Paul Revere by Cyrus Dallin, North End, Boston


General John Kelly: "He said that, in his opinion, Mr. Trump met the definition of a fascist, would govern like a dictator if allowed, and had no understanding of the Constitution or the concept of rule of law."

Saturday, March 2, 2024


An adjudicated rapist, convicted tax fraudster, and guy facing 91 felony counts openly bribes a judge overseeing one of his trials with a Supreme Court nomination!

The current broken Republican Party wants this failed human being to lead our country!


Mike said...

tRUMP is just a rotten turd!

Joe Conservative said...

Gotta love the Trump media straturgery. Create a reflexive environment that makes the Court System into a Campaign Strength.

A nod to Alinsky: “push a negative hard enough and deep enough it will break through into its counter side”

What's the current political thing? 0 Trump, Trump, Trump!...

Les Carpenter said...

Pathetic. Sick. Disgusting. Lie. Suppoted. By. A. Pathetic.Sick. Disgusting. Party.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Joe Con ignores that indisputable fact that Trump openly bribed a judge, who is overseeing his criminal trial, with a nomination to the SCOTUS! He jumps in with some psychological gobbledegook that doesn't address the horrendous fact that Trump believes when he nominates and gets a judge seated in a federal court, he owns her or him, and that judge should decide anything in his favor, whether it is legal or not. IOW, Trump is a classic authoritarian who does NOT believe in the rule of law; he believes in the rule of Trump.

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

Trump's game here is pretty obvious if one has paid attention to him. He most likely sees some rulings going against him so he's setting a stage to disqualify the judge and further delay proceedings. He's gonna play this game till he finally dies of old age. The republicans are much too deluded and cowed to call him out. Sadly the justice system seems to be impotent when it comes to Trump.

Les Carpenter said...

Excellent observation Joe "Truth 101" Kelly. I tend to agree w/you.

Dave Dubya said...

And there it is. Best justice money and bribery can buy. Cannon must recuse or be removed.