Paul Revere by Cyrus Dallin, North End, Boston



Wednesday, October 24, 2012


and so bizarre that it can only have come from the Preening Jackass of the Republican Party, Donald Trump.

photo h/t RN-USA

Why does Willard associate himself with this cringe-inducing clown?  As George Will so pithily put it a few months ago when Romney accepted Trump's endorsement and support:

“Donald Trump is redundant evidence that if your net worth is high enough, your IQ can be very low and you can still intrude into American politics,” Will added. “Again, I don’t understand the benefit. What is Romney seeking?”

Here's the latest Trumpfoolery. 

Hey, GOP and Willard!  Embarrassed by this venal con artist much?

Hey Donald!  You're fired!

No. Wait.     Where's all that AMAZING stuff your "investigators" in Hawaii were finding out about President Obama and his birth certificate?   Where's your big announcement on all that?  Oh, goshers!  Let me guess...hiding under that bitchin' comb-over?  Heck, I thought you were going to give us somethin' really, REALLY, BIG--like a newly discovered film of Obama speaking to a black person or his REAL father, Saul Alinsky.  Damn!

Laugh at The Donald, and carry on.


Infidel753 said...

What a wet firecracker after all the hype. Trump is lucky Mourdock just hit the fan and distracted the media from his embarrassment.

Jerry Critter said...

I'd trade those records for Mitt's tax returns.

Paul said...

If Romney won't disavow this sleaze bag, then he owns the sleaze he is pushing.
During this whole campaign Romney has refused to reject the politics of hate pushed by his own party.
Not once has Romney denounced the hate from birthers and other racial based attackers within his own party.
The weakest kind of leader.

Leslie Parsley said...

Well, the Trump was the recipient of his own October surprise, just maybe not the one he was anticipating.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Oh snap! Leslie! They fired The Donald! LOL!

"The condominium board at Trump Place has quietly fired the Trump Organization from managing the pricey high rise on the Hudson River that bears its name.

Sources told The Real Deal that the condominium board replaced Trump with AKAM Living Services, a management firm that has presided over luxury buildings at such high-end zip codes addresses as Central Park West, Fifth Avenue and West End Avenue.

AKAM confirmed to the Huffington Post that they have been retained to manage the property as of November 1st.

The move came as a surprise to the Trump organization, according to the real estate blog."