Paul Revere by Cyrus Dallin, North End, Boston

Saturday, July 14, 2018

The Short-Fingered Vulgarian Meets The Queen

Poor Queen Elizabeth II!

For the Queen, Just a Workday to Meet Her 12th U.S. President 
By KATIE ROGERS, New York Times

 "It was business as usual for the world’s longest-reigning monarch. The Trumps, however, broke the long-running protocol of a bow or curtsy — and Mr. Trump appeared to walk in front of the queen, drawing criticism.


The president and first lady appeared not to have followed long-running protocol in which a bow or curtsy is customary. Moreover, Mr. Trump seemed to walk in front of the queen, and not quite alongside her, prompting Twitter critics to call his motions awkward and even rude. Stephanie Grisham, the first lady’s communications director, said Mrs. Trump was briefed on royal protocol before the visit, but it was unclear if the president, who eschews briefings, received similar guidance."

President Porn Star Shagger walked in front of the Queen. He looked lost and confused. She's twenty years older and outshines the American Buffoon!

Brett Stevens, Conservative Columnist:

America First, America Hated, America Alone

Trump intends to bring about the collapse of the liberal international order, in its commitment to open societies and its institutions.
Londoners not afraid to tell the "Stable Genius" what they think of him. Bless them! :

Brits are not liking the "stable genius."
"Not a royalist but didn't like the way Trump was late for the Queen didn't bow & walked in front of her. Shows how disrespectful to women he is if he is like that to the most famous woman in the world!," 

One tweet read. "I'm not a great Royalist - but that is incredible! Trump was in that moment oblivious of the Queen, who in some ways might reasonably be regarded as one of the World's greatest leaders? Also given all the formality he didn't button his jacket? 

Maybe a bit odd?," puzzled Adrian Ludlam. "Trump is rude & ignorant to everyone else. Including being extremely disrespectful to Prime Minister May & Queen Elizabeth when he was a Guest! He has earned every insult, every hate, every protest. Smarten up, eh?," tweeted Hope Aldridge. 

 "Who does Trump thinks he is. He comes over to our country on a supposedly working visit berates our Prime Minister on Brexit then back tracks accusing our papers of spreading fake news. Then to add insult to injury he keeps the Queen waiting 15 mins, doesn't bow just shakes her," tweeted Melanie Cassandra Burstall.


Kevin Robbins said...

Thanks for all the posts on the boor's visit to Britain. Love the pics and the John Cleese takedown. Here's one you may or may not have seen. Apparently, he's ticked off a lot of people by arrogantly sitting in Churchill's chair.


Nokka Lushin said...

A Trumpeteer wrote: "President Donald Trump should understand the U.K. will always be prepared to challenge his views in a respectful way — regardless of whether his feelings get hurt, London' a [Muslim Mayor] Sadiq Khan told CNBC Friday.

Respectful, my foot!

Image here. Just imagine if Queen Elizabeth 2 were "welcomed" to Washington in that manner! Sheesh."

Poor slobs. They don't get it. Queen Elizabeth is always perfectly and diplomatically behaved when visiting foreigners or her own peeps.

Donald Trump is a vulgar boor who spews racist garbage every chance he gets and insulted the Mayor of London and even England's Prime Minister.

The lunkheads on the Right don't understand how detested Trump is for his vulgarity and stupidity.

No. Queen Elizaabeth wouldn't be treated like tRump was treated because Liz is a decent human being.

Trump OTOH is a PIG.

Anonymous said...

Poor Queen Elizabeth?
She had a wonderful time!

Shaw Kenawe said...

Really Lisa? Did she call you and confirm this?