Paul Revere by Cyrus Dallin, North End, Boston

Wednesday, March 6, 2024



 “A new bill introduced in the Missouri House would force teachers to register as sex offenders if they use the names and pronouns of transgender children or otherwise support them and their identity.”


Les Carpenter said...

Not one bit surprised. Not one bit. Missouri, creating otherism and bigotry at every turn of the road. Yeah, so Missouti, Show Me just how bigoted you can be.

Avoid red states like the plague. Cause their extremely small mindedness and religous judgementalism will warp the minds of weaker personalities.

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

The Missouri legislature is chock full of republican kooks that feel the need to one up each other with ridiculous pieces of legislation. It's an economic boon for Illinois pregnancy clinics though. Our restaurants, hotels and gas stations are liking this.

Les Carpenter said...

I can imagine they are.

Been a long time since i moved from Illinois and the last time i was there on business was over 28 years ago. I imagine the state is some different today.