Paul Revere by Cyrus Dallin, North End, Boston



Saturday, November 14, 2009


"The homosexual ethos depends on an abandonment of truth ... [T]he gay quest for "civil rights" bears little resemblance to the struggles of blacks and suffragists, whose eventual liberation benefited society at large. Instead, it calls up the American communists of the '50s and '60s who, in order to advance the radical interests of a narrow group, created a spurious "victim class," then convinced America that theirs was the side of justice."


In an interview with former Miss California Carrie Prejean published Friday, Vincent defended her stance against gay marriage by saying she has many gay friends:
"See, the irony is that people like Carrie and I can be confidantes and even best friends with the gays and lesbians in our lives. ... We can collaborate on ideas, as I did with "Anlir," a gay commenter whose ideas I often adopted when I managed World Magazine's evangelical-focused blog. We can even be accepting of our family members' sexuality.
But if we dare to differ on the issue of gay marriage, then the truth about our actual relationships with gays and lesbians is ignored, liberals' clairvoyant "insight" into our hearts and minds is substituted as fact, and our protestations are filed mockingly under the "some of my best friends" defense."

And for those people who believe in "guilt by association,"  as they most surely did in the controversy over Mr. Obama and the Rev. Wright; here's one doozie of an association Vincent was involved with:

Palin's ghostwriter's previous work includes Donkey Cons, a thoughtful investigative look at the Democratic Party's criminality that blows the lid off that "killer and traitor Aaron Burr." Vincent's co-writer on Donkey Cons was Robert Stacy McCain, a former Washington Times editor who writes things like this:

"[T]he media now force interracial images into the public mind and a number of perfectly rational people react to these images with an altogether natural revulsion. The white person who does not mind transacting business with a black bank clerk may yet be averse to accepting the clerk as his sister-in-law, and THIS IS NOT RACISM, no matter what Madison Avenue, Hollywood and Washington tell us".

 Vincent also ghost wrote the memoir of Lt. Gen. William G. "Jerry" Boykin, the former head of the Army's Special Forces Command, who literally believes that his job in the U.S. military was to defeat Satan for the Christian nation of America. Of one of our enemies in Somalia, Boykin said, "I knew that my God was bigger than his. I knew that my God was a real God and his was an idol." And why does the world hate us? "We are hated because we are a nation of believers." And how do we defeat terrorism? "[W]e come against them in the name of Jesus."


Media Matters has more on this repulsive person:

In her many years writing for World, Vincent has authored several columns on gay rights issues, frequently deriding gay men and lesbians as abnormal and "devian[t]," often trafficking in hackneyed stereotypes of the gay community. Vincent even went so far as to lament the American Psychiatric Association's decision to declassify homosexuality as a mental disorder, and she also wrote that the struggle for gay rights differs from that for African-American civil rights and women's suffrage, in that it will not "benefit[] society at large."
Gay activist seeking to make "deviance" appear "normal." From Vincent's April 25 World column:

Well there you have it.  A perfect match between Palin and Vincent: One, a woman who continues to identify herself as a victim of political hatchet jobs, taking zero responsibility for her disastrous performance as John McCain's VP choice; a woman whose achievements are a small town mayor and less than one term governor and absolutely NO foreign policy experience, who now, apparently, has presidential ambitions, and the other, a homophobic extreme rightwing author.

A collaboration made in conservative heaven.  



Oy vey said...

They deserve each other.

Palin: "It's not my fault!" [GOP losing the election]

Vincent: "It's all their [gays] fault!

Oy vey.

conniebrimmer said...

Sarah Palin's book, Going Rogue: An American Life, was just released on Tuesday, all the king's horses are in a tizzy. Or maybe they're the king's pigs. So fearful of the governor telling her own story and revealing the truth of who she is and what went on during the 2008 campaign, they have amped up their own attack campaign against her. After all, the only way to get rid of a threat is to eliminate it, right?

Let's take a look at a few of these desperate, pitiful attempts to eliminate Sarah Palin.

* The AP illegally obtains a copy of the book and then lies about its contents.

Sarah Palin smacks them down on Facebook.
And just look at this pathetic bloggers attempt to discredit her.
Time after time may I add. Threatened? You betcha she is.

God bless Glenn Beck!

Arthurstone said...

Question the veracity of the seriously truth impaired Sarah Palin and the reactionary claque screams 'eliminate'.


Yet another worthy example of the tribe of Glenn Beck. A tribe for whom righteous indignation works on tiny mindedness like crack cocaine.

Anonymous said...

And just look at this pathetic bloggers attempt to discredit her.

What is pathetic is that anytime someone burps up the name "Sarah Palin," her Sarahbots rush in to defend her, thus proving even THEY believe she lacks the ability to take the heat of being in politics. Ha!

Unlike a really tough minded women with some creds to her reputation [Hilary Clinton], Palin is a whiner always blaming other people for her incredible lack of common sense [she quit her job as governor!] and intelligence [she wouldn't give a one-on-one interview with any tough questioner.]

Katie Couric was badgering her?

Couric asked her what magazines she read. Ooooooh. What a meanie toughie question.

JoMala "Truth 101" Kelly said...

I wonder if Sarah even read her book yet. You know. With all that other stuff she reads, and reducing government and all. When would she have time?

TAO said...

I do hope that this book is printed on recycled paper...

In fact all books by politicians should be published on recycled paper...

Same ol' crap over and over again...

Palin needs to be thankful that the AP did read her book...they will be the only ones...

Can't wait to see what Palins book sales do once Levi "Baby Daddy' Johnson posing in Playgirl hits the newstands...

I bet 10 pages of him in a magazine outsell 400 pages of Palin's life history...

dmarks said...

There is much I would probably defender on, as most of the rancor is based on "she's not in my party/ on my side". But I can't find a way to defend the whole quitting thing.

Shaw Kenawe said...

dmarks: " most of the rancor is based on "she's not in my party/ on my side."

Actually, in my case and many others I know, that is absolutely not true.

Most of the rancor is aimed at John McCain for putting this vastly inexperienced, intellectually incurious beauty queen in the position to be a heartbeat away from the most important job in the world.

You know she wasn't qualified, and so do many other who continue to defend this choice by McCain.

And even more anger is aimed at her for not having the intellectual honesty to recognize that she is not qualified to be the leader of the free world.

The frenzied adulation and adoration by her fans feeds into her unearned entitlement that she deserves to be the president of the United States just because a small, loud, and rabid part of the country likes her.

Jim said...

Ha Ha ho O hee hee huh ha gosh darn it all! I just cain't get over this talk about Mrs. Palin's lack of experience for the Big Office. What a hoot! R U Serious?

If you voted for Mr. Obama, experience definitely was not a consideration.

Haaa Haaa Hoooo Heee Heee Weee! ;-)

Spartann said...

Jim said...

If you voted for Mr. Obama, experience definitely was not a consideration.

Like Obama gives a shit.

Arthurstone said...


I can't summon up anyone on 'my side' with the combination of intense self-regard, lack of curiosity and ignorance of the world that Sarah Palin embodies.

That lethal combination is invariably emblematic of a certain variety of conservative 'mind'.

During the 1840's - 1850 's the nativist political movement was known as the Know Nothings.

Still applies. Everything old is new again.

Jim said...

Why Spartann, I didn't realize you were in the inner circle of Mr. Obama's friends.

Frankly, I don't give a crap what Mr. Obama thinks or for that matter, you.

The point being, since you couldn't get the point, is that an argument of a lack of experience is rather silly. A community organizer is the last job that would get you experience for the Big Office, especially foreign policy experience.

The one legitimate argument against Mrs. Palin is her decision to leave the Governor's Office. To quit an elected position for something other than a serious illness bothers even me.

dmarks said...

Arthur said: "I can't summon up anyone on 'my side' with the combination of intense self-regard, lack of curiosity and ignorance of the world that Sarah Palin embodies."

"Self regard" is always strong among politicians. Always. The rest of what you said was merely meaningless insult, based on the fact that she is not on your side.

Shaw said: "Most of the rancor is aimed at John McCain for putting this vastly inexperienced, intellectually incurious beauty queen"

I was wondering if the sexist bashing would come in, and it did at the end. "Vastly inexperienced", but with more experience than the #1 man on the Democratic ticket.

The "incurious" insult seems kind of irrelevant.

"You know she wasn't qualified, and so do many other who continue to defend this choice by McCain."

Not the best point to bring up by those who in all liklihood voted for a person as unqualified, paper-thin resume and all, for President.

Shaw continues: "And even more anger is aimed at her for not having the intellectual honesty to recognize that she is not qualified to be the leader of the free world."

I agree that is the case... now. Because she didn't have the fortitude to complete even one term of the highest office she has been elected to. She quit. She bailed.

Back before N0v 2008, she and Obama were very low on the qualification/experience scale. By quitting, she has gone even lower. By merely being in the Presidency, Obama has gone a lot higher.

"The frenzied adulation and adoration by her fans feeds into her unearned entitlement"

As if she's the biggest political figure out there today with frenzied adoration. Yes, there's someone like that one in higher office, for sure.

"just because a small, loud, and rabid part of the country likes her."

40% of the country is not a "small" part. And again, if you disqualify politicians merely for having loud and devoted fans, so much for Obama.

The blindly partisan bashing of Palin continues, it seems. She engenders such irrational hatred.

Arthurstone said...

The snow monkeys are in fine form tonite.

Anonymous said...

I really can't stand it when someone tells me why I don't like SP. There are way too many reasons to even name. It's not her looks or her gender, it's just who she is. I actually started out liking her or trying to anyway and every time she opened her mouth I was absolutely shocked but how unintelligent she was. Obama doesn't have a paper thin resume when it comes to intelligence. She does. Also, she's dishonest, manipulative and self absorbed. And now she can add grudge-holding quitter to her paper thin resume.

Shaw Kenawe said...


You and a lot of other conservatives who come here conflate strongly held anti-Palin opinions with "hatred."

I don't hate Palin. There is very little I hate in this world [war being one of them, certain illnesses, another].

But more to the point: Calling Palin a "beauty queen" is not sexist. She was a beauty contestant, and won second place! You've really gone round the bend on that one, calling that remark sexist, when in fact she was a beauty queen. Perhaps, to be accurate, I should have called her a beauty contestant second runner-upper? Beauty queen is more lyrical.

And no one on this blue-green planet, except people who are devoted Palinites, believes she and Mr. Obama are intellectual equals.

Mr. Obama lived in a foreign country and actually had the benefit of seeing a culture other than American, he traveled to Africa, he had to be tested again and again to merit placement in some of the most educationally elite schools in this country--in the world, earning high honors upon graduation. He didn't just walk into a community college and register. He had to compete with other bright, accomplished students to be accepted.

He then eschewed a career, which would have earned him a large salary, to do community service [y'know, like what the Christians' God, Jesus, encouraged his followers to do unto the least of his creations?,] then ran for Illinois state senate and served from 1998 to 2004, a fact that our friend Jim and other conservatives blithely ignore. He then became a US Senator--meanwhile he wrote [NOT GHOST WROTE] two books. (Ever try writing a book on your own? Go ahead try it, then see how the critics react to your efforts. Hope they're as impressed with you as they were with Mr. Obama, who did NOT choose creative writing as his major.)

Mr. Obama then ran for the nomination of his party for the presidency and beat one of the most successful, hard-nosed, politically savvy, and well-known teams in this country--The Clintons.

He won a decisive victory last November, inheriting an avalanche of disasters, thanks to the inept previous administration.

Now put all of that up against a small-town mayor and a governor of a sparsely populated state who quit her office to produce a book and earn hundreds of thousands of dollars going around the country suggesting that there's some sort of coin conspiracy being promulgated by some nefarious group.

I give Palin props for doing as well as she did in Alaska politics with her limited abilities and intellect.

No one, not even Palin, has been able to answer the question of why she quit.

Maybe it was to earn money [that's not shameful, it's understandable.]

Or maybe she quit in order to position herself to be the next president of the United States of America, [that isn't shameful either].

The mayor of Boston, Thomas Menino, just set another record by being re-elected as the longest serving mayor of Boston, Mass. He presides over a city that has a bigger population than does the entire state of Alaska, but I would never NEVER consider him qualified to be president.

To keep pounding on the fact that Palin was mayor of Wasilla and that that makes her qualified to be president of the United States [and more qualified than Mr. Obama!] is ludicrous to the point of insanity. [She can't use her experience as governor, since she negated that experience by voluntarily quitting and not finishing the job.]

dmarks said...

You did make a good point on the quitting part!

Beth said...
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Beth said...
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Shaw Kenawe said...

BETH: "And Shaw, am I just an anti-Obama conservative who has the audacity to question the president again??"

Why do you ask? Did someone accuse you of that?

BTW, plenty of people are anti-Obama and plenty of people question every move he makes.

As to the second half of your post, I already knew you were "just guessing," and my opinion is that that's all it is: an anti-Obama guess based on no real information.

Also, "the liberals" did NOT do it again. One silly guy did a parody of the book. My family and close friends are liberals, and we absolutely nothing to do with that parody.

Then you go bananas and compare liberals to Islamic terrorists?

How can you expect me or anyone else to take you seriously on ANYTHING when you make crazy statements like that?

There appears to be correlation between people who make wild, off-the-wall comparisons of Liberals to terrorist murderers and Palinists.

PS. Rest assured, Beth, we do not fear her.

We want the GOP to promote her, and we ardently hope she will be the GOP nominee for president in 2012.

Arthurstone said...

Those pesky Liberals. Up to their old tricks.

Beth raises a valid point however.

Likely a lot of Palin enthusiasts wouldn't be able to tell the difference between the actual 'memoir' and the parody.

A legitimate concern.

TAO said...

Yes, Arthur you are correct considering that Sarah Palin did not write either of them...

Helen of Troy New York said...

Vintage Palin:

Noting that there had been a lot of "change" of late, Palin recalled a recent conversation with a friend about how the phrase "In God We Trust" had been moved to the edge of the new coins.

"Who calls a shot like that?" she demanded. "Who makes a decision like that?"

She added: "It's a disturbing trend."

Unsaid but implied was that the new Democratic White House was behind such a move to secularize the nation's currency.

But the new coins – concerns over which apparently stemmed from an email chain letter widely circulated among conservatives – were commissioned by the Republican-led Congress in 2005 and approved by President Bush.

Do these people not have anything better to do than to worry about a phrase being not removed but merely moved on coins? And then work themselves into a state about it? Yes. It's a disturbing trend all right.

Arthurstone said...

I' wouldn't be surprised if the parody is better written than the ghosted memoir.

Comedy is hard. Hagiography is a snap.

OMG! said...


Liz Cheney thinks that perhaps her dad might be a good prospect for 2012 on a Cheney/Palin ticket.

Defibrillator Dick?

Because conservatives believe the only way that Palin can become president is for an old white guy to die?


Satyavati devi dasi said...

What dug the hole for SP with me was the night she went up against Biden.

I was appalled at the winking, youbetcha, dontchaknow Joe Plumberism.

For me, it wasn't some kind of 'refreshing common-man we the people' thing.

It was an abject lack of professionalism, and all that winking (call this sexist if you like) gave me the uncomfortable feeling that it was being used as a distraction for a substantial segment of the population-ie, 'look at me, don't listen to me'.

All I could imagine was this person behaving this way in front of the world on issues of vital global importance.


The Wordsmith said...
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Jim said...

I don't ignore Mr. Obama's previous elected office experience. His lack of taking a principled stand on issues by voting "present" should be a concern for all discerning voters.

Politicians use ghostwriters. Nothing new there. It is an honorable thing to do.

Historians know that Lincoln wrote his own material. US Grant wrote his memoirs while dying to make sure his family was taken care of after his death. Even Nixon wrote his own books. Does your own authorship make you a better servant of the people?

Should we be concerned about speech writers as well? Is the use of such writers an indication of a lack of intelligence? How about the use of a teleprompter?

What concerns me is why Mr. Obama continues to allow questions to surround him on the most simplest of questions about his past. Did Bill Ayers write his first book or not? Mr. Ayers makes statements that he did with a wink wink. Seems rather simple to clear up. Why won't Mr. Obama give permission for the state of Hawaii to release his birth certificate? Seems simple enough to clear up. Why all the mystery? It is a distraction, maybe a planned distraction for nefarious reasons. IMHO.

Getting a degree does not necessarily equate to intelligence, just that one knows how to follow the program designed to earn it (see the movie My Cousin Vinny).

Shaw Kenawe said...

Jim wrote:

"Did Bill Ayers write his [Obama's] first book or not?"

Jim, the burden of proof to that question lies with the questioner. The person posing that question must produce incontrovertible evidence, not rumor, speculation, innuendo, that Mr. Obama did NOT write his books and that Ayers did.

If you have iron-clad evidence, produce it, I'll read it, I promise. Otherwise, this claim is nothing but regurgitated hogwash by deranged Obama haters. BTW, NO ONE has presented any hard evidence that Mr. Obama did not. You're reading too many rightwing emails and rumor blogs.

Jim wrote: "Why won't Mr. Obama give permission for the state of Hawaii to release his birth certificate?"

See above. You and those who believe Mr. Obama is not a citizen must prove it. Every time Orly Taitz has gone to court over Mr. Obama's birth certificate, the court has told her to get lost, it even fined her $20,000. What don't you get about this??? You believe he hasn't produced his birth certificate? PROVE THAT HE HASN'T. Stop wondering. You and others must produce hard evidence that Mr. Obama was not born here. Every single official in the State of Hawaii has verified that Mr. Obama's birth certificate is authentic.

Why would I believe rightwing nuts who have no evidence whatsoever that proves Mr. Obama was NOT born in the USA and not the people in authority in Hawaii? In any other case but this one, even you would consider this nutty behavior.

Jim said: "Getting a degree does not necessarily equate to intelligence, just that one knows how to follow the program designed to earn it (see the movie My Cousin Vinny)."

I don't know about you, Jim, but if a doctor were to perform brain surgery on me, I would hope that he had a degree in medicine and not that he just watched a lot of Grey's Anatomy. Same with lawyering. If you had to defend yourself from a wrongful arrest and indictment, you bet your sweet juris doctorate you'd want someone who graduated with a degree in law, and not someone who saw "My Cousin Vinnie."

Jim said...

SK, cousin Vinny did have a degree. Of course one would like to know that professionals have gotten through some form of formal training to be a doctor, lawyer, or engineer. You missed the point all together.

SK, prove that Mr. Obama has produced his birth cert. I throw the onus back on you. My point is that he can do away with this distraction once and for all without hiding behind others. There is no need for this controversy.

Do you always trust government officials? Or is it only when they fortify your biased opinions? Just asking.

Arthurstone said...

Cousin Vinnie? Obama's birth certificate?

I sense someone angling fo Secretary of State or Attorney General in the wildly hoped for Pailinocracy.

Got a driver's license? Secretary of Transportation.

Shaw Kenawe said...

"SK, prove that Mr. Obama has produced his birth cert. I throw the onus back on you." --Jim

Nope. Sorry. It is you, not I, who has to produce evidence on Mr. Obama's birth certificate non-authenticity.

Every single authority in the state of Hawaii is satisfied that Mr. Obama was born there. Mr. Obama has shown his certificate.

It is only the fringies who are obsessed with this subject, and I may add, the only time this controversy has come up in modern times. Interesting, isn't it, that it has surfaced when we voted in the first bi-racial president in our history.

No, Jim. You who doubt what every single official has authenticated--you are the ones who need to prove the Hawaiian officials are wrong and the birthers are right.

JIM: "Do you always trust government officials? Or is it only when they fortify your biased opinions? Just asking."

I'm gonna make a wild guess here, Jim, and say I'll bet you trusted the government officials, the Supreme Court of the US, when they decided the 2000 election for Mr. Bush. Or did that fortify your biased opinion?? Just asking.

Shaw Kenawe said...
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Shaw Kenawe said...

PS. No more on the birth certificate.

There is no controversy except in the fevered minds of the Obama haters.

The only thing I'll consider applicable to this discussion is the possibility that we need more cow bell.

Jim said...

The 2000 election? R U kiddin SK? Still holding onto that leftist conspiracy all these years? Ha Ha ;-)

Several points since U brought up the subject:
1) why did Gore only want heavily Democratic counties recounted?
2) why did Gore not want absentee ballots from the military counted?
3) after numerous recounts by biased leftist papers even they had to admit Bush won, why don't you believe them?

dmarks said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
dmarks said...

Shaw: "I'm gonna make a wild guess here, Jim, and say I'll bet you trusted the government officials, the Supreme Court of the US, when they decided the 2000 election for Mr. Bush"

That's more a case of trusting the voters. They got out of the way and let the actual vote stand. The end result was the same as last year: the actual vote stood, and the Supreme Court did not overthrow it.

But I do agree with you (if that is what you are saying) that the birth certificate thing and the "Bush stole the election" thing are both wayyyy out there.

dmarks said...

connie said: "The AP illegally obtains a copy of the book and then lies about its contents."

I never understood the logic of publishers who publish a book and then sit on it for weeks or months, refusing to sell it.

Did AP pay for the book they got? If so, the "illegally" hardly can apply. Did they borrow it from an owner? That does not look like a crime either. In any case, charges of "book piracy" are very hollow if the publisher was sitting on vast stacks of the books and was refusing to take any money for them.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Some interesting polls on Palin:

GROUPS – Political and ideological sentiment are prime factors in Palin’s ratings. Seventy-six percent of Republicans view her favorably, but that dives to 45 percent of independents and just 21 percent of Democrats. Her overall rating is held down by the fact that Republicans have accounted for fewer than a quarter of all Americans lately, 21 percent in this poll.

Similarly, Palin’s seen favorably by 60 percent of conservatives, compared with 38 percent of moderates and 22 percent of liberals.

Palin’s rated favorably by more men, 48 percent, than women, 39 percent; one reason is that women are more apt to be Democrats. She’s also notably less popular with young adults – just 37 percent of those under age 30 see her favorably, compared with 49 percent of seniors.

Beyond Republicans, she does best, a 65 percent favorable rating, among evangelical white Protestants.

Other gauges tell a similar story. Just under a quarter of Republicans rule out supporting her for president; that rises to half of independents and three-quarters of Democrats. And 61 percent of Republicans see Palin as qualified for the presidency – an underwhelming score in her own party, and one that falls to 37 percent of independents and 22 percent among Democrats.

Ideologically, as well, Palin stumbles outside her base. Conservatives are less likely than others to flatly rule out voting for her; 36 percent do so, compared with 56 percent of moderates and 79 percent of liberals. And 56 percent of conservatives think she is qualified to serve as president – another tepid score on this basic question, but much better than it is among moderates (30 percent see her as qualified) or liberals (18 percent).

Palin’s ratings are a comedown from the days just after her nomination briefly captured the public’s imagination. At her peak, in an ABC/Post poll Sept. 7, 2008, 58 percent viewed her favorably. Some of her steepest declines since then have come in the political center, down by 15 points among independents and by 20 points among moderates.

Arthurstone said...

dmarks typed:

I never understood the logic of publishers who publish a book and then sit on it for weeks or months, refusing to sell it.

As Palin has gone from Governor of Iditarod to a $5M advance on her 'memoir' and the actual 'writing' of the 'book' in a little over a year one could reasonably say this project has been fast tracked.

As to why publishers 'refuse' to sell their books consider marketing.

Often it takes a while, particularly for big event books like Palin's, to line up the author tours, TV & radio appearances, signings, advertising, promotions, etc.

While certainly Sarah and Lynn Vincent could likely have cobbled this thing together during a weekend sleepover it takes considerably more effort to sell the end result.

dmarks said...

And: "We have the book. You have the money. But we refuse to sell it to you" is a bass-ackwards way of doing business,

Arthurstone said...

Perhaps you should go into publishing dmarks.

Or any other business for that matter.

It all seems so easy doesn't it?

Jim said...

Hey Mr. D, I was an extra in a movie that starred Brooke Shields and Randy Quaid. I played a biker in a fight. The name of the movie was Very Special People. Ever hear of it? Thought not. It was never released. Go figure.

Arthurstone said...

Jim typed:

"Hey Mr. D, I was an extra in a movie that starred Brooke Shields and Randy Quaid. I played a biker in a fight. The name of the movie was Very Special People. Ever hear of it? Thought not. It was never released."

Proof that God exists?

Jim said...

Hee Hee that's funny Mr. A.

dmarks said...

Arthur: "It all seems so easy doesn't it?"

When can be more easy than selling the books you are sitting on stockpiled of?

The hard, and stupid thing, is to sit on them for weeks or months and refuse to sell them.


Also, this came off discussion when someone mentioned that the AP "illegally" obtained an early copy of Sarah Palin's book.

I've looked around. Is there any substance to this claim?

Arthurstone said...


Anonymous said...

A truth and a fact that nearly everyone agrees that Palin does not have the experience or credentials to qualify as a legitimate politician much less the President of The United States. It was a mistake for McCain to bring her in as his running mate and up to that time no one knew who she was. Yeah, she backed out of the highest elected position in her write a book that she was paid $5 million to write. How much would she take to quit the Presidency? If I had to choose between Hilary or Sarah I would choose Hilary hands down and I don't like either one of them. How can we trust this woman to uphold the Constitution of The United States when she blantenly ignores Federal Law in allowing the aerial slaughter of Alaska's Wolf population? We can argue about the Wolves another time. The point is her violation of Federal Law. Does being a governor give you the authority to over ride the federal laws? Obviously she thinks so...she did it. And where are the charges that should have been appropriately filed against her? Where is the impeachment of her from her position for abuse of power? I find it absolutely incredible that she, of all people, could pen a 400 page book, ready for the editors and publishers in four months. Man, I would love to make $5 million in four months...I'd retire...maybe she should and all this un-necessary drawing the line for the next fiasco in the upcoming American Political Theater episode of "Who Wants To Be The President?" starring......etc.
I would like to see a list of her education, degrees and qualifications too. How about her birth certificate? And on that note...obviously not too many people are aware of what is required of an individual when filing for an elected public office, especially on the national scale. You must have on file and proof of your birth as a mandatory requirement. If this is not done right at the beginning then you won't even show up on any ballot. The previous positions held by Mr. Obama, to which he was elected, he was required to provide that proof even then. There are a lot of people who don't like him either, just like every other president this nation has ever had. So what's new? Nothing. This kind of crap is to be expected with anyone who becomes President of The United States. Don't blame him for the way he's trying to handle all the problems that were created by the previous five administrations. At least he's trying to fix it. Look at the state our country is in. He didn't do that. It's like when Junior left the White House he crashed it and the nation. All of a sudden we went down. Why not? Look at the trillions of dollars he spent on an illegal war. Palin does not have anything close in her personal or political experience that would give her the intestinal fortitude to cope or deal with the other nations of this world in the slightest degree. Most of the content of her book is political fabrication. It was fed into the pages in an effort to put some foundation under a woman who has none and to set a stage of events that will lead her closer to the next presidential elections. It's a set up and each of us are players. Our comments, reactions, the newspapers, book reviews, sales and everything else that relates to this sham is being calculated. Wait till these results show up on some poll. Let me sit down for just fifteen minutes with Palin and I will expose to you the real Sarah Palin.

Anonymous said...

A truth and a fact that nearly everyone agrees that Palin does not have the experience or credentials to qualify as a legitimate politician much less the President of The United States. It was a mistake for McCain to bring her in as his running mate and up to that time no one knew who she was. Yeah, she backed out of the highest elected position in her write a book that she was paid $5 million to write. How much would she take to quit the Presidency? If I had to choose between Hilary or Sarah I would choose Hilary hands down and I don't like either one of them. How can we trust this woman to uphold the Constitution of The United States when she blantenly ignores Federal Law in allowing the aerial slaughter of Alaska's Wolf population? We can argue about the Wolves another time. The point is her violation of Federal Law. Does being a governor give you the authority to over ride the federal laws? Obviously she thinks so...she did it. And where are the charges that should have been appropriately filed against her? Where is the impeachment of her from her position for abuse of power? I find it absolutely incredible that she, of all people, could pen a 400 page book, ready for the editors and publishers in four months. Man, I would love to make $5 million in four months...I'd retire...maybe she should and all this un-necessary drawing the line for the next fiasco in the upcoming American Political Theater episode of "Who Wants To Be The President?" starring......etc.
I would like to see a list of her education, degrees and qualifications too. How about her birth certificate? And on that note...obviously not too many people are aware of what is required of an individual when filing for an elected public office, especially on the national scale. You must have on file and proof of your birth as a mandatory requirement. If this is not done right at the beginning then you won't even show up on any ballot. The previous positions held by Mr. Obama, to which he was elected, he was required to provide that proof even then. There are a lot of people who don't like him either, just like every other president this nation has ever had. So what's new? Nothing. This kind of crap is to be expected with anyone who becomes President of The United States. Don't blame him for the way he's trying to handle all the problems that were created by the previous five administrations. At least he's trying to fix it. Look at the state our country is in. He didn't do that. It's like when Junior left the White House he crashed it and the nation. All of a sudden we went down. Why not? Look at the trillions of dollars he spent on an illegal war. Palin does not have anything close in her personal or political experience that would give her the intestinal fortitude to cope or deal with the other nations of this world in the slightest degree. Most of the content of her book is political fabrication. It was fed into the pages in an effort to put some foundation under a woman who has none and to set a stage of events that will lead her closer to the next presidential elections. It's a set up and each of us are players. Our comments, reactions, the newspapers, book reviews, sales and everything else that relates to this sham is being calculated. Wait till these results show up on some poll. Let me sit down for just fifteen minutes with Palin and I will expose to you the real Sarah Palin.

Anonymous said...

A truth and a fact that nearly everyone agrees that Palin does not have the experience or credentials to qualify as a legitimate politician much less the President of The United States. It was a mistake for McCain to bring her in as his running mate and up to that time no one knew who she was. Yeah, she backed out of the highest elected position in her write a book that she was paid $5 million to write. How much would she take to quit the Presidency? If I had to choose between Hilary or Sarah I would choose Hilary hands down and I don't like either one of them. How can we trust this woman to uphold the Constitution of The United States when she blantenly ignores Federal Law in allowing the aerial slaughter of Alaska's Wolf population? We can argue about the Wolves another time. The point is her violation of Federal Law. Does being a governor give you the authority to over ride the federal laws? Obviously she thinks so...she did it. And where are the charges that should have been appropriately filed against her? Where is the impeachment of her from her position for abuse of power? I find it absolutely incredible that she, of all people, could pen a 400 page book, ready for the editors and publishers in four months. Man, I would love to make $5 million in four months...I'd retire...maybe she should and all this un-necessary drawing the line for the next fiasco in the upcoming American Political Theater episode of "Who Wants To Be The President?" starring......etc.
I would like to see a list of her education, degrees and qualifications too. How about her birth certificate? And on that note...obviously not too many people are aware of what is required of an individual when filing for an elected public office, especially on the national scale. You must have on file and proof of your birth as a mandatory requirement. If this is not done right at the beginning then you won't even show up on any ballot. The previous positions held by Mr. Obama, to which he was elected, he was required to provide that proof even then. There are a lot of people who don't like him either, just like every other president this nation has ever had. So what's new? Nothing. This kind of crap is to be expected with anyone who becomes President of The United States. Don't blame him for the way he's trying to handle all the problems that were created by the previous five administrations. At least he's trying to fix it. Look at the state our country is in. He didn't do that. It's like when Junior left the White House he crashed it and the nation. All of a sudden we went down. Why not? Look at the trillions of dollars he spent on an illegal war. Palin does not have anything close in her personal or political experience that would give her the intestinal fortitude to cope or deal with the other nations of this world in the slightest degree. Most of the content of her book is political fabrication. It was fed into the pages in an effort to put some foundation under a woman who has none and to set a stage of events that will lead her closer to the next presidential elections. It's a set up and each of us are players. Our comments, reactions, the newspapers, book reviews, sales and everything else that relates to this sham is being calculated. Wait till these results show up on some poll. Let me sit down for just fifteen minutes with Palin and I will expose to you the real Sarah Palin.