Paul Revere by Cyrus Dallin, North End, Boston


General John Kelly: "He said that, in his opinion, Mr. Trump met the definition of a fascist, would govern like a dictator if allowed, and had no understanding of the Constitution or the concept of rule of law."

Monday, March 11, 2024


This is the Kansas GOP. People were asked to donate money to take their turn punching and kicking a Biden effigy. 

This was not the fringe. It was a booth at the GOP fundraiser. This is the caliber of the GOP. 

Why would any sane person be part of this?

"Unhinged Democrats in California hosted an event where fellow Democrats could donate to the Party for the opportunity to kick, hit and club an effigy of former President Trump. Opps, never mind, that was the Kansas Republican Party encouraging political violence by charging Republicans to attacking a Joe Biden effigy. Why is it not surprising that the same political party that attacked police at the certification of the election are trying to monetize violence against the political opponent that they pretended lost the election?" --Brian Krassenstein


Proud of yourselves? I've seen grammar school children who have more self-control than these harebrained ghouls.

I don’t agree that MAGA is conservatism. I do agree that the Republican Party is dead.

Yes, the Republican Party is DEAD. And it is being led by an anti-democracy, anti-American rapist and tax fraudster who tried to steal the 2020 election and install himself as an illegitimate president. And he will try it again.


Dave Miller said...

Yesterday I saw a 50ish woman driving her car, not an SUV, not a crossover, not a truck, her car, to the grocery store.

In shoe polish on the rear window was painted the following message...

"F#@K Joe Biden!"

Her kids, children in the neighborhood, others at the store all were subject to her message.

Have I seen people with F#@K Donald Trump painted on their cars?

Not. A. One.

I've not seen liberal politicians mocking disabled people, I've not seen Democratic leaders talking about grabbing women by the P*##y. I've not seen Dem leaders talking about "shit hole" countries.

The coarseness we're seeing in society today may not be totally due to the MAGA folks and conse3rvatives.

But they, the party of "family values" are certainly a major reason why it continues.

Les Carpenter said...

The once great party of our 16th, and arguably one of our greatest presidents Abraham Lincoln, is now a party of ignorant deadbeats and half wits. Lead by arguably the worlds greatest narcissist, rapist, misogynist, tax fraudsters, insurrectionist, and horrible human being, Donald J. Trump.

America's 2'nd major political party has sold its soul to famed Russian Asset and American Insurrectionist Donald J. Trump.

Mike said...

Maybe tRUMP could offer himself up at a special fundraiser to make some money for himself. He needs the money and I think the lines would be very long.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Dave Miller said...

"Yesterday I saw a 50ish woman driving her car, not an SUV, not a crossover, not a truck, her car, to the grocery store.

In shoe polish on the rear window was painted the following message...

'F#@K Joe Biden!'"

Dave, I live my life going back and forth between where I live, in the City of Boston, and the City of Cambridge, across the Charles River.

I'm pretty sure people know that Cambridge, Mass., isn't exactly a Conservative city, yet, after reading your comment, I had to think about whether I've ever seen any "F&%$K Trump" writing/signs in the areas where I hang out in Cambridge -- between MIT and Harvard U. -- Kendall, Central and Harvard Squares, where many, many students from all over the world and diverse workers at biotech companies gather and shop, dine, and just hang out as well.

I have NEVER (yet) seen such signs.

I'll tell you the sign I DO see in windows and in the small patches of yard that front apartment houses and buildings:

"No H8 Here"
"In this House Black Lives Matter,"
"Women's Rights Are Human Rights"
"No Human is Illegal"
"Science is Real"
"Kindness is Everything"
"Love is Love"

Now, this is not to say there are no signs denigrating Trump, but I've yet to see any, and I'm on the road a lot with my life's companion, and that means we travel to a lot of cities and towns here in eastern Massachusetts as well as Greater Boston.

In my neighborhood here in Boston, there are Trump supporters, mostly older people.

My neighborhood consists of older retired folks, young people who work in downtown Boston's financial district, students, and some young married couples.

I've never seen an anti-Biden or anti-Trump sign in any of the apartment/condo windows in my neighborhood.

Shaw Kenawe said...


As you and I have said, there is no Party of Lincoln anymore, not even the Party of Reagan.

The Republican Party is dead, and in its place is a neo-authoritarian party being led by an anti-democracy, anti-American, pro-Putin rapist and tax fraudster who's facing 91 felony counts.

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

F*ck Trump? There's no such thing...

Dave Miller said...

No party of Lincoln, no party of Teddy Roosevelt, no party of Reagan, Bush or even Goldwater.

There is though a party of Trump and there will be for at least a generation to come.

For better or worse.

And soon there will be the Dem response as the political pendulum inevitably swings back.

And that won't be good either.

Shaw Kenawe said...

To -FJ

I never said there were NO SUCH THINGS AS "F*&%K TRUMP."

My answer to Dave M.'s comment was that I haven't seen those kinds of SIGNS in people's home windows or cars in my neighborhood.

Dave M. reported seeing a mother whose back window of her car had "F&%$K BIDEN" written on it for all to see.

I also said that even if I didn't see like signs about Trump, that didn't mean they didn't exist.

Here's what I wrote:

Now, this is not to say there are no signs denigrating Trump, but I've yet to see any, and I'm on the road a lot with my life's companion, and that means we travel to a lot of cities and towns here in eastern Massachusetts as well as Greater Boston.

But I knew you'd come running here to breathlessly report that those signs exist.

Well, DUH! thanks for letting us know.

What would we do without your keen observations???

Dave Dubya said...

More bad faith discussion from -FJ.

It appears he cannot bring himself to answer the question or deny my statement that he agrees with whatever Lisa says.

Apparently she is his intellectual equal and is equally enlightened.

Does he even consider WHY he can't respond?

-FJ, do you agree with Lisa's statements? How difficult is this for you to answer?

Your silence tells us you agree and you're AFRAID to disagree.

Joe Conservative said...

In my neighborhood, every third home flies a Trump flag and I see tons of "Let's Go Brandon" signs in October/November. Does that mean we're "polite", too?

skudrunner said...

The issue is that if the parties don't nominate someone other than the evil guy and the mumbler the evil guy stands a chance. There are a number of adamant trump supporters who will vote. There are few adamant supporters for mumbles and a huge amount of apathetic voters who will not show up. Given this equation the evil one stands a chance.

You know both parties are only interested in winning regardless of who the candidate is. We need to find competent candidates and push the party heads to think of the country first, I say that laughing because they don't give a hoot about we the people.

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

Surprising that my maga Jewish friend from the right wouldn't sport some type of "fuck Trump" merchandise. He obviously wants Trump to fuck him with his plans for cutting Social Security and fuck him out of freedoms by moving our Nation to an autocratic style government. My only advice is that he ask Trump to wear protection while he's fucking him. Prophylactics and lots of lube my maga Jewish friend. Hate to see you suffer even though you're asking for it. That's what Trump will say at the trial anyway. Maga Jewish guy wanted it.

Les Carpenter said...

Yeah -fj, probably signs marketed by a conservative whose greed center kicked in and they thought they could make a bundle. :)

Les Carpenter said...

When one finds themselves strolling in caca one usually knows exactly where it's sources are found.

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

All those "election deniers", too...

Following Trump's surprise election to the presidency, students and other activists organized larger protests in several major cities across the United States, including New York City, Boston, Philadelphia, Chicago, Portland and Oakland. Tens of thousands of protesters participated,[56][57][58] with many chanting "Not my president!" to express their opposition to Trump's victory in the Electoral College (He lost the popular vote by a margin of 2.1 percent).[59] Protests were also held in Canada, the United Kingdom, France, Germany, the Philippines, Australia and Israel with some continuing for several days, and more protests planned for the following weeks and months

Les Carpenter said...

Now that, is hilarious Joe "Truth 101" Kelly!

Les Carpenter said...

Whine, whine, whine. Poor victim of political protest.

Since our Constitution guarantees the right of peaceful political protest what your problem -fj?

BTW, it is way past time to burn the EC to the ground and make this nation a true democratic republic from bottom to top.

Shaw Kenawe said...

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

"All those "election deniers", too..."

Dear -FJ, stop embarrassing yourself, please.

Those were election protesters. They did NOT go to the US CAPITOL to interfere with the certification of the electoral vote! They did not beat up cops; smear feces on the walls of the Capitol; break windows; damage US property; or THREATEN TO KILL THE VICE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES AT THE URGING OF HILLARY CLINTON.

Hillary Clinton was not happy with the results, BUT UNLIKE TRUMP HILLARY CLINTON CONCEDED THE VOTE. Trump has not done that to this day. And he's still promoting the Big Lie to his cultists.

I know you have a burning need to twist and falsely claim that the national and worldwide protests after Trump was elected in 2016 were the same that were done on January 6. It is not the same, no matter how many times you and the J6 insurrections try to sully the truth.

U.S. history will forever document what happened that day; who incited the insurrection and who never conceded.

Meanwhile, more and more evidence is coming out about the conspiracy to steal the election from the rightful winner, Joe Biden, with FAKE ELECTORS.

Newly Released Messages Detail Roots of the ‘Fake Electors’ Scheme

Emails and texts unearthed in a lawsuit show how key figures intended their plan to create a “cloud of confusion” to help keep Donald Trump in office after his 2020 election loss.

Just five days after Election Day in 2020, a conservative lawyer named Kenneth Chesebro emailed a former judge who was working for the Trump campaign in Wisconsin, James R. Troupis, pitching an idea for how to overturn the results.

Through litigation, Mr. Chesebro said, the Trump campaign could allege “various systemic abuses” and, with court proceedings pending, encourage legislatures to appoint “alternative” pro-Trump electors that could be certified instead of the Biden electors chosen by the voters.

“At minimum, with such a cloud of confusion, no votes from WI (and perhaps also MI and PA) should be counted, perhaps enough to throw the election to the House,” Mr. Chesebro wrote to Mr. Troupis, referring to the swing states of Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania.

Mr. Troupis quickly brought Mr. Chesebro into the Trump legal team, directed him to lay out the plans in a series of memos now central to the indictment of Donald J. Trump and a month later — with the help of Reince Priebus, the former White House chief of staff — secured a meeting with Mr. Trump at the White House."

When are you going to stop your foolish comparisons and face the facts that what Trump and his cohorts tried to do is a crime against the United States' government and, IMO and millions of other Americans, treasonous.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Joe Conservative said...

"In my neighborhood, every third home flies a Trump flag and I see tons of "Let's Go Brandon" signs in October/November. Does that mean we're "polite", too?"

No. It means you and your neighbors are anti-democracy and on the wrong side of history.


Shaw Kenawe said...

Dave Dubya said...

"More bad faith discussion from -FJ.

It appears he cannot bring himself to answer the question or deny my statement that he agrees with whatever Lisa says.

Apparently she is his intellectual equal and is equally enlightened."

Oh. There's no question that Lisa and -FJ are definitely intellectual equals.

Lisa said...

Shaw the Republicans for the party of the people the Democrats have gone off the rails I'm sure JFK would be proud too huh?
BTW Hillary and Biden's mentor was KKK Byrd.
I'll wait for your explanation about that. I know you said he apologized that he did it for political reasons it doesn't matter he did it that's the point you can't apologize out of that. once a racist always a racist just like your Joe Biden is.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Lisa said...

"Shaw the Republicans for the party of the people the Democrats have gone off the rails I'm sure JFK would be proud too huh?

The GOP under Trump's leadership gave BILLIONAIRS PERMANENET TAX CUTS. The tax cuts for the middle and working class are coming to an end because they are not permanent. Their taxes will now go UP.

The GOP is anti-Union and pro-billionaires. The UAW and other unions who employ American workers support Biden.

The Democratic Party gave Americans Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, the 40-hour work week, laws against child labor, equal pay for equal work, and the ACA, which was formulated to bring all Americans health care coverage, but was thwarted at every step by the Republicans who DO NOT WANT UNIVERSAL HEALTH CARE for Americans. Medical debt is the leading case of bankruptcy for Americans. No other modern democracy sees its citizens having to set up a "Go Fund Me" page and beg money for cancer treatments. The Democrats, NOT the GOP, want to solve this inhumane problems, and the GOP NEVER, NEVER WILL.

Trump promised dozens of times while POTUS that he had a "better and cheaper" health care plan ready to put before Congress, AND HE NEVER DELIVERED IT, BECAUSE HE'S A DESPICABLE LIAR.

Trump promised to bring factory jobs back to America. HE DID NOT DO THAT. Those factory jobs would have been for WORKING CLASS AMERICANS. HE LIED. AGAIN.

"Michigan, for example, was down some 66,500 manufacturing workers in July 2020 from July 2019 — and the general trend, even before Covid-19, was down as well. There were 10,200 fewer manufacturing workers in the state in February 2020 than there were in February 2019.

The trend was mirrored nationwide. Manufacturing across the U.S. was still down 720,000 workers from February despite gaining 29,000 jobs in August, with the pandemic more than wiping out the overall modest gains of 500,000 from Trump’s first three years in office — about the same pace of growth as under President Barack Obama. It was not an improvement over prior years — nor did it manage to restore more than a fraction of the jobs lost in the previous decade, according to an analysis by the Economic Policy Institute.

A Bureau of Labor Statistics analysis released Sept. 1, 2020, said that even prepandemic, the sector was on track to lose nearly 450,000 workers by 2029, the most of any area of the economy."

You apparently do live in a world of "false facts." Research can be your best friend. But you won't like learning the truth about what a disaster Trump's presidency was for America.

PS. Robert Byrd, at the end of his life was honored by the NAACP for his acknowledgement that he was wrong about segregation, and Byrd worked for the rest of his life to redeem himself for his past racism. He was forgiven and honored for that by the very people he harmed.

Your ungenerous remark that "once a racist; always a racist" is an insight to what you think of people who change their past lives to do better and become better human beings. Apparently you don't believe in it. If you're a Christian, you may want to read about this, starting with St. Paul and St. Augustine, both were sinners before they were saints.

What you wrote about Byrd says more about YOUR ungenerous nature on this subject than Robert Byrd's ability to change and be a better human being.

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

People can get PERMANENT tax cuts? Who knew?

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

Must be a miserable existence for "Lisa" and the other trolls and magats like her. While Tucker Carlson and Hannity and a few others get paid to spout nonsense and lies, Lisa and her many monikers and JoeC and the vast majority only live for a few likes on a right wing blog or hope that they will get a wave and free hat tossed to them by Trump at a rally. That Trump has never really delivered them anything but they still hold on to their delusions is a sad state.
Trump's so called accomplishments of the tax cuts for billionaires and the three kooks on the Supreme Court were pretty much all because of Mitch McConnel whom they now hate.
Trump had a deal to fund his wall early in his presidency then reneged. The only thing the Dems asked was to fund school lunches. Pathetic and hateful that Lisa's hero reneged on his wall so poor children couldn't be fed at school. Why does Lisa and her cult hate children?

Les Carpenter said...

They project their self loathing and hate onto the most vulnerable among us i suppose.

Dave Miller said...

Lisa... do you believe people can change and be better? Or are people always saddled with prior bad decisions and lifestyle choices? Maybe you believe politicians can never change?

That seems to be your point of view as it relates to former Sen Byrd.

What would a politician have to do to convince you that they weren't just changing their positions to please a crowd, as opposed to really being serious about it?

Would a politician who once favored Roe who opposes it now, be doing it just to win votes?

How about a politician who once favored shutting down Tik Tok in the states? If he or she changed their mind, would it just be for political points?

How about a politician who says women should be punished for getting an abortion? Can that person change his or her view without it being seen as political?

How do you, or anyone else determine when a politician changes a position if it was done sincerely versus for political gain?

Grey One talks sass said...

Sen Byrd didn't just apologize, he did the advocacy work to make amends.

Words alone can't change how someone is viewed, they can't just talk the talk, they have to walk the walk (in the vernacular).

Of course the associates of our many faced troll ignore this fact, as does our troll. They like words because it takes no effort to spew as many as possible.

Work, effort on the ground, changing one's ways, ensuring others are not harmed as you may have harmed others is a philosophy embraced by many religious and non religious folk. It's part of the umbrella of being woke. No wonder our troll and their little friend ignore what works.

Redemption is possible. Sen Byrd earned his.