Paul Revere by Cyrus Dallin, North End, Boston


General John Kelly: "He said that, in his opinion, Mr. Trump met the definition of a fascist, would govern like a dictator if allowed, and had no understanding of the Constitution or the concept of rule of law."

Tuesday, March 5, 2024


Félicitations pour la protection des filles et des femmes dans votre pays.


The French saw what happened here, and moved to secure by law abortion rights:


Les Carpenter said...

A sane country and government.

Something the united states ought to try on for size.

But nope. Not us. Apperetly we prefer minority rule by folks whose preference is authoritarianism by religous dogma and a beared guy in the sky.

Joe Conservative said...

I love to watch Frenchmen committing suicide.

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

They act with an obedient herd mentality to whatever they think they should cheer for Les. Even in their hearts if they know something the preacher or politician said is bullshit, they cheer or nod in agreement anyway. The hatred they show towards anyone not in the "herd" is really scary. They justify heinous acts like school shootings by blaming God's will. Incredible how easy it is for their "leaders" for lack of any other way to describe them, to manipulate them. Abortion is an issue that exposes how easily manipulated they are. As is gun control. Their blasphemy, yeah, I'm a Christian, is off the charts. They love the John Wayne character that embodied independence and self reliance and honesty, yet the maga nation has none of these qualities. Their mindless sheep in silly hats that would cheer a pile of dog crap if Trump told them to.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Joe Conservative said...
"I love to watch Frenchmen committing suicide."

Mais non! Plus de filles et de femmes vivront. Ils ne seront pas contraints porter des fœtus morts et mourront !

Vive La France!

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

And as usual the many faced troll, old JoeC adds a meaningless comment that serves no purpose to any discussion. Sorry my friend from the right, you will never be invited to Mara Largo. Your only reward is you still may be able to view pics of a naked Melania. That ought to keep your hands busy for a minute or two so you're not posting your nonsense someplace.

Les Carpenter said...

And i love to watch -fj always be wrong about everything. LOL!

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

"Le cœur meurt lentement, perdant chaque espoir comme des feuilles jusqu'au jour où il n'y en a plus. Aucun espoir. Rien ne subsiste." - Arthur Golden, "Memoirs of a geisha"

Shaw Kenawe said...

L’espoir est éternel.

Vive La France!

Shaw Kenawe said...

For reasons unknown, when Les comments in BOLD or ITALICS, it carries forward remains on everyone's comment, even if they do not themselves use ITALICS or BOLD.

Can anyone explain this? Why does it happen only when Les uses BOLD and ITALICS?

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

The entire page is in bold because the snippet in the featured post has one unclosed < b> tag.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Joe "Truth 101" Kelly: "They [MAGA] love the John Wayne character that embodied independence and self reliance and honesty, yet the maga nation has none of these qualities."

I've always been amused by how Conservatives admire a fictional John Wayne character, without knowing what the true character of the man John Wayne (nee: Marion Morrison) was: "A heavy drinker who didn't trust a man who did NOT drink. "John Wayne’s bosses shot scenes before noon when star began drinking: ‘He's a mean drunk.'"

From an interview in "Playboy Magazine:" Wayne also shared his thoughts about Native Americans:

" 'I don't feel we did wrong in taking this great country away from them,’ he said."

There's a bit of a parallel here: MAGAs adore the fake persona they've built around Trump: masculine, strong, fearless, fighter, defender of their faith. In reality he's an adjudicated sexual assaulter/rapist, tax fraudster, and facing 91 felony counts. IOW, as phony as John Wayne. MAGAs live in a deluded fantasy world where nothing resembles reality.

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

So is an abortion Constitutional amendment going to be on the Democratic Platform this year? The Mooch says she's not running, meaning blacks won't be showing up at the polls in November. So free abortion is the only way anyone would ever show up to the polls for Dementia Joe.

Les Carpenter said...

It probably happens when i forget to close italics or bold. Blame me. I've broad shoulders.

Shaw Kenawe said...

"-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...
So is an abortion Constitutional amendment going to be on the Democratic Platform this year? The Mooch says she's not running, meaning blacks won't be showing up at the polls in November. So free abortion is the only way anyone would ever show up to the polls for Dementia Joe."

That's nice, Dear.

Les Carpenter said...

Actually, most all of us spend our time in relative or conditioned reality. Not realizing it really isn't true or absolute reality.

A very few live their lives recognizing relative reality is not true, or absolute reality. Those folks are either laughing at, or feeling sorry for us. I suspect it the latter.

As for cults, like the cult of the orange hued human orangutan, well, that's straight up delusional reality. For which a cure has not yet been found.

Mike said...

I saw that on the news last night. Soon we may have to set up mercy flights to France.

Dave Dubya said...

"I love to watch Frenchmen committing suicide."

It would seem Kremlin Agent -FJ/Joe Con would be the type to find glee in Hitler's celebration of the French surrender at Compiègne.

And of course they support Putin's war crimes in Ukraine as well.

After all the Nazis implemented just what they want:

On October 10, 1936 Heinrich Himmler created the Reich Central Office for Combating Homosexuality and Abortion, or Special Office (II S), a sub-department of Executive Department II of the Gestapo.

“When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time.” ~Maya Angelou

skudrunner said...

Leslie, You are taking your enlightenment to a higher level. Have you thought about your higher calling of course you would have to move. If trump wins you may consider it.

Les Carpenter said...

Who knows. If the orange hued human orangutan wins, compliments of the corrupt scotus, i just might. Certainly not excited to live in what would then quite possibly be the world's biggest shuthole.

Les Carpenter said...

Shithole, not shuthole.

Shaw Kenawe said...

SKUDRUNNER: "Leslie, You are taking your enlightenment to a higher level. Have you thought about your higher calling of course you would have to move. If trump wins you may consider it."

I'm not answering for Les. But he and I live in the same state, Massachusetts. If we have the disastrous misfortune to have another 4 years of Trump, I won't move. Luckily, I live in an enlightened state, so I won't have to.

No one tells us what books we can or cannot read, we're not afraid of drag queens, we believe in science, we're not bullied by extreme religious people into accepting THEIR religious prohibitions, we believe a medical doctor is the best person to determine what kind of treatment is best for a girl or woman who finds herself in a dangerous pregnancy -- not judges and politicians. We have the highest number of people with graduate degrees and the lowest number of uninsured residents. We're not perfect, and we don't pretend to be. But year after year Massachusetts is rated among the best states to live in because of its quality of life.

Even if the rapist somehow gets back in the WH, he can't do much harm to us here in Massachusetts. We'll be fine; we'll ignore the malignant narcissist and his administration.

Les Carpenter said...

I've not forgotten history or what fascism did to the country from which a set of my grandparents lives originated in.

If the orange hued human orangutan gets back into what would then be the Black House of Criminality, and his con/republican fascist sychophants are in majority the risk to our state will be as it was in 1933 Germany.

This shit that is Trump is more dangerous than perhaps you realize.

Yeah, Massachusetts is a great state to live in. Trump and his party in power, with the corrupt scotus behind him will not be acceptable to an idependent freedom loving individual.

skudrunner said...

Hopefully the DNC will do what is right and anoint an acceptable candidate although I don't see one in their ranks. I will admit that no one would be worse than the two front runners and one of the fears is joey b will not complete his term and we would be stuck with something worse. At least joey b has jill to guide him and his handlers to make his decisions. Not sure cruella can get out of her own way let alone make a statement people can understand.

The SCOUS has always been biased but at least they were unanimous in deciding anyone can be on the ballot even a criminal.

Grey One talks sass said...

skud makes their same old same old tired points which have been debunked on this blog many times. The numbers aren't on your side skud. Perhaps you need something new? Have you tried facts? I know the first time is scary but once you get used to them they can be your friends.

To paraphrase what MAGA says, the tears and fears of ones enemy make an amazing morning beverage.

Les Carpenter said...

The broken record of skuddiness continues to try and find equivalency between Trump & Biden and the gop &
democrats. There is none scud and you damn well know it.

But keep plugging the lie. We're sure you have plenty of falacious company.