Paul Revere by Cyrus Dallin, North End, Boston

Friday, July 6, 2018

No organ! No organ! You're the organ!

I. Just. Can't.


Who's idea was it to let this babbling imbecile out in public?


Ray Cranston said...

I had heard on the news that he made fun of The Thousand Points of Light Foundation as well as was poking at McCain again. Did I understand correctly?

Shaw Kenawe said...

Yes, Ray, President Spanky mocked and insulted a dying Republican former POW US Senator and an elderly former Republican POTUS who just lost his wife.

I am no longer surprised at the indecency that emanates from this bag of filth.

Think about the people who still support him.

Dave Miller said...

Actually Shaw... even in Trumps convoluted mind, Fmr Pres GHW Bush qualifies as a hero. A recipient of the Distinguished Flying Cross and an assortment of other medals, A Congressman, Ambassador to China, Head of the CIA, Vice President along with his time in the Oval Office, Bush embodies all that is good about public service.

There is no comparison between the two presidents... Trump lowers himself every time he tries to inflate his own ego by criticizing others.

Shaw Kenawe said...

DaveI will never understand why certain Goopers still support him. Are they too embarrassed to admit their horrible mistake?

Elmer said...

The pro Trump minority is united by the mantra of make white males great again. Undereducated and underemployed white males and their supporters are the backbone of the Trump supporters. They have very little else going for them in life but to support Trump and the lies he has told them about making them great again.

The anti-Trump majority must unite to take our country back.

Infidel753 said...

I will never understand why certain Goopers still support him. Are they too embarrassed to admit their horrible mistake?

I think that's pretty much it. They have a huge psychological incentive to avoid recognizing Trump for what he is -- it would mean acknowledging that they were conned when they voted for him. And it would mean acknowledging that the hated liberals, educated people, and pundits were right when they warned people not to vote for him. You know how lousy it feels thinking you finally won out over somebody you hate and then having to admit that they were right and you were wrong and that you actually just made a fool of yourself? The Trumpanzees will do anything rather than face up to that. Not all of them, but a lot of them. It's going to be a huge problem, even after Trump is out of office.

And hopefully the brain is attached to the mouth. Right?

Lost cause in this case. Either this is galloping senility or he was massively distracted or sleep-deprived.

Dave Miller said...

Infidel... they are not embarrassed at all.

In my conversations with many of his supporters, here's what I hear... they are pretty much 100% in support of his policies. But they wish he would cut the drama, be quiet and stick to his work. They like that he is basically saying "We're America and you're not! So stick it! We saved the world, we're the best, don't bother us."

There's little substantial he is doing with which they disagree, so why be embarrassed?

Franco Di Angelo said...
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The Shadow said...

No, we just trust, and believe in him.

Ducky's here said...

"Dave I will never understand why certain Goopers still support him. Are they too embarrassed to admit their horrible mistake?
I believe shaw wins the large kewpie doll.

Prince Albert said...
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Unknown said...
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Unknown said...
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Unknown said...
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Anonymous said...

More bad news...213,000 jobs added in June..when will it stop

Anonymous said...

Well Ms.Shaw, perhaps they like lower taxes, a booming economy, more jobs, a strong military, strong borders, less regulations

Dave Miller said...

Tom... Who mentioned Hillary? You're right, Trump is Pres. he was elected and has a right to serve. That does not change the fact that he repeatedly misstates facts, lies, is uniformed and has policies that a majority of Americans do not favor.

Les Carpenter said...

His election is the direct result of our electoral system, ie Electoral College. Don't think we're going to see anyone but a tRump conservative evangelical Republican elected to the presidency anytime soon.

I could be wrong and hope to he'll I am.

Craig said...

More bad news...213,000 jobs added in June..when will it stop

That is good news. I was thinking back to the bad old days when Obama was Pres. June, 2016, his last year in office. 287,000 jobs added that month and that was seen as signs of a sluggish recovery or as Trump asserted, phony numbers. Before you get too giddy, let's see how the Stable Genius' trade war plays out. We got a lot of soy bean farmers here in Minnesota who aren't very happy. Also too, annual deficits are heading back towards a Trillion $. I know, it doesn't matter when Repubs are in charge.

Sorry to carry this over to this thread but Skud asked, Why is it legal to have lobbyists whose whole function is to bribe politicians.

You can thank our conservatives on the SC. Citizens United opened the spigots for dark money. The 1st amendment guarantees petitioning the gov't for a redress of grievances. That court relied on the specious precedent of corporate personhood, (Your homework assignment for the weekend is to look up cases Santa Clara and Bellotti). Expect much more of the same from Trump's new court and if you work for a living you can kiss labor rights goodbye.

Dave Miller said...

Franco... what’s your point? Can you tell us how you apply that verse to Pres Trump, darling of many evangelicals?

Kevin Robbins said...

Ecclesiastes 9:17

The words of the wise heard in quietness are better than the shouting of a ruler among fools.

Dave Miller said...

Kevin... better yet... from Levitical Law.

"The foreigner residing among you must be treated as your native-born. Love them as yourself..."

I wonder why we never hear this quoted by the likes of Jeff Sessions and many conservatives?

Anonymous said...

Rev, shouldn't "legally" be inserted?

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Two words, civil disobedience.

Anonymous said...

"Civil disobedience" along with cute cardboard signs....yea,that should work

Anonymous said...

5 words then, extreme civil disobedience followed up at the ballot box.

Dave Miller said...

Anon... there is no "legal" qualifier in that scripture, or anywhere else in the Old Testament. So... no, legal should not be inserted.

Of course we can argue the politics of whether is good for a country, but there can be no argument about the biblical sentiment found in Levitical Law...

Anonymous said...

So Rev, does it mention open borders anywhere?

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Trump was fraudulently elected. He does NOT have a "right to serve". Without Kris Kobach's Interstate Crosscheck and Vladimir Putin's Influence Campaign Hillary Clinton would be president. The election was stolen.

BTW, Trump is an organ of Putin. As per the definition of "organ" as "an instrument or means, as of action or performance: This committee will be the chief organ of administration".

Adam said...

Quotes like that are like someone with a mental disorder. Connect the dots Trumpanzees

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Likely not. He picks his time.

Anonymous said...
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Infidel753 said...

This demonstrates why comment moderation is necessary. If you open a public toilet, everybody will come and shit in it.

Anonymous said...

Good try Preacher, but no cigar. Better luck next time.

Grey One talks sass said...

From Anon and other fancy names I'm hearing a lot of They and Them without any identifiers. Who is this mysterious they?

There is a solution to the challenges that face the USA. It's not sexy, it's a lot of hard boring work (kind of like the dusting in housework or filing in the office). Because of the lack of POP lots of folks like the trolls here believe the course has been set and there is no deviation.


We The People descended from prisoners and indentured servants. Our past is defined by the dregs of society aka some of the most aggressive outside the box thinkers who just don't fit the cookie cutter type a monarch needs for a well run society. There are many ways to go forward. What I don't think of my neighbor will. It's very Zen.

It's a good thing people like the Anon trolls will continue to bleat about no hope and smirk at the tears of liberals. We The People will gather ourselves and do what we always do - carry on (HT to Queen).

Kevin Robbins said...

Shaw, sorry to see some of the ruler's fools have escaped and migrated to your comment thread.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Back to comment moderation. Sorry we had to read WYD garbage from their trolls. TOM is never welcome here.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

I don't know if mental illness explains Trump. He might just be a high functioning moron with grandiose delusions due to his privileged upbringing. It does seem that he was not quite so bad when he was younger. He didn't speak quite so much back then, however (didn't have the platform). So there weren't quite so many words to judge him on.