Paul Revere by Cyrus Dallin, North End, Boston



Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Trump to Kim Jong Un: "You're a great leader."

Trump to Kim Jong Un:

"I think your country has tremendous economic potential, unbelievable, unlimited. I think that you will have a tremendous future for your country, you're a great leader and I look forward to watching it happen and helping it to happen."

Kim Jong Un Has Committed 10 Crimes Against Humanity: 

Panel Defectors told the committee about a newborn being fed to guard dogs, executions of starving prisoners for scrounging for edible plants in the dirt, the torture of Christians and more: | 

North Korean leader Kim Jong Un has up to 130,000 people imprisoned across a network of gulags, amounting to atrocities committed against his own nation, an international war crimes committee reported Tuesday. NBC News reported that the dictator committed all but one of the 11 recognized crimes against humanity, according to the International Bar Association War Crimes Committee's report: 

murder, extermination, enslavement, forcible transfer, imprisonment, torture, sexual violence, persecution, enforced disappearances and other inhumane acts. Defectors told the committee about a newborn being fed to guard dogs, executions of starving prisoners for scrounging for edible plants in the dirt, the torture of Christians and more. 

 The gulags "are as terrible, or even worse" than Nazi camps, renowned jurist Thomas Buergenthal, who survived Auschwitz and serves on the committee, told The Washington Post.


When has America EVER heard of a US president seeking advice on dealing with a hostile foreign leader from a country that is also hostile to the U.S. and, in this case, a country that interferred in U.S. elections? 

What the hell is going on?

Putin Foreign Minister Lavrov in Vietnam ahead of Trump-Kim summit 

The Russian official says the Trump administration sought Kremlin advice about dealing with North Korea

Not a coincidence. Lavrov, who is also visiting Vietnam this week, said in comments carried by Russian news agencies on Monday that Russia believes that the U.S. ought to offer Pyongyang “security guarantees” for the disarmament deal to succeed. He also mentioned that “the U.S. is even asking our advice, our views on this or that scenario of” how the summit in Hanoi could pan out.

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