Paul Revere by Cyrus Dallin, North End, Boston

Sunday, July 29, 2018

Back from a lovely week in Montreal and Quebec City. Sigh.

The best part of being in Montreal and Quebec City is that I did not hear the word "trump" the entire time we were there. No news, no newspapers, no media. Alan and I were so happy to leave the U.S. for a brief period of time and enjoy the beauty and pleasures of two gorgeous cities.

Vive la Canada! What a beautiful country. The people are polite, helpful, and charming.

Back to the U.S. and the plague of trumpism. Ugh!

But here are the highlights of where we visited:

Vieux Montreal:

Old Montreal

Related image

We stayed here on this street in Quebec City.

This is where we had my birthday dinner on Friday in Quebec City:

Le Saint-Amour

Le Saint-Amour

Photo of Le Saint-Amour - Québec, QC, Canada. Interior shot

The finicular to the Hotel Frontenec.

Old world charm!

Almost like being in France!


Jerry Critter said...

Congratulations! You deserved a break, but I missed you! 😃

Shaw Kenawe said...

Aw, thanks, Jerry. A week away from the plague of trumpism helped my spirits. P.S. trump is despised by everyone I met over the past week.

possumlady said...

Welcome back! Happy Birthday 🎉🎊! Yes, you were missed. Love Canada 🇨🇦
I’ve been to Montreal, Toronto, Winnipeg, and Churchill (to see the polar bears wait for the ice to form on the Hudson Bay). I’m thinking of looking into dual citizenship. Canada passed a law stating if one of your parents was born in Canada, the children can get dual citizenship easily! My dad was born in Moosejaw Saskatchewan in 1920 but the family moved back to Minnesota when he was three.

KanaW said...

What lovely places!
And I add my congratulations on your birthday. It's really sad when one has to leave one's own country to get away from the depression caused by the current leadership.

I'm back to visit family in TX for the month of Sept, and am already cringing at what I'll be facing there. *shudders*

Welcome back, and I also missed your posts!

Shaw Kenawe said...

possumlady, Canada is special to me as well, since my first grandchild was born in Toronto. We are so fortunate to have such friendly, civilized neighbors. I loved seeing the various souvenires in the shops that proclaimed, "Just in Canada!" with an image of Trudeau riding a moose!

KanaW, I've been to Dallas many times; my step-daughter and her family lived there for 20 years. Lots to see and do, and there are many enlightened cities where "il trumpo" is not appreciated.

KanaW said...

TX does have a greater proportion of liberals in the cities, certainly! If it were only cities, TX would most likely be solidly blue. My area is San Antonio, which is gradually moving towards blue; it's pretty much purple right now. *g* I think Trump is helping with that, definitely!

Sadly, about half of my family are solid Xtian Trumpists. I gave up talking about things with them last trip over. There's a solid wall between their minds and the outside world. Their eyes glaze over whenever facts that disagree with their ideas are spoken.

Anonymous said...

You help create the Trump depression by posting about him everyday in a negative manner. I would agree there is no positive manner in which to write about Trump, but you are adding to the Trump garbage everyone else can not get away from. Me thinks you protest to much. What would you write about if you stopped writing your Trump garbage everyday?

Shaw Kenawe said...

"Anonymous said...
You help create the Trump depression by posting about him everyday in a negative manner."

My blog is a place where I can express my opinions about politics and other issues. It is trump, not I, who has made the political discourse negative. This blog just reports and discusses his policies and how it affects America and beyond.

A blog is exactly the place where people who are interested in current political issues talk about issues that interest them. Most of the commenters here agree and have no problem with what is written here.

Shaw Kenawe said...

KanaW, San Antonio, parts of Dallas (Plano, for example), and Austin, are turning or are already blue. I'm keeping my eye on the Cruz - O'Rourk contest. Beto is giving Teddy a run for his senatorial seat!

Les Carpenter said...

Somebody has to stand against evil that is tRump. Those opposing tRump, and they are the majority, need to build a verbal Wall of Shame around tRump and his administration. Truth will prevail and those who speak the truth backed up with facts are doing their civic and patriotic obligation.

Shaw Kenawe said...

RN, good point, Les! Yes. A MAJORITY OF AMERICANS are anti-Trump. The Trumpistas think they are the majority, and they are most definitely NOT! #45 is a tyrannical minority preznit who will go down in American history as the worst who disgraced the Oval Office. His supporters don't see this, but that's more evidence of their willful tribalism and blindness to reality. SAD!

KanaW said...

Houston is pretty blue, also!

I'm really pulling for Beto - he sounds like a super guy, and it will be magnificent if he can oust Cruz!