Paul Revere by Cyrus Dallin, North End, Boston

Saturday, July 21, 2018

In a Saturday morning Tweet Trump tells America and the world that President Obama did nothing wrong!

Why President Spanky felt compelled to reassure America and the world of this obvious fact, we don't know. But we're glad he assured everyone that our "favorite president" did nothing wrong!

Inconceivable that the government would break into a lawyer’s office (early in the morning) - almost unheard of. Even more inconceivable that a lawyer would tape a client - totally unheard of & perhaps illegal. The good news is that your favorite President did nothing wrong!
Thanks for supporting our favorite president!


Anonymous said...

Barack Obama was the last American president. Trump works for the Russians. Traitor!

Ray Cranston said...

The mewlers and pukers wimpering about the length of the Mueller investigation:

The lessons of Whitewater and Benghazi learned, maybe the point is not to build an atmosphere of crisis leading to something undemocratic, but just to have a perpetual investigation, tickled to life as needed politically.

The BENGHAZI! investigation: The panel, which spent more than $7.8 million over two and a half years, disbanded at the end of the 114th Congress.

Two and a half years and the Republican led committee found no wrong-doing by SoS Hillary Clinton.

The Trump Cultists are pissing themselves over the Mueller investigation that has seen indictments, jail for Trump's campaign manager, felony charges, and recently a Russian spy jailed and awaiting trial after we discovered she funneled money to the GOP throug the NRA and while she traded her sexual favors for access to GOP influence.

This is why the mewlers and the pukers are upset. The GOP BENGHAZI! investigations came up with NOTHING. So far the Mueller investigations have uncovered felonies, spies, indictments and more.

Michael K. said...

Y'know, as more and more facts on Russian involvement in the 2016 election accumulate, it's only a matter of time until Trump's base not only accepts the fact, but positively embraces it, as a necessary, welcome assist to Trump's glorious victory over that Clinton woman. Signs saying 'Thanks, Vlad!' held by people in MAGA hats will show up, to be taken literally. Hannity will say, 'Thank heaven Putin had the courage to help this country elect Trump in its hour of need.' If collusion is demonstrated, Republicans will applaud it as a worthy, clever strategy in fighting the good fight. After all, the fate of America was at stake. Let all good men, even if they're Russian, come to the aid of the party.
Wait for it. Only a matter of time.

skudrunner said...

Russia has been Medellin in elections in several countries since at least 1979 and now it is such a big deal. You do realize that Russia has a economy smaller the Texas and I agree with Obama when he said that russia hasn't been a factor for over 20 years. Now all of a sudden it is all about russia.
Just a guess that the democratic/socialist party needs a better plan than hate trump, hate russia. The great policy of free college and healthcare while providing guaranteed income for all may not be the best platform. Let your great grand children figure out how to pay for it.