack whose only ambition is power through buffaloing the news media and young people. Not having the wherewithal to stand up and explain allowing people of all religions to be represented, he hides them so people can't find the 'true' Obama. This guy is an empty suit who uses the word 'change' just to impress the naive. What a shame. because having a BLACK president would be great, but not this guy.
But I guess you "educated progressives" are for that sort of thing no matter what, as long as he's Black.
So if you don't think that I'm well suited for "Your" blog.. then Good bye.. I don't need you to insult me every time I state MY opinion.

The Wordsmith said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
dmarks said...

The Wordsmith said: "Given the natural hatred Americans have for Muslims in their hearts"

Since when is hatred based on religion "natural"? Aside from that, polls show only 1/3 of Americans view Islam "unfavorably". Only some of these outright hate Muslims.

Since the majority of Americans do not hate Muslims, does this make them "unnatural" in your view?

The Wordsmith said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Shaw Kenawe said...


Mr. Wordsmith has trouble expressing himself. I've told him he should change his name because I consider the one he uses now false advertising.

Like a lot of fanatical haters, when he gets called on his bulls**t, he becomes indignant. He offers no support for his accusations that are so inane and false that it's difficult to keep from ROTFLMAO each time I read them.

Advice to Beth said...

Maybe you should quit blogging , it may not be for you. Admitting failure is never easy, and it’s harder when often you’ve put your heart and soul into creating your own blog. But ultimately, blogs fail. You may not be cut out for it. There is no shame in quitting something that’s just not for you. Maybe you should try baking cookies. Or knitting quilts.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Advice to Beth wrote:


Maybe you should quit blogging , it may not be for you. Admitting failure is never easy, and it’s harder when often you’ve put your heart and soul into creating your own blog. But ultimately, blogs fail. You may not be cut out for it. There is no shame in quitting something that’s just not for you. Maybe you should try baking cookies. Or knitting quilts.

Whoever you are, you wrote this same comment to Jenn over at Conservative Convictions. I told you then that I thought you were condescending to Jenn, and now you're doing the same to Beth.

PS. You don't knit quilts, you sew them.

James' Muse said...

Wordsmith wrote
"Like it or not! The truth is Obama was raised as a good Muslim boy in Indonesia. We all know that. Given the natural hatred Americans have for Muslims in their hearts Obama is doing everything he can to deny who he is.

Can you please provide some proof of this? You can't, can you?

People like you may want to slant ANY picture of Obama and his past, if that's what you want then so be it.

People like you would rather believe anything Rush Limbaugh and his dittoheads say. "Oh look, Barack Obama has a muslim name. He's a muslim!" Right. Next he'll be saying "Nancy Pelosi has an italian name...she's an ALIEN" and you'd believe it, wouldn't you?

And if you would rather that I not come here to express my opposing opining, that that's fine as well. Talk about "nonsensical scribblings" that is what THIS blog is all about. You and your back patting friends all in lock step with each other.

By "nonsensical scribblings" we mean that you NEVER back anything you say up. Ever. When asked for proof you just ramble about something different.

And in love with that racist Gray head.

What was so racist about him? Please back that up.

Thank God there are a few like Beth here to stand by her convictions.

yeah, if by "convictions" you mean "hit and run baseless accusations" then yeah, that's what she does. Kind of like you.

Obama is not a man of conviction, but a political hack whose only ambition is power through buffaloing the news media and young people.

What???? He didn't trick us into anything. He has lots of convictions, btw. Like "State sanctioned torture=wrong. Therefore, closing GTMO." And "America is great." Those are some pretty good convictions, I'd say.

Not having the wherewithal to stand up and explain allowing people of all religions to be represented, he hides them so people can't find the 'true' Obama.

WHAT? This doesn't even make sense.

This guy is an empty suit who uses the word 'change' just to impress the naive.

He's actually bringing in quite a bit of change. Like beginning to end torture. Pulling us out of Iraq when they want us out, instead of saying "we know better than you what you want!" like the previous administration.

What a shame. because having a BLACK president would be great, but not this guy.
But I guess you "educated progressives" are for that sort of thing no matter what, as long as he's Black.

And you call gray head racist. You're basically saying that we only voted for him based on his skin color? Sounds racist to me, wordy.

So if you don't think that I'm well suited for "Your" blog.. then Good bye.. I don't need you to insult me every time I state MY opinion.

Refuting opinions isn't insulting. Insulting someone's hit and run insults is fair play.

Come back when you have some more than baseless hallucinations. Come back when you can actually back your posts up.

Anonymous said...

I'll back up what WordSmith said..

Obama asserted in December, "I've always been a Christian," and he has adamantly denied ever having been a Muslim. "The only connection I've had to Islam is that my grandfather on my father's side came from that country [Kenya]. But I've never practiced Islam." In February, he claimed: "I have never been a Muslim. … other than my name and the fact that I lived in a populous Muslim country for 4 years when I was a child [Indonesia, 1967-71] I have very little connection to the Islamic religion."

Obama's Kenyan birth father: In Islam, religion passes from the father to the child. Barack Hussein Obama, Sr. (1936–1982) was a Muslim who named his boy Barack Hussein Obama, Jr. Only Muslim children are named "Hussein".

Obama's Indonesian family: His stepfather, Lolo Soetoro, was also a Muslim. In fact, as Obama's half-sister, Maya Soetoro-Ng explained to Jodi Kantor of the New York Times: "My whole family was Muslim, and most of the people I knew were Muslim." An Indonesian publication, the Banjarmasin Post reports a former classmate, Rony Amir, recalling that "All the relatives of Barry's father were very devout Muslims."

YOU can come back James Wolfer, when you can actually back YOUR posts up.

James' Muse said...


Barack Obama never knew his father.

Saying someone is a muslim because of their name is very ignorant. Your name is Jeffrey, right? That's British. That means you were on the wrong side of the Revolutionary War!!! You're anti american!!! See how ridiculous this is?

But you continue in this idiocy.
In Islam, religion passes from the father to the child

Damn. When you thought it couldn't get dumber, it does.

In America, we choose our way. We don't make children responsible for who and what their parents are or did. Do you want creditors coming after you for your parent's mortgage, Jeff?

As for your claimes that his stepfather was a muslim and Barack went to a "muslim" school, check this out,0,6697655.story

From the article you will no doubt be too lazy to read:

Obama's stepfather, Lolo Soetoro, was much more of a free spirit than a devout Muslim, according to former friends and neighbors. And the school described as an Islamic madrassa in media reports actually was a public school, so progressive that teachers wore miniskirts and all students were encouraged to celebrate Christmas.

There you go. I backed it up. Cited sources. Refuted stupidity.

Shaw Kenawe said...


This will shock you, but someone has to inform you: There is no such thing as a religious gene. No one is born a Muslim, a Christian, a Jew, or a Hindu--no matter what the individual religions teach--even if it teaches one is a Muslim because one's father is, or one is a Jew because one's mother is.

That is a cultural construct and is laughable in biology.

You are not BORN any religion. You're TAUGHT your religion.

So much for that nonsense.

"All the relatives of Barry's father were very devout Muslims."

And because some of his relatives were Muslims (you conveniently forget that he had a mother and you forget about her side of the family) that makes Mr. Obama a Muslim?

You're hopelessly wrong, because he is a Christian--he determines what religion he is, not you, not your crazy radical rightwing loonies. Mr. Obama, his wife, and children are Christian. Get over it.

And even if he were a Muslim, so what? This is America. We don't denigrate someone because of his or her religion--at least not civilized, enlightened Americans.

Of course, there will always be people like you who cling to your bitterness, fears, and bigotry, because you have nothing else going on in your life.

Please don't bother coming back here. You're not interested in discussions, only in spreading your filthy hatred and prejudice.

You're not welcome here.

You hate Mr. Obama. Go wallow in it on your own blog.

AdamS said...

"There are no compulsory volunteering bills"

Where've you been? HR1444 Section 4 (6) states that a commission be set up to determine:
"Whether a workable, fair, and reasonable mandatory service requirement for all able young people could be developed, and how such a requirement could be implemented in a manner that would strengthen the social fabric of the Nation and overcome civic challenges by bringing together people from diverse economic, ethnic, and educational backgrounds."

I would encourage anyone who thinks mandatory service is fictional to at least read the text. Wanna be a slave?

And before the usual shallow accusations fly, like you're racist or a Bush supporter if you criticise Obama, let me say that I don't blame Barack in particular for much of this.

It goes much deeper into history, back to (in America) 1913 and the takeover by private banks via the Federal Reserve. Just google "who owns the federal reserve" to start your research into the REAL government. They tried a fascist military coup in 1931, but were stopped by Gen Smedley Butler.

They've merely been biding their time, and now they are coming out as the real rulers of the nation.

Greenspan says Fed above the President, not accountable to any other body of governance, ie the real leadership.

The last president who didn't do what they wanted was Kennedy - he was going to shut down the Fed, starting with Executive Order 11110. Google it. He didn't get too far, did he? Ever since president after president has operated within confines defined by the elite bankers, whose aim is global governance, a "New World Order" as they say.

Oh and for fun,
the Antiwar movement has been gutted by the zombie-like support for Obama. Now the 'left' thinks war is awesome. They remind me of the people who still cheerleaded for Bush in 2004. Baaaaaa, the lambs wander into the slaughterhouse.

Obama's era will go down in history as being worse than Bush's. Guaranteed. The dollar is going to collapse now the Fed is buying its own debt. Fanaticism is going to lead to rage once the sheep realise they've been deceived by Obama. The military has 20000 troops on standby for martial law. And why are thousand upon thousands of plastic coffins being stockpiled? You tell me.

Oh, and pretty please, before saying that I am lying about any of the above, at least take the time to google them first. Then choose between denial and admission of the truth.

AdamS said...

Also, in reference to an older comment "Turn off Glenn Beck, Michelle Malkin and the Drudge Report. Get some rest. Exercise and get on with your life."

I don't watch TV anymore. Not for news @ least. It's just pure barefaced propaganda.

Shaw Kenawe said...

AdamS wrote:

The military has 20000 troops on standby for martial law. And why are thousand upon thousands of plastic coffins being stockpiled? You tell me.

You've lost credibility, man, with this plastic coffin foolishness.

Yeah. I googled it. And here's what I easily found.

Most of your post has to do with conspiracy theories, fear, paranoia, and negativity.

The anti-war site you sent me to said this:

"Obama always made it clear that he would never end the war,"

How is that a condemnation on Obama? He didn't lie. What's the problem? Why are they angry with him?

Adam also wrote:

Obama's era will go down in history as being worse than Bush's. Guaranteed.

2 1/2 months into Mr. Obama's presidency, and you have a crystal ball that tells you what will happen at the end of 7 years and 9 months?

2 1/2 months into Bush's administration you would not have had the least inkling that 19 madmen would take down the World Trade Center and crash into the Pentagon. Bush was not worried about terrorism.

You're awfully sure of yourself, based on what?

dmarks said...

Shaw: It's all part of the Bildeburger, "stop the FED", Cheney blew up the WTC, Trilateral Commission, etc "conspiracy".

AdamS said...

"Obama made it clear that he would never end the war"

Did you read the article? That was an example of a typical response given by individuals who are in what the next paragraph laments as a "delusion". Obama's promises of peace were false, that's what the article is saying; then it goes on to say that many Obama supporters are being apologists by making the false claim that "Obama made it clear he would end the war".

"You've lost credibility, man, with this plastic coffin foolishness."

I looked over the article you linked to, thanks for finding that. I haven't heard what these are for if not to be used as coffins, forgive me if I'm misinformed about that. Maybe it can be explained in other terms, I don't know, but it did look suspicious.

Another stockpile of these 'coffin liners' (or whatever they are) has turned up in Alabama:

In response to the general charge of negativity and/or paranoia:

Do you think I actually want any of this to be true? What kind of decent human being would want that? But global government is real, shadow government via the Federal Reserve is real, countless former US Presidents and American globalists have talked about it, written about it, going back into the 1800s.

"... when the struggle seems to be drifting definitely towards a world social democracy, there may still be very great delays and disappointments before it becomes an efficient and beneficent world system. Countless people ... will hate the new world order ... and will die protesting it. When we attempt to evaluate its promise, we have to bear in mind the distress of a generation or so of malcontents, many of them quite gallant and graceful-looking people." - HG Wells

Even a few months ago, references to the "New World Order" in the MSM were virtually non-existent; now, however, the globalists are having their coming-out party.

Also, even if things like the Stimulus and the actions of the G20 were well-meaning, they can do nothing to deal with the derivatives bubble, the real cause of the new Great Depression. The world's derivatives are worth over $1 Quadrillion (1000 trillion), so no amount of 'bailout' will deal with these 'toxic assets'. It won't even service the interests on them.

I'm not being negative; rather, by refusing to sink into denial, seeking to understand more broadly the problems we face, and thus learning about what can be done, I am being extremely positive, aren't I?

What can be done in the long term:
- Restore the US government's power to issue money. This will stop the banking cartel aka the "Federal" Reserve from controlling the money supply, they are expanding the monetary base by 15 times to collapse the currency:

- Support real liberty candidates/parties eg Libertarian, Constitution, Green. Not the one the TV networks order everyone to vote for. Why should MSM not be trusted:

That's just a couple of things. I am not being paranoid, just daring to peek behind the throne and take a look at the actual leadership, the Mil-industrial complex, and the banksters. If that's paranoid, then so help us all - I'd rather be paranoid than be a sheep.

It's quite long, but the video on google "The Obama Deception" is in my opinion a good film. And don't worry, it doesn't say he's secretly a Muslim Marxist or that he was born in Kenya.

dmarks said...

There are valid reasons to criticize Obama.

However, the opposition detailed above (from a paranoid view of non-existent/irrelevant forces) is just as invalid against Obama as it was against Bush.

AdamS said...

Non-existent, irrelevant forces like the G20? IMF? World Bank? Federal Reserve? :D

Greenspan said himself the Fed is above the President. Above the law. Ergo, they are the real seat of power; or does the Federal Reserve not exist?

dmarks said...

And the Illuminati control them all. One ring to bind them.