Paul Revere by Cyrus Dallin, North End, Boston



Wednesday, September 2, 2009


Apparently, there are a number of email zipping around cyberspace that are being promoted by some on the right.  Here, thanks to, are the lies with the refutations and facts, as well as clarifications of what is misleading and/or true: traced the origins of this collection of claims to a conservative blogger who issued his instant and mostly mistaken analyses as brief "tweets" sent via Twitter as he was paging through the 1,017-page bill. The claims have been embraced as true and posted on hundreds of Web sites, and forwarded in the form of chain e-mails countless times. But there’s hardly any truth in them. went through each of the claims in this message (Here are the first 10 of the 26):

Claim: Page 22: Mandates audits of all employers that self-insure!

False: This section merely requires a study of “the large group insured and self-insured employer health care markets.” There’s no mention of auditing employers, only of studying “markets.” The purpose of the study is to produce “recommendations” to make sure the new law “does not provide incentives for small and mid-size employers to self-insure.”

Claim: Page 29: Admission: your health care will be rationed!

False: This section says nothing whatsoever about “rationing” or anything of the sort. Actually, it’s favorable to families and individuals, placing an annual cap on what they could pay out of pocket if covered by a basic, “essential benefits package.” The limits would be $5,000 for an individual, $10,000 for a family.

Claim: Page 30: A government committee will decide what treatments and benefits you get (and, unlike an insurer, there will be no appeals process)

False: Actually, the section starting on page 30 sets up a “private-public advisory committee” headed by the U.S. surgeon general and made up of mostly private sector “medical and other experts” selected by the president and the comptroller general. The advisory committee would have only the power “to recommend” what benefits are included in basic, enhanced and premium insurance plans. It would have no power to decide what treatments anybody will get. Its recommendations on benefits might or might not be adopted.

Claim: Page 42: The “Health Choices Commissioner” will decide health benefits for you. You will have no choice. None.

False: The new Health Choices Commissioner will oversee a variety of choices to be offered through new insurance exchanges. The bill itself specifies the “minimum services to be covered” in a basic plan, including prescription drugs, mental health services, maternity and well-baby care and certain vaccines and preventive services (pages 27-28). We find nothing in the bill that prevents insurance companies from offering benefits that exceed the minimums. In fact, the legislation allows (page 84) any company that offers an approved basic plan to offer also an “enhanced” plan, a “premium” plan and even a “premium plus” plan that could include vision and dental benefits.

Claim: Page 50: All non-US citizens, illegal or not, will be provided with free healthcare services.

False. That’s simply not what the bill says at all. This page includes "SEC. 152. PROHIBITING DISCRIMINATION IN HEALTH CARE," which says that "[e]xcept as otherwise explicitly permitted by this Act and by subsequent regulations consistent with this Act, all health care and related services (including insurance coverage and public health activities) covered by this Act shall be provided without regard to personal characteristics extraneous to the provision of high quality health care or related services." However, the bill does explicitly say that illegal immigrants can’t get any government money to pay for health care. Page 143 states: "Nothing in this subtitle shall allow Federal payments for affordability credits on behalf of individuals who are not lawfully present in the United States." And as we’ve said before, current law prohibits illegal immigrants from participating in government health care programs.

Claim: Page 58: Every person will be issued a National ID Healthcard.

False. There is no mention of any “National ID Healthcard” anywhere in the bill. Page 58 says that government standards for electronic medical transactions "may include utilization of a machine-readable health plan beneficiary identification card,” to show eligibility for services. Insurance companies typically issue such cards already, but if such a standard were issued the cards would need to be in a standard form readable by computers. The word “may” is used to permit such a standard, but it does not require one.

Claim: Page 59: The federal government will have direct, real-time access to all individual bank accounts for electronic funds transfer.

False. This section aims to simplify electronic payments for health services, the same sort of electronic payments that already are common for such things as utility bills or mortgage payments. The bill calls for the secretary of Health and Human Services to set standards for electronic administrative transactions that would "enable electronic funds transfers, in order to allow automated reconciliation with the related health care payment and remittance advice." There is no mention of "individual bank accounts" nor of any new government authority over them. Also, the section does not say that electronic payments from consumers is required.

Claim: Page 65: Taxpayers will subsidize all union retiree and community organizer health plans (read: SEIU, UAW and ACORN)

Misleading. Page 65 is the start of a section (SEC. 164. REINSURANCE PROGRAM FOR RETIREES) that would set up a new federal reinsurance plan to benefit retirees and spouses covered by any employer plan, not just those run by labor unions or nonprofit groups. Specifically, it covers “retirees and . . . spouses, surviving spouses and dependents of such retirees” who are covered by “employment-based plans” that provide health benefits. It’s open to any “group health benefits plan that . . . is maintained by one or more employers, former employers or employee associations,” as well as voluntary employees’ beneficiary associations (page 66). Furthermore, the aim of the fund is to cut premiums, copays and deductibles for the retirees. Payment “shall not be used to reduce the costs of an employer.”

Claim: Page 72: All private healthcare plans must conform to government rules to participate in a Healthcare Exchange.

True. This page begins a section setting up a new, national Health Insurance Exchange through which individuals and employers may choose from a variety of private insurance plans, much like the system that now covers millions of federal workers. Any private insurance plans offered through this exchange must meet new federal standards. For example, such plans can’t deny coverage for preexisting medical conditions (page 19).

Claim: Page 84: All private healthcare plans must participate in the Health care Exchange (i.e., total government control of private plans)

Partly true. Nothing like this appears on page 84. No insurance company is required to sell plans through the exchange if it doesn’t want to. Any employer may choose to buy coverage elsewhere. In fact, the vast majority of employers will still be buying private plans through the normal marketplace, because only employers with 10 or fewer employees are even allowed to buy through the exchange in the first year. The limit rises to 20 employees in the second year. However, new plans sold directly to individuals will only be sold through the exchange. Individuals who currently buy their own coverage can keep those plans if they wish, and if the insurance company continues to offer them.

To be continued tomorrow...


(O)CT(O)PUS said...

Lately, I have been asking myself these questions: Why do we blog? What do we hope to accomplish? Why do some folks in Middle American vote against their own economic self-interest? Why do some folks without health insurance still reject a public option knowing full well that they leave themselves, their children, and their families exposed? Why do some Middle Americans bear the banner of the plutocrats, the special interests, and their lobbyists and betray themselves in the process?

I think this post moves the conversation in the right direction, but I often wonder if there is more we can do. Maybe we should think less about socializing and self-validation and think more about outreach, education, and shaping the message.

Arthurstone said...

Let's be honest here. This isn't about health care reform. Health care reform is peripheral to this debate.

It's about attacking President Obama and winning mid-term elections and re-taking the White House in 2012. Talk of deficits and 'big government' are well used tools pulled out of the shed when needed. They only matter when a Democrat is in the White House.

Government grew by leaps and bounds during the 8 misbegotten years of Bush miss-rule with nary a peep as did deficits to wage a couple of wars we had no business fighting. Civil liberties were compromised, domestic spying ran amok and our government actively embraced torture as policy in one of the more shameful episodes of misconduct in my lifetime.

In the current debate the GOP will continue to obfuscate, lie, exaggerate, demagogue and do what ever it takes to kill health care reform.

Once this issue is resolved one way or the other they will move on to the next one and employ the same scorched earth tactics as they have mastered over the years.

Octopus is right though, His final paragraph gets a ditto from me.

JoeBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

You have to understand the people the right works so hard to appeal to. Bigots. Homophobes and idiots.

As well thought as as Shaw's post. Octo's and Arthurstone's comments were, the deluded will be more swayed by a simple "you commie pinko" than anything of intellectual value.

I'll be drawing from my vast experience in different career fields soon to expand on this.

Arthurstone said...


I Just had my first encounter with the Larouchies and their new Obama/Hitler poster.

Please expand on that particularly gruesome bit of the Zeitgeist when you expand on the deluded.

I have to admit to being stumped when I see clean-cut young people holding a picture likening our nice, middle-of-the-road Democratic president to Adolph Hitler.

Guess I'm old-fashioned but I always look for the tiniest kernel of truth in political rhetoric. It escapes me here.

Anonymous said...

"Why do some folks in Middle American vote against their own economic self-interest?"

They do. It keeps the Democratic Party going.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Lately, I have been asking myself these questions: Why do we blog? What do we hope to accomplish?--8PUS

I continue to blog to counter a lot of misinformation and just plain lying out there in the blogsphere. Some people will come and read the refutations and, it is hoped, think about what they accept as fact, think about finding out for themselves what the truth is, and not believe radio or teevee personalities.

The other questions you ask are harder to answer. Why do people vote against thier own economic self-interest?

Beh. My personal opinion is that a lot of people are easily led by the loud, the angry, and the fearful. I don't think a lot of thought goes into their decisions to sabotage their financial interests.

I've seen some really disturbing evidence of this just by reading my comments. Not a few of the rightwingers come here and post poorly thought out diatribes against me or the subject of the post. Half the time they haven't actually given the post or comment careful attention, and what they're railing against has absolutely nothing to do with the comment or post.

Sloppy, lazy, irrational thinking.

This seems to be endemic in a good deal of their blogging and commenting.

This can be applied to why so many undermine their own well being by backing what the demagogues say.

Wargamer said...
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Shaw Kenawe said...

Wargamer, or whomever you are:

What a vindictive and unhappy person you must be.

We desperately need to talk about health care and the issues of communicating with the opposition, and you come here to pass judgment on a dead man who you know I and others have admired and who reconciled his tragic behavior all those years ago with the Kopechne family and his god.

If there is a worse sort of human being in this world than the kind of person you appear to be, I haven't met him or her yet.

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