Paul Revere by Cyrus Dallin, North End, Boston


General John Kelly: "He said that, in his opinion, Mr. Trump met the definition of a fascist, would govern like a dictator if allowed, and had no understanding of the Constitution or the concept of rule of law."

Tuesday, July 23, 2024


All polls are just a snapshot of the moment. 

But, for this moment, it is good news!



Dave Miller said...

What we really need are the Hispanic numbers. Over 34% for Trump spells trouble for the Dems. Real trouble.

Shaw Kenawe said...

How Hispanics can support Trump is a mystery to me.

He wants to round up 11 million "illegals" and put them in detention camps.

How many non-illegals will get caught up in that massive operation? Do they understand what Trump's family separation policies at the border did?

Shaw Kenawe said...

Here's something to think about:

The MAGA "Back the Blue" party is supporting a convicted felon.

The Democrats are supporting a prosecutor!


skudrunner said...

Ms. Shaw, From reports the legal Hispanics and those who were born here are not in favor of the illegals so them supporting trump is not difficult to understand. People who entered the country legally don't appreciate those who just walked across.

Although I think harris will be a disaster she cannot be as bad as biden an not as racist as obama. I think she will win not because she is qualified but because the GOP screwed up with their VP choice.

Dave Miller said...

Shawmala, yeah, I get it, but as someone working in Mexico, I can see some reasons. And they won't be automatic ppl for Harris either.

Hey, add this to the Laura Loomer file, the head of, and the person who speaks for the Republican National Committee.

It's from a tweet on July 22...

"It’s time for Republicans to start talking about Kamala Harris’s sexual history and the reason why she likely doesn’t have any children of her own.

I’m willing to bet she’s had so many abortions that she damaged her uterus.

A woman who has no biological children of her own should not be allowed to make decisions in the White House for your children.

Republicans need to run with this messaging and ask why a woman with no kids of her own and just a scarred up uterus is so obsessed with wanting to kill your babies,

Kamala has zero investment in the future but she wants to determine our future."

Let's just note, Loomer has no bio kids of her own, yet she's working to determine what you can do with your family through her efforts at the RNC. Nikki Haley, and the Mike Pence family also have no natural/bio kids, but both used IVF to have kids. IVF is another procedure many in the GOP want to outlaw.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Oh, please, skud. Just please.

"I think she will win not because she is qualified..."

The Republican Party put up a candidate in 2016 who had ZERO government experience and was never elected to any kind of political office. Trump was a businessman who filed bankruptcy 13 times, including bankrupting CASINOS! Who loses money running a casino????

That statement of yours is, in a word, ridiculous.

Kamala Harris was elected by the people of California (a state that, if it were a country, would have the 5th largest economy IN THE WORLD!)

In 2003, Kamala Harris was elected DA of San Francisco. She was elected attorney general of California in 2010 and re-elected in 2014. Harris served as the junior U.S. senator from California from 2017 to 2021; she defeated Loretta Sanchez in the 2016 Senate election to become the second African-American woman and the first South Asian American to serve in the U.S. Senate. And Harris was elected alongside of Joe Biden to be the vice president of the United States.

And YOU think she'll win "not because she's qualified?"

The ONLY qualification in our Constitution for the presidency is: the President must be at least 35 years of age, be a natural born citizen, and must have lived in the United States for at least 14 years.

That's it. Kamala Harris IS qualified, AND THEN SOME!

JD Vance has held political office for 1 1/2 years. That's it. And Trump chose him as his Veep, which means this untested, elected-only-once-to-public-office guy, would step in as POTUS if something were to happen to Trump, should the unthinkable happen, if he is re-elected!

Your statement is not a serious one. It's your opinion, yes, but a rather weak and unserious one, IMO.

skudrunner: "...she cannot be as bad as biden an not as racist as obama."

When I see your credentials as a presidential historian, I'll take that statement above seriously. By all measures, Joe Biden has been one of the most consequential presidents in modern history. When your dislike of all things liberal/Democratic colors your reason, you cannot ever hope to see reality.

You, like your fellow travelers on the Mother Ship, always label Barack Obama as "racist," without any evidence to back that up. So, I'll just mark that down as your opinion, which, as you know, everyone has, but an opinion is NOT a fact.

Infidel753 said...

Most Hispanic people in the US are US citizens and the majority are highly assimilated. Their views on illegal immigration are similar to those of the public in general. Mass deportation of illegal aliens is overwhelmingly popular. The Democrats have several strong winning issues, but this isn't one of them.

Of greater interest in the poll you posted is the split among women voters. The fact that it's so close to even probably doesn't reflect what will actually happen in November. Since Dobbs, abortion-rights referenda have won overwhelmingly even in red states, and Democratic candidates in special elections who emphasized the issue have generally done ten to twenty points better than Democrats normally do in whatever district the election is being held in, yet these results have generally not been predicted by polls. I suspect that people who normally vote Republican are continuing to tell pollsters they'll do so again, but for many of them, especially women, when the time comes to actually vote, the horrors caused by anti-abortion laws comes home to them more vividly, and they vote the other way. There's every reason to think the same will happen this November.

Dave Dubya said...

"Not as racist as obama".

Wow. That's "mighty white" of Skud, spewing white nationalist tropes.

The woman of color is "not qualified" and the black president is a "racist".

Who the hell talks like this BUT bigots and white racists?

It's increasingly difficult to believe Skud won't vote for Trump.

Les Carpenter said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

“34 felony convictions - not disqualifying
Liable for sexual assault - not disqualifying
Proven fraud - not disqualifying
Trying to change election results - not disqualifying
Fake elector scheme - not disqualifying
Insurrectionist coup attempt - not disqualifying
Stealing national security secrets - not disqualifying
Dictatorial aspirations - not disqualifying
Desire to terminate the Constitution - not disqualifying…’

Ah! But he’s our Felon!

Les Carpenter said...

Loomers has insulted my wife who CHOSE to have no children of her own. But being a fine strong and intelligent women had no problem w/ mine from a previous marriage. And she loves her grandchildren.

I can imagine there are hundred of thousand strong intelligent women in America just like my wife.

Loomer us another ignorant sheeple blindly genuflexing and bowing to her Fuhrer.

Did wee whittle Trump spurt out another veiled threat? One his thuggish MAGA gestapo will carry out following his loss to a far superior intellect, character, and human being.

I hope Anna Navarro is being paid attention to. She is on TV every day and she ain't no friend of DJT. She is republican, sees reality, and tells like it is. She's 1,000% behind Kamala Harris.

Unfortunately there exists misogynist men in every culture.

Shaw Kenawe said...

"Hawkers Burn

JD Vance says the problem is our teachers and professors and those who teach"

"The Intellectualist

JD Vance at the National Conservatism Conference:

"The professors are the enemy."

That's what you get with Trump/Vance -- demonization of our fellow Americans.

Teachers and professors ARE NOT the enemy. People who claim that are the reason our country is where it is at this moment.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Charlotte Clymer:

"Donald Trump endorsed the cancellation of his own party's state primaries, pushed out critics within his own party, refused to participate in primary debates, and has generally failed to engage in transparency and good faith with party leaders.

VP Harris clinched a majority of delegates through a transparent process in which those state delegations, not the Harris campaign, endorsed her after she and her staff did the work of meaningful outreach and listening to critics--for many years now, not just the past two days.

We are not humoring this ridiculous conversation. Just because VP Harris quickly consolidated enthusiastic support on the strengths of her own merit as a candidate and the trust that state and local leaders have in her as a leader does not mean she was "coronated."

Democrats want a public servant. The GOP wants a king.

It's that simple."

Les Carpenter said...

True American Patriots, the ones that know the Constitution and respect and cherish our democratic heritage and rule of law will not vote Trump/Vance. They know full well he, JD, and the MAGA GOP are authoritarian minded with great disdain for democracy, that and they lack both compassion and wisdom.

BB-Idaho said...

In the Trump camp "It's the Wall, stupid" Say what? Trump built the wall, just like he
promised. We remember, the Mexicans paid for it. Except for the millions Bannon stole. Trump pardoned him for that. It's the $$$ stupid, and Harris is bringing it in. The 41 million
true believers ride the bus to the Funny Farm.

Shaw Kenawe said...


Trump also had a "big, beautiful health care plan, better and cheaper than the ACA," and he was going to announce it in two weeks, in August of 2020. We're still waiting. He doesn't even mention it at his rallies. There isn't enough time because he needs to talk about more important things like sharks, and batteries in boats, and Hannibal Lecter. Y'know the things that weigh most heavily on Americans' minds.

Anonymous said...

Trump is giving a speech to his cult today in NC where he will talk about Hannibal Lecter, Al Capone, mental illness in whales, electric tanks, windmills, sharks, how he was chosen by God, etc, and that will seize the momentum back.

Les Carpenter said...

To record crowds no doubt. LOL!!

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

I think my good friend Skudmala is actually excited knowing Kamala will become president. It means he can post silliness about her for years to come. it's the little joys in life we really appreciate. So they say anyway. Enjoy your little joys my friend. I take joy that this will make you joyful.

Les Carpenter said...

Isn't it interesting that the usual naysayers have stayed more away since the shift in momentum. Probably pumping up the cultists from their own con sites. From every angle it's looking more and more like a tidal wave is building. A wave that hopefully washes out the dregs of GOP/MAGA political scumminess.

skudrunner said...

joe101, at least we no longer have to listen to the whisperer. We can put behind us the three years of lies the biden administration spewed out about how fit he was. Now we can have another four years of liar and chief no matter which incompetent wins.

I will miss the march in song when jill arrives but will get over it. She has to be devastated to give up her song and her cover of Vogue. Now she will be able to provide assistance instead of abuse to the old guy.

Shaw Kenawe said...

skudrunner:" We can put behind us the three years of lies the biden administration spewed out about how fit he was..."

"In Congressional hearing, Chris Wray told Matt Gaetz that he's seen no sign of Biden decline.

Chip Roy asked Wray again about Biden's mental faculties. Wray again said that Biden is fine."

I'll take Director Wray's assessment of President Biden's cognitive ability, since he actually has seen him up close and you haven't. It sounds like you're repeating stuff you've heard on FAUX NOOZ or other MAGA-friendly media outlets.

Shaw Kenawe said...

BREAKING: Former Georgia Republican Lt. Governor Geoff Duncan has endorsed Kamala Harris for President.

Les Carpenter said...

The MAGA/GOP has sprung a leak. Likely more leaks will follow. Trump will be incapable of plugging holes in his dike. Especially with running mate Just Dumb Vance.

skudrunner said...

If biden is fine why did the dnc throw him under the greyhound that passed by. If biden was fine the last time wray saw him they need to investigate doctor jill because she had to have abused him in a violent way like throw him down the stairs or a cast iron skillet over the head. Then she would use salt and paper towels to clean the skillet just like your suppose to, followed by a good dosing of cooking oil.

Les Carpenter said...

They didn't throw him under the bus. Biden selflessly put the nation above his ego. He knew his chances of winning were questionable and defeat a very real possibility.

You're just crapping your pants skud because your felon is now the octogenarian with a serious dementia problem.

So, get ready skud for the second whipping of the narcissist insurrectionist and now felon.

I have a crying towel if you need one skud.

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

You know my goor friend Skudmala, you remind me of one of my wrestlers when he was losing the crowd. What they would do is start yelling nonsense, which is what you're doing. The right is full of sore, whiny losers. Trump. Kari Lake. Face it my friend; you've lost the crowd. Go babyface now. It's your only hope.