Paul Revere by Cyrus Dallin, North End, Boston

Tuesday, September 29, 2020

Americans’ opinions on Trump’s debate debacle.

I tuned out after 15 minutes, after watching Chris Wallace lose control to a barking, interrupting, loud-mouth bully.  Joe Biden was dignified and handled Trump the way a bully should be handled, with contempt. Trump is a monster.  — S.K.

Level 1:
America, this president has shown his ass tonight. He does not deserve to sit in that chair behind the Resolute Desk; nor does he deserve the respect afforded his predecessors--he has not earned it. His performance tonight disgraced the American people. #Debates2020

“No hyperbole: The incumbent’s behavior this evening is the lowest moment in the history of the presidency since Andrew Johnson’s racist state papers.” —Historian, John Meachem

CANCEL the REMAINING PRESIDENTIAL DEBATES. It is impossible to have an orderly, productive exchange with Donald Trump. Stop pretending otherwise. #Debate2020 —Larry Sabato

“I’m a mom. I live in an upper class subdivision in Ohio. I can not stand Trump interrupting and being so disrespectful. Reminds me of my abusive Ex husband. He is unstable and in no way suitable to lead our country.”

“If @realDonaldTrump won’t follow the rules of the debate,  what are the chances he will follow the rules of the election? Zilch.”

“The whole debate is a microcosm of our national nightmare. A complete sociopath barking at everyone as everyone tries do their best to kind of work normal.”

“ I have to compliment Donald Trump on doing an excellent job at tonight’s debate of demonstrating that he is a despicable ignorant fool.”

“I've seen toddlers at birthday parties coked up on cake and Capri Suns and riding the high of terrorizing their siblings with the piñata-beating stick be more coherent and respectful of others' right to speak than the current president of the United States.”

Michelle Obama has said, "Being president doesn't change who you are; it reveals who you are." 

"As the world was reminded last night, the Republican incumbent has been revealed as a scared and dishonest fraud, indifferent toward rules, limits, and reality, unable to present a platform, a vision, or a coherent message. 

What viewers saw, in other words, was Donald Trump being Donald Trump -- the voice we see at the rallies, and one we read on Twitter, is the same voice he brought to the debate stage." --Steve Benen


VAN JONES: “Only three things happened for me tonight. No. 1, Donald Trump refused to condemn white supremacy. No. 2, the president of the United States refused to condemn white supremacy. No 3., the commander in chief refused to condemn white supremacy on the global stage, in front of my children, in front of everybody’s families, and he was given the opportunity multiple times to condemn white supremacy. And he gave a wink and a nod to a racist, Nazi, murderous organization that is now celebrating online, that is now saying, ‘We have a go-ahead.’ Look at what ... the Proud Boys are doing right now online because the president of the United States refused to condemn white supremacy. That’s the only thing that happened tonight.”


The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Chris Wallace: "Will you urge your supporters to stay calm during this extended period (while mail-in votes are counted) and not to engage in any civil unrest. And will you pledge tonight that you will not declare victory until the election has been independently certified".

Trump: No.

That's not a quote, but Dotard would not agree with what Wallace asked. He insisted that "it's already been established" that the election results will be fraudulent. Biden answered straightforwardly "Yes".

Dotard also said the Proud Boys should "stand by". Will we see civil unrest after Dotard declares victory on election night? Yeah, I definitely think it could happen :(

Les Carpenter said...


The rage in trump is unsettling to say the least. America witnessed, the world witnesses, a real shit show compliments of a madman, Donald J. trump.

Fed Up in Rutland said...

He refused to honor the military. He refused to denounce white supremacy. He refused to assure the American people that he wants-and will honor-their vote. Who votes for this guy? I honest to God want to understand.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Derv, RN, Fed UP in Rutland,

That wasn't a debate; it was a debacle! Trump's apologists are on their blogs making excuses for the worst performance by a president in a debate in living memory. I've seen performing seals do a better job of barking and flapping around on the stage.

The only thing to take away from that miserable performance by Trump is that he's getting worse in his already rotten behavior. And he and his cultists want four more years of that?

Joe Biden did the best he could, considering he was on stage with an out-of-control maniac. I thought, the little I saw, that Biden had great restraint. Maybe he understood that there's not much one can do when being confronted with a mentally unstable person having an "incident" in front of America and the world.

I agree with those who say another one of these is useless. Trump doesn't talk policy -- he doesn't know what he stands for, other than bullying and posturing and tearing America apart.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Charlie Pierce, Esquire: The President's Debate Performance Was Pure Fascism
Donald Trump wants his own private Belarus, with his own private militias at polling places, and in the streets if he loses. And he's fixing things to get it, too.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Conservative Max Boot: "While Trump spoke nonstop, he did not have one word to say — not one — to condemn white supremacy. He was offered the opportunity to disassociate himself from white supremacists and odious far-right groups such as the Proud Boys. He would not — could not — do it. This is what he said: “Proud Boys, stand back and stand by.” That’s not a condemnation. It sounds more like an order. The Proud Boys were delighted. Anyone with any sense of decency was appalled."

Meanwhile, none of the far right bloggers have said one word about this shocking statement from Trump. Trump has incited a paramilitary force to riot and cause mayhem -- with the possible result of death to Americans -- should Trump fall behind in votes on election night.


Pure fascism, and apparently, those bloggers support it.

skudrunner said...

I would say biden got a 4 out of ten and trump got a 2 so if you go by that biden won. The looser was the American people because neither of them debated they just argued and yes trump was over the top.

Biden stuck to the script and it shows that three months in a basement preparing worked. It was all about covid, not answering any question and staying engaged. He did what what his handlers programmed him to do. His one gaff was denying pelosi, AOC and accepting the green deal. He was very good at not answering questions but diverting it to how bad trump was but the moderator didn't ask the question again.

Trump was trump. No prep because in his mid he is the smartest person on the planet so why should he have handlers, didn't work so well. He tried to get joey to lose it and he almost succeeded but joey stayed with his script. If trump had of shut up he could have capitalized on a few issued biden side stepped but he kept roaring through.

Overall the debates provided no information on the candidates other than they both were total asses. Advantage biden

Shaw Kenawe said...

Well, of course, skud would come here angry because the GOP candidate made an ass of himself and embarrassed America for having put this jackass in office in the first place.

Joe Biden was calm, dignified, even when he told Trump to shut up and called him a clown. That was the only reaction a normal person could give to someone as unhinged, petulant, and puerile as Trump was in that debate.

You, like the far right Trump cultist bloggers and commenters had absolutely nothing to say about Trump's fascistic encouragement to paramilitary forces to "stand down and stand by."

That's an invitation for those thugs and hoodlums to commit violence, mayhem, and possibly murder should their idol, Trump lose or even appear to be losing, on Nov. 3.

That you ignored Trump's blatant call to arms of a paramilitary group of thugs is indicative of your willful blindness to evil.

And after witnessing last night, there's no doubt about Trump's essential evil and his destructive impulses on our democratic American norms.

Why is it so difficult for you and those on the far right blogs you comment on to condemn Trump's embrace of lawlessness?

Les Carpenter said...

The truth skud is Biden attempred to have a debate. And he was prepared. Dotard the Facist right from the get go dis everything to distrupt the format. To bully his way into taking control. Unfortunately Wallace was no march for the planets biggest jackass. Dotard the Fascist - .5 for showing up.

Biden, given Dotard the Fascist's constant interruptions, badgering, and personal attacks against Biden's family dis a REMARKABLE job of keeping his cool for the most part. Biden - 6 for substance and honesty. Would be higher were it not for Dotard the Fascist and his bullying and distractions.

Frankly, how Biden maintained his composure escapes me. He's a better man than Dotard the Fascist by light-years.

Having anymore debates will be pointless. And it will give Dotard the Fascist more opportunity to whip his Fascist base into a frenzy.

Dotard the Fascist is a clear and present danger.

Dave Miller said...

From FOX News Brian Kilmeade on the Fox and Friends morning show... “Donald Trump blew the biggest layup in the history of debates by saying, not condemning white supremacists..."

Need we say more?

Why could he not condemn white supremacists? Could it be because in so doing, he'd be admitting they even exist? Or maybe he knows he cannot afford to lose those voters. In any event, those are the racist voters Pat Buchanan admitted were "GOP voters" in the 1968 elections and which the party has never, never condemned.

It's in the DNA of the Republican party.

Dave Miller said...

Of course Biden stuck to his script. All he had to do was show up and let Trump go off the rails, which he did. At least in the 20 minutes I could stomach.

At the end of the day I would say Skud was right, the American people are the losers.

They question is why? Was it because Pres Trump decided he wanted a knife fight, or because Biden came in itching for a fight? Which one of these two candidates made the calculation and acted on that to make this into the debacle it was?

Dave Miller said...

Speaking of last night, the rules, as announced by Chris Wallace and reported widely by many in the media were that only the moderator and the candidates were permitted to be maskless.

No one on the Trump family wore a mask and Trump's handlers could be seen everywhere without masks prior to the start of the debate.

Why was that?

Finally, before I tuned out, the question turned to Covid and Trump's rallies. Trump stated that all of his rallies were outdoors, and bragged about his attendance at those rallies. Simply put, President was lying. The rally in Tulsa was indoors. The recent rally in Las Vegas was indoors. And few people wore masks.

Lies, more lies and damn lies.

Anonymous said...

Here's one of Trumps biggest fans excusing his call to paramilitary thugs to "stand by:"

"The Proud Boys notoriety may be undeserved. I don't know. I see nothing of the Proud Boys here in Northern Virginia -- except to pray for our nation."

So as long as they "pray for our nation," their fascism and thuggery are okay with this Trump cultist. She would have been one of those "Good Germans" who pretended not to know about the ovens.

Here's what the little fascistic lady likes about the "Proud Boys," as long as they pray for America, all's right with the alt-right thugs:

Proud Boys have appeared alongside other hate groups at extremist gatherings like the "Unite the Right" rally in Charlottesville. Indeed, former Proud Boys member Jason Kessler helped to organize the event, which brought together Klansmen, antisemites, Southern racists, and militias. Kessler was only “expelled” from the group after the violence and near-universal condemnation of the Charlottesville rally-goers.

“Let’s not bullshit,” Brian Brathovd, aka Caeralus Rex, told his co-hosts on the antisemitic The Daily Shoah — one of the most popular alt-right podcasts. If the Proud Boys “were pressed on the issue, I guarantee you that like 90% of them would tell you something along the lines of ‘Hitler was right. Gas the Jews.’”

And she teaches children! God help us all!

skudrunner said...

I have never heard of the proud boys but I assume they are real unlike ANTIFA which is not real.

RN, Biden came out to show he could stand up to trump and stay awake. He did both but didn't answer any question and deflected to trumps behavior and of course covid is all trumps fault. Trump was horrible and showed his bully self. I wouldn't be surprised if joey backs out of future debates because this was his shinning moment.

As to our future, Cayman bank account looks good now. With harris winning taxes will go through the roof but the good thing is no one needs to work.

Lars said...

The President of the United States is. White supremacist. Never thought I write that in my lifetime. But there it is.

Les Carpenter said...

@ skud, I leave exasperation on the dust bin of trumpism.

I only hope the nightmare of Dotard the Fascist is over soon. Very Soon.

Dave Miller said...

Well Skud... a quick glance at the transcripts of the debate show quite a lot of answers from Biden and even some from Trump between all the arguing. I can't understand where you get that Biden "was all about not answering questions".

BB-Idaho said...

2nd graders have no place on a college debate forum.
Got that, Chris Wallace? Has it come to placing a land mine
under each debater and interdicting the one doing all the
interrupting? C'mon Trump, send out Kellyanne Conway, Pence
or any other of your semi-literates, stay home and polish your
golden toilet. Maybe the Proud Boys will help you.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Dotard says he never heard of the Proud Boys either. Just like he's never heard of David Duke. Also, (as Minus said on my blog) the Proud Boys "officially reject white supremacy". They lie. Dotard lies. Because they know mainstream America rejects White Supremacy. But they think they can get enough of the people who are stupid and/or not paying attention on their side by simply lying about their hate. Minus does it constantly. According to him, Stephen Miller isn't a White Supremacist (and he can't be -- because he's Jewish).

By the way... best line of the debate: "Will you shut up, man". LOL. "Keep yapping, man".

skudrunner said...

Rev, Debates are for candidates to express their opinions and plans. On many occasions biden was asked a question and he diverted to covid and trump. Granted trump didn't give him much chance to answer which was on him. Are you going to pack the court where he was allowed to not answer that question and even now uses the pelosi in you will have to elect me to find out.
In hindsight all trump had to do was shut up and biden would hang himself but that is not trump. The December results will show cruella/biden as the winners then covid will go away, riots will cease and all will be right with the world.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Oh skud, you sound bitter. Is the reality of how the polls are going getting to you?

Did it not occur to you that the American people are fed up with the man who's supposed to be the POTUS and who's supposed to "preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution" and who DID NOT CONDEMN PROUD BOYS, a far-right and neo-fascist male-only organization that promotes and engages in political violence. It is based in the United States and has a presence in Australia, Canada and the United Kingdom.

I can only imagine what your reaction would have been had President Obama encouraged a militant Black militia during a debate; or if President Obama told his supporters to go to the polls on election day and intimidate people who are voting because he is afraid of losing.

However, I CAN IMAGINE. You and your friends on those far right fringe-Trump Cult blogs would be screaming until blood came out of your eyes, ears, and mouths.

You see, you and they have double standards, and as I've noted before, if it weren't for double standards you and they would have no standards at all.

The good news is that Americans have had it with the Maniac-in-Chief and his lying, cheating, and fraud and with the fools who keep supporting this awful human being.

You've had plenty of time to disassociate yourselves from this menace to American democracy and you and they have failed that simple test.

Don't be surprised if millions and millions of Americans take a long, long time to forgive this betrayal by TrumpCultists to this country.

Lee Arnold said...

The single greatest threat to American democracy and world security is not Donald trump. It is the entire Republican Party. What we witnessed the Republican party through his Donald trump. He personifies them, represents them, speaks what is in their hearts, advocates for them, is supported and advised by them. His lies are their lies.

Les Carpenter said...

As I said in a response to one of Dave's Comments on my site:

We are dying as The Shining City On A Hil that RWR spoke about are morphing into The Dark Tower. If you're familiar with the LOR's you know what I'm refering to.

You make an excellent point Lee. trump is simply the largest single cancerous leasion on a very large malignant party and its now bastardized ideology.

Dave Miller said...

Remember Skud... If you view Biden as a predator, which you do, you must view Trump as a monster.

And yet you do not.

Why? Why is it you you come here and occasionally are critical of Trump, yet on the HMS Mothership or at AOW, seldom is heard a discouraging word about him from you?

Since we're speaking of double standards.

skudrunner said...

Rev, I have said on multiple time trump is scum and a liar. Biden is a nice guy who has a history of telling non truths as well so I guess they are both liars. I can't accuse biden of being a predator because it was only one women who came forward and that doesn't count.

Hate from any person or group is wrong and he should have just said he does not condone and hate group including white separatists but he didn't. the debates provided no answers to any questions from either party and I don't think ANTIFA is an idea but a radical, violent organization so both of them did not speak against hate. Biden has taken the pelosi approach to packing the court, you have to vote for me to know what I will do.

We will finally have a women president and thank goodness it was not -H-.

Shaw Kenawe said...

skud: "and I don't think ANTIFA is an idea but a radical, violent organization"

Trump's own FBI Director said Antifa is NOT an organization.

Trump's own FBI director has also stated that White Supremacists are the biggest danger to domestic violence. NOT Antifa.

Trump refused to denounce and condemn Proud Boys, a White Supremacist group. The first time in my life I heard a POTUS appeal to White Supremacist group.

You can have your own opinions, skud, but not your own facts. I've provided you with facts.

skudrunner said...

Ms Shaw, I do hope we can reach some stability in the country and put some of the hate away. Maybe when cruella/biden get in office we will see the hate disappear. I guess the media will have to turn the attacks on conservatives instead of all trump all the time.

I am not sure how anyone can say ANTIFA doesn't exist when you see signs proclaiming their name. Guess the signs were just an thought and not real. At least we will have no more riots because AP declared it harms the sensitivities of the people looting and burning.

I had not heard of the proud boys until the debacle.