Paul Revere by Cyrus Dallin, North End, Boston



Saturday, March 28, 2009


Earth Hour 2009: Cities Around The World Turning Off The Lights

SYDNEY — The floodlit cream shells of the famed Opera House dimmed Saturday as Sydney became the world's first major city to plunge itself into darkness for the second worldwide Earth Hour, a global campaign to highlight the threat of climate change.
From the Great Pyramids to the Acropolis, the London Eye to the Las Vegas strip, nearly 4,000 cities and towns in 88 countries planned to join in the World Wildlife Fund-sponsored event, a time zone-by-time zone plan to dim nonessential lights between 8:30 p.m. and 9:30 p.m.
Involvement in the effort has exploded since last year's Earth Hour, which drew participation from 400 cities after Sydney held a solo event in 2007. Interest has spiked ahead of planned negotiations on a new global warming treaty in Copenhagen, Denmark, this December. The last global accord, the Kyoto Protocol, is set to expire in 2012.

OFF TOPIC: I occasionally check in at Right is Right's blog and did so today. Holy Wingnut, Batman! she's at it again. Read her newest post on race. As we say in Boston, it's a pissah! A wicked pissah!


Gordon Scott said...

I haven't forgotten. I'll make sure to leave an extra light on for you!

Unknown said...

a SOX fan!?
Good Luck.

Lynne said...

I went over to Right Is Right's place but she keeps deleting my comments.

Shaw Kenawe said...


I saw that. LOL!

That last post was--well, words fail me. Really.

She's irate that people still talk about slavery--her solution to it? "Get over it!"

I wonder if she'd say the same thing to Jewish people whenever they'd bring up the Holocaust?

I don't leave comments because for some reason my browser won't allow it.

sparkycat said...

Shaw Kenawe said...
"I wonder if she'd say the same thing to Jewish people whenever they'd bring up the Holocaust"

It sounds as if you have a problem with Jewish people!

I can't recall the Jewish people playing the Race Card or playing the Victim as YOU DO!
Meanwhile, believe what you like. But your bigoted colors are showing..

Shaw Kenawe said...


Are you always that stupid, or did you make a special effort when you typed your last piece of idiocy?