Paul Revere by Cyrus Dallin, North End, Boston



Thursday, March 28, 2024



Florida man has some thoughts about "getting back to law and order."

(Trump's under 88+ criminal indictments, was found liable for sexual assault/rape, and tax fraud. And he's ignored judge's gag order in his criminal case in New York.This is the same guy who wants to release the J6 prisoners who were convicted of beating and bloodying the Capital Police.)


Les Carpenter said...

Getting rid of trump and his ever present grift and lies would be a fabulous start. But, of course there is absolutely no certainty that trump will ever be held fully accountable for his egregioush criminality.

Dave Dubya said...

Fascism = "Law and order for thee, but not for me".

Mike said...

"And he's ignored judge's gag order in his criminal case in New York."
Six months in jail for contempt of court!

skudrunner said...

The party of inclusion lead by the blue collar president who is against rich people has a fund raiser for millionaires to raise funds for his reelection. I guess the firing of a person who disagrees with their elite opinions and charging thousands to a party is their version of inclusion and wealth distribution.

If they would anoint a competent candidate who has a approval rating above 36% they wouldn't need to have such an extravaganza to get them elected. Of course if the republicans would appoint a sane candidate they would win by a bigger landslide than RR but they are consumed with the evil one and controlling people from cradle to grave.

We can do better. RFK is looking like a moderate or maybe west.

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

"We wish to live inside the safety of the laws. We fear to choose. Jesus insists on choice."
- Terrence Malick, "To the Wonder"

Have a great Good Friday!

Dave Dubya said...

"We wish to live inside the safety of the laws. We fear to choose. Jesus insists on choice."

And no, Jesus doesn't insist on choosing Trump. Sorry, cult people.

Les Carpenter said...

Jesus has absolutely nothing to do with present day US politics. Nor does god for that matter. The divine consciousness has too much to do keeping the universe vibrating.

skudrunner said...

And we have fourteen years of obamacare that still costs billions to provide some little care to 21 million while ignoring 26 million. Less than half of the people who could use care are enrolled. This is after 3 years of a president who declared this is a big Fn deal. Maybe he can use some of the money he is using to buy votes from rich college kids and keeping the border open to help Americans. I guess he knows that the people who have no coverage will vote for him anyway so why not seed greener pastures.