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"Paul Ryan’s 'Muslim beard' is only the beginning.The birthers who believe President Obama is a secret Muslim now have successors in bearders who think GOP House leader Paul Ryan is also a Muslim because of his newly sprouted facial hairs. This might be seen as a sign that the American right has finally crossed the border into looney-land. Yet this sort of paranoid conspiracy theory has a long history, ranging from those who argued that Abraham Lincoln was 'part Negro' to the theory that Franklin Delano Roosevelt was Jewish." --Jeet Heer
The T-Goopers have been yelping about President Obama being a Muslim because, well, that's who they are, and everyone except the Goopers knows that to be exceptionally stupid.
But T-Goopers can and do out-stupid themselves on even that slab of idiocy. How? Republican Speaker of the House, Paul Ryan, has grown a beard, so, in their looney universe, that means he's turned MOOSLIM! I'm not making this up. That's their mentality
If you have a beard, you're definitely a Muslim (but Obummer never grew a beard!) Consistency is not in their lexicon, but lunacy runs deep in it.
It's the same mentality that keeps neo-fascist Donald Trump ahead of all the other TeaPublicans in the polls.
If you have a beard, you're definitely a Muslim!
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Oh Noes! Sarah! You too?!!!!! |
Best looking photo of Sarah I've ever seen!
I guess appearance is more important than what a person says or does to a T-Gooper. All you have to do is look. No thinking required.
"I guess appearance is more important than what a person says or does..."
That explains why the T-Goopers went wild over Sarah Palin.
Oh for %&$%#@#%&..... Every time I think these people have hit rock-bottom wingnut lunacy, they break out the excavating equipment on me and start digging deeper.
Would their heads explode if someone pointed out that Jesus almost certainly had a beard? (I know Jesus was before the founding of Islam, but I doubt the average teabagger knows stuff like that.)
I suppose this should serve as a warning of what Hillary's going to face in the general election. I used to say they'd accuse her of being born in Kenya, but no doubt they'll come up with much zanier stuff than that.
via FB buddy..."Conservatives aren't divorced from reality. Hell, they've never even dated."
well, fair is fair....Senator Ron Johnson and Ryan are growing the beards to bring attention to cancer awareness. Not sure what the beard has to do with it....a better mode would be to advance health care for everyone.
Sufer Dude, Sarah never looked prettier.
Infidel753, Ryan was once the darling of T-Goopery, now that he's worked with President Obama to pass a budget, he's turned into a demon Mooslim.
okjimm, I saw that on fb too. Thanks for posting it here.
Growing beards for cancer awareness? Never heard of it.
Yes, I'm sure this is connected with Ryan doing his job and getting a budget passed. On all the wingnut sites he's now the latest traitor, RINO, etc. And now a Muslim too.
When I wrote that comment I hadn't yet clicked your link to the picture of Jesus (suspiciously-Nordic teabagger version). But Lincoln, the first Republican President, had a beard -- will they declare him a Muslim too? Oh, wait, Lincoln was the leader of the evil War of Northern Aggression against the innocent states-rights-defending slave-holders of the saintly Confederacy. He must have been a veritable ayatollah.
I give up. How does one reason with such people?
Infidel753: "How does one reason with such people?"
An old friend from Kentucky used to say people like the T-Goopers have "gone all funny in the head." There's no reasoning with people like that. I've read on more than one T-Gooper blog how much they despise Ryan for working with Obama to pass a budget, and yes, they actually believe he's a traitor.
The T-GOP is no longer a political party; it is an insane asylum.
To the Obama haters and their unending complaints about his vacations:
President Vacation days:
George W. Bush 977 days
Johnson = 484 days
Ronald Reagan = 436 days
Bill Clinton = 174 days
Obama = 124 days
...Enough said
In GWB's case, too bad he didn't take more days off. Reagan too. He should have been on medical leave the last few years of his presidency.
I think it's just been Eddie Munster the whole time. Children of vampires and monsters have a slightly later adolescence.
Re:Obama's vacations. Obama haters don't base their hatred on facts they base their Obama hatreds on their disgust of having a certain person of a certain color in "their" White House. Obama has taken the least vacations of the presidents listed yet the haters said nothing about GWB when he took almost 3 years out of 8 on vacation? wonder why they weren't bitching about that...
The Democrat Party is running scared from Donalp Trump! He's going to be the next president so get used to that.
There, encapsulated in one sentence, is the essence of the Trump supporters. They can't get the names of their candidate or the opposition party correct.
That's why I let that comment through, Jerry -- perfect example of a Trumpista. I almost feel sorry for them. Almost.
Would their heads explode if someone pointed out that Jesus almost certainly had a beard? (I know Jesus was before the founding of Islam, but I doubt the average teabagger knows stuff like that.)
Still, they were distant cousins. Damn you, Abraham!
The Democrat Party is running scared from Donalp Trump!
How do you mishit a"P" for a "D"? Do you have a Muslim keyboard? They are nowhere near each other on my Christian qwerty board.
I thought perhaps Ryan was going for a Lincolnesque look. The lack of the stovepipe hat should have tipped me off. Then again, he's not wearing a taqiyah either. Sometimes a beard is just a beard.
They're Back
No doubt advance prep for a Ted Cruz stump speech.
I will take Palin's looks any day over Michelle Obama
Athletic body without looking like a half man body builder
The GOP has finally become completely unhinged. I'm still debating with myself over whether it is a comedy or a tragedy. We do after all need a consistently rational opposition party don't we? Certainly if our democratic republic is to survive as originally intended methinks.
Ducky and Shaw... I am waiting for the know it all extremists to chime in on this...
I've got plenty of personal friends from this area and they are not happy with the Bundy clan being up there...
Anon @8:12
Mrs. Obama has both intelligence and beauty.
Palin is a half-term governor who is known as a quitter and who is the laughing stock of the world. She'll never be anything in national politics or even in Alaskan politics. Ever!
So tell us how her looks benefitted her. If she had 1/4 the intelligence that Mrs. Obama has, perhaps Palin would be something other than a wingnut babbling on facebook. But she doesn't, so she won't.
So far the right wing blogs have been fairly quiet Dave (give them a chance).
One sentiment being put out in the early edition is asking why the Federal government owns land. The Libertarians are ready.
I've read varying accounts of the number of "patriots" with the range varying from a couple dozen to over a hundred. I would expect them to be there for some time. Any use of force by the government and you have a bunch of Terry McVeigh's jumping into action.
Oh yeah Michelle Obama is so is so intelligent she holds up signs on twitter that say "Bring home our girls" Wow what a braniac
I know this may be difficult to grasp but research the real reason Palin stepped down. It's because of the nastiness of the left and the frivolous lawsuits brought against her by your so called "wonderful leader' and his cronies.
Amazingly the lft is so blinded by the love for this president they can't even feel the big wire brushed dildo that is screwing them sideways
Anon wrote:
"I know this may be difficult to grasp but research the real reason Palin stepped down. It's because of the nastiness of the left and the frivolous lawsuits brought against her by your so called "wonderful leader' and his cronies."
Oh it's not difficult to grasp at all. The entire country saw Palin collapse like a wet cardboard box when the going got tough. It's just the sort of faint-heartedness one needs in a world leader, n'est pas? By your own words you've explained why she has been a complete and utter failure as a leader. She hasn't got the courage it takes to meet and defeat her enemies. When the going got tough, Palin got going. She's a pitbull with lipstick -- if the pitbull is made of cotton candy.
Also, Anon, tell us about your experience of dildos. We're fascinated by your knowledge of them.
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