Paul Revere by Cyrus Dallin, North End, Boston



Friday, September 22, 2017

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Ezra Klein:  "Here's the thing: no, Jimmy Kimmel is not a health policy expert. But his position on Graham-Cassidy is shared by basically every health advocacy group in the country, and Cassidy's position is shared by...none of them. 

So if the attack on Kimmel is going to be: you're not an expert! Then implicitly, you're saying, we should listen to the experts. And the experts — from all 50 Medicaid directors to the American Cancer Society to the American Medical Association to the American Diabetes Association to AARP to every health policy expert I've talked to — all say the same thing: this is a bad bill being jammed through a bad process, and the Senate needs to take a breath and start over."

 Medicaid Directors From Red And Blue States Reject Graham-Cassidy Repeal


Jerry Critter said...

Of course it is a bad healthcare bill. Republicans do not want the government involve in healthcare. They would rather that their benefactors, the big corps and the uber rich, have their taxes reduced, and federal spending directed to them.

Shaw Kenawe said...

From The Hill:

"Many Texans who supported Trump, who is already unpopular in Texas, will be hit with a huge premium increase and ask: “What the hell is Trump doing to me?” There will be many Texans with pre-existing conditions who will face punishing new increases in premiums. Some will face severe economic hardship. Others will lose their insurance coverage entirely. Many of them will register their displeasure with Cruz and vote for O’Rourke on Election Day 2018."

Les Carpenter said...

There is little question but what Medicaid left as is will break the system. We ought to be smart enough to identify a workable and sustainable solution. MeCain again showing some balls.

Dave Miller said...

Governors from Red and Blue states. A majority of people from across the US.

And yet, these guys want to give us more "freedom"...


Shaw Kenawe said...

Jerry Critter: "Republicans do not want the government involve in healthcare."

BINGO! That's exactly what this is about.

RN, I couldn't agree more. Tese are all man-made problems and men and women can solve them.

Dave, the bill being pushed by the GOP has nothing to do with "the people," it has to do with elites and insurance companies. Trump doesn't know anything about it, and Graham and Cassidy are a disgrace to propose this monstrosity.

Jerry Critter said...

Shaw - "T[h]ese are all man-made problems and men and women can solve them."

Men and women have already solved these problems in other countries and at half the price that we now pay and with a better outcome. All we have to do is copy someone.