Paul Revere by Cyrus Dallin, North End, Boston

Thursday, May 3, 2018

TRUMP: The Lying Liar

This is just another Trump lie in the continuum of lies that defines President Spanky's sordid presidency. His followers, blind to #45's treachery and dishonesty, would rather focus on President Obama or Secretary Clinton rather than face the fact that they willingly support a malignant liar and con man. 

#45 claimed that he knew absolutely NOTHING about his lawyer, Michael Cohen's, payment to his porn star mistress, but now we see that was just another lie in the mountain of lies #45 tells. He's pathological and not to be believed in anything he claims is "the truth." #45 has no relationship with the truth. A scam artist never does. 

[#45's] new lawyer Rudy Giuliani says the president repaid attorney Michael Cohen for a $130,000 payment to porn star Stormy Daniels. 

Trump had told reporters that he was not aware of the payment and that he didn't know where Cohen had gotten the money. Giuliani made the revelation during an appearance on Fox News Channel's "Hannity."

It's really clever how the Deep State got Rudy Giuliani to show the world that Trump and Cohen lied about the payment to Stormy Daniels. And it used @seanhannity for this operation. Fiendishly smart!

Giuliani ripped the bandage off Trump's lie, rubbed it in salt, then Trump made it worse

During Tuesday night’s jaw-dropping ramble on Fox, Rudy Giuliani not only called for blowing away the rule of law and jailing everyone who didn’t bow to Trump, but also admitted that Trump didn’t just know about the payments given to Stormy Daniels by Michael Cohen, but had paid Cohen back. Then, in a discussion with the New York Times, Giuliani made it even worse … “Some time after the campaign is over, they set up a reimbursement, $35,000 a month, out of his personal family account,” Mr. Giuliani said. He added that over all, Mr. Cohen was paid $460,000 or $470,000 from Mr. Trump through those payments, which also included money for “incidental expenses” that he had incurred on Mr. Trump’s behalf. Which would seem like a patent admission that Cohen not only handled the Daniels’s affair for Trump, but held off getting repaid until after the election and took his repayments in small chunks that seem specifically designed to disguise their purpose to both the FEC and SEC. 

And it all points a big red arrow at what everyone knew to be a lie to begin with. Speaking to reporters aboard Air Force One … Trump said he had not been aware that Cohen had made the payment, nor did not know where the money came from. Now Trump is forced to come up with a brand-new story. And of course that’s coming out one tweet at a time, in messages clearly dictated by the firm of Whoever His Lawyer Is This Morning.


Jerry Critter said...

“It's really clever how the Deep State got Rudy Giuliani to show the world that Trump and Cohen lied about the payment to Stormy Daniels. And it used @seanhannity for this operation. Fiendishly smart!”

There is another possible explanation besides the “Deep State”. Giuliani, Trump, and Cohen are all complete idiots and incompetent at their jobs.

Les Carpenter said...

A third possible explanation, one I'm sure the Christian Evangelicals will wince at but use often, is... the lord works in mysterious ways. :)

Ducky's here said...

President Happy Hands needed a war time consigliere.

I'm hoping Ghouliani runs this like he ran his pathetic presidential primary campaign.
Maybe he'll bring his boy Bernie Kerik off the bench, if he's out of jail.

What a parcel of rogues.

Dave Miller said...

Well Ducky, he's off to an amazing start. The best start of any lawyer in the Trump orbit. Simply incredible. No one like him.

In just a few hours he's confirmed for all to see that Trump is a liar and too stupid to withstand what will be some furious questioning from Mueller. Unlike HRC, Trump, if he heeds the advice from Rudy will not testify for a daylong session because he's going to avoid a "perjury trap."

Let's remember that this is the group that felt HRC should not be elect4ed because as a liar, she was not qualified to be prez...

Such amazing patriots. The best patriots in American history. Healthiest too, at least according to the doctors note that Trump wrote about himself.

Any news on whether after Jackson leaves, there will be doctor looking after our obese, exercise challenged President?

Ducky's here said...

Is that "perjury trap" or "perjury rap". Dave?

Clearwater, Florida said...

More on Trump and his lies...

"One can fully understand why Melania Trump reportedly cried on election night. Whatever she knows or doesn’t know, she surely understands her husband’s propensity to lie and the font of potential legal trouble that could envelop him once in office. You do wonder, however, at what point Ivanka Trump, who claims the “right” to believe her father’s statements, however sketchy, will throw in the towel on her defense of him. Maybe it is time for Ivanka and Jared Kushner to go back to New York. Heck, maybe it’s time for Trump to escape as well." via Jennifer Rubin

Ducky's here said...

He added that over all, Mr. Cohen was paid $460,000 or $470,000 from Mr. Trump through those payments, which also included money for “incidental expenses”

Four hundred grand in "incidental expenses"?

That's a lot of tips.
I'm guessing its vigorish to his Russian handlers.

Jerry Critter said...

What is Cohen doing to justify a “retainer” of $35,000 per month?

Leo T. Lyon said...

tRump was asked questions on his way to Marine One for a helicopter ride to Air Force One for a ride to an NRA convention in Texas (wrap your tax money around that...) and completely contradicted what his attorney Rudy G said over the past two days. Totally tossed him under the bus. Another slew of lies to cover the lies told to cover the lies about the previous lies. . . ."