Paul Revere by Cyrus Dallin, North End, Boston



Wednesday, June 24, 2020

This is America under Trump's reckless leadership:



Dave Miller said...

In North Carolina, the Trump candidate was beaten by a 24 year old kid. In the GOP primary.

I wonder why?

Shaw Kenawe said...

Dave Have you seen any of the hearing going on in the Judiciary Commte. in the House.

Louie Gohmert was banging on the table to interfere with the person giving evidence.

The GOP really is a rogue party not interested in the rule of law.

Dave Miller said...

Shaw... since Brown V Topeka and the decision on school integration, the GOP has only liked the law when it does what they want.

When the law conflicts with their desires, it's chaos.

Take the DACA decision. 8 of 9 justices said the Trump Admin was legally able to end the DACA program... if they followed the law in doing so.

But that was not good enough for the GOP... The believe they should be, if they are in power, to do whatever they want, however they want. They do not like to be constrained by the laws, or interpretations of the Constitution they do not agree with. It's why they disagreed with Brown, and why neither Gorsuch, Alito or Kavanaugh would affirm Brown.

Because they do not like THAT law.

Les Carpenter said...

It has to end. Or. it WILL be the end of our democratic republic.

Unfortunately there is a lot of 45 and over that like what has existed and continues to exist. Their interests are to retain the status quo in tact and build on it.

It disgusts me but it is what it is.

skudrunner said...

Ms Shaw, Since we have given up the rule of law we might as well give up procedures as well. Ayer exceeded his allotted time but wouldn't quit. I guess this is the new way to handle all meetings. If you don't like what or who someone the loudest mouth wins.

Are we going to have any civility when we have the first female president in April or are we just going to attack her as well. Interesting that the democrats thought Barr was a fair and smart person and then he isn't. Bolton was the scum of the earth then he wasn't.

If Biden ever comes out of his basement he may be asked a question by the press. It won't be the difficult questions that obama had to answer and hopefully he can remember the last book he read.

Ray Cranston said...

Shaw, this is what your resident conservative thinks about you and your liberal friends behind your back:

Reason for a liberal is something they can’t comprehend.

Liberals feel they are morally superior because they care about their fellow man.

In truth they only care about their fellow man if it benefits them.

I won’t go into liberal politicians because this is about liberals not liberal crooks but I do realize they are one in the same.

Liberals share a common goal depending on their financial status. If you are poor you want to be supported therefore you are a liberal.

If you are wealthy you want to support the poor as long as it is with someone else’s money and you can take credit for it.

When was the last time you heard about an anonymous donation, probably about the same time you saw a liberal laugh.

Doncha wonder why he comes here to post on your blog when he thinks so little of you? This is what he really thinks of you and me and your other liberal commenters behind your back.

And he has the nerve to criticize liberals? Wow. Just wow!

Hey Dave! Did you know you only care about the people you help in Mexico because "they benefit you?" That's what skud thinks about you.

Dave Miller said...

Ray... well, I do get a benefit. I've learned what it means to care for others, receive from them, learn from them and see lives changed. Honestly, I wish I didn't have to do what I do. That would mean, in my case, the couple of thousand our medical clinics treat each year, the students learning a trade and the people all across Oaxaca drinking clean water would have better lives because their government was functioning.

And yes, taking away their freedoms.

Most of those people pay no taxes, make little or no money and live everyday on the edge.

It's an honor to do what I do. No matter what Skud says over at the Mothership.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Ray and Dave

Unfortunately, skud is not alone in his belief in what liberals are. Of course everything he wrote is a gross generalization.

A couple of things: he says all liberal politician are crooks, ignoring the fact that Trump was impeached for trying to get the Ukraine to help him get elected, and just recently, one of his closest appointees, Bolton, stated that Trump also tried to get Communist country to help him get elected again. That looks a bit corrupt to me and millions of other Americans.Also, the Trump presidency is one of the most corrupt (after Nixon and Reagans) in American history and that "Swell Guy's" administration is one of the most honest.

skud says if you're poor and want to be supported, you're a liberal. West Virginia is one of America's poorest states (with only 3% African-American population), and it gets subsidized by northern blue liberal states (IOW my tax money). That's just one piece of information that skud either doesn't know or choses to ignore. There are many others. We could talk about subsidies to rich oil companies, etc., but we know skud doesn't care about facts or truth when he's smearing liberals.

As for "anonymous" donations to charity. How in the hell would skud or anyone know about a liberal's ANONYMOUS donation? Skud doesn't see the illogic behind his claim. But again HE'S the one who claims liberals have no reasoning powers. BTW, I'm laughing at that one.

PS. Dave, we all know and appreciate the work you do. And over the years, I've read on the Mother Ship people criticizing you for helping Mexicans and not Americans. My answer to that is that those same people like to advertise their great devotion to their Savior. As far as I remember from my Catholic upbringing, kindness, charity, and love isn't supposed to have borders. Didn't their Savior say "Whatever you do for the least of mine you do for me?"

You're a better human being than most of us.

skudrunner said...

Ms. Shaw, RC posted an edited version of what I said but the meaning was correct. I don't feel just democrat politicians are crooks because they all are, democrats have a better PR department and own the media. I will admit it is difficult to track donations that are made anonymously but when a "celebrity" makes a donation it is front page news. Where did I say liberals have no reasoning powers or is that another edited version.

We live in a society where you can remove our past, destroy our statues and monuments and guilt anything Southern. We should also remove mention from history of MLK who was a known womanizer along with FDR, JFK and WJC. They all exploited women and that goes against everything you support. At the same time you defend the party who supported slavery.

The latest accusations regarding Swell Guy will go nowhere. I agree he appears to be somewhat non corrupt but far from squeaky. I know you are fine sending billions to a hater of the US, giving millions to contributors to harness the sun, paying ransom, paying millions for feel good organizations and sending jobs off shore because after all it is not you money.

By eliminating history you will repeat the same mistakes.

Stay Safe after all 120 million people have died in the US from COVID which is scary

Shaw Kenawe said...

skud: "Where did I say liberals have no reasoning powers or is that another edited version."

SK: Right here: "Reason for a liberal is something they can’t comprehend." If that's edited, you should check your original post over at the Mother Ship. Ray posted this, I didn't.

skud: "We live in a society where you can remove our past, destroy our statues and monuments and guilt anything Southern."

Taking down statues of traitors to the U.S. is NOT destroying southern history. No other country in the world puts up monuments to people who fought against their own government AND LOST. Only you and some other southerners (not all of them agree with you) think taking down those monuments is wiping out your history. Not true, of course, history is in books, not statues. The German people know all about their Nazi past, not through monuments to Goebbels and Hitler, but through written history.

Can you give us an honest reason for wanting to keep monuments to traitors instead of reading the history of their rebellion in books? I'm willing to listen. But here's a famous southerner who disagrees with you:

"There is no earthly reason any of this nation’s public spaces should be defiled by statuary honoring generals, soldiers and politicians who were traitors, who took up arms against their country, who did so to perpetuate slavery, and who — this is an important point — were losers.

This was clear even to Robert E. Lee, who opposed such monuments. “I think it wiser,” he wrote in 1869, declining an invitation to help decide where to erect memorials at Gettysburg, “not to keep open the sores of war but to follow the examples of those nations who endeavored to obliterate the marks of civil strife, to commit to oblivion the feelings engendered.”

Lee understood that the South had lost and slavery was gone. Most Confederate memorials were erected decades later, when white Southerners were reestablishing their repressive dominion over African Americans through the imposition of Jim Crow laws and a state-sponsored campaign of terrorism led by the Ku Klux Klan.

The Confederate monument in my hometown, Orangeburg, S.C., was dedicated in 1893. It is a statue of a rebel soldier atop a tall column, and the inscription, attributed to “the women of Orangeburg County” — though presumably only the white ones — calls it “a grateful tribute to the brave defenders of our rights, our honor and our homes.” The “rights” in question were to own human beings, including my ancestors, and compel their uncompensated labor. The point of erecting the monument was to reassert those “rights.” If the statue is a homage to anything, it’s hate. Take it down."
--Eugene Robinson

Les Carpenter said...

Still attempting to educate skud Shaw? Good luck!!