Paul Revere by Cyrus Dallin, North End, Boston



Wednesday, November 19, 2008


President-elect Obama Now Over 67 Million Votes...

Wed Nov 19, 2008 at 10:54:28 AM PST

...and John McCain under 46%. Here's where the numbers stand right now:

Obama: 67,065,042 (52.7%, 365 EVs)
McCain: 58,420,587 (45.9%, 162 EVs)

Remember how things looked on election night at around midnight ET?

Since then, Barack Obama's margin of victory has grown from 5% to 7% and his vote total has swelled by 12.6 million (compared with 8.5 million for John McCain).

The crazy thing is, it's still growing, bit by bit.

h/t dailykos


Patrick M said...

Ah, the power of ACORN!!! :)

Not that it changes the outcome.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Keep telling yourselves that it's ACORN's fault and not the out-of-touch Republican Party that did it.

Patrick M said...

Oh, like you can't take a joke or two. Definitely a bad case of OES.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Patrick, I've heard this from so many conservatives, that I'm beginning to think they're serious.


Patrick M said...

OES - Obama Elation Syndrome. An new virulent strain that has had the side effect of controlling and slowly eliminating Bush Derangement syndrome.

Sufferers of OES see pretty rainbows emanating from the four corners of San Francisco, spreading peace and hugs from our Uncle Sam, who was assembled from the bodies of soldiers that Bush killed, and now walks among the living spreading the Gooder News that all captives are free, all rich people will be consumed in fire, and Barack Obama will show us all how to walk on water and shit singing dasies.

Wow, that gets more ridiculous each time I describe it. :)

Shaw Kenawe said...

Sounds healthy to me.

I remeber RES. Reagan Elation Syndrom. In fact a lot of rightwingers still suffer from it. Go to some of their blogs and you can see photos of Reagan pasted all over the place. It's soooooo 25 years ago! And he's, well, gone. It's over.

And that's left for the Republicans is the malAdministration of Bush.

How many blogs will have his photo on them 25 years from now????

Of course all this sarcasm over Obama by the right is jealousy, jealousy, jealousy.

The right HATES to see a Democrat so universally loved and respected.

What happened the night Obama won the election never happened in US history. People spontaneously rejoicing and celebrating--not only all over the US but THE WORLD.

That didn't even happen when St. Ronnie won.

So a lot of the whining about Obama mania is just plain sour grapes.

And it's really hilarious.

Patrick M said...

HEY, now you're stealing my phrases!

Of course, I should take that as a compliment that you're parroting my lines to make your point.

But as for Reagan, that reverence comes from Reagans accomplishments, not the fact he got elected. Kennedy was revered as he accomplished things. FDR was revered for his accomplishments (even though we're paying for it now).

Obama's getting this level of excitement and he hasn't done a damned thing yet!!!