Paul Revere by Cyrus Dallin, North End, Boston



Wednesday, June 23, 2010


I predicted that the sanctimonious right would blame Mr. Obama for General McChrystal's egregious mistake and for his resultant resignation. 

Here's an example from one particular odious blog, "Gateway Pundit" (I won't provide a link, you'll have to google it).


Obama fired General McChrystal for telling the truth and questioning his leadership in the War in Afghanistan. Barack Obama waited months to send in the requested troops.

VP Joe-Bite-Me stood next to the president during his announcement today."

And then this idiotic tidbit at the end of Gateway Pundit's post:

"Of course, just a few years ago the media promoted military criticism of President Bush. But, now it’s unacceptable."

This commenter at Andrew Breitbart's blog is totally unaware that there is no presidential election in the fall: LOL!



And finally this one, from a blog called "Maggies' Notebook," that turns the whole affair on its head.  Gen. McChrystal publicly denigrated his Commander in Chief during a time of war, and this rightwing blogger claims Mr. Obama is trying to "humiliate" the general.  I'm not making this up:

"Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Obama Transcript on Resignation and Attempted Humiliation of General Stanley McChrystal"

(There's much more, but you'll have to research it yourselves, since I won't link to those blogs.)

Apparently the person who writes for the Gateway Pundit's blog hasn't a clue about the difference between the media doing their job and criticizing presidential policies and a general (who is under the authority of the president and the commander in chief) contravening his Constitutional duty.

These are the people who want to regain power.  Think about how stupid and uninformed that post is, then multiply it by the millions of people who nod their heads and agree with its boneheadedness.

Those who are defending McChrystal are the same group of TeePeers who gnashed their teeth and wailed about how Mr. Obama was shredding the Constitution.   The fact that General McChrystal violated the Constitution by undercutting and demeaning his Commander in Chief and the civilian control of the military in public seems not to bother their sensitive little minds or their concern over the preservation of our Constitution.

Count these people in with the Joe Bartons of the world who side with big oil against those who were damaged by BP, and now with the contemptuous general who mocked his Commander in Chief during a time of war.

That they don't see nor understand how serious a breach of the Uniform Code of Military Justice this was is again symptomatic of their blind, knee-jerk hatred toward Mr. Obama.

I believe Mr. Obama was decisive and correct in his actions today.  I hope he and General Petraeus and everyone responsible for the continuation of the Afghan war do all that is necessary to meet the deadline Mr. Obama set for bringing the troops home.


Sue said...

I had the misfortune of reading Maggies Notebook. These rightwing bloggers, many are military, should be praising President Obama. They call themselves great American patriots, but are just the opposite. All the retired generals and military personnel speaking about this move have called it a huge plus for Obama and prove his leadership qualities.

Leslie Parsley said...

I get a migraine if I visit right-wing blogs so I avoid them. It isn't worth it.

Arthurstone said...

Interesting quote from Rich Lowry.

Keep an eye on your purse. A mere figure of speech but one can't but wonder what he's up to. An ardent reactionary maybe Lowry hopes a touch of 'bipartisanship' and making nice with the President will enlarge his demographic.

I always get the sense Lowry wants to be George Will when he grows up.

(O)CT(O)PUS said...

Of course, I don't watch Fox News ... which means I am unaware (and don't care) how they are spinning the story, if at all.

If Fox News doesn't editorialize on the story, then the rest of the nuttery will have zero impact. Who actually pays attention to cartoon caricatures as if they were real people?

Pamela Zydel said...

Shaw: As I said on Sue’s blog, I’m no military expert so I’m not sure as to the proper protocol on what McChrystal should or shouldn’t say. My experience as a CEO tells me that discord in the ranks is bad for business, so it would go without saying, that it’s bad to dis the CIC, especially during a war.

I haven’t read any right-wing blogs to know if they are “happy” about McChrystal’s actions, but I’m sure they’re out there, and that to me is just plain ignorant. We are in 2 wars, which are perilous at best and having to replace a General right now could have dire consequences.

Whether you like Obama or not—this isn’t a Presidential issue, it’s an AMERICAN one and people need to get past their partisan crap. We NEED to win this war so we can bring home our troops.

(O)CT(O)PUS said...

Hi Pam, thanks for the message on unity ... one that is badly needed these days.

I was wondering about what creative ways the nuttery would spin this story. They did not disappoint. Here is the latest:

"Even more about McChrystal: now it can be told. The story about him voting for Obama is not contrived. He is a political liberal. He is a social liberal. He banned Fox News from the television sets in his headquarters. Yes, really. This puts to rest another false rumor: that McChrystal deliberately precipitated his firing because he wants to run for President."

IOW, turn the bogeyman into a 'librul' bogeyman. Gotta given them credit. Too bad they waste their talents on such stupid preoccupations. Imagine what they could accomplish if they set their minds on more constructive pursuits.

Pamela Zydel said...

Octo: So what if he voted for Obama? What the heck difference does that make? A General can be a Liberal, not all of them can be Conservatives!

If he wants a run for the Presidency wouldn't he just resign? Why would he do an interview with Rolling Stone (who the heck reads that anyway?) and get himself into trouble? Wouldn't that be a black mark on his record for the Presidency? Too messy if you ask me.

JoeBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

McChristol got himself fired so he could go the way of Sarah palin and make millions on the lecture circuit telling lies and crap about President Obama. He'll make a fortune. God bless America.

dmarks said...

"and make millions on the lecture circuit telling lies and crap about President Obama"

Hey, it worked for Scott McLellan too.

Joe said...

I'm the son of a career officer in the United States Air Force. McChristol was wrong, and deserved to be removed from command. What is funny, though, is how the liberal media is fauning all over his replacement, whom they villified just a couple of years ago.

Dervish Z Sanders said...

He won't do the lecture circuit, he'll become a military contractor lobbyist and consultant. His military and Washington contacts will ensure he is quickly snapped up and awarded a significant pay increase!

BTW, my post on the affair can be found on my blog here.