Paul Revere by Cyrus Dallin, North End, Boston


General John Kelly: "He said that, in his opinion, Mr. Trump met the definition of a fascist, would govern like a dictator if allowed, and had no understanding of the Constitution or the concept of rule of law."

Sunday, July 14, 2024

Thomas Matthew Crooks was the shooter



Helen Comperatore, the wife of Corey Comperatore, the man who was murdered at the Trump rally on Saturday, tells the NY Post that Donald Trump has yet to reach out to her family. 

 Helen also said that she refused to accept a condolence call from President Biden: “My husband was a devout Republican, and he would not have wanted me to talk to him….I don’t have any ill-will toward Joe Biden. I’m not one of those people that gets involved in politics. I support Trump, that’s who I’m voting for but I don’t have ill-will towards Biden.”

For the easily duped who insist that Trump is really a nice man, remember:

Trump was photographed playing golf on Sunday, the day after Mr. Comperatore was killed. It's Monday night, and he still has nothing to say to Mr. Comperatore's widow and children.

President Biden called her. The poor woman is so marinated in MAGA that she refused that humane and thoughtful call from him. MAGA eats your humanity.

The shooter turned out to be a 20-year old from Pennsylvania with an AR-15. The profile of the majority of mass shooters responsible for hundreds of deaths of American men, women, and children. 

Pennsylvania is an Open Carry state which means the law allows anyone outdoors to carry a semi-automatic assault rifle like the shooter had. 

Trump himself advocated for this insane law.

According to reports, Crooks was also a registered Republican. 

"Thomas Matthew Crooks. A 20 year old young man and local resident of the West Pennsylvania area is a registered Republican and alleged suspect who attempted to assassinate Donald Trump."

These are MAGA who glamorize AR15s, the weapon that nearly took out their idol. Violence and the glorification of violence begets violence. 

You reap what you sow:

Did MAGA forget when Trump retweeted this image of President Joe Biden?:

Violence begets violence. MAGA thought this was just fine.

Justin Parmenter @JustinParmenter RPCV, public school teacher & advocate:  This from a MAGA political candidate who called for selling tickets to see the execution of President Barack Obama on live television.


Les Carpenter said...

An attempt by a sick person on another sick person's life using the prefered method of death, the AR-15.

And the SS killed the shooter.

Just another notation in the ledger followed by the usual yawn I'm sure.

Oh wait! Now that the GOP Fuhrer was the target maybe action will be taken to curtail firearm violence. If so then Trump will have finally served a good and useful purpose.

Joe Conservative said...

Keep going....

When Crooks was 17 he made a $15 donation to ActBlue, a political action committee that raises money for left-leaning and Democratic politicians, according to a 2021 Federal Election Commission filing. The donation was earmarked for the Progressive Turnout Project, a national group that rallies Democrats to vote. The groups did not immediately respond to a Reuters request for comment.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Yeah a $15 dollar donation from a registered Republican to a left leaning organization proves what?


The fact is that a white 20 year old male registered as a Republican armed with an AR15 tried to assassinate Trump . Young white males with Ar15s typically. commit gun massacres in Americans. And one of them almost killed Trump.

As Trump told a group of parents after a school shooting when he was POTUS, “ Get over it.”

I wonder if the Republicans reps in Congress (Boebert for example) will be wearing their AR15 lapel pins today?

Joe Conservative said...

...and I conclude that this proves that there needs to be laws against minors contributing to political organizations and the woke radicalization of their political belief's in primary and secondary schools. ;P

Joe Conservative said...

...cuz I've owned rifles and shotguns since I was 14, and never killed anybody.... just some deer, pigs, quail, grouse, and rabbits.

Les Carpenter said...

A proud supporter of weapons of death.

Once reified only sincere desire and effort to change will cause a shift to the sensible.

Boebert hasn't the firepower between the ears to recognize change is needed and neccessary if we're to remain a civil society.

My ber, she'll be wearing the pin. If not today, soon.

Dave Dubya said...

Now the question is how the MAGA maniacs will react. How many more will die by their "retribution and vengeance"?

People died as a result of Trump's lies and hate rhetoric on J/6. "Fight like hell. Take back our country!"

From the SS transcript after the shooting:

18:12:39: Male agent 2: “Sir we’ve got to move to the car sir.”

18:12:42: Trump: Let me get my shoes.”

18:12:43: Female agent: “OK, [inaudible].”

18:12:47:Trump: “Wait, wait, wait” then fist pumps to crowd. He mouths “fight” three times – a move met with cheers by the crowd.

18:12:54: Agent: “We got to move, we got to move.”

In the minds of the deranged MAGA cult, Trump has ordered them to kill for him.

Putin's chaos agent is inciting more chaos.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Joe Conservative said...
...cuz I've owned rifles and shotguns since I was 14, and never killed anybody.... just some deer, pigs, quail, grouse, and rabbits.

Good for you.

But that doesn't change the fact that the leading cause of children's deaths in America is firearms.

America has more firearms in circulation than any other country on the planet, and we have more deaths and massacres from firearms than any other country on the planet.

It doesn't take a genius to see a pattern here. But, there may not be many geniuses in the NRA-loving MAGApublican Party.

Again, when will their Congressmen and women start wearing AR15 pins in honor of what happened yesterday to Trump???

How soon should they "get over it?"

Les Carpenter said...

Trump is chaos. He knows and loves chaos.

If his thugs incite more violence America can thank itself for pandering to the very sic SOB and allowing him to instill his lies and neo-Facist rhetoric deep in rightwing America's psyche.

The goddamn MSM is responsible in large part for Trump. Because they kept treating his lunacy with kid gloves and kept giving the SOB pass after pass.

Now we deal with the aftershock of pandering to a total nutcase. A VERY dangerous nutcase. And one with complete immunity for criminal acts should he gain the White House again (shudder). Thanks to the now neo-Nazi SCOTUS and it's corruption.

America is screwed no matter which way it turns at this point. Because democrats will take the high road and lose AGAIN.

And when we do we will have lost it all.

Les Carpenter said...

So as not to be hypocritical they should get over it in very short order. Right?

Shaw Kenawe said...


MAGA and their idol worship violence. Trump has bragged about shooting someone on 5th Avenue and his cultist would never leave him.

Trump has talked about shooting American protesters, and complained that we don't use capital punishment to get rid of his opposition, and he said his VP, Pence< deserved to be hanged because Pence wouldn't break the law for him and illegally install him as POTUS after he lost the 2020 election.

Trump and his MAGAs have always been about violence, weapons and taking down our government.

It's difficult to feel a lot of empathy for a man who promotes violence and who made fun of a vicious and almost lethal attack on an 80+ year old Paul Pelosi.

Trump is not a good man nor a moral one either.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Joe Conservative/-FJ:

Matthew Thomas Crooks:

Young. ✅
White. ✅
Loner. ✅
Male. ✅
AR-15. ✅
Angry. ✅
Violent. ✅
Republican. ✅
Gun advocate ✅
Explosives ✅
Midterms voted Republican ✅
Mental health issue ✅

Les Carpenter said...

A most important video, particularly so for the Christian Nationalists and Evangelical Christians.

Les Carpenter said...

Actually Shaw, I have zero sympathing for Trump. ZERO, and I'm no ashamed of it at all.

Joe Conservative said...

Demolition ranch... probably where he learned to shoot, but never figured out "windage adjustments"... LOL!

Les Carpenter said...

Maybe -FJ.

Perhaps the next person will adjust for wind direction and velocity. :-)

It would be ironic if Trump came to his end by the very violence the Orange Hued Baboon has advocated for others.

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

Ironic: Like Paul Pelosi's attack via hammer by an illegal immigrant in a sanctuary city... LOL!

2nd Amendment said...

That 20 year old kid was exercising his 2nd amendment rights to open carry a gun that was capable of almost shooting the head off a presidential candidate from the top of a roof hundreds of yards away.

It’s what makes America so special. Yeeeeeeehaw!!!!!

Get over it!!

Dave Dubya said...

-FJ/Joe Con displays the cold cruelty of a sociopath. The MAGA "virtue".

"Paul Pelosi's attack via hammer by an illegal immigrant in a sanctuary city... LOL!"

Imagine his scorn if one of us said, "Shot at his own rally by gun nut...LOL!"

MAGA had become the American spelling of "fascist".

Mike said...

$15 is all they have on this kid. The kid was extremely unbalanced to the right.

tRUMP made fun of Paul Pelosi when he was attacked.

I wonder what "regulated" militia the kid belonged too.

skudrunner said...

Always blame the instrument instead of the user. A car runs into a crowd so do we blame the car or the driver?
Abortions end more lives than firearms but that seems to be fine to some.
The resident Buddha said it was OK except he missed. I guess enlightenment carries a different meaning to some.

Anonymous said...

This guy was a "Never Trumper" on the far right. Anyone who supports Trump would never have shot at Trump. That is something destructive to those who support Trump. Same thing would be true if someone were to go at Biden. It wouldn't be from a Biden supporter trying to take out Biden. A left leaning person who tries to take out Biden would be a Never Biden person.

As for open carry, it's a mixed bag. I'm for it, in that it allows you to see who has a gun on him or her, so at least you can see the gun and be ready. And usually for most, it allows someone to carry a gun for legal hunting purposes when hunting game for food, or going after non native invasive and destructive species of creatures such as wild feral hogs. It's not perfect, but we do have the right to bear arms for protection. If you choose to carry, make sure you undergo proper training and carry responsibly.

As for what happened at least the creep got taken out. It should never have happened. Assassination attempts are never a solution to grievances.

Les Carpenter said...

That must be because MAGA has always been fascist with Trump being the founding numbskull.

Les Carpenter said...

There is no resident Buddha here skudzy. And if your refering to me skudzy, I said no such thing.

Am I sad? No. Am I happy? No. I simply do not care one iota what happens to Trump. Bad or good. Whether he lives or dies is of no concern to me. None. Either way.

Les Carpenter said...

Be sure to tell Trump that when and if he gets the chance to exact his retribution against those he deems unworthy or who he feels have wronged him or failed to support him.

As for open carry? It ain't still the Wild Wild West and there is no place for open carry except in the woods while hunting.

Grey One talks sass said...

To a person across the interwebz humans have been debating choice of weapon, rhetoric, the use of violence. There have been some really good observations and some freak outs as MAGA dogma is not as flexible as it was six months ago meaning posteriors that were once covered are now hanging out.

I've yet to read one post, one story as to the epic failure of the Secret Service. The 20 yo shooter was able to get on top of a roof... Where were the spotters? With their expert knowledge of tactics and weapons how did they NOT see this coming? This line of questioning takes me to a very dark place because if they didn't perform due diligence for this issue what else are they missing? Are they just that incompetent or are they pawns in a larger game?

Is this a set up for a larger story later?

My superpower is my ability to pick up on the threads overlooked. Sometimes, ok, usually it's important, like hey how did an organization once known for it's thoroughness and ability to 'see around the corners' fall so far that they couldn't predict a shooter using a well known weapon of choice?

I await the topic to rise to the top of the Interwebz To Be Discussed pile. Until then I remain curious.

Anonymous said...

Registered Rep? And who he should be registered as -- to slip into Rep rally???

Mike said...

@skud - Abortion does not end a life. According to the bible life begins at first breath.

Oz said...

Magical thinkers... will turn everything into confirmation of their beliefs. Yawn.

Joe Conservative said...

Gun Control still won't stop the Paul Pelosi attackers... It'll just make them all throw hammers at DJT.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Grey One talks sass,

My suspicions led me to ask, why did Trump poke his head above the Secret Service who surrounded him with their bodies and fist pump, yelling FIGHT, FIGHT, FIGHT!? At that point, Trump AND the SS didn’t know if the shooter had been apprehended or killed.

Trump is not a courageous man, why would he put his head in the line of fire instead of keeping it down and safe.

It certainly made a great photo op!

Les Carpenter said...

A set up to grab the sympathy vote perhaps?

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

They wouldn't have started to move Trump unless the shooter was down. All the SS Agents had earphones.

Dave Miller said...

Once again, tragedy strikes America. One more time, it was through the barrel of a gun.

And once again, we need to ask about possible solutions. Democrats and progressives have for years proposed different fixes, all called unreasonable, not realistic or unhelpful by Republicans and conservatives.

That's fine, because it's part of the democratic process. One side advocates and frequently, the other pushes back, offering their version of a solution.

However, as it relates to gun violence in the US, we only have one party trying to fashion solutions, because the GOP and conservatives reject anything related to guns from the Dems as unworkable. Again it's their right, but the problem is they offer no alternatives.

The United States is the only major industrialized country in the world where presidents and political leaders get shot at with such regularity. The US is the only major industrialized country in the world where mass shootings of the general public happen with such regularity.

Again I ask, as I have many times before, why does this happen here? Why does it happen here and not in other countries with like populations and cultures?

Why are young white males in the US so much more inclined than their counterparts in European countries and cultures to pick up guns and kill people?

And then, my question to our conservative friends, what can we do about it? What would you like to see happen to change this reality the US, as opposed to any other country in the world, increasingly faces?

It is incumbent on the GOP and conservatives, since they have rejected almost every proposed solution from the Dems and progressives, to point the way forward for America as it relates to our ongoing gun violence.

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

It's a common practice for an operative to donate a few bucks to get on a mailing list to keep an eye on what the opposition is saying. Of course the magats needed something to seize upon and their puppet masters at the heritage foundation know the the rank and file magat will blindly support anything their told. For all the maga talk of freedom I love the irony that for the most part they're minds are enslaved to whatever they think Trump tells them. Even my good friend Skudruuner is enslaved to the narrative. The tired argument about how a car or a hammer can kill somebody makes nuts with AR-15's okay. Do the magats really think an assassin with a hammer could have gotten close to Trump?

skudrunner said...

How many thousands of votes did this get trump. He gets shot and raises a fist in defiance the other candidate stands for an hour and is led down some steps by his wife. Not sure you could get better press just a good thing leslie's advice didn't happen "Perhaps the next person will adjust for wind direction and velocity" Leslie is correct that the MSM shares a lot of responsibility for the hatred toward trump. They publish untruths and a lot of people don't understand their agenda to destroy trump and they think the media is honest.

Les Carpenter said...

They do NOT speak the true unvarnished truth about Trump, it's pass after pass skudzy, even if your MAGA mind is incapable of seeing it.

And skudzy, just what "advice" are you refering to. Please be specific skudzy. If you're capable.

Trump's agenda is authoritarian and facist. Unfortunately your MAGA mind cannot see it. The goal? Dismantle democracy and replace it with fascism where personality rather than law dictates and liberties become a thing of the past. Except for the wealthy and connected facists.

Shaw Kenawe said...

skudrunner: "...the MSM shares a lot of responsibility for the hatred toward trump."


I never heard skud complain about that when MSM went after Hillary.

Just to refresh his memory: Hillary Clinton was NEVER indicted for any crime. EVER! Nor was VP Kamala Harris, nor Nancy Pelosi. Yet you and your friends over at the Mother Ship denigrate them on a regular basis (Cruella?) There's a lot of misogyny toward women in general and liberal women in particular. But oh, poor, poor Trump!

Now everyone is whining about who's responsible for what happened to Trump.

Trump is responsible for his legal problems.

And this country that allows anyone to own an AR-15 is responsible for what happened to Trump on Saturday. Trump's just another statistic because of this gun-crazy country's stupid gun laws.

That's the Occam's razor answer.

Thomas Matthew Crooks is just another disaffected, disturbed YOUNG WHITE MALE WITH AN AR-15 out for revenge on someone, anyone. And this will continue to happen again and again and again. People are upset now because it almost took out Trump. But our spineless lawmakers in DC did NOTHING when a young disaffect, disturbed white male took an AR-15 and slaughtered babies and school children.

We are a dumbass country where it concerns firearm laws. Period.

PS. Why aren't Reps. MT Greene and Boebert wearing AR-15 pins today????

I can't wait to see the newest photos of them, their friends, and their kids brandishing AR-15s and smiling for the cameras!

Shaw Kenawe said...

JoeBama "Truth 101" Kelly,

The main purpose of a car or hammer is NOT to kill. People like -FJ/JoeCon and skud like to ignore that.

The main purpose of a firearm is to KILL. Period.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Dave M.,

I've been reading this for most of my adult life:

We are a country with more guns in circulation than there are people living in it.

We have lax firearm laws in many, many states.

It is easy to smuggle firearms into states with strict firearm laws.

We have the highest number of gun deaths per capita than any other advanced democracy in the world.

And this is the worst:


But certain politicians and political parties are worried about preserving the life of a zygote than the lives of living, breathing children.

The rest of the civilized world believes this is insane.

It is.

Thank a 2nd Amendment nut unwilling to to ANYTHING. And an anti-abortion nut willing to let women and girls die to preserve the potential life of a group of cells without a heart, without a brain.

I live in this upside down country.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Les and Grey One talks sass,

According to reports, Sunday morning, Trump didn't go to church to thank God for sparing his life. (Isn't Trump worshipped by Evangelical Christians?)

There is no record or report that Trump called the family of the man who died at his rally or the ones injured. (If Trump had done this, be sure that he would have had it recorded and then raised money for himself off it.)

He played golf.

That is the quintessential Trump. All for himself only.

Les Carpenter said...

Firearms, properly respected and used provide a means to aquire food, protection (against intruders or enemies), sport (competitive shooting) and in these veins of activity are perfecty fine.

However, our nation's obsession with guns, open carry, heated over the top political rhetoric (especially Trump, MAGA, the GOP), and organizations like the NRA and certain rightwing rags bear great responsibility for our current state of disunity.

Nor is the leftwing flawless. It's just not nearly as egregiously off the wall but shit crazy as the rightwing. It helps if one has traveled in both lanes for awhile so the comparisons are sparkly seen.

But skudzy knows best. Right skudzy?

Shaw Kenawe said...

Here's another example of MAGA hypocrisy:

MAGA Congressmen and women saying the Democrats are responsible for the attempt on Trump's life because they've warned about the threat to our democracy.

But they say nothing about MAGA Congressmen and women and bloggers calling Biden and Democrats COMMUNISTS! And that Democrats are turning America communist?

Les Carpenter said...

That Shaw, i am sad to say, is largely how the lion's share of the West sees things.

Dualism, where the individual sees themselves as separate from others and their "individualism" is paramount.

Having lived those erroneous beliefs for longer than I care to recall i can now at least see the truth of both emptiness and impermanence.

It makes life much easier to deal with.

Dave Dubya said...

"MAGA Congressmen and women and bloggers calling Biden and Democrats COMMUNISTS!"

And they HOWL with outrage and indignation when we accurately compare THEIR rhetoric to Hitler's.

And Skud, -FJ/Joe Con are 100% appeasers and virtual political operatives for these fascists. We all know this.

They WILL cheer when Trump calls for mass arrests of Democrats.

'Nuff said.

skudrunner said...

Leslie, July 14, 2024 at 2:35 PM

Ms. Shaw, We agree that there is no need for an AR15 but it will not do anything a semi automatic rifle will do it just looks more military. You can replace an AR15 with a M1 carbine and be just as deadly. Banning guns will not work and neither will making people register to own guns. You would think that with all the brain power in Washington they could come up with something. Of course then they wouldn't be able to blame the other side which is their main goal.

I never saw much bad press on -H- and the leftist media continues to praise the current VP. I didn't realize the Mother Ship has risen to the status of MSM

Sam said...

We used to have a ban on these types of weapons, but Republicans let it lapse.

Les Carpenter said...

It's all pure dishonesty used in service to a vision of the Christian Theocracy and facist authoritarianism that the neo-Nazi conservatives and Christian Natinalists want in America in the 21st century and beyond.

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

The main purpose of a car or hammer is NOT to kill. People like -FJ/JoeCon and skud like to ignore that.

It's purpose is to kill animals. And yeah, that includes those of the predatory human kind.

Shaw Kenawe said...


Really? Tell that to the 5 and 6-year olds' parents at Sandy Hook; the grammar school kids at Uvalde, and the high school kids in Columbine and Parkland.

Maybe it's worth it to you and people like you to have anyone who wants an AR-15 to have one. Even teens can buy and open-carry an AR-15 in Missouri, for example. Missouri state law includes no prohibitions on minors carrying or possessing firearms. Are they hunting prey in places like that? Or should we ask that little creep Rittenhouse?

BTW, I've yet to see MT Green and her pal, Boebert sporting AR-15 pins on their lapels after one almost took out their idol on Saturday. I wonder why.

Shaw Kenawe said...

SKUDRUNNER: "Banning guns will not work and neither will making people register to own guns."


After the mass shooting in the Tasmanian town of Port Arthur in April 1996, which resulted in 35 people killed, and another 23 wounded, Australia passed laws against owning AR-15 type weapons.

John Howard, the then-prime minister, a conservative politician and close friend of George W. Bush, pushed through sweeping gun control legislation just 12 days after the shooting.

The tough new laws banned the sale and importation of all automatic and semi-automatic rifles and shotguns; forced people to present a legitimate reason, and wait 28 days, to buy a firearm; and – perhaps most significantly – called for a massive, mandatory gun-buyback. Australia's government confiscated and destroyed nearly 700,000 firearms, reducing the number of gun-owning households by half.

Howard told Doane, "People used to say to me, 'You violated my human rights by taking away my gun.' And I'd tell them, 'I understand that. Will you please understand the argument, the greatest human right of all is to live a safe life without fear of random murder?'"

If we tally mass shootings that have killed four or more people, in the United States there have been well over 100 since the Port Arthur tragedy. But in Australia, there has been just one in the 26 years since their gun laws were passed. Plus, gun homicides have decreased by 60%.

Howard said, "It is incontestable that gun-related homicides have fallen quite significantly in Australia, incontestable."


Banning certain assault weapons and registering guns absolutely DOES work.

You've bought into the lies that say those things don't work. AR-15s were banned from 1994 to 2004, when George W. Bush allowed the ban to lapse (he promised he wouldn't do that, but politicians' promises mean nothing.)

During the 1994-2004 ban:

In the years after the assault weapons ban went into effect, the number of deaths from mass shootings fell, and the increase in the annual number of incidents slowed down. Even including 1999’s Columbine High School massacre – the deadliest mass shooting during the period of the ban – the 1994 to 2004 period saw lower average annual rates of both mass shootings and deaths resulting from such incidents than before the ban’s inception.

From 2004 onward:
The data shows an almost immediate – and steep – rise in mass shooting deaths in the years after the assault weapons ban expired in 2004.

Thersites said...

Cry to me over Sandy Hook later. Sometimes the predators have guns too.

Joe Conservative said...

Sometimes people fly airplanes into building and drive cars into crowds at parades or at confederate statue protests.

Quicks, ban airplanes and cars!

Shaw Kenawe said...


That, as we've said before, is a dumb comparison.

A car and a plane's main purpose is for transportation.

A gun's main purpose is to kill.

Any object if used in a lethal way could kill someone. One could use a frozen leg of lamb to kill a human. But the leg of lamb's main purpose is to feed people.

One could smother a human with a pillow, but the pillow's main purpose is to cradle one's head on a bed.

A gun's main purpose is to kill.

Is any of this getting through? Or will you continue with that idiotic comparison?

skudrunner said...

If banning guns will work why hasn't either party put it up for a vote before both houses and get the representatives on record.

There is a marked difference between 26 million and 320 million and was founded as a penal colony. Maybe that's what we need, throw all politicians in jail and rebuild the country.

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

For the love of God JoeC and the rest of your personalities. Please come up with a new argument for your pro gun nonsense. That idiocy of "banning planes and hammers " has been around for decades. Surely you kooks have something, even if it's just as silly, at least fresh. I guess your puppet masters have been busy on Project 2025 and haven't had time to send anything else. Or they more likely feel it not wise to fill the heads of their dupes with any more than they can handle.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Thersites, "Cry to me over Sandy Hook later.

I'm pretty sure you lost no tears over the little ones who were slaughtered to the point where only DNA could identify their small bodies.

But please continue to be scandalized by girls and women who take the morning after pill to discharge a group of cells with no hear or brain.

Thersites: "Sometimes the predators have guns too."

Tell that to the irresponsible adults who leave lethal weapons unsecured and, as a result, babies and children grab them and kill themselves, other children, or adults.

America has the most deaths by firearms than any other country because we have the most firearms in circulation than any other advanced country.

This isn't rocket brain surgery.

Dave Dubya said...

How to spot a sociopath:

"Cry to me over Sandy Hook later...Quicks, ban airplanes and cars!"

Shaw Kenawe said...

skudrunner: If banning guns will work why hasn't either party put it up for a vote before both houses and get the representatives on record.

America banned AR-15s in the past. And mass shooting overall went down! When GWB let that lapse, mass shootings went up.

Democrats have tried to ban AR-15s, The Trumpublican MAGA Party will not let that pass.

Have you forgotten how MT Greene and Boebert and others wore AR-15 pins on their lapels? Those dupes are pro-AR-15 and other lethal weapons. Why don't you call their offices and ask them to come up with legislation to reban those weapons? It is the MAGApublicans who are against that.

We can't ban all guns because of the 2nd Amendment. And you know that.

Shaw Kenawe said...

JoeBama "Truth 101" Kelly: "Please come up with a new argument for your pro gun nonsense. "

It's just lack of imagination.

I'm not for banning all guns. I know that will never happen. But what on earth does anyone need an AR-15 for?

Les Carpenter said...

The moronic comments coming out of conservative minds here belies a deep ignorance of reality relative to firearms, their inherent danger to society, and their proper place in civil society. As well as the proper control of same.

It sickens people with compassion and wisdom who realize the macho ego can be, and is, a very dangerous energy. And Trump has it working for him and most likely has full intention of employing its use in Jan. 2025.

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

A guns purpose isn't singular. It can also be used as sport... like biathalon or hunting. And in an emergency, it makes a good hammer.

"A car has one purpose, to kill people in accidents!" Grow up, people.

Dave Miller said...

You all are whistling into the wind. Please note that not a single conservative or MAGA person here has posited any solution.

Not. A. One.

Not Skud, not Conservative Joe, not Thersites and not -FJ.

Why not guys?

We're left to assume that they lack the mental acuity to develop a solution, or don't see the problem as something America should address.

I'm not sure which reason is worse.

Shaw Kenawe said...

-FJ: "A guns purpose isn't singular."

You can't get away with that B.S. here.

The primary purpose of a gun is to kill. It CAN be used for other things: sport shooting, protection by threats, etc. But the "threat" is that the person holding and pointing the gun CAN KILL YOU! The gun's primary purpose is killing. And you know that.

This is B.S., and you know it: "A car has one purpose, to kill people in accidents!"

Your primary purpose is to disrupt and inject contrariness into wherever you post. We get that.

Grow up!

Anonymous said...

I Was just listening to someone trained in diplomatic details and he's saying everything was non-standard procedure from start to finish. No SS agent would let the protectee do any of what we saw. This is giving Four Season Landscaping press conference mediocrity. Remember the mystery soldiers stationed at the Lincoln Memorial during the summer riots? The mystery soldiers making way for TFG to pose with the upside down bible at the church by the BLM plaza?

Are we surprised though? This is all from the wannabe dictator handbook, the gullible Christian Nationalist primer and the narcissist doing what he does best. Turn the criminal into a victim.

Les Carpenter said...

It's possible Shaw that the delusions are so ingrained that they really don't know that. Also it is very likely they don't care.

They're MAGA and that's all one need know.

BB-Idaho said...

According to Axios, a Fox News Poll !! last year showed-
"87% of voters surveyed said they support requiring criminal background checks for all gun buyers.
77% support requiring a 30-day waiting period for all gun purchases.
Vast majorities also support raising the legal age to buy guns to 21 (81%) and requiring mental health checks for all gun purchasers (80%).
80% of voters say police should be allowed take guns away from people considered a danger to themselves or others.
61% of voters support banning assault rifles and semi-automatic weapons."
- which includes quite a few gun owners, in my experience. We know what to do.
Congress does not, Go figure.

Shaw Kenawe said...


I believe it is the MAGA Trumpublicans in Congress who continue to ignore the will of the American people. Democrats have been on the side of the Americans you cited above.

Dave Dubya said...

"I believe it is the MAGA Trumpublicans in Congress who continue to ignore the will of the American people. Democrats have been on the side of the Americans you cited above."

This is why these fascists HATE multi-racial democracy with fair elections and fair representation.

They want dictatorial, white nationalist, one-party minority rule. Yes, that's quite neo-Nazi of them.

It took them decades to strangle the republic, but that was the long con of their extreme right propaganda. They needed to lie and indoctrinate enough of the "poorly educated" to divide the country into a Christo-fascist-corporate regime. Eventually the fascist corporate regime will dump the Christo-fascists when they are no longer necessary to sustain their power.

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

In 2022 there were 42,514 motor vehicle traffic fatalities in the United States.

According to the CDC, 48,117 people died by gun-related causes in the United States in 2022

Seems that the primary purposes for these inanimate objects are roughly equal... to KILL! So why not ban them BOTH?

Les Carpenter said...

The only thing missing (I think) is talk of a pure race. But I suppose that'll be coming down the road with the American GOP neo-Nazis party.

The America I knew is disolving. Or should I say being ripped apart by enemies both foreign AND domestic. With the greatest threat being domestic by far.

Les Carpenter said...

For the stupids:

1) Car - sole purpose, to transport people and other sentient beings from point A to Point B exepediously and in comfort.

2) Guns - sole purpose, to end the life of humans or other sentient beings.

Any questions?

Shaw Kenawe said...


Things I can do with a car without needing a gun:

Drive myself to work
Drive myself to the grocery store, pharmacy, mall, etc.
Drive myself to the doctor’s, dentist’s, hospital, any medical office
Drive to visit family and friends
Drive to the ocean, river, lake, pond
Drive to anywhere in the US, Canada, or Mexico

PS. your comparison between firearms and motor vehicles is foolish, and we and you know your only purpose in posting it is to “stir things up,” not for an intelligent discussion.

Which states have the highest and lowest gun death rates in the U.S.?

The rate of gun fatalities varies widely from state to state. In 2021, the states with the highest total rates of gun-related deaths – counting murders, suicides and all other categories tracked by the CDC – included Mississippi (33.9 per 100,000 people), Louisiana (29.1), New Mexico (27.8), Alabama (26.4) and Wyoming (26.1). The states with the lowest total rates included Massachusetts (3.4), Hawaii (4.8), New Jersey (5.2), New York (5.4) and Rhode Island (5.6).

Les Carpenter said...

Speaking for myself I'm proud and happy to live in a state much safer than many others. With stricter gun control. And yet, if I was still interested in killing for sport and food (I'm not) I would have no trouble doing so.

The bogus BS of the rightwing extremists has grown tedious.

Dave Dubya said...

Once again -FJ's cold indifference to firearm fatalities reveal his sociopathic personality.

Like Trump, he has no conscience. And as a Trump supporter he aids and abets an evil felon.

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

You should have posted my complete argument, Shaw.

An AR-15 is like the fins and bullet tailights on a 50's automobile. Would you ONLY ban the cars with fins and tailights?

The REAL functions/ purposes of consumer products like guns are mostly symbollic. And nothing states personal "freedom" like a Semi-Auto rifle. "Torches of freedom" are for girls. ;P

Shaw Kenawe said...


I'm under no obligation to post your specious arguments.

You posited that a motor vehicle's main purpose is to kill, since, like firearms, they cause deaths. You're not serious.

Meanwhile, I posted what Australia did after a mass shooting in that country in 1996. That country has had ONE mass shooting since they passed strict gun laws.


In 2023, seven people died from gunshot wounds in Japan, with three of the victims being part of an organized crime group. Gun violence among general citizens is uncommon in Japan, and most shootings are related to organized crime groups.
United States

In 2022, 48,117 people died from gun-related causes in the United States, which averages to one death every 11 minutes. The majority of these deaths were suicides (26,993), followed by homicides (19,592), unintentional injuries (472), and fatal shootings by law enforcement.

Its. The. Guns.

Dave Dubya said...

"Nothing states personal "freedom" like a Semi-Auto rifle."

Oh, really? "Freedom" like Afghans with their AR-15's and AK-47's? Not civil rights, voting rights, right to jury trial and counsel, free speech and assembly?

No longer the "rugged individual" with his Winchester'94? The poor oppressed and helpless wretches.

And nothing states "freedom" like an RPG and a few Claymore mines amirite?

Actually, nothing states, "paranoid white militia", "gun nut", and "mass shooter" like a semi-auto rifle.

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

...but you're serious about the purposes for guns? Who knew?

Les Carpenter said...

Firearms have absolutely nothing to with exercising freedom. Unless one believes they have a "right" to kill as one sees fit.

Dave Miller said...

So frustrating here...

56 comments ago, I asked our conservatives to proffer a solution to the facts, as BB pointed out, of gun violence in the US.

As expected, we've received nothing resembling a solution from Joe C, -FJ, Skud or any other conservative. I guess the evidence is in, while able to mock and criticize solutions from progressives, the conservative wing of this blog ring has nothing.

Except examples of why maybe we need to ban cars, planes and other non related items.

Gotta wonder why...

Joe Conservative said...

I posted a solution, but Shaw refused to post it.

Joe Conservative said...

I take it back... she DID release it....

...and I conclude that this proves that there needs to be laws against minors contributing to political organizations and the woke radicalization of their political belief's in primary and secondary schools. ;P

Nothing says "school shooting" like an alienated youth indoctrinated in self-hatred by Left-Identity politics.

Joe Conservative said...

...and nothing would end inner city drug violence faster than REAL employment opportunities in urban communities (unionized or otherwise).

Joe Conservative said...

...and no, not those fake tax-break "urban economic opportunity zones" like the stupid Horseshoe Casino in Baltimore City. REAL and meaningful job opportunities. Factories. Manufacturing. Retail.

Les Carpenter said...

woke radicalization... in primary and secondary schools.

Right, more junk bunk from the rightwing.

Better we train em in school to shoot straight and true so as to hit the mark. Making America Great Again, right -FJ?

Macho muscle flex, eh buddy?

The Royal Indoctrination in BS flows incessantly from America's GOP, Trump, Christian Nationalists, and the goose stepping MAGA cultists.

Dave Miller said...

Joe... how could this, real employment opportunities, be accomplished? And like you, I'm not a fan of the "flavor du jour" enterprise tax zones.

So, how would you, an at least right of center guy, make real opportunity happen?

Joe Conservative said...

Simple, I'd cap corporate capitalizations @ $1b, repeal all domestic corporate tax breaks, tax all foreign corporate profits at 90%, put 90% tariffs on all foreign goods, set 0% tax rate on small businesses/ LLCs earning less than $5m a yea, and put the capital gains tax rate at 50%. The legal emphasis would be on "small". I'd trust-bust the hell out of large corporations and all governments, federal, state, and local. I'd reduce the current overall US Aggregate Efficiency by 50%. All this would increase demand for workers AND discourage capital investments in "Automation".

Joe Conservative said...

In other words, I'd change the tax code.

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

Interesting my friend from the right. JoeC. I would enjoy a real discussion in real time on this if Shaw had the time and inclination for it. Suffice to say that the billionaires funding the TRump campaign would see your ideas as Bernie Sanderesque here though. I figured you would have been a free trader my friend.

Les Carpenter said...

Wow Joe Conservative, some sensible suggestions/proposals. Some stuff that the MAGA right wealthy would surely trash.

Dave Miller said...

Kudos to Joe... finally someone from the right who has done more than carp.

There's some stuff in his suggestions I know I'd like.

I too believe the "Feds" are bloated and need to, like American companies across the land, learn to do more, with less. How can government be forced to increase efficiency and productivity.

A number of years ago I was in DC. My overwhelming takeaway, after the monuments and the Smithsonian was this. Buildings and buildings everywhere for the different departments of the US government. And each of those with thousands and thousands of employees.

All of those employees I am sure work hard at something. But they produce not one product for the American people that can be put into your hands. They're overseers, policy wonks and lawyers.

As a regular guy, I'm convinced we can do better with less ppl being pushed to be more productive and limiting their reach into the lives of everyday Americans.

A specific Joe... to your tariffs, 90% on everything? Including for example cars and products from Canada and Mexico? And when those prices go up, how do we convince Americans that it's for the best? Especially if they can't afford what they need?

Dave Miller said...

Thinking on Joe's tariffs... I'd create a mostly tax free zone including the US, Mexico and Canada. Then, I'd work to extend it to include Central America. That would wrap the areas where the great majority of immigrants to America come from.

We're still going to need immigrants. If we bring millions of manufacturing jobs back to the US, we're going to need more workers. Those can and should come from our hemisphere.

Maybe excluding China, we can keep price increases lower and keep immigration lower too.

Joe Conservative said...

Sorry guys, but you DON'T know MAGA like I know MAGA. I don't "keep it at a psychological distance". I actually listen to them. And I think that you misunderstand Trump's business/ corporate positions much as you misunderstand JD Vance's (Peter Thiel's protege) and the National Conservatives (NATCons). To "close this psychological distance), I would recommend you spend 40 minutes to educate yourselves. No, Trump and Vance's economic positions aren't nearly as radical as my own (as I am a RADICAL PROGRESSIVE and not a NeoLiberal One). I want to "downsize" BOTH corporate beheamoths AND the federal Government. But they DO scale back the global corporatism plaguing us with endless wars for expansion of Empire at the US taxpayer's expense. I have family ancestors that were Representatives in the California legislature back in the early 1900's when the Republican Party was VERY anti-trust (especially the railroads0.

I also worked on the DC Beltway for 30 years directly for NASA and the federal government. I've seen the good and bad of government economic management from the inside, and it's not all rainbows and sunshine.

As for your specifics, tariffs, its' a game now and I'm sure the timing might have to vary so as not to "shock" the economy, but yes, I'd like to see tariffs end up there. Biden just put a huge tariff on Chinese EVs... but the major Chinese EV firms already have EV assembly plants in Mexico... so guess what... they evade the recent Chinese EV tariffs.

Hope you take the time to check out the links. Hope this gets posted as a response. I'm open to a conversation if you still have questions and want to talk.

Les Carpenter said...

I would personally like to k Joe Conservative for his willingness to elevate the level of discourse with his positive input and suggested solutions.

Maybe, possibly, positivity and truthful honest observations and discussion will become the norm again.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Joe Conservative's ideas have stimulated a lot of conversation. Oddly, I'm in sync with much of what he proposes.

I'd like to put up this conversation as a post, since many of you showed so much interest in continuing it.

Watch for the post later today.


Joe Conservative said...

I share your aspirations, Les, but perhaps not your optimism. So long as the media remains closely controlled, we will continue to wallow in a "reflexive environment" of rank emotionalism.

Joe Conservative said...

Thanks, Shaw! I look forward to it. :)