Paul Revere by Cyrus Dallin, North End, Boston


General John Kelly: "He said that, in his opinion, Mr. Trump met the definition of a fascist, would govern like a dictator if allowed, and had no understanding of the Constitution or the concept of rule of law."

Friday, March 22, 2024


 MT Greene is calling to vacate Mike Johnson as Speaker of the House.

House Trumpublicans again showing the American people that the only thing they’re good for is chaos and failed impeachments.


Anonymous said...


The now totally inept and useless rethuglican party continues to show America its complete abrogation of responsibility and slavish devotion to a liar, insurrectionist, rapist, tax fraudster, racist, and morally bankrupt and corrupt individual. Donald J. Trump.

When America finally collapses, if it does, it will be due to the chaos and complete confusion of the gop. If we a re so foolish as to give these gop halfwits the government the we will have deserved what is coming to us.

Hopefully other democractic countries will be willing to take US citizens seeking asylum into their country if this county is stupid enough to ever give trump and the gop the government.

Mike said...

Any republican house leader who shows the slightest bit of cooperation with the Democrats is going to get the boot. I don't know what he did but it was enough to turn Marjorie Taylor green.

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

This lady thrives on anarchy chaos and just plain shitheadedness. I say republicans should just make her the Speaker if nothing else to expose her ignorance to the party as a whole. Which they are well aware of but maybe they will do something finally to rid themselves of her and her ilk. memories are short, It would only take one election cycle for them to gain whatever seats they lost.

Grey One talks sass said...

Mike, Speaker Johnson (I'm not a fan of his but he's doing the job he was selected to do) worked with the Senate Majority Leader and President Biden. According to the video I've watched of MTG, she considered that one act of cooperation with "the enemy" to avoid shutting down the country a line too far.

The day she said she'd filed the papers to remove the speaker (no timeline, reporters, because this is all theater after all) she was whining to the media about how her caucus wasn't allowed to add amendments to an agreement already finalized.

MTG really believes she represents the rest of the country (her constituents tell her so dontchaknow) and wants to be the tail that wags the dog. Also she may have mentioned to one or two colleagues that she plans on using this issue to fund raise.

I've never liked MTG from the day I watched her harass David Hogg after he and his classmates decided to do something about school shooting because (and the hypocrisy of this woman is off the charts) their school was shot up and many of their friends died. MTG also earned my ire when she filmed herself at AOC's office, claiming that AOC (from NY) worked for her (MTG from GA). Not sure how that all works, one being from one state and MTG never having lived in NY but it certainly reveals the non-workings of MTG's brain.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Anonymous, Mike, Joe "Truth 101" Kelly, Grey One talks sass

Marge is out for herself. She's a grandstander and chaos agent, like Trump, and exceedingly stupid. Most of the time when she speaks at a committee session in the House she makes a complete ass of herself.

I say, give her more exposure so she can continue to inDICKt herself. LOL!