From The Daily Beast:
Dimitrios Pagourtzis, Texas Shooting Suspect, Posted Neo-Nazi Imagery Online
Before allegedly killing at least 8 people, he apparently posted online images of a Nazi medal, a musician favored by the alt-right, and a “born to kill” t-shirt.
Dimitrios Pagourtzis, the suspected gunman who opened fire at a Texas high school on Friday morning, apparently posted photos of neo-Nazi iconography online, according to social media accounts flagged by classmates and reviewed by The Daily Beast.
Galveston County Sheriff Henry Trochesset said the suspect was a 17-year-old male student at Santa Fe High School where 10 people were killed. The suspect was taken into custody, Trochesset told reporters. Explosive devices were left inside the school near Houston, authorities said. The suspect reportedly had an assault-style rifle, shotgun, and pistol.
He's one of some "very fine people."
Sigh. As America's violent firearm trend at schools contninue unabated. And America's political attention remains on protecting 2'nd amendment rights. Americans lack the political will to do the right thing. COMPREHENSIVE OVERHAUL OF FIREARM REGULATIONS AND MAKING THEM UNIVERSAL NATIONWIDE.
Concerns of gun advocates and hunters can be reconcilled with public safety concerns. But this is America.
You'll be relieved to hear that tRump has stated that this "doesn't look good and has been going on for too long".
He promised he'd do anything to increase school safety. He was unusually unctuous.
It should be noted that the school resource officer was wounded in the attack.
Senator Cruz (R- Nutter) did the "hearts and prayers" duty on this one. No mention of effective firearms control legislation.
I am not convinced trump planned this to happen just like the previous president didn't plan all of the people killed by ISIS. Lets all do what politicians do best, assign blame ranter than find a solution.
Skud... shirt of a ban on guns, or a police state at schools, there is no solution.
When you mix the human heart, with all of uts flaws and guns, what happened at that school is the logical result.
Shaw, Ducky... we’ve even got the Houston PD chief saying we’ve got to do something.
Nate Silver has done research to show that gun ownership is the best predictor by almost 50% of membership in the GOP.... how do we move ahead and find a solution if that’s true?
Skud... no one said Trump planned for this to happen. But keep at it. You never fail to delight with your backhanded snark at President Obama.
The Lt. Governor of Texas has the solution. Fewer doors on the schools. Doors kill people, not guns.
Yes, here's Trump:"determined to do everything in our power to protect our students, secure our schools and to keep weapons out of the hands of those who pose a threat to themselves and to others."
And what's he doing yesterday and today? Yesterday he spent the day ragetweeting against John Brennan and the FBI. This morning he's tweeting the lunacy of some conspiracy theorist named Dan Bongino because obviously we should believe this loon and not Brennan.
So Rev you are saying we just give up. This was not an "assault" rifle so now we should gather all of the legal guns and melt them down, I doubt Madam Pelos's MS-13 will surrender theirs willingly. Maybe outlaw mental illness would be a start.
Dear, dear skud. What you and many others refuse to face is the fact that no other country sustains these sorts of massacres of their children. Not one other country --just America the Beautiful Gun Lovwea. And no other country has the free-for-all gun laws and the number of firearms in circulation that America the Beautiful Gun Lovers does.
You may find a connection if you think about that for a few minutes.
I don’t know Skud... I think a lot of libs have offered up the no guns solution. The right doesn’t like that option but has offered nothing as a response. What solution do you see to keep guns out of the hands of normal law abiding people who one day may snap and kill you grandkids in a mass shooting?
As long as the left supports banning firearms and the right supports open carry with little effective regulation NOTHING will impove. Amd children wiil die.
I can't speak for everyone on the left, but I'm not really interested in any wholesale banning. I've kinda come around on what are classified as assault rifles. I don't see the legitimate purpose of them. Not opposed to long guns for hunting or even defense of one's home. I'll take a shotgun if I felt the castle was under threat. No problem with handguns in the hands of those who pass the muster of registration.
I'd like to think there are a fairly large number of folks on the right open to sensible laws as well. The problem I see is that gun legislation is totally controlled by the NRA/gun and ammo industry. That kinda stands out when it's impossible to even get something like bump stocks off the market.
More Americans have been killed in domestic mass shooting massacres in 2018 than the number of Americans killed in military operations overseas.
KR, agree that there has to be a better way but as long as we let lobbyists buy our government we will get little done. Most of our elected elite are up for sale and the NRA pays well as do the banks, pharma and oil companies. Eliminate lobbyists and have term limits is a good start but it would take a corrupt congress to vote on it and that won't happen.
Don't you mean an HONEST Congress skud?
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