Paul Revere by Cyrus Dallin, North End, Boston


General John Kelly: "He said that, in his opinion, Mr. Trump met the definition of a fascist, would govern like a dictator if allowed, and had no understanding of the Constitution or the concept of rule of law."

Saturday, July 13, 2024


y'know, the serial liar and adulterer, the guy who's a convicted felon and adjudicated sexual assaulter/rapist and tax fraudster who's facing dozens more criminal charges.


The guy who for years palled around with Epstein and Maxwell, two notorious pedophiles who procured and raped little girls. Yes, that guy. The guy who wished Ghislaine "well" when she was arrested for her crimes --  

That guy.

That's who the MAGA quoted below wants you to pray for so that he can lead America, and represent American values to the world! 

MAGA man below believes Trump and what he is and has been all his life is what is best for America.

Oh, and he wants you to arm yourself against the Americans who don't agree that a serial adulterer, convicted felon, tax cheat, and sexual assaulter/rapist would best represent the United States of America.

These people are threatening the lives of Americans who do not buy into their fantasies and magical thinking.

I'm not making this up:

"It’s Day 1,340 of the most recent coup. The taking of the American Government, by enemies both foreign and domestic.

Mostly Domestic

The American People face a clear and present danger.
At the border. In the White House. In Congress.

If you disagree with the direction this country is taking, you are on a list.
If you oppose the theft of this government, you are an insurrectionist.

If you oppose the murder of babies in the womb, you are threat to society and must be punished.

Is this the vision for this country our forefathers had?


What is to be our response?

Arm yourselves. Get a gun  protect you and yours and learn to use it.

Arm yourselves. Spiritually. This is a spiritual battle of epic proportions.

You see the political enemy, learn to see the spiritual enemy behind them. It’s not hard. They are described in the Bible.

Pray. Pray for Trump. Pray for our nation. Pray for those unjustly persecuted by our government for protesting the theft of the election and the murder of babies.


Dave Miller said...

I don't even have to guess who this is... A "Bible Believing" "Christian" who revels in guns, America and patriotism before submission to a Lord who was a pacifist, believed in willingly giving up his life for others, turning the other cheek, loving and praying for your enemies.

He's a man who knows nothing of the early history of the religion he claims to follow, love and adore.

If he did, he would know that the early church believed the use of violence to kill others was wrong, even if you were defending your faith. The early church required members to peacefully refuse to enter the Roman Army, because they were non violent believers. Thousands went to death doing so. If you were a believer who willingly joined, or accepted conscription, you were excommunicated from the faith. However if as a non believer, you joined up and then became a believer, you could finish your term and then be a member of the fellowship as you had left your sin behind.

Those early Christians would never recognize the "theology" and patriotism of these ppl who are called, as the Bible says, to live as if you are aliens and foreigners in this land [in this case, the USA] because your citizenship is elsewhere.

Dave Dubya said...

Neo-Nazis always tell us what they truly are.

We've seen it before:

"The National Government will regard it as its first and foremost duty to revive in the nation the spirit of unity and cooperation.

It will preserve and defend those basic principles on which our nation has been built.

It regards Christianity as the foundation of our national morality,
and the family as the basis of national life."
- Adolf Hitler, February 1, 1933

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

Don't your enemies need your prayers the most?

Les Carpenter said...

Any asshat that believes the divine spiritual course of action to be arming oneself to kill those with whom they disagree or disapprove are NOT spiritual beings. They are ignorant Christian Nationallists who worship an evil disgusting peice of human waste.

The SOB whose sentiments you posted is a threat to decent law abiding citizens everywhere. The Christian Nationalist movement is no better, not one iota, than the Islamic Fundamentalists. Their mentality is ONE IN THE SAME.

Dave Miller said...

Here's a quote from Trump to his Biblically challenged fans at a Christian media convention in Nashville last February, to, like the one in your post Shaw...

"“No one will be touching the cross of Christ under the Trump administration... I swear to you.”.

I'm sure lost in their ecstatic cheers is the irony that Jesus specifically says in Matthew 5 after telling us not to swear but to "simply say ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ " and that "anything beyond this comes from the evil one."

Christians for years have understood what this means. When we are called to testify in court, many Christians will not swear to tell the truth, choosing instead to answer "yes" to a question of "Will you promise to tell the truth" because of this verse and teaching.

Just another example of MAGA "believers" moving of the plumb line of Jesus to fit their needs.

Shaw Kenawe said...

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said..."Don't your enemies need your prayers the most?"

I don't pray.

But I do like this quote from one of my favorite films, The Ruling Class, starring Peter O'Toole. In the film, O'Toole's character carries a large wooden cross with him everywhere, wears Franciscan robes, and says he's Jesus Christ)

Lady Claire Gurney: How do you know you're God?

Jack Arnold Alexander Tancred Gurney, 14th Earl of Gurney: "Simple. When I pray to Him, I find I am talking to myself."

I believe when people pray, they are talking to their inner selves, hoping to act on their better angels with the courage to do so. No one who seeks their better angels prays for the strength to annihilate people they disagree with.

Les Carpenter said...

I have always found it interesting how the RCC omitted the Gnostic Gospels from the New Testament Dave. While not a Christian at all in the conventional sense, I actually believe Jesus was, like the Buddha, Mohammed, and all great spiritual teachers across space and time, a prophet of divine wisdom, compassion, and grace.

Because of the Churches omissions, and my own diverse spiritual readings and current path, I see most all tightly organized and scripted religions as vehicles to control the beliefs of others.

Spirituality is far superior

Les Carpenter said...

To know the divine is to know thyself.

To know thyself is to know the divine.

We are all part of the divine consciousness that is the universe. Or more probably, that of the multi-verse.

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

Well Shaw, I don't pray either. I'm a Deist. My Deity lies "outside" of this "mixed" existence of the limited and unlimited. He set the Universe in motion 16 billion years ago, and hasn't intervened since. So prayers? That's just me hoping He got it all right, back then.

Shaw Kenawe said...

How do you know that what set the universe in motion is a “He?”

That implies a male. A human male? Non-human male? So a human or non-human male deity ( why a “deity? Why not just an entity?) set the known, for now, universe in motion 16 billion years ago? ( the universe is actually, according to the James Webb telescope, about 14 billion years old.)

Just curious about that specific labeling “Him.”

Les Carpenter said...

13+ billion years ago -FJ. I believe it is 13.6 billion. But why quible, right?

Shaw Kenawe said...


I find it curious that humans assign a sex (the male sex) to an entity that created possibly trillions of galaxies. It is my understanding that Deists believe in a religious philosophy that involves the belief in a higher power or supreme being, often referred to as God, based on reason and logic rather than revelation or religious authority.

But why does it have to be a "He?" Why not just an "entity" or a "prime mover?" And why a supreme "being?" A being implies a living thing, does it not? One definition of a "being" is:

.the nature or essence of a person.

Could it be that humans envisioned a this supernatural being in their own image?

Les Carpenter said...

Most folks like labels. Can't live without em. That, as well as reified beliefs. Even those for which there exists no evidence.

-FJ's he says much. He just might be dead wrong.

For wisdom and compassion are generally more prevalent in the female gender. Probably because they carry and give birth to life. Men? Well, they're great at contact sports and war.

And in the scriptures of Christianity isn't god love?

Love spawns wisdom and compassion. They are intimately interconnected.

The search for truth and awareness. Knowledge is not synonymous with wisdom. Wisdom grows out of experience, openess, as well as when one forgets their reified beliefs and all they believed they knew.

The past is gone. The future not yet here. The ONLY time we ever have is the present moment.

Live it and the rest will take care of itself.

Did i forget to mention cons, and let everyone else live theirs.

Thank you.

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

How do you know that what set the universe in motion is a “He?

Cuz it still works. :)

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...


You think you "know".

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

It depends upon your paradigm.

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...


Les Carpenter said...

Yup -FJ. I "know" just how much I don't "know ".

Can YOU say the same?.

Les Carpenter said...

Guaranteed it wasn't a man then -FJ :)

Les Carpenter said...

Well, your paradigm is your paradigm -FG. Something I want NOTHING to do with.

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

Who would have thought? FJ is kind of with me and Ben Franklin on the subject of God, Creator, Master Architect.. Whatever you want to call Him. I read The Sermon on the Mount regularly. Not much use for the Old Testament as it appears to have been written by men in tents 3000 years ago that either had lots of wives and slaves or wanted them. It's like an ancient Project 2025.

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

The difference between us Les, is that much like Socrates, I believe that I "know" nothing. I only have "right opinion" about it. And btw - I've also got plenty of "nails" for keeping my portrait of Daedalus from flying away (Plato, "Meno"). :)

btw - Weren't the Know Nothings once a political party? Oh, that's right, they hated the Democrat's, too!

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

Well, your paradigm is your paradigm -FG. Something I want NOTHING to do with.

Ditto, with the only difference being that I don't INSIST that YOU follow MY paradigm through censorship and redefinition of established concepts like "marriage" and "vaccines".

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

...and Joebama, the Greeks gave up on many "wives" (Aeschylus - "Suppliant Maidens" and Euripides "Andromache") and the Republicans gave up on "slaves" (Lincoln, "Emancipation Proclamation"). So what's your problem, again?

And why would I believe in the Old Testament? My G_d doesn't live in the Sky, answer prayers, or hand out books and tablets of laws). he speaks to me through Andre Tarkovsky, “We can express our feelings regarding the world around us either by poetic or by descriptive means... I prefer to express myself metaphorically. Let me stress: metaphorically, not symbolically. A symbol contains within itself a definite meaning, certain intellectual formula, while metaphor is an image. An image possessing the same distinguishing features as the world it represents. An image — as opposed to a symbol — is indefinite in meaning. One cannot speak of the infinite world by applying tools that are definite and finite. We can analyse the formula that constitutes a symbol, while metaphor is a being-within-itself, it’s a monomial. It falls apart at any attempt of touching it."

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

btw - Joe. I may have "fallen" into symbolism and the symbolic with the rest of you (as I am typing this message, and "language" is the result), but at least I haven't fallen in love with my party like a knight errant falls for his "courtly" lady. I know that I possess no "control" other than that which I can eke out over myself..

Les Carpenter said...

Nor you mine.

Realizing all things, except space are impermenant I personally don't put much stock in paradigms. Everthing is constantly changing and NOTHING is permenant.

Dave Dubya said...

-FJ/Joe Con demonstrates the ability of a sociopath to embrace, or more likely feign, a religious belief, while abandoning compassion entirely.

He'd be a "very fine Satanist", though.

He reminds me of the "jailhouse conversion" that sociopaths employ to manipulate parole officers.

-FJ/Joe Con's exudes the features of a manipulative sociopath.

"I don't INSIST that YOU follow MY paradigm through censorship and redefinition of established concepts like "marriage" and "vaccines".

But our resident hypocritical sociopath is all in for the radical Right redefining "natural born citizen", drag queens as predatory pedophiles, (See churches and law enforcement departments for most of those. And don't forget Trump on Epstein's island), "CRT is Marxism", "Democrats are commies", "the real racism problem is anti-white racism", Trump's Big Lie, and "Stop the steal" was all about stealing the election.

This is his true faith. He serves this dishonesty every day.

Les Carpenter said...

He certainly does. And with great pride.

Another 4 letter word for MAGA. is VILE.

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

While I'm impressed you googled the names of some ancient Greeks to add some kind of credibility to your latest comments my good friend FJ, their addition didn't help you. Still nonsense.