Paul Revere by Cyrus Dallin, North End, Boston



Wednesday, August 7, 2013

A Conservative Dream Playing Out In Small Town Pennsylvania?

Or not:

Gilberton, Pa., Police Chief Kessler Blocks Town Meeting With Armed Militia

That an unbalanced gun-nut could rise to the position of police chief in small town America is not surprising, that he could command a paramilitary unit to bar citizens from attending a town meeting is something no one except some creative Hollywood script writer would imagine for a movie, and then decide it was too crazy an idea--no one would believe that an American town would tolerate a maniac like that for its chief law enforcement officer.

And yet, it happened:

"Police Chief Mark Kessler has been heading up the Gilberton Police Department for several years. To an outsider, his life as the face of law in a small town was about as uneventful as you would expect. That is, until last month. On July 15, Kessler received international attention by posting a YouTube video in which he slammed 'libtards,' called John Kerry a traitor, bashed the U.N., and fired off dozens of rounds from an automatic rifle. 

A few days later, Kessler followed up on his first video by firing off more rounds of ammo in response to anyone who was offended by his first video. But in Gilberton, Kessler is known for a lot more than YouTube videos. In addition to being the town’s police chief, Kessler is the head of the Constitution Security Force (CSF), a 100-man militia that vows to protect gun rights in the small town. 

For years, residents of Gilberton have been uncomfortable with Kessler’s antics. Some even feared that he could begin using his militia to police the town. After Kessler’s videos were posted, residents of the town finally had something they could use against him in an attempt to remove him from his post as police chief. 

A town meeting was called, during which Kessler was suspended for using borough property for personal use. The town council ruled that Kessler used police department guns without permission. But the meeting was all but uneventful. 

At the meeting, more than 100 of Kessler’s militia members showed up. The men, all carrying firearms, blocked the entrance to the Gilberton Town Hall and prevented residents from going inside. Few managed to get past Kessler’s security, but those who did spoke to town councilmen about their disdain for Kessler and the position he holds in the town."


skudrunner said...

For a town of 700 to get 20000 signatures on a petition shows people will sign anything.

Would those same people sign a petition to get Holder fired for illegally selling guns that kill Americans.

Oh well as stated so often What difference does it make, presbo will just use executive privileged to protect him.

Shaw Kenawe said...

skudrunner, are you at all capable of coming here and commenting on a post without trashing the Obama Administration?

What the hell has AG Holder to do with this story? Can you tell me?

Other than changing the subject and redirecting it to your need to whine about all things Obama?

Talk about rotten blog manners.

That is the behavior of an internet troll.

Les Carpenter said...

@skudrunner... Are you supportive of Kessler and his antic?... Do you believe this is in the spirit of the Founding Fathers and the Constitution?... Would you want him to be the Police Chief in your town/city?

I have a idea, why not post something on your blog about...

"Would those same people sign a petition to get Holder fired for illegally selling guns that kill Americans.?

"Oh well as stated so often What difference does it make, presbo will just use executive privileged to protect him"...

We could all discuss the issue in detail then.

@ Shaw... This Kessler, and his band of Goosestepping Storm Troopers are a serious concern to everybody who values liberty and their rights under our Constitution and the laws of their individual states.

I am a advocate for the right of citizens to bear arms responsibly (we've discussed that here in the past)but this asshat CofP and his brigade of certifiable crazy's (and those like them) are big threats to the liberty we all cherish. Think Hitler, Stalin, Mao, the list goes on. Perhaps Kessler wishes to join the ranks?

BB-Idaho said...

'..more than a 100 of Kessler's militia members showed up.'
..I'm thinking they all wore
brownshirts with armbands...

Ducky's here said...

There is a deeper problem here.

They tried to nab this loon for using municipal property.
Why does a small town need that kind of fire power? Mr. Kessler is an early alarm for the problems coming as the police are militarized.

This is just a preview.

dmarks said...

This is a clear violation of rights. I always oppose this, including when strikers block entrances and harass workers. The right to protest does not include the right to do this.