Paul Revere by Cyrus Dallin, North End, Boston



Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Couldn't Resist This

"Sweet Jesus!"

This speaks for itself:


Jerry Critter said...

Who is that guy with Paul Ryan?

Silverfiddle said...

What's notable about this? That Jesus was mentioned on mslsd, or that their trained "republican" danced on his hind legs?

Les Carpenter said...

Just what I find myself saying EVERY TIME Obama opens his mouth!

Well actually it is Sweet Reason...

Shaw Kenawe said...

Speaking of "trained" responses, SF and RN are here to show us how the GOP playbook instructs their sheeple on how to respond to devastatingly miserable videos on Mittens.

Silverfiddle said...

Just where is this "GOP Playbook" you speak of?

And do you really accuse Les of following it? Doing so is essentially accusing him of lying, since he has famously broken from that democrat-lite organization.

Sheeple? Yeah, go to my blog... It's a virtual temple to the GOP *rolls eyes*

Boston Blackie said...

Maybe SF and RN should go into an induced coma until after the inauguration to save their mental health?

Les Carpenter said...

As your messiah shows is what liwing and cover up efforts look like in 2012. LMAO!!

Shaw Kenawe said...

Um, I'm sorry to break this to you RN, but this post [video] and thread is about Romeny's cringe-inducing performance of begging people to cheer for him.

You comment doesn't make any sense with regard to the subject.

Plus, it's nothing more than a cheap shot talking point.

Les Carpenter said...

"As your messiah shows it is what lying and cover up efforts look like in 2012. LMAO!!"

Makes all the sense in the world Shaw. Once you break from the ObamaBot induced euphoria of "Hope and Change" and "Forward."

Silver makes a very astute point. One completely lost on you.

And you talk about cheap shot talking points? Give ma a break.

Silverfiddle said...

Shaw: I thought I left some comments on this post and another. I hope the fell into the Blogger Black Hole and that you are not censoring.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Yeah. Here's what happened.

Your pal, Thersites, comes here every week to spam my blog.

I inadvertently hit the wrong little box--the one that deletes ALL comments, and so yours AND another one from S.W. Anderson was lost.

A week or so ago, you claimed on your blog that Thersites is always a gentleman on your blog and maybe there's something wrong with Progressive Eruptions that causes the idiot Thersites to continue to spam it.

You may have forgotten that remark that excused your "gentleman" idiot friend Thersites, but I haven't.

So I lost one of your comments?

You can thank your idiot gentleman pal, who's been harassing me since this summer, for that.

"Show me your friends, and I'll tell you what you are."

My father taught me that when I was a young woman.

He's your pal, not mine.

Shaw Kenawe said...

RN: "As your messiah shows it is what lying and cover up efforts look like in 2012. LMAO!!"

Makes all the sense in the world Shaw. Once you break from the ObamaBot induced euphoria of "Hope and Change" and "Forward."

Silver makes a very astute point. One completely lost on you.

And you talk about cheap shot talking points? Give ma a break."

RN: I don't take instruction on whom I will support in an election year from someone who labels me an Obamabot. Okay?

You can certainly wear the label of a Johnsonbot, since you've been around the blogsphere these past months telling people about the bromance your have for him and that you will vote for him, thereby conferring on you some sort of imagined non-partisan sainthood.

Your "Frik and Frak" and "Obamabot" routine is getting old, RN, especially when that's all you have in your little quiver of slings and arrows for discussion points.

Silverfiddle said...

I don't know Thersites and his legion. He just posts at my blog.

How would you like it if I blamed you for Steve's serial stupidity at my blog?

It's childish.

Les Carpenter said...

"RN: I don't take instruction on whom I will support in an election year from someone who labels me an Obamabot. Okay?

You can certainly wear the label of a Johnsonbot, since you've been around the blogsphere these past months telling people about the bromance your have for him and that you will vote for him, thereby conferring on you some sort of imagined non-partisan sainthood.

Your "Frik and Frak" and "Obamabot" routine is getting old, RN, especially when that's all you have in your little quiver of slings and arrows for discussion points."

Quite cute Shaw, Bromance? I have merely identified that neither Obama or Romney are, in my never humble opinion, qualified to be President. No new info there just wanted to clarify for you.

Since I do not get excited about the Green Parry, and Frik and Frak do not deserve nor get my support, and Gary Johnson most closely aligns with my views, although he by now means is perfect (who is?), he gets my support and advocacy.

As for non partisan sainthood, cute, give me a break. I never said I was non partisan. My advocacy of Gary Johnson proves only I am partisan to limited government and maximum individual liberty. AND a strong proponent of equal OPPORTUNITY, rather than assured DEPENDENCY.

If ya don't get that Shaw that's fine. Each to their own. Just don't expect me to swallow whatever pablum either the dems or the repubs dish up on a daily basis. But it is just fine if you choose to do so. And the MSM, well they are no help either. And by the way, FOX News is MSM.

thanks for your time...

Shaw Kenawe said...

SF: I don't know Thersites and his legion. He just posts at my blog.

How would you like it if I blamed you for Steve's serial stupidity at my blog?

It's childish."

SF, go back and read my comment. I didn't "blame" you for what the idiot Thersites does here.

Your jab at me and my blog--that there must be something wrong with it because Thersites continues to act like a moronic lout--is somehow my fault, is what is really childish.

You have an annoying habit of misrepresenting what people say. But my words are up there for all to see.

Steve may be over the top in a lot of what he says, but he never stooped so sewer-rat low as to harass you and cause you to change how you run your blog.

That makes Steve a far, far superior commenter than the troll who calls himself Thersites.

There's a huge difference there. And you refuse to see it.

Shaw Kenawe said...

"Just don't expect me to swallow whatever pablum either the dems or the repubs dish up on a daily basis. But it is just fine if you choose to do so.

I truly don't understand what your point is in the above statement. What it appears to state is that I shouldn't expect you to believe what the Republicans or Democrats say day after day, but it's okay if I do?

I already know that.

And it's amusing to me that it's pablum when a Dem or a Repub serves up political points. But what kind of mush is it when a Libertarian asks you to eat it?

"And the MSM, well they are no help either. And by the way, FOX News is MSM." --RN

This, of course, is the last refuge of a cynic. Every news outlet or politician is corrupt and biased, except the news outlet you like and politician you support.

Where have I heard that before?

Les Carpenter said...

"Steve may be over the top in a lot of what he says, but he never stooped so sewer-rat low as to harass you..."

Now THAT is a stretch indeed!

I have been personally harassed by that a*s at my site and everywhere he finds me. He is both a liar and a very sick dude. How you fail to grasp that and defend his asininity, thereby enabling him defies reason.

Apparently though it is fine to fabricate lies, misrepresent statements, and slander those whose positions you don't like IF you're a progressive doing it.

HYPOCRISY of the tallest order.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Excuse me, RN, but my comment about Steve was not directed at you. I was answering SF.

How you handle your blog is your business. And I've not seen any changes, that I know of, in how you run your blog since Steve began visiting it.

You always have the option of the delete button.

I enjoy using it every day.

Les Carpenter said...

Well excuse me Shaw, I thought the forum was open. I was merely responding to your comment in response to the one made by Silver.

Since my personal experiences with the infamous Steve is that he is way over the top, and it appears at least to me you are quite forgiving of his progressive hatred and bigotry, supping the comment I did in the name of providing input and additional perspective was most appropriate.

Again, thank you for your time...

Paul said...

I have not been harassing RN at his blog.
Please see his comment sections-I do not comment on his blog.
Just another lie by an experienced liar.
RN's delusion, is he thinks I am a couple of Anons, RR, and others who comment here.
That is his ego driven delusion. He truly believes only one person disagrees with what he says.
When was the last time RN debated what I post here, or is it true he only insults me.
As I have said before, I state what RN writes, and yes I point out the hate his writings spew.
Your words RN, not made up by me.
I agree those words are sick, but they are your words, not something I made up.
If I'm over the top, it's because I do not suffer fools gladly, and will speak against liars, racists, and con men like RN and SF.
Shaw, you have seen my comments at SF, have you ever seen me make any comments at RN?
RN lies again.
To protect himself from his obvious lies and racist comments.
Like any dishonest Republiscum, he tries to back away from his own words, that destroy him.

Les Carpenter said...

Truth speaks for itself Steve and you and your lies are well known.

Shaw Kenawe said...

I would prefer to not have my blog turn into a punching match between commenters.

Thank you.