Paul Revere by Cyrus Dallin, North End, Boston



Thursday, July 25, 2024


Apparently, the current GOP supports criminals and is against those who prosecute them.  SAD!

Trump found guilty on 34 felony counts in NY hush money trial


Trump Organization found guilty on all counts of criminal tax fraud


Sam said...

We cannot elect a criminal president of the United States!
The judge has 34 convictions to decide punishment.
Trump should be in jail.
If he becomes president, he can (again) escape justice.

Joe Conservative said...

Wow, if we all want to vote FOR this guy... imagine what the OTHER guy must be!

Les Carpenter said...

By November they'll be far fewer voting FOR this GUY as the other, far superior WOMAN, will have them voting FOR her.

Cluck Cluck JoeCon.

Grey One talks sass said...

The OTHER 'guy' is no man.

Is anyone else getting Lord of the Rings vibes when the supernatural bad buy tells one of the (few) female heroes that no man will kill him and she takes off her helmet and says I'm no man and shoves her sword into his helmet killing him and much of his cohort?

MAGA across the interwebz sounds panicked. They sound freaked. And to be honest they sound a lot like whiney toddlers who need a binky and a nap.

Who knew one woman would absolutely freak these guys out so much? I mean there were hints with the Hilary Clinton presidential run but this... wow. The MAGA elite really do hate the womenfolk because I've heard more about how the only reason a woman can succeed is because she's hitched her wagon to a "more deserving" male. I've heard the only reason a female has a position of power is Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion. And I've heard that it doesn't matter how much experience a woman has accrued because whatever was accomplished wasn't done with the correct genitalia.

The opinions expressed are so universal that most of those things I heard on this site with echoes across the interwebz. So many male voices whining, screaming, and crying about how horrible it is that they are being treated as they treated others. So many females demanding We The People stop being mean to their menfolk, women are second class citizens, their holy book says so.

It is past time for a change. The kids know this and they are poised to act. Bring it I say to them. The olds have had their chance and we tried to change the system from within which has led us to here/now. I hope they audit all the things. I hope they open every institution and clean out the rot and get the vehicle of American Democracy off the blocks and running again.

I have a lot of hope Kamala Harris as our next president helps build the future the kids of today obviously can see. We can either help, get out of the way, or be run over, it's that simple.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Trump: She’s running away from Israel.. Kamala Harris is totally against the Jewish people.

Her husband is Jewish.

Trump's cultists won't know that, and they'll believe this pile of lies.

Shaw Kenawe said...

This subject keeps coming up in Comment Moderation, not by -FJ anymore, but by other Trump MAGA cultists:

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...
I love it when Democrats nominate the children of Slave Owners for high offices!

July 23, 2024 at 11:42 AM

I just want to be clear about why this isn't the "own" that Trump MAGA cultists think it is.

In order for Kamala Harris to have a white slave-owning ancestor in her background, that white slave-owning ancestor would have had to rape one of his black female slaves, his property, in fact.

Therefore, that ancestor, the white slave owner, raped a black female slave, who was his property, who generated the succeeding generations from which we can trace VP Harris's genealogy.

All that does is show that our original sin, slavery, still affects the present.

And the foolish MAGAs who keep bringing this truth up, apparently have no idea of what that means.

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

our original sin, slavery, still affects the present.

...but only in the lives of complete idiots who now believe in "magical negros".

JoMala "Truth 101" Kelly said...

From my reckoning my friend JoeC has at least three individuals posting under that moniker. Sadly they're all deluded fools. They hated Biden not for anything he ever did, Lindsay Graham said Biden was the finest person in Washington DC. They hated him because they were told to. Because Biden suffered some of the physical slowing that comes with age. I guess they hate their parents and grandparents now. They hate Kamala because they are told to despite, if she had an R by her name, they would love her for being a prosecutor who sent bad doers to prison. They'd still have their hidden reservations but they would tell each other she's one of the good ones. If one of them could give me an honest answer as to what Trump ever did, or ever will to to help make 99% of his followers lives better I'd love to hear it. Perhaps the magats think the Project 2025 book is a conservative version of the Federalist Papers. Not that more than a dozen or so magats even know what the Federalist Papers are. If nothing else we can get one of the righties here to Google them and at least they'll learn something. Most likely one of them in an attempt to appear knowlegable will post the name of another ancient Greek guy. I remember the righty using one that was an author of tragedies. Had no clue why he used that Greek unless it was a subtle reference to the tragedy of the Trump presidency. Probably giving the magat in question to much credit for nuance.

Shaw Kenawe said...

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew quoted Shaw:

"...our original sin, slavery, still affects the present."

-FJ replied: "...but only in the lives of complete idiots who now believe in "magical negros".

No. in the lives of people like you who came running here to tell us, "I love it when Democrats nominate the children of Slave Owners for high offices!"

You obviously didn't think that through. Kamala Harris is a descendent of a slave owner because that white slave owner raped his property, a Black woman. And only a fool would refute the obvious fact that because of Harris's White rapist 5th great, great, great grandfather, you believed it was hilarious to bring it up.

PS. The term is "magic Negro," not "magical Negro." Look up its origins.

Les Carpenter said...

The ignorant racist statement by -fj says EVERYTHING and all anyone need know about MAGA and it's divisive destructive forces.

Les Carpenter said...

Ignorance: reified beliefs in action.

Joe Conservative said...

Looking it up...

JoMala "Truth 101" Kelly said...

I predicted long ago the first republican to openly use the N word would go far in the republican party. Looks like FJ is close to living up to the prediction. The RNC is rooting you on FJ.

Mike said...

Did you go to the link from the Axios site?
Table 1 has Biden in it but only has 45 presidents listed. Who is missing? I'll let you figure it out. Let me know! 😁

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

Negro is the 'N' word? That isn't what the Rappers, your social idols whom you cannot criticize, rap?

I speak Spanish. It means "black".

Dave Dubya said...

Of course Joe Con wouldn't want to admit his hero Rush "Obama the Half-rican American" Limbaugh mocked Obama and Al Sharpton with a racist song called, "Barack the Magic Negro".

But the likes of Joe would believe the only racism IS anti-White racism.

Yeah, it's totally racist, but that's at the core of white Christian nationalism.

Les Carpenter said...

When one relinquished all that they thought they one opens the possibility if growing in wisdom.

Probably never need to think that the MAGAverse will ever grasp that truth.

JoMala "Truth 101" Kelly said...

We all know FJ's meaning. Bless Shaw for letting this poor deluded fool post his tedious nonsense.

Shaw Kenawe said...

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said..."Negro is the 'N' word? That isn't what the Rappers, your social idols whom you cannot criticize, rap?"

What arrogance!

I couldn't name a rapper if my life depended on it.

Joe Conservative said...

Ever criticize a rapper, Shaw? They say things a heck of a lot more misogynistic than "Grab 'em by the p*ssy!" yet not a peep from Shaw... for their PC/ social cancellation enforced skin colour privilege put them beyond criticism by all Democrats...

btw - How come in Cali Kamala was the first Indian-American State AG, and in DC, she's now the first African-American woman Presidential candidate? Jamaican Indians aren't African-Americans...

I call her Shamala... cuz she's symbolic of the entire Democratic Party racial guilt-pride sham.

Les Carpenter said...

Your view. Not the view of America in majority. Which is why the GOP has to concoct voter suppression activities to win the Presidency.

Dream on JoeCon, dream on. Your convoluted views I find somewhat amusing.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Joe Conservative,

How can I criticize something I've never heard? I don't think rappers are running for political office where they would affect my life. They're entertainers. That's all.

PS> One of the worst rock songs I'd ever heard was by Sting, where he sings about being a stalker of a woman, his ex-girl friend. These sorts of misogynistic songs have been around forever.

Kamala Harris is part African-American on her father's side:

"The vast majority of Jamaicans are of Sub-Saharan African descent, with minorities of Europeans, Indians, Chinese, Middle Eastern, and others of mixed ancestry."