Paul Revere by Cyrus Dallin, North End, Boston


General John Kelly: "He said that, in his opinion, Mr. Trump met the definition of a fascist, would govern like a dictator if allowed, and had no understanding of the Constitution or the concept of rule of law."

Monday, March 18, 2024


Trump unable to secure $454 million appeal bond in New York civil fraud case, his attorneys say 


Dave Miller said...

Welcome to America. As Baretta used to intone regularly, and in real life found out himself, if you can't do the time, don't do the crime.

Now we wait to see what Trump will do to either post his bond so he can appeal, or how he will pay his debt.

And I'm pretty sure all of former "law & order" folks will be up in arms about the double standard.

What we've seen seen the OJ verdict, when the majority doesn't like a verdict, they suddenly are not quite as law & order as they once were.

Why is that?

Shaw Kenawe said...

From Occupy Democrats:

“The presumptive Republican nominee for President is desperate for $454 million(and counting) which he cannot personally access. That fact alone makes him a massive national security risk because any foreign adversary seeking to buy a U.S. President now knows the price.”

Chasten didn’t stop there, also warning that, “We already lack clarity on what security was provided for the $91M bond he posted in response to the E. Jean Carroll case. That is already a plenty BFD. A guy who wants your trust and wants to be President should disclose his liabilities. The fact that we don't know this about someone running for the highest office in the land shifts the liability onto our democracy itself. If House Republicans(and in particular, the leadership of the Judiciary Committee) gave a damn about our democracy they would be issuing subpoenas for this instead of their Hunter Biden fetish. The fact that they aren't tells you what they think about democracy too — and yes, there is a massive problem that the Senate isn't doing this either. That problem rhymes with shmilibuster."

Well said, Congressman Casten. America’s national security apparatus, as well as Congress, must be on high-alert given Donald Trump’s criminal background and history of selling America out to the highest bidder — especially now that he is facing such a massive cash crunch.

America’s enemies are watching — and salivating at the idea of purchasing an American presidential candidate for pennies on the dollar."

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

He's so highly leveraged there is no way he could raise the money or get a loan against his properties. I imagine his friends at Deutsche Bank are sweating things out. From what I gather they are so far exposed to Trump's debt they can't afford to foreclose. The Occupy folks are correct about Trump being a serious security threat.

Anonymous said...

With a shrug and a shucks the MAGA cult of America will vote for the Orange Man or JFK Jr. Thus handing the presidency to tRump and the autocratic authoritarian foreign supporters of tRump.

The gop is now nothing but a serious domestic threat to this nation, the entire free world, and stability across the globe.

Wake up soon or kiss this democratic republic goodbye for good.

Dave Miller said...

It's interesting. Trump claims his wealth, despite his assertions in court, under penalty of perjury that he has 400 million is cash, is all tied up in real estate and golf courses.

Okay, I believe him.

So let's go with this. Trump forks over 400 million in cash and the rest can come from his properties. Just like you, me and our kids if we end up in jail, he can get a mortgage against the appraised value of his home or other properties.

Right or wrong, that's what Americans have been doing for years to satisfy a legal bond. It should be no problem for Trump, unless he's been lying about his real wealth and those properties are already over leveraged.

Anonymous said...

It's what some Americans have been doing for years simply to satisfy their materialistic desires in their effort to "keep up with the neighbors." American materialism has no equals.