Paul Revere by Cyrus Dallin, North End, Boston


General John Kelly: "He said that, in his opinion, Mr. Trump met the definition of a fascist, would govern like a dictator if allowed, and had no understanding of the Constitution or the concept of rule of law."

Friday, July 22, 2016

This is the Person the Republican Party Chose for POTUS

This is the person who represents the GOP's values:



Shaw Kenawe said...

From Politico:

"Nobody knows the system better than me, which is why I alone can fix it," the real estate mogul declared.

Garry Kasparov, the former chess champion and Russian political dissident who has run afoul of the Kremlin, tweeted in response: "I’ve heard this sort of speech a lot in the last 15 years and trust me, it doesn’t sound any better in Russian."

Clearwater, Florida said...

"Ein Volk. Ein Reich. Ein Con Man"

Jerry Critter said...

There it is in Trump's own words.

Howard Brazee said...

Planned Parenthood does more to lower the number of abortions in this country than any other organization. But if Trump doesn't mind more abortions, he's free to suggest what he will.

Les Carpenter said...

It's what 40+% of the voters apparently want. Go figure.

Bluebull said...

Just another in a very LONG list of reasons why I cannot respect the Republiclown point of view. It makes NO sense!!

Shaw Kenawe said...

Frank Bruni:

His [Trump] patriotism doesn’t add up. On one hand, it leads him to echo conservatives’ longstanding charge that President Obama belittles our country by apologizing too much for it. On the other, Trump told Sanger and Haberman that he’d refrain from reprimanding allies with poor records on civil liberties because the United States is no paragon.

But on that point, Trump is in alignment with conservatives. Neither is looking for a country that’s truly honorable. Neither wants a country that lives up to its highest ideals. They just want to grind out a cigarette anywhere they want, and make the world live with it.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Leonard Pitts:

Well, that was sure ugly.

Last week’s Republican conclave in Cleveland came across less as a nominating convention than as a four-day nervous breakdown, a moment of fracture and bipolarity from a party that no longer has any clear idea what it stands for or what it is. Everywhere you turned, there was something that made you embarrassed for them, something so disconnected from fact, logic or decency as to suggest those things no longer have much meaning for the party faithful.

Did the convention really earn rave reviews from white supremacists, with one tweeting approvingly that the GOP “is becoming the de facto white party?” ...

Did Ben Carson really link Hillary Clinton to Satan? Did the crowd really chant, repeatedly and vociferously, for her to be jailed? Did at least two Republicans actually call for her execution?

No, you weren’t dreaming. The answer is yes on all counts.

Someone remarked on this blog's comment section that the usual far right bloggers are eerily silent on their nominee and the RNC's horror show of a convention.

It just shows that even those far right wackos must be aware of the danger Trumpism is to not just their party but to our country and the world.

I have zero sympathy for them and the wreck they've made of a once great American political party because they've wrecked the party themselves.

We can't allow their recklessness to continue in November.

John J. Public said...

Anyone can make a mistake that might endanger their chances at the voting booth. I think Trump is much more stronger a candidate than Hillary is . Hillary dodged the bullet when no charges were filed against her on the email investigation. I don't know how many chances she's going to have doing that.
It's depressing that Trump is even this close to the White House. I'm not a Hillary fan, but with Trump as the other choice, I will be voting for Hillary. I would hope most Americans would think the same, but her past may come back to hunt her. I don't think that many Americans Have much confidence in her ant more. I know that my confidence in her has diminished.

Anonymous said...

It's depressing that Trump is even this close to the White House. I'm not a Hillary fan, but with Trump as the other choice, I will be voting for Hillary. I would hope most Americans would think the same, but past votes by Americans gives me no confidence.
I like reading people who have far better knowledge on these issues than myself. I can learn much from reading you, but expect my John Doe opinions.

Shaw Kenawe said...

"I would hope most Americans would think the same, but her past may come back to hunt her." --J.J.P.

I'm positive that it won't be her past that will "come back to hunt her" but rather the Hillary-deranged Goopers. They've been hunting her for over 20 years.