Paul Revere by Cyrus Dallin, North End, Boston

Thursday, March 7, 2024



"It now seems official that the Republican nominee is an adjudicated rapist, business fraud, and insurrectioni st who's been indicted on 91 criminal charges.

That is how an honest media must refer to him in every headline between now and November." --Robert Reich

This is who the MAGAs want to put back in charge of the United States:


Shaw Kenawe said...

The Mother Ship and its sailors are all in for Trump.

Of course, they NEVER mention the fact that he's an adjudicated rapist, tax fraudster, and has 91 criminal counts against him. To them, those are trivial, compared to "...the good he'd done and promises to do..."

Dear Gawd! These people are cultist of the worst sort and are complicit in promoting a terrible, indecent and dishonorable Trump for the presidency:

Here's the Captain of the Mother Ship: “We have a country to save! Whether you’re a Trump fan or not, please ignore whatever you don’t like about his demeanor and remember the good he’d done and promises to do….Vote for Trump. This isn’t easy for me to say, but it’s time, which America doesn’t have much of! It’s time to put grievances aside and vote for America. Staying home in the November election because we don’t like mean tweets could kill our country.”
In their minds, it's just "mean tweets" that make Trump appear to be incompetent, villainous, and delusional. That's it. Otherwise everyone would see what a intelligent, decent, honorable, and articulate powerhouse of a man he is.

I've often wondered what kind of magic mushrooms the Mother Ship sailors and Captain take.

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

Most of the Founding Fathers said democracies don't last. John Adams I believe was foremost among them. A subject better handled by my friend Les who is far more versed in their writings and ideas than most of us.
I'm surprised that Trump hasn't gone ahead and used the N word. He of course would justify it because Black comedians use it all the time. He's just being a "brother."
I do hold out hope that more people than the maga crowd has will vote against the kooks that buy into anything that validates their kooky ideas. In my county the only thing one has to do to win an election is have an R by his/her name on the ballot. But the voters in my hometown did vote against three maga nuts that ran for the school board a year ago. And these three advertised their nonsense about indoctrination, which at it's core meant they hated the idea of young people reading anything but the Bible. So I'm confident enough people in Michigan and Pennsylvania will come out and vote to rescue our democracy from the Trump crowd. But racism is a powerful motivator. I've always believed everyone is bigoted to some degree. Let's hope that issues like keeping Social Security, Medicare and civil rights protections strong, and Nato strong, can trump the hatred spewed by Trump in November.

Anonymous said...

Has anyone who listened to any of Trump's speeches at his rally ever heard him talk policy? I haven't. He attacks people and calls them names, continues to lie and say the 2020 election was stolen, and shows frightening signs of dementia.

Never once have I ever heard him talk about how he'll help the American worker, the poor, health care, etc.

Why in hell do people support this jerk?

Les Carpenter said...

I could be wrong, but i don't think so Anonymous. The people who support the liar, cheat, insurrectionist, rapist, and misogynist very likely see themselves in trump. They too see themselves as the victim.

trump and his MAGA cultists thankfully are in the minority. One way or another, sooner or later, the ignorant cult of trump an facism will run its course and implode. Hopefully it will be when the democrats trounce the trumpists and the gop authoritarians.

Dave Miller said...

Anon... Joe Scarborough has a standing invitation to both Biden and Trump to come to his morning show, together, sit at the table and calmly, no shouting, no name calling, discuss their policy differences. Ala the great shows of Tim Russert's Meet the Press.

Sadly, it will never happen.

Shaw... one of the commenters at the HMS Mothership mentioned that Haley, the subject of the captain's screed, wasn't so bad and policy wise, was good on 90% of the issues.

90% is the famous limit Pres Reagan used. If you agreed with 90%, you were good. But that's enough for most MAGA folks. They want 100% agreement and the meanness.

Speaking of the captain, it wasn't too long ago that she felt President Obama had an ego that was too big. She railed at him that he was only interested in himself and that should disqualify him from the presidency, because it's about the people, not the man.

But as they say, something happened to change her mind. I wonder why...

Les Carpenter said...

Her mind didn't change Dave, what changed was the circumstances and the man. The moment "her kinda guy" was the man she became who she always was. A sheeple to the authoritarianism she needs to feel secure in her ignorance and fear.

Joe Conservative said...

How BAD does your presidential candidate have to be to be losing in ALL the polls to a guy with 91 outstanding criminal charges?

Shaw Kenawe said...

Joe Conservative said... "How BAD does your presidential candidate have to be to be losing in ALL the polls to a guy with 91 outstanding criminal charges?"

Americans, especially Evangelical Christians, must love Liars, Cheaters, Frauds, and Rapists, I guess.

The election is 8 months out.

Trump hasn't widened his base, and many normal/sane Republicans won't vote for him.

Yes. Right now Trump's ahead in the polls. But right now isn't Election Day.

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

The real question is why do you still believe the polls my good friend from the right JoeC. But you had to offer something I suppose. Even if it's nonsense.

Joe Conservative said...

Trump hasn't widened his base...

He doesn't need to. Biden has narrowed his... which is why you need the Mooch.

When Black voters were asked who their first choice would be among seven candidates in the poll, 12% said they would choose Trump, while 6% said they would support Robert F. Kennedy and 7% said they’d support academic and activist Cornel West. Asked who their second choice would be, 9% chose Trump while 9% chose Kennedy and 18% chose West.

West and Kennedy don't narrow Trump's base.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Joe Conservative said...
"Trump hasn't widened his base...

He doesn't need to. Biden has narrowed his... which is why you need the Mooch."

Mrs. Obama wasn't happy when her husband decided to run for president. She's not interested in being president, and she has brains enough to know she's not qualified.

Your juvenile nickname for her is laughable. She doesn't know you're insulting her, so what's the point? Is it your way of trying to put a Black woman in her place? Here? Where she'll NEVER see your puerile jabs at her?

Just keep in mind that she's smarter and richer than you. And you're not loved as much and as widely as she is.

"Mooch, Mooch, Mooch" all you want if it makes you feel like you're powerful.

It doesn't hurt her. And it makes you look like a sad little man.

Les Carpenter said...

How stupid are MAGA sheeple to vote for a dickweed with 91 criminal indictments and rape to boot? That is by far the most intelligent guestion to ask.

F.D. said...

Shaw, it makes Joe C. look like every schoolyard bully that ever lived and that ended up as a wino in the gutter telling anyone who'd listen how great they once were.

Shaw Kenawe said...

To the commenters who insist that Michelle Obama will be the Democratic nominee.

You. Will. Not. Be. Published.

I don't publish people's delusions as factual news.

Lisa said...

You know what? I think the government we have now is more of a threat to Americans than Donald Trump. They are the ones acting like racists.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Lisa said...

"You know what? I think the government we have now is more of a threat to Americans than Donald Trump. They are the ones acting like racists."

Hey Lisa, Trump, who was the head of the government you admire told people that injecting bleach would cure COVID. Do you know what injecting bleach could do to a person? That's a real threat.

Dear Lisa,

Donald Trump invited two antisemites to his home to break bread with him, and he and his father were taken to court, lost, and were FINED for not allowing Black men and women to rent apartments in their family-owned real estate. Donald Trump told his Chief of Staff, General John Kelly that the men and women who died fighting for America were "suckers and losers."

"Donald started his career, back in 1973, being sued by the Justice Department for racial discrimination — because he would not rent apartments in one of his developments to African-Americans, and he made sure that the people who worked for him understood that was the policy," Look it up.

Please don't lecture ANY of us on who's the racist, the MEDICAL-ADVISOR idiot, and the anti-American, anti-military ghoul.

It's the man you admire.

Les Carpenter said...

One should feel compassion for Our Lady of the Latrine. She apparently suffers some sort of cognitive deficiency. Or, extreme willful ignorance.

Shaw Kenawe said...


I just took a look at the WYD blog. Free Thinke named it "Lisa's Latrine," and that is surely apt for what I found there (see below this comment.) Not even the sailors from the Mother Ship will venture to post at that blog. Look at the comments I found:

I want to slurp Pete Bootygig's delicious man juice


AnonymousMarch 7, 2024 at 4:09 AM
Fuck you sewer rat.

AnonymousMarch 5, 2024 at 7:40 AM
You're a fucking moron pete stink.

AnonymousMarch 4, 2024 at 2:53 PM
And Les Carpenter is a Pathetic. Sick. Disgusting. Moron Obsessed By A. Pathetic.Sick. Disgusting Delusional, Old fat of a President.

AnonymousMarch 5, 2024 at 7:37 AM
Fuck you smelly fucking stink meat.

RattrapperMarch 5, 2024 at 8:37 AM
🔺Shut your pie-hole, ∆$$£∆¢€ ‽€₹₱¡$μ.🔺

AnonymousMarch 6, 2024 at 5:38 AM
And fuck you too. Asshole.

Joe ConservativeMarch 6, 2024 at 12:15 PM
Speaking of Pie holes...