Paul Revere by Cyrus Dallin, North End, Boston


General John Kelly: "He said that, in his opinion, Mr. Trump met the definition of a fascist, would govern like a dictator if allowed, and had no understanding of the Constitution or the concept of rule of law."

Thursday, February 25, 2010


This was so good I wanted to publish it here.  Thanks to TAO of "Radical Perspective" for permission to do so:

"Think about this:

"The majority party was pushing the largest entitlement expansion since the Great Society. The minority attempted byzantine legislative maneuvers to obstruct the vote. The majority never relented, even taking unprecedented action to ram the bill through Congress."

Bet you think that was a description of the current healthcare debate! If you listen to Fox News and or read a few of the numerous conservative blogs that go on and on about how this administration is cramming 'socialism' down our throats you could claim that it is an apt description of what the Democrats are attempting to do to this country with healthcare reform.


You see, this is a description of 2003 when the Republicans controlled Congress and the White House and the situation being described was the passage of the Prescription Drug Program:

This was not 2009 but 2003. Republicans controlled the White House and Congress. And with that power they passed the $400 billion Medicare prescription drug bill. The 2003 Medicare bill was not simply any vote. It enlarged a signature program of active-state liberalism (a.k.a.- big government). On a major piece of legislation, GOP lawmakers had to choose between principle and party. And many of today's Republicans chose party.

Republicans were proud back then. That December, not long after George W. Bush signed the bill, then-Republican Majority Leader Bill Frist was on "Hardball." Chris Mathews asked, "What was your biggest achievement this year?"

Frist: "I would have to say Medicare. Eleven months ago, the odds of getting a Medicare prescription drug [bill] through were probably 400-to-one, 500-to-one. ... So that clearly is our biggest single accomplishment, if you look at the last 30 years in this country."

A $400 billion entitlement expansion as the "biggest single accomplishment" in three decades? Yes, that came from a Republican leader.

42 Republican Senators who voted AGAINST the current heatlhcare measure voted FOR the Medicare prescription drug bill!

Fiscal conservative hypocrisy is so rampant we take it for granted.

John Boehner voted FOR this bill and AGAINST healthcare reform. Eric Cantor did too! J.D. Hayworth, who is the conservative shining star that is running against John McCain for the Senate seat that McCain currently holds voted FOR the prescription drug bill while McCain voted AGAINST it! Yet, all the conservative commentators are out in force pimping for Hayworth!

The hypocrisy does not stop there. Republican leaders have hammered Democrats for attempting to "ram through" their health care bill, highlighting untoward bribes:

Flashback: It's 6 a.m. on a Saturday morning in 2003. The traditional 15-minute roll call vote is extended for two hours and 51 minutes. The Medicare bill was heading to a 218 to 216 defeat. Key arms were twisted. Promises of campaign money and support were made. It became a 220 to 215 victory.

Oh, and before anyone throws out there that George Bush was actually "a Liberal" lets not forget, Ronald Reagan never cut entitlements, even as the national debt nearly tripled on his watch.

Republicans account for over 53% of our current deficit but you won't hear that mentioned nowadays any where but here!

Oh, and conservatives want to comfort themselves by telling themselves that Republicans are the 'lessor of two evils...."

Sure... "


Sue said...

friggin unbelievable hypocrisy!! It wasn't so long ago that dems have forgotten, thats why I believe they will have a HC bill soon and I'm even HALF believing they will put in a public option or a medicare expansion. Sure, call be optimistic!

I'm listening to MSNBC and they just played the clip of Bonehead saying "this bill WILL bankrupt our country"! LOL! JERKS!!!

Brando said...

I think Obama had the whole thing orchestrated, he had no intention of listening but rather pushing his agenda. He displayed nothing bu arrogance. Nothing new here.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Arrogance? Depends on which prism you're looking through.

A lot of people saw his behavior as confidence in his policies, being in command of the details, and, most important, leadership.

When you don't like the guy in the WH and you see those qualities through the prism of discontent, I can see how you'd label him as "arrogant."

He's not. It's not his fault that he's usually the smartest guy in the room.

It is what it is.

TAO said...

I came away from viewing the healthcare summit thinking, "...Jeez, and these old guys have our future in their hands?"

It was a scary thought to say the least! McCain with his cute comments and not much else, Cantor and his big pile of stuff that he lugs around with him, and Boehner and McConnell.....well, besides facial expressions they never bring much else to the table.

Its hard not being perceived as arrogant when that is the best that your opposition can find...

Of course the opposition will see the 'arrogance' of Obama because otherwise they would have to admit that they were woefully represented.

Brando said...

Yes, he was pointless, snobby, arrogant, cocky, partisan, circus like, a waste, ridiculous, and an embarrassment.
You can go ahead and you can spin it anyway you wish to and by the looks of this blog, you usually do. But in my eyes, he was small, petty, arrogant, and yes...mean-spirited.
Who else would say "I don't count MY time speaking because I'm the president"
I got the sense from President Obama that he really didn't want to be there. At times President Obama would chuckle when Republican participants would share their ideas, he would frequently hold discussions with those around him while participants were speaking, he also seemed quite annoyed when statements were made that he didn't necessarily agree with. I came to the conclusion that his behavior today was just another example of the arrogant, cocky, and annoyed persona that typically accompanies Obama.

Another thing that I witnessed came before the summit started when Obama was walking from the White House to the Blaire House. When asked a question by a reporter Obama stated, "I've always got a plan." What I took from this was that the President was trying to say that he always has the answer to the problem. I think we all know by now that Obama does not always have the answer to the problems that we face as a nation and I think it's time that he realizes that too.
The American people are even more discouraged, they are even more disgusted, and they are even more determined to make a change in our government come November 2010 and again in November 2012. Our elected officials have truly let us down and they have continued to put party first and us second.
And by the way, you Shaw Kenawe are just as arrogant! You don't have any patients to hear or read anyone's opposing view, you seem to always have a wise crack ready such as you did to me on my first post.

Brando said...

TAO So STUPIDLY Said: "It was a scary thought to say the least! McCain with his cute comments and not much else, Cantor and his big pile of stuff that he lugs around with him, and Boehner and McConnell.....well, besides facial expressions they never bring much else to the table."

You are joking right? No one was scarier and had more dumber expressions on their faces than
Obama, Biden, Harry Reid, and Nancy Pelosi! They all have got to be the greatest demagogues I have ever seen. They are continually making extensive promises to the American people just so they can attempt to gain a sense of "trust", but in the end their promises fail and so will they on election day.

molecontent said...

Obama was amazing. He had all his facts correct--people have been fact checking him, and he was correct--not the opposition.

TAO got it right, Obam a made the other guys look weak and not very effective.

We've got a really smart president.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Brando--or whomever you really are,

You characterized TAO by using the words "TAO so STUPIDLY said..."

Can't you and your friends who are comnmenting over at Pam's have a conversation like an adult? Apparently not since you feel compelled to attack people.

That is the mark of a person whose arguments are weak and incongruous--if you can't persuade with reason and facts use juvenile name-calling.

BRANDO typed:

I think Obama had the whole thing orchestrated, he had no intention of listening but rather pushing his agenda. He displayed nothing bu arrogance. Nothing new here.

That's nothing but a biased opinion with absolutely no evidence to back it up--it's just what you "think," it's your opinion. And you know what they say about opinions, don't you?

More of BRANDO's opinion--"in his eyes" as though his "eyes" make what he spins true.

Yes, he was pointless, snobby, arrogant, cocky, partisan, circus like, a waste, ridiculous, and an embarrassment.
You can go ahead and you can spin it anyway you wish to and by the looks of this blog, you usually do. But in my eyes, he was small, petty, arrogant, and yes...mean-spirited.

And more spin from BRANDO:

"Another thing that I witnessed came before the summit started when Obama was walking from the White House to the Blaire House. When asked a question by a reporter Obama stated, "I've always got a plan." What I took from this was that the President was trying to say that he always has the answer to the problem. I think we all know by now that Obama does not always have the answer to the problems that we face as a nation and I think it's time that he realizes that too."

President Obama says he has a plan, and BRANDO gives us his opinion of what HE THINKS the president means by that, eh? Well, Mr. BRANDO, what you THINK the president means doesn't mean a hill of beans. Those are your biased thoughts and not facts and what you "think" has no foundation in fact, since you can't read the president's or anyone's mind.

You haven't enlightened anyone here except to tell us how much you dislike Mr. Obama. Yawn.

Leslie Parsley said...

Like wooden puppets all the Republicans could keep coming up with was their orchestrated "we need to scrap this bill and start over."

Oh, and Mitch the Snitch's all-important observation that the Dems got to speak a few more minutes than the Republicans, a question of a mere 4 or 5 minutes.
He needs to get off his petty potty.

Sue said...

wow Brando does speak well for the whole stupid rethug party!
Obama was brilliant, thats why the rethugs hate him, they are not used to having smart people on their side and are very jealous. Even Reid and Pelosi out shown any of the stupid talking points coming from idiots like Boehner, Cantor, Barrasso, McCain, they are an embarrassment to our nation of true leaders in the White House. You righties should be thanking your good Lord for giving us such a smart and articulate president!
Oh yes Obama has a plan and I for one can't friggin wait for him to reveal it, Shake it up Barack Obama!!!!

Radicle Redneck said...

Obama was brilliant. And that always get the righties angry.


Anonymous said...

Obama’s dumb health care bill will NOT pass. I don’t know why this is still a story. Just like Tiger Woods? Who cares what lies he repeats, we still know they are nothing but lies... !

TAO said...

Why do all reactionaries sound alike?

We heard McCain whining yesterday about keeping campaign promises and his losing the election and today we have all the brillant comments here...

Yep, you all got your ass kicked by an arrogantly intelligent black man! I guess it is tied to all the years you spent in grade school having the smart kids make fun of your academically slow little asses...

Of course if you didn't change the subject all the time you would have to face the fact that every single Republican in the meeting yesterday, except for McCain, voted for the thuggery that was the Medicare Prescription drug bill in 2003...but then again that was accomplished behind closed doors by repbulicans...

Shaw Kenawe said...


I'm just about out of patience with the people who come here and add nothing but invective and railing accusations about anything President Obama does.

This character "BRANDO" (whom I suspect is a regular reactionary commenter using another name) came here three times this morning and added absolutely nothing to the conversation.

All he/she/it did was subject the readers here to its uninformed OPINION. BRANDO gave us no facts, nor cogent arguments, not historical reasons for why BRANDO doesn't believe what the president said.

All we get is cheap, uninformed OPINION that is worth less than the bandwith BRANDO used to give it.

They have nothing to add to any intelligent discussion.

Anywhere they go, they poison the comment sections with their raging vituperation.

It takes absolutely no intelligence to write nasty condemnations and complaints--I have yet to read one thoughtful and reasoned comment from any of them.

And this troll "Anonymous" proves my point. It doesn't take any intelligence to come to a blog and write that sort of clap-trap. None.

Shaw Kenawe said...

This is the level of discourse right now going on over at Pam's blog:

Steven said...

"I think that Bluepittbull said it all when he said

Shaw we can judge YOU by the company that YOU keep, just look at the nitwits that comment on her blog........"

To which I replied:

Did he really say that? Really?

Because Mr. bluepitbull has posted on my blog in the past as has American Girl and Debbie's Choice. All of them.

And just this morning, "Brando" commented THREE times.

If what you typed is true, Mr. Steve, that means Mr. bpb thinks they're all nitwits--his words, not mine.

Good day.
February 26, 2010 10:36 AM

To which the very confused Brando chirped in:

Brando said...

Shaw Kenawe said...
Brando posted on my blog THREE TIMES today, and in the past so have Debbie's Choice and American Girl, and bluepitbull.

You've just labeled them all nitwits Steve because they have all posted on my blog.


I am going to have to add "Mental Illness" to that list OF PEOPLE THAT COMMENT ON YOUR BLOG.

BluePittBull did GET IT RIGHT. You ARE nuts!


I rest my case.

Anonymous said...

Shaw Kenawe said...

I rest my case.

Shaw, I think that you made all these comments up to make the right look bad. It's so typical of what you do. You are a sneaky devious lying person.
And don't fool yourself, everyone knows it.
As for these "Made Up" Comments, they really were on target if you asked me.
I personally think it's time for an old bag like you to hang up her stretch bloomers and call it a day.

Shaw Kenawe said...


I'm so sorry.

Here's a hug. You apparently need one.


If you want someone to love you; you have to be lovable.

American Yankee said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Shaw Kenawe said...

To Anonymous:

Here's the proof that shows I didn't make it up.

Shaw Kenawe said...

bpb hasn't the courage to let everyone see what he sent into my email inbox. He posted it here then deleted it.

Flag this message[Progressive Eruptions]

New comment on CROSS POSTED WITH PERMISSION FROM THE ESTIMABLE TA....Friday, February 26, 2010 1:44 PM

From: This sender is DomainKeys verified"bluepitbull" Add sender to ContactsTo:

shawkenawe@yahoo.combluepitbull has left a new comment on your post "CROSS POSTED WITH PERMISSION FROM THE ESTIMABLE TA...":

LOL, whatever he said, goes double for me..

Posted by bluepitbull to Progressive Eruptions at February 26, 2010 1:44 PM

(O)CT(O)PUS said...

Shaw, check your Feedjit widget.

What I am specifically looking for: A visit to your weblog that corresponds roughly to the time and date of the above comment whose location would be somewhere in Southern California (at 1:43 PM).

Lets meet at the "Pad" and talk about this.

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

Let's get to the crux, and in a way, send a shout out to BPB for seeing this tactic from me and TAO long ago.

President Obama was indeed the smartest person in the roon yesterday. And just as BPB once warned hos corighties that I and TAO would make them look stupid, Obama made the republicans look stupid. He gave them the forum and they said nothing that would reform health insurance. They stuck with the same meaningless talking points giving Obama to go ahead to do whatever he has to do to fix a mess the republicans don't want fixed.

President Obama set them up. He steered them into a cesspool of their own stupidity. And what I really love cause I've rarely been able to pull this off, is that the best minds in the republican party knew they were being led to the slaughter and could do nothing about it.

dunkinville said...

So shaw, what did you say to the loons to get them so worked up that they accused you of wearing "bloomers?" Ha!

Whatever it was, keep it up. It's not fair, though. They're so dumb; they don't have a chance.

Arthurstone said...

Truth typed:

" minds in the republican party ..."

There's the problem.

And didn't Senator (I still gag when I read that) Bunning really had his core values and keen intellect on display last night. Imagine having to miss the U of K basketball game to legislate?

It's staggering what we ask of our 'representatives'.

The horror. The horror.

The Ghost of Richard Nixon said...

If that's what you liberal ladies are wearing, I'll come back from the dead and join the Democrat Party!

A Liberal Anonymous said...



Sue said...

CUTE Bloomers! BTW, that's me in the picture...:-)))

Anonymous said...

I love your bloomers, Shaw! Almost as much as I love my own. Bloomers rule, and anyone who says otherwise is itching for a fight.

I see so many blooming possibilities already -- for example, we could start a Kentucky Bloomers campaign, asking all proud bloomers' owners to send their slightly used garments to Sen. Bunning. And if he complained (but why should he?), then we could say, Tough s***.

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

Careful Shaw. One of the moralist righties might demand your blog be flagged for indecency.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Or, Elizabeth, I could change the name of my blog AGAIN to "Progressive Tough S**T."

Some parent practice "tough love" on their kids to get them to straighten up. We could practice Progressive Tough S**t to get Dems to get in line and support our president!

Coming soon to the blogsphere:

"Progressive Tough S**t!"

But I want to have more fun with my stretch bloomer.

I can't thank that troll "Anonymous" for contributing so much fun to this blog.

Whomever it was, he made me very happy, even though he had a bit of a fit of Tourette's syndrome in doing so.

YooHoo! Anonymous! Enk-Yoo!

Shaw Kenawe said...


I thought that was the whole point of showing off me bloomers!

TAO said...

Oh Bunning can find hundred of millions of dollars to support the sugar cane growers (like there are any in Kentucky) and the deficit be damned...but for the unemployed in Kentucky he can't find a thing!

McConnell told him to do this....

TAO said...

By the way, I think bloomers are HOT!

Shaw Kenawe said...

Can you imagine, TAO, the meany "Anonymous" telling me to give them up?

Thayer Nutz said...

Queen of the Bloomers! Shaw Kenawe!

Libby Spencer said...

Brilliant post. I'm going to pass it on too.

Teeluck said...

It is my opinion that Bush was the most successful Pres, because he got more of what he wanted than any other Pres...and look how we ended up, so why would anyone want to re-elect them... what good are the Repuglickers if not to help us reflect on what not to become?

dmarks said...

Free trade (which we need more of) provides an excellent and simple solution to the drug price problem: abolish limitations, tariffs, and other restrictions on approved drugs from other countries.

molecontent said...

Anonynmous @ 1:14 Feb. 26 wrote:

You are a sneaky devious lying person. And don't fool yourself, everyone knows it.

As for these "Made Up" Comments, they really were on target if you asked me.

I personally think it's time for an old bag like you to hang up her stretch bloomers and call it a day.

Who's the balless wonder who posted that comment and is the ultimate coward because he/she [I'm betting it's a he because of the comment] couldn't put a name on the comment.

If that is the sort of person who insults you and belongs to the conservatives, don't mind them, shaw.

They are truly the dirt beneath your feet.

Especially the anus opening who wrote that PoS [I'm guessing it's the Brando jerk.]

A Nice Anonymous Person said...

Brando sounds like a dude called "My Files" that wrote a comment on Pam’s blog to Satyavati and began it “Satyavati so foolishly said”