Paul Revere by Cyrus Dallin, North End, Boston



Tuesday, October 3, 2023

Chaos and the Chaos Agent


McCarthy loses the Speakership. 

First time in US history!

Judge places gag order on Trump.


Dave Miller said...

Both of these clowns represent stains on the tighty whities...

And the GOP is worse.

Les Carpenter said...


There will be many more negative energies and vibrations that will occur sometime in the future. The effects brought about by the tRump presidency's causes.

A nation in decline pushed further down by the divisive, dishonest, conspiratorial delusions of the MAGA zombies.

Dave Miller said...

Look at this list...

Newt Gingrich... forced out by his own party.

Dennis Hastert... forced out after corruption charges and later went to jail on sexual abuse charges.

John Boehner... forced out by his own party.

Paul Ryan... finished Boehner's term and served one additional term without scandal.

Kevin McCarthy... forced out by his own party.

Since 1980, the GOP has had 5 Speakers. The party, unable to be led or coalesce around a leader, fired 4 of them.

How can America expect a party like that to goivern?

Mike said...

I heard Boebert was playing with Matt Gaetz's dick after the vote.

skudrunner said...

McCarthy got in by a slim margin and he went out by a slim margin. He didn't accomplish much and went back on what he promised so it was not unexpected he got ousted. Instead of staying strong and not bowing to the dems on increasing the budget he lost control of his members. No matter what the republicans were going to take the blame so his stance was meaningless. Shut the government down, republicans fault, increase spending, republicans fault, don't demand we secure the open border, republicans fault. The best speaker for getting her party in line was botox nan. She ruled with an iron ax and the dems marched in step because they feared for their lives. Strong women and you should be proud. The republicans cannot have a strong leader because there are to many who have independent ideas that they can do something.

Both parties have no intentions of cutting spending it is their approach that differs. The republicans just kick the can down the road to their grandkids and the democrats wan the middle class to pay for it. Either way taxpayers are the chumps.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Who's surprised to read SKUDRUNNER blame the Democrats for the rabid Trumpublicans' chaos?

"Instead of staying strong and not bowing to the dems on increasing the budget he lost control of his members. No matter what the republicans were going to take the blame so his stance was meaningless. Shut the government down, republicans fault, increase spending, republicans fault, don't demand we secure the open border, republicans fault." --skud

I'm wondering if skudrunner ever read and understood these lines:

Cassius: "The fault, dear Brutus, is not in our stars,
But in ourselves, that we are underlings." --Julius Caesar, Act I, Scene II

The meaning?

Cassius says that the “fault “of “underlings” like himself and Brutus is their own. They have allowed themselves to live at the feet of a colossus, Julius Caesar, and unless they do something about it they are going to die meaningless deaths and be forgotten to time.

Substitute "Julius Caesar" for Trump, and you get the meaning. Trump has been the mastermind behind the chaos that is in the Republican House and Republican Party -- He wanted a Biden impeachment; he got it! Even though there was no legitimate reason for impeachment. Trump is a revenge agent. That's it. He has no concept of good government. He cares only for his ego and revenge.

Just this week, we learned from John Kelly, his former Chief of Staff that Donald Trump called men and women who served and were wounded or killed in war LOSERS! He did not want wounded military people on stage with him, because it would make him "look bad."

This has all been documented by Kelly as first-hand testimony on what a disgusting rodent Donald Trump is: John Kelly goes on the record to confirm several disturbing stories about Trump

Will skudrunner read about it? Will the sailors on the Mother Ship read it? No!


skud whines about Pelosi and he ability to govern, as though that were a bad thing. In fact, she got things done. What did McCarthy do? Bowed to the worst of the current Trumpistas in the GQP, and look where it got him.

PS, skud needs to look at the list of GOP House Speakers to understand that the current GOP DOES NOT KNOW HOW TO GOVERN.

As long as the current GOP keeps kissing Trump's large, oranage posterior, they will continue to be chaos agents and further ruin themselves. We saw proof of that yesterday.

Shaw Kenawe said...


I didn't read about that. But I wouldn't be surprised.

Shaw Kenawe said...

JOHN KELLY: “What can I add that has not already been said?” Kelly said, when asked if he wanted to weigh in on his former boss in light of recent comments made by other former Trump officials. “A person that thinks those who defend their country in uniform, or are shot down or seriously wounded in combat, or spend years being tortured as POWs are all ‘suckers’ because ‘there is nothing in it for them.’ A person that did not want to be seen in the presence of military amputees because ‘it doesn’t look good for me.’ A person who demonstrated open contempt for a Gold Star family – for all Gold Star families – on TV during the 2016 campaign, and rants that our most precious heroes who gave their lives in America’s defense are ‘losers’ and wouldn’t visit their graves in France."

This is the monster who the current GOP admires and wants to put back in the White House.

Anonymous said...

skud hates Congresswoman Pelosi because, as House Speaker, she accomplished more than any Republican House Speaker has in decades.

Shaw Kenawe said...


As long as the Trumpublicans keep kissing Trump's posterior, they'll continue to debase themselves.

Shaw Kenawe said...


I would seem so.

Shaw Kenawe said...

I had to stop by and see what the sailors on the Mother Ship were saying:

Z: "I Googled McHenry last night but couldn’t find enough either way to make a decision.
He DID hunker down and tell Pelosi “OUT!” to which she’s crying about how she gave respect to Sen Hastert [Sen. Hastert? He was the Republican HOUSE Speaker! --S.K.] and never insisted he leave when she took over and (get your Kleenex out), she said something so clearly aimed at the public and probably pretty effective:

“With all of the important decisions that the new Republican Leadership must address, which we are all eagerly awaiting, one of the first actions taken by the new Speaker Pro Tempore was to order me to immediately vacate my office in the Capitol,” the California Democrat said. “Sadly, because I am in California to mourn the loss of and pay tribute to my dear friend Dianne Feinstein, I am unable to retrieve my belongings at this time.”

She’s right there…as was Trump….when he, too, yesterday, asked “Don’t the Republicans have more important things to do than this ouster?”

message to Nancy from Z in Los Angeles: Stop pulling the heart strings; we know she was your “dear friend” and you’re mourning; that still doesn’t mean you still come first in the Senate…trust us.

Message to Z and her Trumpistas: NANCY PELOSI WAS NEVER IN THE SENATE!

These people vote!

Also: Trump has said many times that he loves the poorly educated. (Q.E.D.)

Shaw Kenawe said...

More proof of the lunacy in the current GQP:

"-FJ/ Thersites says:
October 4, 2023 at 5:43 am
Matt Gaetz for President!


-FJ/ Thersites says:
October 4, 2023 at 5:54 am
DJT, Jr. for Speaker!"

skudrunner said...

Ms. Shaw, I am shocked that you brought up trump who is not longer president. I did give deference to botox nan because she had control of her members and as AOC can attest you don't cross her and survive.

I do agree that trump is in control of the republican party, or at least a number of them. The republican party has never marched in step and controlling them is like herding cats. You are awed by a party who acts like lemmings and just follow, I respect a party who have different opinions.

Maybe some day we will have a majority party who will govern for the American people. We spend more than we take in so what do we do, we just increase the deficit spending limit. The republicans just do nothing, the democrats just increase taxes on the middle class taxpayer. Now we have joey b give away a few billion to pay off student loans which is just a vote buying payment.

Shaw Kenawe said...

skud: "Ms. Shaw, I am shocked that you brought up trump who is not longer president."

Shaw: Skud, I'm shocked that you don't realize Trump is leading the GQP for the nomination to run for POTUS again! That kinda makes him an important subject.

Skud: "The republican party has never marched in step..."

Shaw: Did you type that with a straight face??? The current GQP does what TRUMP tells it to.

Skud: "You are awed by a party who acts like lemmings and just follow, I respect a party who have different opinions."

Shaw: I'm not "in awe" of any political party. I do respect a party that knows how to govern, and right now that's the Democratic Party. They get things done.

Skud: "We spend more than we take in..."

Have you forgotten who gave tax breaks to the billionaires so that we now DON'T TAKE IN AS MUCH AS WE NEED to keep this country going? TRUMP added $7 TRILLION to the debt, NOT THE DEMOCRATS. I've yet to hear you mention that fact. Do you have any idea how much SEVEN TRILLION IS???

The rest of your comment has no links to back what you wrote.

skudrunner said...

You are correct with the statement with one exception, some in the GOP march with trump while the majority wish he would just go away. You seem to think that the only way to balance a budget is take in more money with taxes on the middle class while some believe we need to cut spending. Billions on illegals coming through the open border, billions to pay off rich kids tuition, billions for the green agenda and billions given for a country to secure their border while ignoring ours.

I do know what a trillions is and we shouldn't spend it if we can't pay for it.

Shaw Kenawe said...

More proof of the stark raving lunatics in the GQP:

Republicans against Trump
Donald Trump on becoming Speaker of the House:

“A lot of people have been calling me about Speaker…If I can help them during the process then I would do it.”

Apparently there are lunatics who would consider putting Trump in a job he knows nothing about, not its procedures, responsibilities, history. Nothing.

Oh. Wait!!!!

Shaw Kenawe said...

More on the above:

BREAKING: Donald Trump confirms that he’s been in talks with Republicans about being appointed Speaker of the House.

First, Trump CAN’T be Speaker pursuant to House Republicans’ own rule 26 - which bans anyone indicted with a felony that has more than a two year punishment.

Second, this would be the BEST POSSIBLE scenario for Democrats. The shit show would almost ensure Democrats win every branch of government in 2024.

And forever after!

Les Carpenter said...

Is anyone really suprized by this? Welcome to America's evolving new reality.