Paul Revere by Cyrus Dallin, North End, Boston


General John Kelly: "He said that, in his opinion, Mr. Trump met the definition of a fascist, would govern like a dictator if allowed, and had no understanding of the Constitution or the concept of rule of law."

Monday, July 1, 2024

Steve Bannon inmate number : 05635-509.



Shaw Kenawe said...

Rick Wilson

It's 5:54 on the East Coast. The morning air is hot, thick, humid, and smells like a damp towel shoved in a laundry basket that mildewed.

Which, interestingly, is the same smell prison officials will experience when they hose down Steve Bannon later today.

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

It's good to see the Left indulging in its' true passion, victimizing opponents and exacting revenge for imaginary slights, the crueler, the better. All as they pretend to care for life's "victims". They obviously live in their heads, not their hearts. As they say in Greece, "how ironic"....

Shaw Kenawe said...


You conveniently forget that Bannon is a convicted felon who was pardoned by the current convicted felon, Trump.

Bannon broke the law and Trump pardoned him. Then Bannon arrogantly ignored a Congressional subpoena, and now he's facing the consequences that YOU call "exacting revenge for imaginary slights."

Just because YOU are pro-criminal and encourage law-breakers, it doesn't mean the rest of the world agrees with your felon-coddling values.

And crybaby whining when consequences are the righteous punishment for breaking the law.

If it wasn't for situational ethics, apparently you'd have no ethics at all.

Joe Conservative said...

So you think that criminals should be put in prison to be punished... but only for as long as it takes to prevent the re-election of the Orange Man.... LOL 4 months... July-August-September-October-ELECTION...


Les Carpenter said...

Bingo! That nail was squarely hit on its head. But it isn't just -FJ. There are millions sharing is ignorance and delusional thinking.

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

Poor FJ. Gotta be hard for a personal responsibility rightie to have to keep defending guys like Donald "Baby Huey" Trump and Bannon who do nothing but whine and lie. Acts that FJ would claim to never take from his own children. Imagine the uproar he and his fellow magats will raise when Rudy is sent to prison. Not that most rank and file magats even know who Rudy or Bannon or Manafort even are.

Dave Miller said...

"Don't Do the Crime If you Can't Do the Time"

Tony Baretta

Shaw Kenawe said...

JoeCon, criminals should be in prison for as long as the judge and law deems they should be. Period

I’m not part of the justice system. It doesn’t matter what I think.

Anonymous said...

The criminal one man garbage heap Bannon deserves prison and then some. Justice prevailed.

Dave Miller said...

Breaking News...

The SCOTUS gave Trump and all presidents, limited immunity for official acts. It did not however decide as to whether working to overthrow and election or plotting a coup was an official act, sending THAT decision back to the lower court.

When that court rules those acts are not "official" and Trump must stand trial, he of course will appeal. That will send the case back to the SCOTUS to make the final decision.

Which of course will be released on June 30, 2025, the final day of next years term.

Trump will never face justice for his acts related to January 6 nor will be be officially exonerated for his actions, sentencing America to decades of turmoil, resentment and dissension, to say nothing of the loss of trust in SCOTUS.

We're in uncharted territory here folks.

Sam said...

Another Trump cohort goes to jail.
The Supreme Court has just helped a president hide from a criminal conviction if the acts are "official." This helps every future president. Is Trump going to be president? Polls say so. Trump will never be convicted or go to jail.

Anonymous said...

As the rants of the trump trained baboons continues. The Supreme Court ruled in favor of Donald Trump.

Les Carpenter said...

The corrupt neo-Nazi supreme court, owned by the felon and rapist insurrectionist Donald J. Trump, has put Trump above the law. They are Criminal Themselves.

Les Carpenter said...

The corrupted court while ruling president's have broad immunity tossed it back to the lower court. But, the corrupted scotus will simply rule Trump immune if he is convicted. Which he likely won't be now. An orchestrated crime unfolding.

Dave Dubya said...

After the Supreme Court obstructed and delayed justice, Trump now has the US version of Hitler's Enabling Act to cover his crimes.

OTOH Biden could, as an "official act" have the six Justices arrested for obstruction of justice and aiding and abetting a felon.

Why not?

Les Carpenter said...

Because to do so would actually play into the grubbing lying hands of MAGA, Trump, and the neo-Nazi gop, and lis associates. And the democrats would effectively paint themselves as just what Trump and MAGA allege.

There is no easy resolution to MAGA madness. It simply will have to run its course while hoping America opens its deluded eye, ear, and mind consciousness to a very real clear and present danger regarding Trump, MAGA, and Christian Nationalism.