Paul Revere by Cyrus Dallin, North End, Boston



Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Paul Ryan: Big Spending Conservative

Paul Ryan, the big-spending conservative supported:

The Medicare prescription plan

The Troubled Asset Relief Program,

The auto industry bailout vote in the House, ( after Romney wrote The New York Times op-ed titled “Let Detroit go bankrupt.”)

A massive highway bill that included the “Bridge to Nowhere.”

Ryan, like many Republicans, also voted to raise the debt limit at least five times during the Bush administration, when such votes were considered routine and uncontroversial.

Ryan’s votes on spending came on top of his support for the Bush-era tax cuts,

Ryan’s voting record shows that he was willing to vote for expensive government programs when some other fiscal conservative said no.

Ryan accepted stimulus money for his state while criticizing President Obama's stimulus package:

"JANESVILLE, Wisc. — In 2009, as Rep. Paul D. Ryan was railing against President Obama’s $787 billion stimulus package as a “wasteful spending spree,” he wrote at least four letters to Obama’s secretary of energy asking that millions of dollars from the program be granted to a pair of Wisconsin conservation groups, according to documents obtained by the Globe.
The advocacy appeared to pay off; both groups were awarded the economic recovery funds -- one receiving a $20 million grant to help thousands of local businesses and homes improve their energy efficiency, agency documents show.

Ryan’s letters to the energy secretary praising the energy initiatives as he sought a portion of the funding are in sharp contrast to the House Budget Committee chairman’s image as a Tea Party favorite adamantly opposed to federal spending on such programs.


The additional letters include his praise for the energy program’s aims, and clash with his own budget priorities, which call for curtailing many of the same Department of Energy investments that are designed to spur the growth of green technologies and reduce reliance on fossil fuels..

“I was pleased that the primary objectives of their project will allow residents and businesess in the partner cities to reduce their energy costs, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and stimulate the local economy by creating new jobs,” Ryan wrote to Energy Secretary Steven Chu on December 18, 2009, on behalf of the Wisconsin Energy Conservation Corporation."

Paul Ryan admits that President Obama's stimulus package  helps the local economy and creates jobs!

In his 14 years as a Congressman, Paul Ryan has passed two bills:  One renames a post office (passed in 2000) and the other (passed in 2008) changes the way arrows (as in bows and arrows) are taxed.

Ronald Reagan's Budget Director, David Stockman:  "Paul Ryan's budget plan is a fairy tale."

Stockman writing in the New York Times:

"PAUL D. RYAN is the most articulate and intellectually imposing Republican of the moment, but that doesn’t alter the fact that this earnest congressman from Wisconsin is preaching the same empty conservative sermon.
Thirty years of Republican apostasy — a once grand party’s embrace of the welfare state, the warfare state and the Wall Street-coddling bailout state — have crippled the engines of capitalism and buried us in debt. Mr. Ryan’s sonorous campaign rhetoric about shrinking Big Government and giving tax cuts to “job creators” (read: the top 2 percent) will do nothing to reverse the nation’s economic decline and arrest its fiscal collapse.


Mr. Ryan showed his conservative mettle in 2008 when he folded like a lawn chair on the auto bailout and the Wall Street bailout. But the greater hypocrisy is his phony “plan” to solve the entitlements mess by deferring changes to social insurance by at least a decade.
A true agenda to reform the welfare state would require a sweeping, income-based eligibility test, which would reduce or eliminate social insurance benefits for millions of affluent retirees. Without it, there is no math that can avoid giant tax increases or vast new borrowing. Yet the supposedly courageous Ryan plan would not cut one dime over the next decade from the $1.3 trillion-per-year cost of Social Security and Medicare.
Instead, it shreds the measly means-tested safety net for the vulnerable: the roughly $100 billion per year for food stamps and cash assistance for needy families and the $300 billion budget for Medicaid, the health insurance program for the poor and disabled. Shifting more Medicaid costs to the states will be mere make-believe if federal financing is drastically cut.
Likewise, hacking away at the roughly $400 billion domestic discretionary budget (what’s left of the federal budget after defense, Social Security, health and safety-net spending and interest on the national debt) will yield only a rounding error’s worth of savings after popular programs (which Republicans heartily favor) like cancer research, national parks, veterans’ benefits, farm aid, highway subsidies, education grants and small-business loans are accommodated.
Like his new boss, Mr. Ryan has no serious plan to create jobs.


In short, Mr. Ryan’s plan is devoid of credible math or hard policy choices. And it couldn’t pass even if Republicans were to take the presidency and both houses of Congress. Mr. Romney and Mr. Ryan have no plan to take on Wall Street, the Fed, the military-industrial complex, social insurance or the nation’s fiscal calamity and no plan to revive capitalist prosperity — just empty sermons. "

David A. Stockman, who was the director of the Office of Management and Budget from 1981 to 1985, is the author of the forthcoming book “The Great Deformation: How Crony Capitalism Corrupts Free Markets and Democracy.”


Les Carpenter said...

I see you are again pointing out all of Obie's positives, reminding all why we should vote for comrade...

skudrunner said...

I was under the impression that Ryan was running for VP, a position that has little to do just ask Joe.

BTW, what are all the positives for his wonderfulness.

Les Carpenter said...

He is our first bi-racial president, he was against gay marriage before he was for it, he has hope, he is big on change, although we have little as the deficits continue and his record debt grows, he is a unifying force, although the nation seems more divided, he is a man of the people, and best of all to paraphrase... He is who he is.

Silverfiddle said...

You left out that he schooled Obama during their Obamacare encounter.

Ryan understood it better than Obama did.

Les Carpenter said...

Thanks Silver for pointing this out. Certainly his oneness schooled himself well on the Romney Massachusetts model for healthcare on which he built his plan.

Shaw Kenawe said...

RN, you're voting for Gary Johnson. I'm not trying to convince you to do anything.

Get it?

I don't go to your blog and whine about what you choose to talk about. If I have a differing opinion, I state it. Period. You seem to believe it is your duty to come here and pout about anything I write.

If you have some interesting comments or ideas that add to or challenge the discussion, that's great. Coming here and posting your annoyance at my subject matter is not useful.

KP, who does not agree with me on everything, has the ability to comment here without complaining about my subject matter, and adds to the discussion.

Both you and skudrunner can learn a lot from KP.

To address my post: Very few Americans have ever heard of Paul Ryan. Only people who closely follow politics know anything about him, and that's not a large percentage of the population.

After almost 4 years in office, Americans know pretty much everything about President Obama and Vice President Biden.

My posts have been about Ryan because he's an fairly unknown pol.

Both skudrunner's and RN's attempt to change the subject appears to mean they don't want the truth about Ryan's big spending record, political hypocrisies, and weird allegiance to a cult to be known.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Will Paul Ryan "school" President Obama on how he eagerly grabbed all the stimulus money he could beg for, stating how it was a job creater, while simultaneously being against it?

A real fiscal conservative, sticking to his values, would never have done that.

It appears that Mr. Ryan is happy to take the money and whine.

skudrunner said...

"After almost 4 years in office, Americans know pretty much everything about President Obama and Vice President Biden."

And they will do all they can to make the election about something other than their record. Almost makes you forget about the 13 million unemployed who the current administration has no plans for except offer them food stamps.

Maybe, unlikely but maybe, if the administration didn't attack business and create nothing but uncertainty businesses would start hiring. The latest jobs report was jobs neutral, as many left the workforce as were hired, so we are getting nowhere.

Shaw Kenawe said...

"And they will do all they can to make the election about something other than their record."

Their record is out there for every American to see, and the polls still show President Obama has an edge over RR.

The electoral college advantage is larger.

Anonymous said...

It's telling that skudrunner, RN, and Silverfiddle had nothing whatsoever to say about Stockman's appraisal of Ryan's budget.

Les Carpenter said...

Anonymous, avoidance again, great work. Oh, and by the way, I did a post on Stockman and this issues awhile back. It is in my archives if you care to read it. It speaks for itself.

By the way, I am voting for Johnson, a real change agent and fiscal conservative. I simply am responding to the attacks, many unfounded on Rep. Raul Ryan.

Les Carpenter said...

@Shaw who said... "RN, you're voting for Gary Johnson. I'm not trying to convince you to do anything.

Get it?

I don't go to your blog and whine about what you choose to talk about. If I have a differing opinion, I state it. Period. You seem to believe it is your duty to come here and pout about anything I write."

A) I realize this. So what is your point.?

B) Got it. I repeat, what is your point?

C) I am not whining about who you choose to talk about. I am merely responding to your post, and adding my position on your post.

D) I find it quite telling that the progressive collectivist mentality is quick to define the opposition as "whining", and or "pouting" when in reality it is the spoiled progressive collectivists that are the greatest whiners and pouters on earth.

like I said, the left has their collective panties and pants in a real twist these days.

Les Carpenter said...

@ Shaw ... "Their record is out there for every American to see, and the polls still show President Obama has an edge over RR."

Obama is loose and likeable on a personal level, Mittens is rather stiff and unable to connect.

All that points out is "feel good" and promises of "hope and change" sells well with just over half of the American people.

As the cliff looms ever larger...

Shaw Kenawe said...

RN: "I simply am responding to the attacks, many unfounded on Rep. Raul Ryan."

RN: "I am not whining about who you choose to talk about. I am merely responding to your post, and adding my position on your post."

These are your comments on the Paul Ryan post:

"I see you are again pointing out all of Obie's positives, reminding all why we should vote for comrade..."

"He is our first bi-racial president, he was against gay marriage before he was for it, he has hope, he is big on change, although we have little as the deficits continue and his record debt grows, he is a unifying force, although the nation seems more divided, he is a man of the people, and best of all to paraphrase... He is who he is."

"Thanks Silver for pointing this out. Certainly his oneness schooled himself well on the Romney Massachusetts model for healthcare on which he built his plan."

Not one of those responses has anything whatsoever to do with my Paul Ryan post.

You can fool yourself by believing an attack on the President is a response to the facts I posted on Paul Ryan.

Point out the "many unfounded attacks" on Ryan. What I've posted is fact.

Every one of those points I posted on Ryan is true. If you think they are not, give us the evidence instead of coming here and changing the subject to President Obama.

Jerry Critter said...

Skud and RN come here and try to divert your discussion because they cannot refute what you say, so they try to redirect the discussion. They can't admit the truth. They can't refute the truth. They can't keep quiet. So all that is left is to talk about something else.

Shaw Kenawe said...

You're correct, Jerry.

Both skudrunner and RN have not come here, to either of my posts on Ryan, with ANY EVIDENCE that what is posted is not true.

Even the ever vigilent Silverfiddle hasn't been able to refute anything.

All they do is change the subject and leave.

It's pretty obvious why this is so.

Anonymous said...

shaw...your friend silverfizzle has gone bonkers...this is his latesst post...poor demented soul...President Obama is on the wrong side on all three issues. He's destroying jobs, increasing government corruption, and exploding budget deficits...they really do believe that shit...that's why obama will get reelected...then watch the bonkerness go off the

Les Carpenter said...

Attack, Attack, Attack is all the left has. It cannot run on Obie's and Dufus's positive record because it doesn't exit. Therefore Attack, Attack, Attack... I am quite sure when the attacks from the other side hit fever pitch (like the left's attacks) there will lots more whining to be heard from the left.

Be well in the land of hope and change. The collectivists wonderland of tomorrow.

Paul said...

Stockman is one of those who have learned from his mistakes. He has a 30 year record of Republiscum fiscal policies to teach him, they were wrong, very wrong.
Stockman was the guy who told the American public that America runs better on a deficit, when trying to defend Reagan's deficits and why the economy went into recession after Reagan's tax bill was passed.
Are we better off now, than we were four years ago?
Of course we are!
The "rational self interest" Randians (Republiscums) are not happy because Obama cares more about ALL the American people, not just a few selfish, greedy fake patriots.
Stockman's defense of Reagan's fiscal policies was such a lie, Bush defined it as Voodoo Economics.
It was Stockman's lie that convinced me Republiscums cared more about the rich, than the average American. A fact (truth) that still exists today, unfortunately.
The lesson to learn was an easy one, but Republiscums are dense. The Math a first grader could understand, but not Republiscums.
30 years and 16 trillion dollars later, Ryan pushes Reagan economics on steroids, but he promises a balanced budget in 20 years. Laughable.
Stockman has learned the lesson facts have proven. It took him to long, but there are millions even dumber than Stockman, they still don't get it.
Your trolls have nothing but lies and to expect them to address an issue honestly, is like believing the world is flat, It is a factual impossibility.
There job was always to attack your well respected liberal blog. They have shown their true character, as we near the election and realize they have failed with you and their Republiscum candidate is obviously losing.
As they lose their white superiority political power, they will scream louder and with more ridiculous lies and bigotry.

Les Carpenter said...

Republiscums -vs- Democraps...

Coming to a theater near you.

Nov 6, 2012.

A really cliff hanger!

Anonymous said...

More intelligent responses from the Randian, Nazi boy.

News Flash said...

Mitt Romney: Slash Amtrak, PBS Funding, But Defense Cuts And Middle Class Tax Cuts Off The Table

skudrunner said...

"30 years and 16 trillion dollars later, Ryan pushes Reagan economics on steroids"

Sorry Steve but the incompetent incumbent can take credit for a lot of that in a very short period of time.

The great Obama giveaway, AKA stimulus, had no effect on jobs, as we see today, got a few clunkers off the road and the auto companies still filed for bankruptcy. So what did the taxpayer get for his/her money?

Shovel ready jobs that weren't, sending auto jobs off shore and giving half to the unions. Face facts, the stimulus was one of the biggest government wastes in history because it accomplished nothing except buy votes, which his magnificent already had.

Biden said he owed the unions and Obama paid off by giving them some auto companies. He said he owed the owners of Solyndra for their support and he paid off with a large government grant. Obama wanted to attack the NRA because they don't support him so he has Holder sell some guns than gives him protection.

His Chicago roots are surfacing again and it is only just starting. He doesn't like coal, oil exploration or pipelines but he loves giving millions to supporters of fake energy as a payoff. He spends time and money suing states who differ with him,
He doesn't believe in States Rights but believes Federalists control.

Wake up, he has earned the name "Incompetent Incumbent" and should wear it with pride

As Hilary said "Shame on you Barack Obama' for all your lies.

Les Carpenter said...

More gas from the ass

Ema Nymton said...


May I paraphrase a better writer than moi ice?

Should cold selfishness become the template for USA society, or do we still believe in community?

"'Romney and Ryan’s disdain for the working class'

Mitt Romney’s selection of Paul Ryan as his running mate underscores the central question posed by this campaign: Should cold selfishness become the template for our society, or do we still believe in community?

Romney wanted the election to be seen as a referendum on the success or failure of President Obama’s economic policies. Instead, he has revealed that the campaign is really a choice between two starkly different philosophies. One could be summed up as: “We’re all in this together.” The other: “I’ve got mine.”
....................................................... Eugene Robinson

So; are we the people all in this together?!

Ema Nymton

Les Carpenter said...

Pablum to feed the masses and fuel class warfare Ema.... Good job, we are sure His Wonderfulness will be most pleased.

Shaw Kenawe said...

RN, you've added nothing to the discussion. Nada.

You have NOT refuted one thing I posted about Ryan.

You call citing facts about Ryan's political career "attacks."

Then you and skudrunner come back here with the false statements that Mr. Obama has done nothing and things are worse?

You guys really, really, really are willfully blind.

Go back and look at what was happening in the late summer and fall of 2008 and in the first few months of 2009, then come back here and try to tell us, with a sstraight face, that things are worse.

You can't, because the facts will line up to show they aren't.

Pretending that 30 years of failed economic policies and 8 years of Bush's disasterous tax cuts and spend policies didn't cause most of the collapse won't change the fact that it did.

Anyone with half a brain can look at a jobs chart and see with his/her own eyes that after the Bush bleeding jobs debacle, jobs were added under Obama.

Those are facts, and no matter how painful it is for you to accpet them, they will still be facts.

PS. Ryan is a big spending conservative. Those are facts as well. And his budget plan is a fairy tale.

Republican Racism said...

Can you not spell RN, or are you drunk all the time?
Great response to factual comments.
Pure hate
Nothing else
No surprise

skudrunner said...

"Pretending that 30 years of failed economic policies"

Agreed but how may of those 30 years did the democrats have the majority in congress and the presidency.

At least RR wants to do something about it.

Biden/Obama are the ones who want to raise taxes on the middle class with the Obamacare tax. B/O rewards the rich, poor and unions but attacks the middle class. He commissions a deficit reduction board than does nothing they recommend because it does not punish the "rich". His whole solution to everything is to tax the "rich", no plan no future just divide the country.

2001-2006 were going fine. It all fell apart when one party got the majority and that was 2007.

You blame Bush for the failing economy because he was President and had a democratic congress. Now you blame the House for the failing economy but the president gets a pass. Seems like you are looking through a one way mirror.

You are wrong about the creation of jobs. There are as many people leaving the workplace as being hired. No matter how left you look at that it is jobs neutral. If sir magnificent is doing such a splendiferece job of jobs creation, why did the unemployment rate go from 8.2 to 8.3.

I believe the highest unemployment Bush had was still under 6% yet he was the terrible president. Of course it is all Bush's fault but what do I know because after all I am one of the lucky ones who didn't do anything because like the supreme leader said
"If you’ve got a business, you didn’t build that. Somebody else made that happen.”

Shaw Kenawe said...

skudrunner's comments:

A NOUN, A VERB, AND "Somebody else made that happen."

That's all he's got. He's been repeating it for two weeks.

That's it.

The fact that Mr. Obama isn't being hammered by the RR team is really pissing him off.

PS. You forgot, skud, that Mr. Bush had the reins of power for SIX WHOLE YEARS. He lost Congress in 2006.

You argument collapsed.

Mr. Obama has done a damned GOOD job without the help of any GOPer. Imagine where we'd be if the GOP cared enough about America to join with the president and work out compromises to put people back to work.

But the fact is that the Repubs were plotting, even before Mr. Obama became president, to undermine everything he tried to do. EVERYTHING. Even if those things were proposals from the GOP!

No sire, you're not going to get away with altering history.

Not here.

Shaw Kenawe said...

WASHINGTON -- As President Barack Obama was celebrating his inauguration at various balls, top Republican lawmakers and strategists were conjuring up ways to submarine his presidency at a private dinner in Washington.

The event -- which provides a telling revelation for how quickly the post-election climate soured -- serves as the prologue of Robert Draper's much-discussed and heavily-reported new book, "Do Not Ask What Good We Do: Inside the U.S. House of Representatives."

According to Draper, the guest list that night (which was just over 15 people in total) included Republican Reps. Eric Cantor (Va.), Kevin McCarthy (Calif.), Paul Ryan (Wis.), Pete Sessions (Texas), Jeb Hensarling (Texas), Pete Hoekstra (Mich.) and Dan Lungren (Calif.), along with Republican Sens. Jim DeMint (S.C.), Jon Kyl (Ariz.), Tom Coburn (Okla.), John Ensign (Nev.) and Bob Corker (Tenn.). The non-lawmakers present included Newt Gingrich, several years removed from his presidential campaign, and Frank Luntz, the long-time Republican wordsmith. Notably absent were Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) and House Minority Leader John Boehner (R-Ohio) -- who, Draper writes, had an acrimonious relationship with Luntz.

For several hours in the Caucus Room (a high-end D.C. establishment), the book says they plotted out ways to not just win back political power, but to also put the brakes on Obama's legislative platform.

"If you act like you're the minority, you're going to stay in the minority," Draper quotes McCarthy as saying. "We've gotta challenge them on every single bill and challenge them on every single campaign."

Shaw Kenawe said...

"The conversation got only more specific from there, Draper reports. Kyl suggested going after incoming Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner for failing to pay Social Security and Medicare taxes while at the International Monetary Fund. Gingrich noted that House Ways and Means Chairman Charlie Rangel (D-N.Y.) had a similar tax problem. McCarthy chimed in to declare "there's a web" before arguing that Republicans could put pressure on any Democrat who accepted campaign money from Rangel to give it back.

The dinner lasted nearly four hours. They parted company almost giddily. The Republicans had agreed on a way forward:

Go after Geithner. (And indeed Kyl did, the next day: ‘Would you answer my question rather than dancing around it—please?’)

Show united and unyielding opposition to the president’s economic policies. (Eight days later, Minority Whip Cantor would hold the House Republicans to a unanimous No against Obama’s economic stimulus plan.)

Begin attacking vulnerable Democrats on the airwaves. (The first National Republican Congressional Committee attack ads would run in less than two months.)

Win the spear point of the House in 2010. Jab Obama relentlessly in 2011. Win the White House and the Senate in 2012.

"You will remember this day," Draper reports Newt Gingrich as saying on the way out. "You’ll remember this as the day the seeds of 2012 were sown."

Draper's timeline is correct. On Jan. 21, 2009, Kyl aggressively questioned Geithner during his confirmation hearings. On Jan. 28, 2009, House GOP leadership held the line against the stimulus package (Senate GOP leadership would prove less successful in stopping defections)."

Shaw Kenawe said...

The votes, of course, can be attributed to legitimate philosophical objection to the idea of stimulus spending as well as sincere concern that the secretary of the Treasury should personally have a clean tax-paying record. But what Draper's book makes clear is that blunt electoral-minded ambitions were the animating force.

Whether or not that's shocking depends on the degree to which one's view of politics has been jaded. What's certainly noteworthy is the timing. When Mitch McConnell said in October 2010 that his party's primary goal in the next Congress was to make Obama a one-term president, it was treated as remarkably candid and deeply cynical. Had he said it publicly in January 2009, it would likely have caused an uproar.

By extension, however, the Draper anecdote also negatively reflects on the Obama administration for failing to appreciate how quickly congressional Republicans would oppose the president's agenda."

Shaw Kenawe said...

With the country's economic health worsening, those goons decided to sabotage America's president instead of working with him to do what could be done to help America.

In my book, I call that treasonous behavior.

How could anyone want to identify with a party as cynical and callous as that?

skudrunner said...

"You forgot, skud, that Mr. Bush had the reins of power for SIX WHOLE YEARS"
Sorry Shaw but you lost that one
2001 4.7
2002 5.8
2003 6.0
2004 5.5
2006 4.6
2007 4.6
2008 5.8
2009 9.3 and never looked back

Obama and compromise should never be used in the same sentence. Remember when he said I won you lost, he took charge and so far has blown it. Al Freakin had the same compromise approach, can I have the floor, NO.

I guess in you book, cheating on your taxes is fine as long as you are a democrat.

The democrats, or their spokesman Slimy Reid, want the public to believe Romney didn't pay his legitimate owed for 10 years. Somehow the leftist believe the IRS would not be able to figure out he hasn't paid, if you have ever dealt with the IRS you know that is false.

The leftist leader believes the public is stupid and incapable of understanding. The public can't be responsible for their own healthcare, their own retirement, and can't even determine how much they should earn.

Jerry Critter said...

Reagan started the budget busting spending in the 80's. The Democrats under Clinton brought the spending back under control and balanced the budget in the 90's. Bush blew everything up again in the 00's.

You tell me who has the better track record of controlling spending?

Les Carpenter said...

Thanks for your thoughtful comment, ass hat.

Paul said...

Unemployment doubled in less than a year under Bush.
The economy crashed under Bush.
Bush was in office for 8 years, and only two of those years did he work with a Democratic majority.
Just proof that Republiscum policies caused both the crash and the unemployment.
The slow recovery is a reflection of low wages and lack of investment. Both ills caused by corporations greed.

Paul said...

RN's true character coming out as the country, again, judges Randian "rational self interest" as an extreme cult philosophy.
You know what the Dr.'s say... attack ones delusion and.......

Thread Interruption said...

How long is America going to sit back and let Syria massacre his people?

News Flash said...

Judge favors voter suppression in Pennsylvania.

Shaw Kenawe said...

skudrunner thinks that because he can ignore the fact that under Bush the worse economic disaster occured, we all have to swallow his obfuscation.

No matter what he posts here, we know, the recession is Bush's recession.

And more important:


Skudrunner will try to run away from that fact but it is a FACT.

June 14, 2012

Americans Still Blame Bush More Than Obama for Bad Economy

About half of Republicans blame Bush

by Frank Newport

PRINCETON, NJ -- Americans continue to place more blame for the nation's economic problems on George W. Bush than on Barack Obama, even though Bush left office more than three years ago. The relative economic blame given to Bush versus Obama today is virtually the same as it was last September.

Former US President George W. Bush is still getting the blame for America's economic woes, according to the latest Gallup poll.

The poll, which surveyed 1,004 Americans, found that 68 percent of respondents feel Bush shoulders either a "moderate amount" or a "great deal" of the responsibility for the country's recession, compared to 52 percent who blame President Barack Obama.

Respondents who identified themselves as Republican were much more likely to hold Obama responsible for the US economy's current state, according to Reuters: 83 percent said the current Democratic president should be blamed, compared with only 19 percent of Democrats.

The above explains skudrunner's problem.

More News Flash said...

"News Flash said...
Judge favors voter suppression in Pennsylvania."

Correction: That should read "Republican Judge favors voter suppression in Pennsylvania."

skudrunner said...

Granted the initial recession is because Bush would not stand up to the democrat majority and their house for everyone even if they can't pay mentality. The last two years are the Obama recession. Can't run from the facts.

Why are the democrats so afraid of a voter proving they have the right to vote? It wouldn't be because they rely on the the illegal vote would it?

Les Carpenter said...

Obama 2008 Co-campaign chair jumps ship to Romney!

Perhaps it is time to take notice of one of the lefts very own!


Abel Barrington said...

Ryan's a very admirable political figure. It's in the way he thinks. He thinks not only for himself but considers the welfare of others yet he also speaks out his mind.

News Flash said...

Dave Mustaine, Megadeth Singer, Says Obama 'Staged' Aurora Shooting, Sikh Temple Shooting To Pass A Gun Ban

Shaw Kenawe said...

"Since hypocrisy comes as naturally as breathing to most Republican members of Congress, leaving the press and many voters numb to it, the mismatch between Paul Ryan's stated policy stances and his actions and personal history is unlikely to draw much attention. That mismatch is pretty breathtaking, too.

Ryan has, of course, described Social Security as a Ponzi scheme despite having paid for college using Social Security survivors benefits. But here's a funny twist on Ryan's enthusiastic participation in the "you didn't build that" line Republicans are pushing so hard. See, what President Obama said was "Somebody invested in roads and bridges. If you’ve got a business—you didn’t build that. Somebody else made that happen."

Actually, it turns out that Ryan's family construction firm (founded by his great-grandfather, now owned by his cousins) got big building roads. For the government.

At the turn of the century, Ryan Inc. turned to road building. A subsidiary family corporation, Ryan Incorporated Southern, states on its Web site, “The Ryan workload from 1910 until the rural interstate Highway System was completed 60 years later [and] was mostly Highway construction.” The $119 billion spent by the federal government on the Interstate Highway System was, by one account, “the largest public works program since the Pyramids.” [...]

A current search of Defense Department contracts suggests that “Ryan Incorporated Central” has had at least 22 defense contracts with the federal government since 1996, including one from 1996 worth $5.6 million.

Ryan and his family have been beneficiaries of government paychecks and contracts and benefits all through their lives.

We can say with great accuracy that Paul Ryan--a guy who wants to take away or reduce other people's access to government help--is a Government-Made Man.

Facts attest to this truth.

Where would the guy be now without having had "Big Government" to help him during his formative years and as a provider of his family's considerable wealth?

skudrunner said...

I have already acknowledged that B/O will win. The threat of losing Free Stuff has to many people scared and the electoral college votes favor the Free Stuff states the most.

The Imposter and Thief has a give away record with no accomplishments but plenty of lies.

If I don't get the 800 billion we could have unemployment go above 8% -- OOPS

I will close Gitmo --- OOPS

I will do what the previous administration has set in motion and get out of Iraq --- He followed through on that one

If I don't bail out the auto companies they will file bankruptcy -- OOPS They filed bankruptcy and have left the taxpayer on the hook for billions

We owe you --- Biden to the unions-- he did pay them back by selling Chrysler to a foreign company sending thousands of auto jobs off shore and giving the unions a car company

Share the Wealth - that he is trying to do with his tax small business with his tax the "rich" and tax the middle class with Obummercare.

B/O has been great for some, unions, campaign contributors and solar company executives. We cannot forget Michele with her lavish vacations with all he friends to exotic foreign lands and his golf.

He has done very little for the country except increase class warfare so give someone else a try, they sure couldn't do any worse.

Les Carpenter said...

You certainly know all about delusions Steve, you obviously have suffered them first hand and quite personally. My sympathy goes out to you.

skudrunner said...

"Unemployment doubled in less than a year under Bush."

What years were those Steve? Read the statistics, doubled in 2009, that was obama time.

"The economy crashed under Bush."

Again not true. Granted it started to tank toward the end of 2008 but didn't happen until 2009, obama time.

"Bush was in office for 8 years, and only two of those years did he work with a Democratic majority."

Than you for agreeing with me that it was the democrat majority that caused the problems. Things were OK until 2007.

"Just proof that Republiscum policies caused both the crash and the unemployment."

Again, the last two years were democrat controlled of congress.

"The slow recovery is a reflection of low wages and lack of investment. Both ills caused by corporations greed."

The slow recovery is caused by non-existent job growth brought on by the divisive attack on business by the anti private business president, obama time

Steve, Guess when you look at the facts what you said was not true, seems to be a repetitive pattern.

skudrunner said...

"If you’ve got a business—you didn’t build that. Somebody else made that happen."

Are you going to deny he said it again when you just put it in you blog?

"A subsidiary family corporation, Ryan Incorporated Southern"

So now instead of pointing to the anti business presidents record you attack the veep's family business. I will have to hand it to the leftists, any diversion from the obama record is fair game. Why not tout obama's record, sorry I forgot it is a disaster and nothing to tout.

Paul said...

Gee, I wonder what TARP was for and which president pushed for it?

January 2009, months before Obama took office, 700,000 people lost their jabs that month.
Last month, under Obama, over 160,000 jobs added.

Another intellectual comment from the "confused" Randian. Now back to your blog to print more lies like Obama has increased only public sector jobs.

News Flash said...

Brian Nestande, CA Republican, Resigns As Chair After Voting With Democrats To Increase Taxes

Anonymous said...

Skudrunner is RN's alter ego. Literally. I wondered why RN always agrees with the lies Skudrunner writes.

Anonymous said...

Favorite Republican Lie #1: Obama has increased only public sector jobs.

Whoever believes that also believes Sarah Palin would have made a great president. The fools believe anything their puppetmasters put in front of their eyes.

skudrunner said...

"Obama has increased only public sector jobs"

Where is that stated because I don't remember seeing that said. Public sector jobs have decreased.

"January 2009, months before Obama took office, 700,000 people lost their jabs that month.
Last month, under Obama, over 160,000 jobs added."

Steve, you really didn't say that did you. How could in January 2009, MONTHS before obie took office. -- The inauguration of Barack Obama as the 44th President of the United States took place on Tuesday, January 20, 2009--

Dazed and confused

Anonymous said...

SKUDRUNNER: A NOUN, A VERB, AND "You didn't make that."

Anonymous said...

shaw...RN is calling you names over at his blog...i guess you've gotten to him...he reacts by calling you looney...classless

Republican Racism said...

RN calling people names?!

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