Paul Revere by Cyrus Dallin, North End, Boston


General John Kelly: "He said that, in his opinion, Mr. Trump met the definition of a fascist, would govern like a dictator if allowed, and had no understanding of the Constitution or the concept of rule of law."

Monday, March 4, 2024

Trump is not well.


Listen to Trump at the very start of this YouTube video. His speech is horribly garbled and incomprehensible. 

My older sister had a form of Alzheimer's disease, and she did the EXACT SAME THING Trump is doing in the beginning of this video. She'd be having a normal conversation, then she'd garble her words and make no sense. I remember saying to my other sister that it was as though she got "tangled up" in her words, and nothing came out that made any sense. This is happening to Trump. And it will only get worse. Believe me. I know.

Later in the video, you hear Trump compensate for other speech problems because of the onset of dementia.


And if that isn't enough to prove that he's in serious mental decline, read what he tells his easily deceived MAGAs and other idiots like Hannity:

Donald Trump: “They will kill the baby in eight months, nine months. Under Roe v. Wade, they had the right to kill the baby after birth. I mean, literally, after birth in some cases.”

That is, of course, a lie. A very big lie. But his easily bamboozled MAGAs will believe that in the delivery room, after a woman has given birth, somehow, the doctors take it upon themselves to murder the newborn, and no one, not the nurses or others in attendance report the murder. If anyone actually believes that rot, then they're as mentally unstable as Trump is.

Trump is a danger to our children's health. He's insane: 

"Trump said in Richmond, that he will take all federal funds away from public schools that require vaccines. Like most states, Virginia requires MMR vaccine, chickenpox vaccine, polio, etc. So Trump would take millions in federal funds away from all Virginia public schools."


Les Carpenter said...

The only people as out of touch with reality as the donnie are those who believe his lies and those who vote for the seriously flawed/damaged human form.

skudrunner said...

So you are saying we now have two candidates who do not have the mental capacity to be president. Stumblin joe and delusional don. I've said all along that we can do better and we should indict jill for elder abuse. She has convinced him to just show up once in awhile, misread a prepared speech and she will make sure he gets off the stage. He has a cush job by being lead around and letting others make all the decisions. Does she get paid as a care giver or she just loves being first lady?

Shaw Kenawe said...

Skudrunner, the problem with your comment is that you provide nothing to back it up. It’s your opinion, and you’re entitled to it.

John Harwood —look him up — has had one-on-one interviews with Biden, and he completely disagrees with your opinion. An opinion, I might add NOT BASED ON PERSONAL KNOWLEDGE, as Harwood’s is.

International leaders disagree with you as well. You buy into what you read by anti-Biden folks, not from actual assessment of Biden’s cognitive ability. I provided an actual video where you can see and hear for yourself what’s
happening to Trump.

skudrunner said...

Ms. Shaw, I will take it you have not watched joey fumble and mumble. Given enough money and attention and professionals will say anything. Just look at RR doctor in his last year pronounce him fit. when is joey going to have an open press conference where he is asked questions not his mouthpiece. Not sure which is worse joey b or his mouthpiece.

Les Carpenter said...

Nope. Just one.

The orange hued human orangutan has proven he is unqualified, incapable, and too narcissistic and stupid to be president.

On the other hand Presiden Biden is fully qualified, fully capable, cares about ALL people and the United States of America, and best of all, he ain't no crimminal.

Your bulls*it babbling is getting very old skud. But hey, it's your thing. I get it. Youse a scared whittle man of privilege worrying about losing it all. The world is changing and you're strugging to keep up.

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

My friend from the right, old Skudsy, seems to forget that even early on in Trump's term as president he had aides that hid things from him out of fear he'd do something irrational. The lies he tells during speeches that are on a teleprompter indicate he has trouble seeing or deciphering the words on the screen so he makes things up.
I openly admit that while Biden is old and does suffer some of the things that come with old age, I suffer a few myself, am very thankful Biden is president right now. It's sad Skuds and so many others are now willing to use age as an attack on whomever they don't like. For shame.

Dave Miller said...

This past weekend at one of Trump's rallies, the former president said this...

"For our great veterans, we [my administration] passed VA Accountability and VA Choice". Of course the crowd cheered at the mention of this important legislation, which was passed on an overwhelming bipartisan basis.

But there was a problem, as there always is with the former president.

He was either wildly mistaken, or blatantly lying.

Or perhaps, as Shaw asserts in her post, his mind is more addled than he is letting on. Because that bill was signed into law by then President Obama on August 7, 2014.

Does the former president not know this? Is he unaware of the bills he's signed into law? Even one so important as the VA Choice and Accountability Act?

Or does he know he had nothing to do with it, yet wants his supporters to think he did, so he is lying to them about his actions?

It's hard to say, but for GOP partisans to be vocally critical of Biden's age and not also say the same about their standard bearer seems just a little hypocritical to me.

Les Carpenter said...

You skud offer absolutely nothing but right wing talking points that the conditioned folks on the right marinate in. You never offer substantially credible evidence supporting your opinion. If you did rather than your unfounded opinions you might have some credibility. Give it a try skud. You can do better if you try.

Les Carpenter said...

Well, looks like the now corrupt scotus handed the orange hued human orangutan the victory his criminal a*s coveted. Outlr republic is dying and will, with the ĥelp of a corrupt republican party and corrupt scotus will kill it soon.

Grey One talks sass said...

So, if I understand skudrunner correctly all humans with a speech impediment means they are also mentally challenged. Wow skud, and I thought you were only classist and racist. Guess you have a whole closet of ism's and ist's just waiting for you to take them out for a spin.

President Biden has a speech impediment. He stutters which is a real thing and nope, one does not necessarily 'grow' out of it. President Biden mumbles. Here is a list of what the Biden Admin has accomplished thus far:

Pact Act
Chips & Science Act
American Rescue Plan
Infrastructure package
Gun Safety law
Inflation Reduction Act
$150 Billion in debt relief for 3.9 million borrowers.
Medicare negotiated prices on 10 drugs, insulin capped at $35.00
Added 14.5 million new jobs & growing.
Standing with unions for working men & women.
A woman’s right to choose.
Clean energy initiatives.
Electric vehicle rebates for made-in-America EVs.
Infrastructure in support of EVs.

So what is Trump's excuse? skud? skud??

Shaw Kenawe said...

Grey One talks sass

I know a bit about speech impediments. My son and his father both have mild stuttering impediments. That never stopped them from succeeding in their professions, and as they grew older, the stuttering became less and less noticeable. There is a genetic component to what they have.

When Biden stops in the middle of a sentence, it's because he knows how to manage the stuttering. Slow down and breathe. Many people with this kind of speech impediment learn to control their stutter when speaking in public using a variety of techniques. These may include slowing down their delivery, using pauses and breathing exercises, and focusing on the rhythm of their speech.

If one doesn't know this, one could confuse the pausing in speech as some sort of cognitive disorder.

I admire ANYONE who can overcome a fear of public speaking, but especially someone with a speech impediment!

Shaw Kenawe said...

Dave Miller "He [Trump] was either wildly mistaken, or blatantly lying."

Trump lies the way normal people breathe.

Another one of his techniques is to turn accusations that have been attached to him onto his rivals.

Trump has, without any evidence, referred to President Biden as someone who wants to destroy American democracy and become an autocratic ruler. He's also referred to the Biden family as "the Biden Crime Family," which is a term normally used to describe the Trump family -- whose members, BTW, actually HAVE BEEN FOUND TO BREAK THE LAW.

Trump is a dishonest and indecent human being.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Les Carpenter said...
"Well, looks like the now corrupt scotus handed the orange hued human orangutan the victory his criminal a*s coveted. Our republic is dying and will, with the ĥelp of a corrupt republican party and corrupt scotus will kill it soon."

I actually think this is the right call. We'd have a confusing patch-work of ballots in contentious elections; and, of course, in the future, vendetta-type law suits against Democrats on state ballots.

What I don't agree with is Trump's claim that a president should have complete immunity while POTUS.

That goes against what we Americans (supposedly) believe is sacred: "NO ONE IS ABOVE THE LAW, EVEN PRESIDENTS."

Dave Dubya said...

All opinions aside and unprofessional diagnoses, the bottom line comes down to 81 years v 91 criminal counts.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Charles Campisi

"It's not enough that Trump is responsible for at least
500, 000 Covid deaths.

Now he wants children to die by vowing to take away federal funds from schools that provide vaccination for measles & similar diseases.

No wonder that MAGA is a death cult."

Les Carpenter said...

I agree with the logic of your analysis Shaw. I also think the majority of scotus in in trump's corrupt corner.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Les Carpenter said...

"I agree with the logic of your analysis Shaw. I also think the majority of scotus in in trump's corrupt corner."

Yep. And Trump expects that to be true as well.

Justice Clarence Thomas's wife openly advocated and worked to overthrow the 2020 election, a crime! And he will not recuse himself on any of the cases before the SCOTUS concerning Trump's treachery in that election, especially the case where Trump claims presidential immunity. His lawyers argued he should have this immunity even if he were to commit murder!

Les Carpenter said...

Our entire system is being corrupted by the fascist authoritarians that have been hiding in the woodwork of our institutions for a long time. Working insidiously and quietly to undue our democratic republic. Trump threw open the floodgates. And, here we are.

Get ready for tyranny USA, brought to you by trump, the gop, and scotus.

Mike said...

tRUMP babbles BS and the MAGAts lap it up.

skudrunner said...

Ms. Shaw, Using your example of covid deaths attributed to trump, joey b was responsible for 707000 in 2021/2022 according to the CDC.

Does a speech impediment cause someone to forget names of leaders especially dead ones. Face facts, unless the DNC anoints another candidate trump has a chance of winning and causing countless entertainment millionaires to flee the country not to mention overwhelming our suicide hotlines and mental health facilities.

We know the RNC is spineless and all they want is a win at any cost. It is up to the DNC to stand up for America and grow a pair.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Skudrunner: "Ms. Shaw, Using your example of covid deaths attributed to trump, joey b was responsible for 707000 in 2021/2022 according to the CDC."

You DO remember how Trump mishandled the pandemic here, don't you? Bob Woodward wrote about how Trump knew what was going to happen with COVID, but made a decision NOT TO DO WHAT HAD TO BE DONE, because he was afraid the pandemic would be bad for his re-election. This is all documented. I don't have time to show you the facts.

Trump did get credit for getting a vaccine, BUT HE AND HIS ADMINISTRATION HAD NO PLAN to get the life-saving vaccine into millions of Americans' arms. NO PLAN. And then he left office.

It was Joe Biden's administration that put a plan in place to get the shots into people's arms. You can look that up.

You also forget how Trumpers listened to anti-vaccine propaganda, and millions of them would not follow CDC guidelines and get the vaccine (even though their worshipped idol, DJT and his family did.)

You forget that Trump expressed opposition to vaccine mandates, but he took credit for the vaccines developed on his watch. At the same time, he refused to urge his supporters to take them, even though Republicans remain far less likely than Democrats to be protected. And so many Americans died.

You seem to have forgotten these facts.

Les Carpenter said...

skud forgets a lot. Or, he never knows to begin with. An guess is as good as the next.