Paul Revere by Cyrus Dallin, North End, Boston


General John Kelly: "He said that, in his opinion, Mr. Trump met the definition of a fascist, would govern like a dictator if allowed, and had no understanding of the Constitution or the concept of rule of law."

Thursday, March 21, 2024

There are many, many reasons for loving US Representatives Jamie Raskin and Jared Moskowitz


They both made fools of the very foolish Trump lackeys in the House who trumped up false "high crimes and misdemeanors" against President Biden because the adjudicated sexual assaulter/rapist and tax fraudster told them to. 

Bravo to the brilliant US Representatives Raskin and Moskowitz for showing the country what utterly embarrassing clowns the Republicans are who carried on this abomination of a farce of an obscenity of a show:


JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

Jordan is a master of willfully ignoring facts. He ignored young men under his watch being abused. That should have been a clue to voters in his district that he was a piece of crap. His phony giggles when called out by the Congressman were telling examples of his fear of facts. When I was on the union negotiating committee a reaction management displayed when presented with solid evidence was either to act outraged then try and deflect to something unrelated, or a forced laugh. Jordan tried to deflect with a lie about Dems not presenting facts about Trump's impeachment even though Dems presented facts during the weeks of televised hearings. At least he managed to stifle the faux anger when he tried this tactic. Then he did the fake laugh. In a way he is the perfect Trump stooge. Loyal, stupid and totally lacking in honesty or courage.

possumlady said...

Feel very lucky having Jamie Raskin as my Representative.

Off topic, but I hope everyone's Representative's office is this helpful but I was having problems with the Maryland Health Connection (MHC) and my health insurance policy. I basically didn't have health insurance for almost 3 weeks in January. When I would contact my health insurance company, they claimed they didn't have my application and to contact MHC. MHC said they sent it in and that there must be a backlog and to just give it time. While I know many thousands of people do not have health insurance, I felt like I couldn't even drive for fear of getting into an accident and not having any health insurance! Out of frustration I sent an online request for help to Jamie Raskin's office on a Sunday afternoon. By 8:00 am on Monday, someone from his office contacted me and they put in a formal inquiry with MHC. Within 24 hours, someone from MHC actually called me to let me know they were escalating my inquiry and I had insurance within 3 days.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Joe "Truth 101" Kelly

Representative Moscowitz made fools of Jim Jordan and Comer (which, actually, isn't difficult to do.)

Your money quote: "...the perfect Trump stooge. Loyal, stupid and totally lacking in honesty or courage."

Add to that list Lindsey Graham who called Trump a kook and said Trump would destroy the Republican Party; Ted Cruz -- Trump insulted his wife AND father, yet Raphael can't place enough kisses on Trump's prodigious posterior.

The current Trumpublican Party is overflowing with cowards, fools, liars, cheats, and Putin-loving traitors.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Possumlady: "By 8:00 am on Monday, someone from his office contacted me and they put in a formal inquiry with MHC. Within 24 hours, someone from MHC actually called me to let me know they were escalating my inquiry and I had insurance within 3 days."

We shouldn't be, but we are, surprised and grateful when efficiency like this happens.

Our mishmash health care coverage in this country is cruel, dangerous, and a disgrace.

My parents immigrated to America, believing it was better than what they had in Italy.

I have relatives, nephews and nieces, who worry about health insurance. Today. In the 21st century in the richest country in the world.

And Trump is promising to get rid of the ACA if he's re-elected! He has NO REPLACEMENT! He will put millions and millions of Americans in health care jeopardy. And he and his cultists don't care.

Meanwhile, in Italy:

In December 1978, Italy created a national, universal health-care system, called the Servizio Sanitario Nazionale, or simply SSN. The SSN automatically covers all Italian citizens and legal foreign residents. It provides a full range of healthcare services with a free choice of providers.

Dave Miller said...

I love Moskowitz... He made a motion to impeach Biden, asked the GOP ppl for a second and they all blanched?


They've been saying for weeks they have the goods. In the words of Marvin Gaye... Let's get it on!

Unless of course they've been lying to their media outlets and the American people.

possumlady said...

Shaw: I agree. The ACA is far from perfect but Republicans have done nothing to make it a better program and have done everything to make it worse. Being laid off at 60 years old in 2020, and no one willing to hire me, I became and independent consultant and needed to get insurance somewhere. I'm very thankful for the ACA. There is no way I would be able to afford a regularly priced insurance policy. I have friends who retired early at 60 years old. They have plenty of money so don't qualify for any tax breaks with ACA and currently pay over $1,500 each (over $3,000 a month for them both) every month for a basic health insurance policy. Absolutely nuts.

I'm very thankful that I can go on Medicare later this year.

Shaw Kenawe said...

MAGAs have come up with another term for those who do not agree with their ideology:

"Jack Posobiec spoke at a Catholic event at Mar-a-Lago, saying during his talk that he’s working to release a new book on 'how to identify the cultural marxists…. and we will specifically call them that which they are… they themselves have become the ‘unhumans.’”


This is pure Nazi talk: First you dehumanize those who are not in your group so that when you begin to murder them, you're not murdering human beings.

Trump has called Liberals "vermin;" migrants, "animals and "not human," and has claimed that immigrants "poison[ing] the nation's blood."

The current Republican Party is, IMO, a terrorist organization. Why?

Because they are using dehumanizing terms to describe people who do not share their ideology, thus making them easy to murder -- because? They're not human.

Posobeic himself has said they are "UNHUMANS."

Shaw Kenawe said...

"Jack Posobiec spoke at a Catholic event at Mar-a-Lago,"

I can say this a someone who grew up in the Catholic faith, and has turned away from it.

I am NOT surprised to learn that a "Catholic event" was held at the home of Trump, a serial adulterer, a liar, a cheat, a fraud, an adjudicated rapist, and tax fraudster who's facing dozens and dozens of felony offenses.

After all, if you read the history of the RCC, you'll learn that the German Catholic Church celebrated a Requiem Mass after Hilter committed suicide. Hitler -- the monster responsible for the deaths of millions and millions and millions of human beings of all religions.

That same church years later refused to bury a mother's child in a Catholic cemetery because that child, suffering from depression, a mental disease, had committed suicide. It was against Church law do defile sacred ground with the body of someone who committed a mortal sin by ending her own life. The church lifted the prohibition on funerals for suicide victims in the 1980s. But it made an exception for Hitler's funeral while the prohibition was in place.

That Catholic Church.

Who's surprised that the RCC would get in bed with the likes of Trump and his cultists?

Shaw Kenawe said...

A Requiem for Hitler: and Other new Perspectives on the German Church Struggle Paperback –
by Klaus Scholder (Author)

"Professor Scholder's book is a major contribution to our understanding of Christianity under the Nazi regime, in some ways going beyond his definitive history of the German churches under the Third Reich. The volume paints a vivid picture of the problems of living under any kind of totalitarian regime, with a wealth of detailed evidence and insightful judgments. A few illustrations from the book: - After the news of Adolf Hitler's death, Cardinal Bertram of Breslau, the senior German prelate, drafted an order for a requiem mass to be said for Hitler throughout his churches."

Dave Dubya said...

It doesn't matter who said if first.

"When fascism comes to America, it will come wrapped in the flag and waving the cross."

Hitler's playbook is still the Republican Party operators' manual.

In 1941 Hitler said, “I am now as before a Catholic and will always remain so."

And this:

"The National Government will regard it as its first and foremost duty to revive in the nation the spirit of unity and cooperation. It will preserve and defend those basic principles on which our nation has been built. It regards Christianity as the foundation of our national morality, and the family as the basis of national life." - Adolf Hitler "My New World Order" - Proclamation to the German Nation, Berlin, February 1, 1933

And this little gem of state Catholicism:

On October 10, 1936 Heinrich Himmler created the Reich Central Office for Combating Homosexuality and Abortion, or Special Office (II S), a sub-department of Executive Department II of the Gestapo.

Anonymous said...

It surprised not.

Those who understand the history and deceit of the RCC and Evangelicalism.

Anonymous said...

America is staring down the same political, economic, and spititual barrel Adolf Hitler shoved in the faces of the citizens of Nazi Germany all those years ago. And, the gop and Trump will, if given the chance again, expose the country's intelligent majority to outright discrimination and philysical abuse and judicial treachery. Plan on it.

And the "Christian" churches will be their most supportive lap dogs.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Dave Dubya

In November 2023, Trump made a proposal to create a federally funded "American Academy" that would deliver online courses and grant free degrees that excluded "wokeness or jihadism".

The plan would also be funded by taxing the endowments of major universities which he asserted were "turning our students into communists and terrorists and sympathizers of many, many different dimensions."

Trump, of course, is too stupid to understand that the people who support him, like Ted Cruz, Elise Stefanik, Reps. Kenneth Buck, Josh Hawley, Tom Cotton, ARE ALL GRADUATES OF IVY LEAGUE SCHOOLS, which he claims turns our students into "communists and terrorists."

Anonymous said...

Yes, but, the trump cultists you name escaped this. Just ask them and trump.

Their sterling right wing facist upbringling and impeccable credentials all serve to keep them mouthing the desired storyline demanded by their wannabe Fuhrer.

Only the wilfully ignorant or mentally challenged believe the garbage and sewage the gop and trump offer America daily.