Paul Revere by Cyrus Dallin, North End, Boston

Tuesday, March 19, 2024



I don't get cable, so I don't watch MSNBC. A friend sent this to me:

 30% of our fellow Americans are rooting for accused and convicted felons to run America!

Why isn't our hair on fire???


UPDATE: On Trump's hush money to Stormy Daniels and Karen McDougal trial: 

 Trump's legal team attempted to block testimony from Stormy Daniels, Michael Cohen, and Karen McDougal in the hush money trial! 

 This motion has been DENIED by the Manhattan judge.


-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

Gee, maybe there's just a presumption of "guilt" by prosecutors targeting Trump associates. "Show me the man, and I'll tell you his crime." - Beria

So mush for the "presumption of innocence standard.

Shaw Kenawe said...

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

"Gee, maybe there's just a presumption of "guilt" by prosecutors targeting Trump associates. "Show me the man, and I'll tell you his crime." - Beria

So mush for the "presumption of innocence standard."

You obviously didn't listen to the Maddow video. ALL OF THOSE SHE NAMED ARE CONVICTED FELONS.

Trump, an accused felon, pardoned some of them, but that doesn't expunge their crimes from their records. The pardoned offense would not be removed from the criminal record. Instead, both the federal conviction as well as the pardon would both appear on your record.:



And Trump surrounded himself with these felonious crooks.

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

A weaponized prosecutorial system is designed to produce results... convictions. The problem with the Trump prosecutions is that they're required to produce new interpretations of law in order to sustain charges.

As Tacitus commented, "“The more corrupt the state, the more numerous the laws.”"

Shaw Kenawe said...

-FJ, your inability to see Trump for what he is and to seek to dismiss his felonious actions suggests that you have a cultish loyalty to him and/or his ideas. You obviously admire his followers, you contribute to discussions on pro-Trump blogs, so there's that.

This explains, in part, why folks like you and your pals on Trump blogs stick with the convicted felon:

“It speaks to the fact that Trump’s notorious base is impervious to reason and immune to irony and is still a deep mystery to many who aren’t Trump supporters. They are willful, petulant, and full of pointless defiance. They’ve become defined by an obsession with Trump as the sole remedy for the offenses imposed on them by a rotating cast of villains and evildoers. In the process, they’ve become easy marks for every flavor of conspiratorial lunacy and gimcrack appeals to their worst instincts.”

That's a fair description of Trump cultists, IMO.

Dave Miller said...

Shaw, I was going to do a snarky little post about how all this is BS, that the only reason we even know about these crimes is because everyone is out to get the Trumps and their friends, etc., etc.

Then I was going to point out how Trump says he's only hires the best people and I might've ended on how all of this fake news, or something like that.

But MAGA Jew, apparently one of the few bonafide lovers of Israel, at least according to Trump, beat me to it with his ridiculous post, of course devoid of any legal logic.

Shaw Kenawe said...

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

"A weaponized prosecutorial system is designed to produce results... convictions. The problem with the Trump prosecutions is that they're required to produce new interpretations of law in order to sustain charges.

As Tacitus commented, "“The more corrupt the state, the more numerous the laws.”"

Yes. Of course. Every single court case mentioned in my comment on Trump's felonious friends was because of a "weaponized prosecutorial system."

That's some amazing coordination between all the judges and all the juries after hearing all the testimonies and facts that led to the indictments of Trump's "best" people."

Your comment proves nothing but a determined and stubborn mind that cannot accept reality and is, IMO, drenched in conspiratorial ideation.

You present ZERO evidence for your paranoid statements. ZERO.

That's why no one, except Trump cultists on Trumpy blogs, gives any credence to your posts.

You can find a quote from some dead philosopher/thinker on any subject you wish to dispute.
That proves NOTHING. Except, perhaps, that you have your very own copy of Bartlett's Familiar Quotations.


Shaw Kenawe said...

Dave Miller said... "Shaw, I was going to do a snarky little post about how all this is BS, that the only reason we even know about these crimes is because everyone is out to get the Trumps and their friends, etc., etc."

Well, -FJ came through as we thought he would. In his mind, all those felons were convicted because of a "weaponized prosecutorial system," not because the evidence presented to the juries proved overwhelmingly that they committed crimes.

-FJ's idea of justice is: If they find my guys guilty, it's a "weaponized prosecutorial system;" if your guys are guilty, it's "justice served."

That is how an authoritarian state operates.

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

My poor deluded maga Jewish friend. That he stays loyally blind to all things Trump is not a surprise. he might get a mean reply from one of the other magats on the right wing sites he visits. But he and the other magats are too willfully blind to see the writing on the wall for Trump. When liars are cornered they invariably create more and bigger lies and make ridiculous accusations. They move even further to the scumbags like Manafort for comfort or allies. Even the blindly loyal and shitheaded Mike Pence finally withdrew himself, or withdrew Trumps phallus from his rear, and said he couldn't endorse him. Things are slipping more and more each day for Trump. All he has left to pander to are the worst among us. The ultra bigots and homophobes and nonsensical religious zealots. it wouldn't surprise me if by September he's so far in with kookery he's booted off the republican ticket and electoral consequence be damned by the republican party. The long term damage he has done is too big a cost. And he's going to lose this election anyway. But my Maga Jewish friend and his like minded deluded fools will always have Fox News for validation.

Anonymous said...

Not so sure the Orange Turd will lose. With JFK Jr. running as an independent, drawing support away from Biden, and Biden with his baggage, Trump may just pull it off.

And if he doesn't? Well, i suppose we'll see blood in the streets. The wannabe Fuhrer has lost his mind and he is capable of inciting much violence with his loyal cultists.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Joe "Truth 101" Kelly

No matter what I post about Trump's misdeeds and crimes, -FJ will find some quote to suggest that it is we who are deluded, and it is the "Deep State" that is responsible for Trump's being found liable for sexual assault/rape and tax fraud.

We have to pretend, for -FJ's sake, that we never heard Trump in his own words brag about how he can "grab 'em by the p***y," because he's a star! We have to pretend that this man of impeccably moral behavior never engaged in adulterous affairs with Stormy Daniels and Karen McDougal and tried to buy them off so those affairs would not come out while he was seeking the GOP nomination. The Evangelicals would NEVER go for such moral turpitude in a POTUS, so he knew he had to have them keep quiet about what he did to his 3rd wife while she gave birth to his 5th child.

Should someone running for president be able to buy off anyone with compromising information that could derail his candidacy? Daniels’ story was relevant to voters. If true, it would have shed light on Trump’s true character and prove that he is the kind of man who would cheat on his wife after she gave birth. It also suggested that’s he’s prone to reckless behavior.

Trump's illegal behavior is somehow the "Deep State's" fault. He used hush money to stop the women from talking about his affairs with them.

The payments to Daniels and McDougal violated federal restrictions on corporate and individual campaign contributions, prosecutors said, and were meant to “conceal damaging information from the voting public."

Ray said...

FJ says its the deep state that's doing all this accountability stuff to Trump?

The queue is filled with folks who've turned paranoia into a lifestyle, wearing aluminum foil.

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

Let's pretend that Biden never said he'd assembled the largest voter fraud operation in history, shall we?

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

Yeah Shaw. I know my Maga Jewish friend will always post some nonsense. I mostly post not to straighten the kook out but to ridicule him for his silliness. I'm with Thomas Jefferson when it comes to dealing with nuts like maga Jew fellow. With an ode to our authority ,Les, on Founding Father stuff. Jefferson said the best way to deal with them is by ridiculing them. Their idiocy deserves no more.

Shaw Kenawe said...

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said... "Let's pretend that Biden never said he'd assembled the largest voter fraud operation in history, shall we?"


Instead let's pretend that -FJ is NOT a conspiracy mongering spreader of malicious lies. Shall we?

Fact check: Clip of Biden taken out of context to portray him as plotting a voter fraud scheme

Shared on Facebook and Instagram days leading up to the 2020 U.S. general election, posts show a clip of Joe Biden saying, “We have put together I think the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics.” The posts falsely ask if the video shows the Democratic presidential candidate “admit(ting) to voter fraud.”

It was a slip of the tongue - Biden was describing the voter protection program his campaign has launched in anticipation of potential legal fights over the outcome of the Nov. 3 election against President Donald Trump.


The clip was taken from a nearly 27-minute interview with Biden on Crooked Media’s “Pod Save America,” a progressive political podcast hosted by former aides to President Barack Obama Jon Favreau, Jon Lovett, Dan Pfeiffer and Tommy Vietor ( here;). Uploaded to YouTube on Oct. 24, the former vice president’s full interview with Pfeiffer and Lovett is available here;
The clip shared by Trump, McEnany and others starts around the 19:13 mark, when Biden tells Pfeiffer and Lovett, “Secondly, we’re in a situation where we have put together—and you guys did it for President Obama’s administration before this—we have put together I think the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics.”


"Likely meaning to say “voter protection” instead of “voter fraud,” the former vice president is referring to the special litigation team his campaign has launched as it braces for potential legal fights over the outcome of the election (here’s campaign for months has been ramping up what it calls the largest voter protection program in presidential election history, after Trump repeatedly has suggested without evidence that the election could be 'rigged'. "

Shaw Kenawe said...


The Trumper cultist above @6:00 PM is happy to use a taken-out-of-context, VOTER PROTECTION PROGRAM mistakenly called "voter fraud operation" by Biden while at the same time Trump cultists have howled about how the Liberals took Trump's "bloodbath" comment out-of-context.

Yes. We truly live in stupid times.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Joe "Truth 101" Kelly said... "Yeah Shaw. I know my Maga Jewish friend will always post some nonsense."

You got that right, Joe! See -FJ's most recent comment. And my answer.

It difficult not to believe that the Trump cultists are all suffering from some sort of spongiform encephalopathy.

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

After the "bloodbath" allegations, Democrats suddenly decide that "context" matters only as it relates to Biden's statements.

Anonymous said...

@ -FJ... Yawn

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

Facts bore you?

Shaw Kenawe said...

You haven’t presented any.

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

My maga Jewish friend presents no intellectual challenge. His usefulness is at it's core giving me a name to heap ridicule for maga nonsense at rather than the tiresome generality and ignorance of the magat nation as a whole. Being the humanitarian I am I do hope he gets his invitation to Mara Largo for his loyalty before Trump has to sell it to pay his legal bills. On behalf of lonely magats everywhere tell Melania they said hello FJ.

Joe Conservative said...

You watch too much MSDNC.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Joe Conservative said... "You watch too much MSDNC."

As I stated in this post, I don't have cable, so I don't watch ANY cable news. However, I do have family and friends who do, and occasionally I look at what they send me.

You obviously ignored what I stated.

It's just S.O.P. for you to ignore something you don't like and then to make crap up to suit your narrative.

I don't watch MSNBC, CNN, FAUX NOOZ. I get national news from the PBS News Hour and my local news tv channel, as well as a number of other sources which are not cable.

Try reading and comprehending what people state. It will open up a whole new world of ideas for you.

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

Raise your game JoeC. Be like William Buckley. Although he never said anything of intellectual value he did come up a humorous one line occasionally. Maybe I'm being generous. I can only think of one off the top of my head about Detente being nothing but an opportunity to exchange toasts with tyrants. But still dude, if you're going to be pathetic ask for help.