Paul Revere by Cyrus Dallin, North End, Boston



Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Dear Republican Party...


This is NOT how to attract minorities to the GOP.

Also, this is the reason African-American voters vote with the Democratic Party.  HINT:  It's not because the Democrats give African-Americans "free stuff," or, as so many GOPers and Teapublicans claim, because the Democrats keep them "enslaved."   

No.  None of that.

This is the reason, and it's pretty ugly:

Texas tea party leader: GOP doesn’t want black people to vote 
 By Eric W. Dolan 
Tuesday, June 4, 2013 

EDTA tea party leader in Dallas is facing a backlash after saying the Republican Party doesn’t want African-American voters to show up at the polls. 

 “I’m going to be real honest with you,” Tea Party leader Ken Emanuelson said at a Dallas County Republican Party event on May 20. 

“The Republican Party doesn’t want black people to vote if they are going to vote 9-to-1 for Democrats.” 

 An audio recording of his comments were published online Tuesday by the pro-Democrat group Battleground Texas.

And this is NOT how you get women to vote Republican:

"The Washington Post reported yesterday that, “Mississippi Gov. Phil Bryant (R) said Tuesday that America’s educational troubles began when women began working outside the home in large numbers.” Bryant was participating in a Washington Post Live event focused on the importance of ensuring that children read well by the end of third grade. 

In response to a question about how America became “so mediocre” in regard to educational outcomes, he said: I think both parents started working. And the mom is in the work place." 


Here's another example of how the GOP turns off minorities.  This time, the bigoted remark comes from a GWBush-appointed judge.  How would you like to have your case come before a judge who publicly denigrates minorities, and is comfortable about doing so?  Again, this is not some backwater pol shooting off her mouth, this is a SENIOR FEDERAL JUDGE, for gawdsake!

"Civil rights organizations and legal ethics experts filed a judicial misconduct complaint on Tuesday against a senior federal judge, alleging that she made inappropriate statements against minority groups and people with mental disabilities, the New York Times reported. 

According to the San Antonio Express-News, the complaint alleged that Judge Edith H. Jones, of the 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals, said in a speech in February at the University of Pennsylvania Law School that African-Americans and Hispanics are "predisposed to crime" and that defendants facing capital punishment who claim "mental retardation" disgust her. 

Jones was a potential Supreme Court nominee during the Bush Administration. Until October, she was the chief judge on the conservative 5th Circuit Court of Appeals. The current chief judge on that circuit, Carl E. Stewart -- the first African-American to fill that post -- will decide whether to dismiss the complaint, speak privately with Jones or order an investigation into the allegations."


Infidel753 said...

Emanuelson may be more honest than most, but the variegated shenanigans that state-level Republicans have been using to suppress turn-out -- special ID laws, abolition of same-day registration, etc. -- convey the same message just as well. They can claim other reasons for those things until they're blue in the face, but voters, especially black voters with an awareness of black history, know better.

Republicans have no chance, nor should they, to win the vote of any self-aware black, Hispanic, gay, or atheist citizen, nor anyone else who cares about fair treatment and democracy.

Your usual trolls will have no answer for this one, so they'll most likely resort to change-the-subject trolling ("why are you writing about this instead of about blah blah blah.").

Jack Jodell said...

You nailed it, Shaw. This wretched, reactionary, Tea Party-infested orgabization is a group of ignorant, smug, white supremacists. They are absolutist and anti-democracy in general. They do not deserve to be on the public payroll, and the sooner they're run out of office, the better!

JoMala "Truth 101" Kelly said...

Since my employment situation has forced me to become a republican I am compelled to defend the fine tea party fellow who spoke the truth.

To go even truthier, if you're going to vote for anyone not approved by us we don't think you should be allowed to vote.

FreeThinke said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
FreeThinke said...

Here's some fodder for your cannon: Enjoy The Gift. I realize no Democrat will understand the satirical nature, the wicked humor -- and especially the sad grain of truth -- in this little piece, but you can have it anyway -- to thrash and trash as I know you will. All I ask is that you remember these wry observations center on Sub-Saharan AFRICA -- not the USA.

To Robert Mugabe, et al.

When'er the Brits are driven away
Black tyrants often come to prey.

When White Men let their burden down
Savages will take the crown

Place it on their nappy heads
Throw themselves in with the Reds

Rule their folk with iron hand
Wreaking havoc o'er the land.

When blacks rule blacks, no one is free
Their nature turns to tyranny.

O how much blood might have been saved
If they'd stayed happily enslaved!

~ FreeThinke

Dave Miller said...

Shaw... time to take out the garbage again... had to do so on an innocent piece about clean water in Mexico...

Les Carpenter said...

@ Anon 12:07 - Read the post (and comments) any way you like you sick deranged fool and a waste of good 0zygen. I'll say no more about me but I sure will about your comment with respect to Shaw.

Shaw is a decent and intelligent individual, the polar opposite of you. Whether you realize it or not Anon people see you for what you are, a POS. The more you continue trolling respectable blogs and falsely attacking the blog owners and or their comm enters the more you solidify just what a real POS you are in everyone mind.

So why don't you just crawl back into your hole and have a dark and dank day.

Les Carpenter said...

Shaw, my apology for the response I gave to Anon. But his disrespectful reference to you really pissed me off.

I receive continual garbage from this blight on humankind in my comment mailbox almost daily, which is why I am unable to return to an open comment forum.

It is none of my business how you manage your blog but I will suggest you return to, and remain on comment moderation for the foreseeable future. This pimple on a boar's ass isn't going to go away.

FreeThinke said...


The less said to it and about it the better. It's irritating to be sure, but more PITIABLE than anything else.

Aren't you glad that YOU don't suffer from this grievous affliction?

Les Carpenter said...

Now as to the subject matter of the post. The guy is very short on common sense. Probably intelligence as well.

Not all rEpublicans think like this guy and certainly don't agree with him. What is puzzling is that the saner rEpublicans do nothing to return their party to sanity.

As the party dwindles in numbers and only the crazies are left in the rEpublican party we'll likely see more of this.

Hopefully it will hell the Libertarian Party who hopefully s populated by guys like Johnson and Huntsman.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Sorry for the feces throwing monkey.

I thought I could leave comment moderation, but the shut-in obviously can't control itself.

Back to comment moderation.

I'm out for most of the day, will answer your comments later.

Thanks for your input and patience.

Dave Miller said...

RN... you hit the nail on the head... your comment "why don't the supposed saner Republicans do something to return their party to sanity" is the question of the day.

Currently and in the past, members of the GOP have said that failure of the moderates in Islam to condemn terrorism as a viable option, proves that they agree with the extremists.

Is it possible that GOP agrees with the extremists within their party and that the extreme has become their mainstream?

How else should we interpret the silence of the saner Republicans you seek?

Maybe their aren't any...

Les Carpenter said...

Dave, perhaps many choose to remain silent because 1) they haven't the time, 2) they prefer not to get unfairly blasted, or 3) they move over to the Libertarian party.

I know there are sane republicans because I've known many, as I'm guessing you have as well.

The GOP needs a coherent sensible fiscal conservatism, a more tolerant social posture, and candidates that engender trust and respect across a much broader demographics.

I'm sure I'll be voting other than republican or democratic in 2016.

Dave Miller said...

RN... but that silence, according to the GOP regarding others, is acceptance of the other sides views.

No GOP leader, except GWB even tried to defend Muslims after 9/11 and the standard response from the party was that silence was acceptance of the terrorists ideals of the extremists.

Is it not reasonable to infer that the GOP, using their own logic, is in fact, extremist?

Dave Miller said...

RN... on voting in 2016,,, maybe me too!

We do need some real change and fresh ideas...

Shaw Kenawe said...

Infidel753 and Jack Jodell, the guy who made that statement wasn't some backwoods no-account pol, he is the LEADER of the Dallas Teapublicans! A very important position that represents thousands of Republicans.

It's incredible that he feels comfortable in his bigotry and, worse, that no national GOP leader has repudiated his statment.

The GOP then squeals like little piggly-wigglies that the libruls are unfair when they call the GOP racists! When you hear a LEADER say the GOP should STOP a group of Americans voting because they vote for a particular political party, what other conclusion can one draw except that they are bigots? But how often do we hear that label thrown at Democrats?

Your Excellency Ayotollah Truthmeni 101, thank you for being so honest in you statements on how the GOP views any group that doesn't vote for them!

FT, I think people will get the satire.

RN, the troll smears both you and me, so we're doing our j!obs correctly: pissing off a "maroon!"


I've heard nothing from the national GOP on the Texas Teapublican's statement that the GOP doesn't want African-Americans to vote because they support the Democratic Party.

Just imagine if the a leader in the Democratic Party said that because southerners won't vote Democratic, they don't want them to vote. Skull fragments would be all over the intertoobz!

And yet what Emanuelson said isn't being discussed on any of the rightwing blogs I've read. It's just not something the GOP gets enraged over.


Les Carpenter said...

Dave... By my omission of support for the extreme in the GOP you can conclude (safely) that yes it can be construed as reasonable to apply their own logic to them.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

I think far too many rePublicans think like this guy, but I wonder why rAtional nAtion distances himself from him, seeing as rAtional doesn't identify as rePublican. Also, I do not find it that puzzling that the saner rePublicans do nothing to return their party to sanity, seeing as there aren't that many left. Dave Miller may be on to something... maybe there aren't any at all.

I agree with Shaw, who points out that this guy is the head of the Teapublicans... and they wonder why we call them racists. They argue that disagreeing with the president politically doesn't make them racist. Right, it is statements like this! But I disagree on FreeThinke's "satire". I didn't get it all.

Doctor Tomato said...

shaw...its much protesting we hear...from the rightwiners...saying theyre not racist...then we hear them speak...their bigotry in public...LOL!

Shaw Kenawe said...

This is the sort of person who is attracted to and thrives in the present day GOP:

E.W. Jackson, Virginia Lieutenant Governor Candidate, Says Yoga May Result In Satanic Possession

He sounds like Michele Bachmann on steroids.