Paul Revere by Cyrus Dallin, North End, Boston



Tuesday, October 10, 2023

The anti-American dictator wannabe and chaos agent tells his cultists what to do:


The corrupt Liar, Cheat, Fraud, and Rapist calls for violence against a group of Americans:

Trump once again calls for violence: “I’m starting to think the radical left is far worse and far more dangerous than the right....I don’t know why that they’re not, they're just not attacked.”


Les Carpenter said...

It is what it is. The fact this maladjusted, misguided, agressive and violently disposed individual is still walking free and allowed to telegraph to his MAGA sycophants that violence is an acceptable remedy says much about just how goddamn far this nation has fallen.

When political violence, death and destruction happens all you MAGA zombies you can thank tRump if one of your loved ones die saving America so tRump can destroy it.

Shaw Kenawe said...


"The U.S. is facing this crisis with a weakened diplomatic corps, a weakened military, and a weakened government.

Because of holds Republican senators have put on the nomination process, the U.S. does not have a Senate-confirmed ambassador to Israel or Egypt, the two countries that border the Gaza Strip. The nominees for U.S. ambassador to Oman and Kuwait are similarly waiting for confirmation, as is the State Department’s coordinator for counterterrorism. Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) has held up several of the Middle East nominations, claiming that the “nominees keep lying to Congress and the American people, testifying publicly that they are committed to countering Iran and deepening the U.S.-Israel relationship then implementing the opposite policies in secret once confirmed.”

The military is also down critical leaders, as Senator Tommy Tuberville (R-AL) is refusing to lift his hold on more than 300 uncontroversial military promotions, a hold he says is to protest Pentagon policy of permitting military personnel time off to obtain abortion care.
And the House of Representatives is without a speaker, making it unclear what, if any, business other than electing a new speaker it can conduct. The two candidates in the race for speaker—Representatives Steve Scalise (R-LA) and Jim Jordan (R-OH)—apparently hope to be elected from within the Republican conference, but neither has shown any sign of being able to find the necessary votes.

Scalise is saddled with his own declaration years ago that he was like Ku Klux Klan leader David Duke “without the baggage,” and—in addition to old accusations of turning a blind eye to sexual abuse of the Ohio State University wrestlers on the team of which he was the assistant coach between 1987 and 1995—Jordan is closely associated with the attempt to overturn the results of the 2020 presidential election. Republicans from more moderate districts are likely to be reluctant to back either of them."

Shaw Kenawe said...

The Republican/Trumpublican Party is, at this point, a destructive force in America.

Read the above!

skudrunner said...

What I don't understand is how they can let him roam the streets. He is deranged and it shows more every day with everything he says. If the press would just ignore him he may slink into the woodwork but they just can't do that.

Les Carpenter said...

Well, in fairness to the press tRump works overtime insuring his actions are so outrageously absurd or outside the law that the press is only doing its job. To INFORNM intelligent people of what you so accurately said about tRump.