Paul Revere by Cyrus Dallin, North End, Boston


General John Kelly: "He said that, in his opinion, Mr. Trump met the definition of a fascist, would govern like a dictator if allowed, and had no understanding of the Constitution or the concept of rule of law."

Sunday, July 21, 2024



Biden Drops Out of Presidential Race, Endorses Harris

I hope if things work out for VP Harris, that she chooses the US Senator from Georgia, Josh Shapiro, as her running mate.

We Americans owe him a debt of gratitude for his selfless service to America:




President Biden has been an extraordinary, history-making president — a leader who has fought hard for working people and delivered astonishing results for all Americans. He will go down in history as one of the most impactful and selfless presidents.

. has a record of accomplishments unmatched by any president in our lifetime. He restored honesty, dignity & integrity to the office after 4 years of lies, crime, scandal & chaos. Thank you for your service, Mr. President. It's now our duty as patriotic Americans to elect the Democrat who will honor and further your legacy.

 Liz Cheney:   The framers of our Constitution knew that our republic would endure only if our presidents have the character and honor to put duty ahead of self interest. President Biden deserves our gratitude for his decades of service to our nation and for his courageous decision today.


skudrunner said...

I thought I saw Greyhound in the background.
Now who is going to be crowned to take the party forward. Kamala is the reasoned choice but may be un-electable if you look at he acceptance when she ran for president when she got less votes than, well everyone. Guess the democrats should have kept Tulsi because she had far more than harris.

Who should get the nod now. If they choose a old white guy than the four harris supporters will be pissed so it is a kerfuffle. The republicans have a long history of screwing things up so the democrats still have a chance. Wonder if the next first lady or gentleman will have their own walk out song like the good doctor. joe is probably happy to be retiring but jill is probably pissed because she only attended a few policy meetings.

"The Marine Corps band was instructed last fall to come up with an entrance theme for the first lady, a source told the Washington Examiner"

Shaw Kenawe said...

You know, skud, Donald Trump was elected with ZERO experience in government, and he went on to have the worst presidency in modern history, losing by 8 million votes to Joe Biden.

Your take on Kamala Harris is biased because you do not like ANY liberal. And any comment that includes gossip about her past life will not be tolerated. You and your fellow Conservative/Republicans got a thrice-married serial adulterer who is also named SERVERAL TIMES in the Epstein files around sexually assaulting children. Full stop.

Tulsi Gabbard is a turncoat, and Hillary was probably right about her, as she has been right about everything that has happened since 2016.

possumlady said...

Good God, Skud, give it a rest, at least for the day. Honestly, I was just going to tell you to FUCK OFF, but didn't want to come across as gross as you...

Anonymous said...

Kamala Harris is running against the oldest nominee for president of the United States in American history… I mean, the man is nearly 80-years-old and so the question is, can he serve another four years? I'm not sure he can

Shaw Kenawe said...


Yes. The fact is that the Republicans are running a 78-year-old convicted felon for president.

Shaw Kenawe said...


Skudrunner has nothing good to say about any Democrat (Tulsi, once a Democrat, turned Trumpublican and so he likes her).

Shaw Kenawe said...

CNN: "avalanche" of money pouring into the Harris campaign.

Shaw Kenawe said...

The Mother Ship in all its graciousness.

geeez2014 says:
July 21, 2024 at 12:40 pm

THAT, in itself, is about enough reason to either NOT believe in God, or wonder what the HECK He has planned 🙂


BY THE WAY: “Take THAT, Jill, you elder abuser…no more private planes, no more adulating applause, no more covers on Vogue……….”.

Dave Miller said...

So... interesting times. In 1968 when HHH finally emerged from the proverbial smoke filled room in Chicago, he was about 15 points behind Nixon in the polls. He lost by 1 point as George Wallace siphoned off some of the racist vote Pat Buchanan claimed rightfully belonged to Nixon.

Most ppl say HHH would've won with another couple of weeks. It was that close.

Now with Harris, if she is the nominee, and she must be if the Dems want to legally access the Biden Campaign war chest, interest turns to the VP nod, as Shaw mentioned.

No way on earth it's going to be Warnock from GA. Not. A. Chance.

Shapiro can help secure PA, a must. But, he's Jewish and maybe the Dems don't want to start the Jewish/Gaza argument up again. Maybe it's Mayor Pete. Nobody else is better at handing FOX News their plate of lies that Pete. The WAPO is calling for a moderate GOP person.

If you can find one. But maybe John Kasich?

If the mission is to defeat Trump and it is, all options should be on the table.

BTW, I know it's off topic but I can't let the day pass without a word about two other political items.

First is the reaction from Trump... "Crooked Joe Biden was not fit to run for President, and is certainly not fit to serve — And never was! He only attained the position of President by lies, Fake News, and not leaving his Basement.”

As usual, Trump is spouting uninformed drivel, lies and more. He has to keep up the "Fake News" "Biden stole the election" BS because otherwise he'd have to admit HE the worst president in American history, lost. Such a classy guy. The guy who slammed Gold Star families, mocked disabled people, couldn't stomach looking at a US Navy ship named the John McCain, and said soldiers are suckers.

Then, I'm wondering about La Capitana of the Mothership. If you recall, when FOX News commentator Tony Snow, a genuine good guy died, she went ballistic on all liberals because a bunch of no name non politicians made fun of him, said it was good he was dead, and worse. Supposedly, the liberal excitement was so strong, it crashed Huff Post, but there's no proof of that online, however I do remember some liberal commentators being somewhat distasteful

Yesterday, US Rep Sheila Jackson Lee died. Here's the reaction from the Chair of the RNC, a leader of that Republican Party... "Even on her death bed, this ghetto bitch couldn’t keep President Trump’s name out of her disgusting mouth. I’d say rest in peace, but we all know lying democrats who have destroyed our country are going to hell. Sheila Jackson Lee will be remembered as a destructive force in America and one of the most low IQ members of Congress in the history of our nation.”

I'm just not sure I've ever seen a political leader express anything like that before in my life. I'm sure no one on the Mothership will even mention the double standard. But here's the deal...

We have politicians, and yes, the head of the RNC is a politician, fearlessly saying stuff like this because the present GOP wants this type of behavior because it helps them feel strong.

God help us.

Les Carpenter said...

The universe and its divine energy will do just fine. It hasn't time nor is it its job to focus on this little rock of ours.

President Biden made the right and proper decision in the best interest of our whole nation. He deserves our gratitude, deep respect, and admiration. A true American Patriot who will one day rank with the best of public servants as well as president's of this nation.

As for skud, too unfortunate that his disdain for truth and integrity is so dismal.

And as for geeez and site sentiments... Who Cares? Their's are the views of failed conservative governance and politics of the past.

Now the only near octogenarian (78 yrs) in the race is the unqualified dementia riddled felon with a love of authority and dishonesty.

Vice President Kamala Harris is experienced and qualified. She will make great President if the democratic party circles their wagons around her.

Defeating the dementia addled felon Trump is job #1.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Dave M.,

I have a list of lots of other well-qualified vp picks.

Beto O'Rourke
Mark Kelly
Tim Walz
Gretchen Whitmer (two females? Why not? Our country has had two males for how long, with the exceptions of Mondale/Ferraro, McCain/Palin, and H.Clinton/Kaine. I'd be all in for a two female ticket, but America is not that advanced. And that's why I don't think Kamala will choose,
Pete Buttigeig (my favorite)
Liz Cheney?
Adam Kinzinger?

There are more, so many more.

PS. That quote in bold? I thought that was a Trump operative, Lara Loomer? Was it really the RNC Chair???? OMG!

Les Carpenter said...

Adam Kizinger or Pete Buttigeig. Although PA is a strong consideration. A must win. So, Shapiro might very well be the smart pick.

As you are not sure America is ready for a 2 female ticket Shaw, I'm not sure America is ready for a gay VP or President.

Someday when this nation becomes a lot more enlightened maybe. If THAT ever happens.

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

I think President Biden did the right thing. I also think he is an outstanding president. He took over a post covid economy and it has grown tremendously. His actions have Russia in their latest version of Afghanistan. He's strengthened NATO despite the Turks inching closer to Russia. I say well done Joe.

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

As far as a VEEP? Liz Cheney on her ticket would win in a landslide. Too bad Liz is still at her core a right wing nut though. But these days political courage and integrity are so rare I'd be willing to forget her kookery.

Dave Miller said...

Yes Shaw, it was Laura Loomer.

These people are scum. And you know I've never said that. Joe Biden gave 50 years of his life in service to his country. Sheila Jackson Lee, a graduate of NYU, Yale and Virginia gave 30 years serving the ppl of her district.

Is there no one in the current GOP who can take the high road? Does the party demand a race to the sewer? Apparently so.

These are political leaders. We used to demand more. Now a certain segment of America celebrates the gutter politics. For God's sake, remember when Lee Atwater realized he was so bad he needed to apologize for saying he "would strip the bark off the little bastard [Dukakis] and make Willie Horton his running mate."

That would never happen in the GOP today.

Scum through and through. Those that say those things and those that enable it with their silent acquiescence. I remember when the GOP had a conscience. I get it times change, but no one, and I mean no one has ever explained to me why we needed to move towards this disgusting level of vitriol.

From presidents and political leaders.

BTW... Kinzinger would be interesting too. I think Beto is a non starter, but Mark Kelly is a good option too.

Paula said...

She has 4 years experience as VP, 6 years as California AG & 4 in Congress plus another 7 as DA of San Francisco

That’s 17 more years experience in government than Trump & 20 years more than Vance…

Admittedly she has no experience as a convicted felon or rapist.

skudrunner said...

The prosecutor vs the felon, should make a good movie title.
Now we can look forward to the spin machine ramping up full force.
Joe did the right thing for His Party and by the way the nation. He was forced out prior to the convention but that doesn't look good to punt a guy in his 80's to the sideline.

He was the greatest president in memory and served the people for over 50 years. Sounds better than he orchestrated record high inflation, got involved in three wars, was responsible for 13 American deaths, gave an enemy billions of dollars worth of munitions to use against us, opened our borders with a welcome sign. Tried to buy some votes by having taxpayers pay for other kids schooling but couldn't. Never had a public sector job but lived off the taxpayer for over 50 years and was outstanding at giving away taxpayer money.

Now we have the border czar as the presumptive nominee. Maybe she will select the transportation secretary as her running mate so we can have two people who did nothing except blame others for their decisions.

Lets believe the press and the politicians who for over a year hid the fact that biden was not competent to lead. What you heard was he is as sharp as a tack when they knew it was a lie.

Hopefully Manchin will put his name in and we can have a reasonable choice to vote for.

Dave Miller said...

As Shaw noted, I love how some in the GOP and assorted partisan hacks are trying to use whatever relationship she had with Willie Brown as a reason to not like her or DQ her from office.

It's almost as if these clowns believe "private immorality", if that's what it was however many years ago, somehow disqualifies you from public office.

Les Carpenter said...

Yes, it is a non issue. Except for the party and current ideology that has absolutely nothing positive AND truthful to offer America under the spell of its Fuhrer. Actually, even before he took it over it had taken the road south.

The ONLY direction MAGA and the GOP is intent on taking America is the road to eventual failure and ruin.

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

It's almost as if these clowns believe "private immorality", if that's what it was however many years ago, somehow disqualifies you from public office.

...Trump raped, he grabbed them by their p*ssies! Now you see it?

Shaw Kenawe said...

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

Dave M.: "It's almost as if these clowns believe "private immorality", if that's what it was however many years ago, somehow disqualifies you from public office."

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew: "...Trump raped, he grabbed them by their p*ssies! Now you see it?"

Yes. We do.

What Trump bragged about grabbing and what he was found liable for ARE CRIMES: Sexual Assault and Rape.

Whatever the slime in the Republican Party brings out about Kamala and Willie Brown is nothing more than something that occurred between two CONSENTING adults, and it is not a crime, anymore than when the MAGA's Christian Nationalists say Trump's serial adulteries are not crimes.

There is no issue here. Kamala committed no sexual assaults.

Dave Dubya said...

Skud's and -FJ's fellow misogynists will be having a field day hooting that Kamala "Slept her way to the top".

They will be enthusiastically joined by every racist, bigot, neo-Nazi, Christian nationalist, Opus Dei theocrat, and white supremacist. You know, the "real Americans" and "patriots" with "values".

Shaw Kenawe said...

Dave Dubya,

All my life I seen certain types of males go after any woman who is

1) powerful or seeks powerful political positions, starting with her private sex life, (Trump is a serial adulterer who even cheated on his mistress with a porn star! And he's mentioned several times in the Epstein pedophile documents.)

Then the idea that:

2) a woman is "too emotional" to have her hands on the nuclear button (Trump wanted to know why, if we had nuclear weapons, we couldn't just USE THEM, and once talked about using them on North Korea, blaming them on someone else!);

Or the woman is:

3) not experienced enough to lead the country. Harris has more experience in government than Trump and Vance COMBINED!


4) the MAGAs will piss off millions of girls and women when they use their disgusting misogynistic slurs to try to slime Kamala. They have, with their votes, already shown the MAGApublican Party what they think of their abortion bans (even in red, red states!)

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

Poor FJ and his crowd. They got their asses handed to them by Biden by over 7 million votes in 2020. Kamala is going to beat their boy by even more this year. The thing to remember is Trump isn't increasing his voting base. He never has. The deluded fools are going to vote Trump no matter what. Kamala gives good reason to the occassional voter and independent, whatever that is, to vote this year. Virtually none of them will get out for Trump. No wonder this Baby Huey has been whining election fraud for so long now. He and that nutjob Kari Lake are simple 5 year brats that whine when they don't get their way. This does show that loyal republicans make lousy parents though. Instead of the red state people demanding Gay people not be allowed to adopt, they should rethink what good parenting is and ban republicans from adopting. Although I'm sure there are a few good ones.

Shaw Kenawe said...


Apparently you missed this:

Nikki Haley Voters PAC Announces Support for Kamala Harris

"A coalition of former Republican presidential candidate Nikki Haley voters pledged their support for Democratic Vice President Kamala Harris' presidential bid on Sunday, hours after President Joe Biden announced that he was dropping out of the race.
The political action committee (PAC), previously known as Haley Voters for Biden, which now features Harris' name, seeks to amplify the voices of former Haley voters in support of Harris' White House bid.

Craig Snyder, the group's director, told Newsweek in an email on Sunday afternoon that the organization believes Harris "is best suited to defeat Donald Trump in November."

"A tough former prosecutor, the Vice President comes from the centrist wing of the Democratic Party, not it's left most fringe...For Haley voters, all of this puts the Vice President in a sweet spot for them to register their ongoing opposition to [former] President Trump," he said."

Haley's PAC is endorsing and will work for Kamala Harris.

After telling the country that Trump is "a danger to the world," Haley said she'd vote for that danger. She doesn't have the courage or the decency her own PAC has.

Les Carpenter said...

Well, I'm elated. After making my donation to Kamala's victory effort I'm just going to chill. That and watch the Trumpified GOP become unhinged with their uncertainty how to proceed over the next near month. Now the doddering sleepy octogenarian belongs ONLY and FULLY to... the GOP and MAGA.


Joe Conservative said...

Poor Joemala, he still thinks that President's in the US are elected based upon the popular vote outcome...

skudrunner said...

Ms. Shaw, Haley voters for Biden supports harris. So you are saying that people who supported haley then switched to biden now support harris. How is this news?

I realize because I am a fiscal conservative I am subject to attack but for dube to lie about what I said or didn't say because he doesn't appreciate my position on anything is not a tactic I use. I never said harris slept he way to the top. Slept her way to get into office yes but I would hardly call her entry was the top. I really don't care who she slept with or didn't I still think she is not the one to run the country but neither is the evil one.

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

Poor JoemalaC. Biden thumped his boy Trump in the electoral college also. But I understand how one of your sheepish loyalty to an idiot would attempt to try and look somewhat intelligent. Sorry I had to remind you of the loser you blindly support.

Shaw Kenawe said...

skud: "I really don't care who she slept with or didn't I still think she is not the one to run the country but neither is the evil one."

I disagree with your saying you really don't care. If you "really" didn't care, why have you brought it up not once but two or three times?

Again, as I've pointed out, this is a tactic some males use against females who have power or seek political power. Many men never allow that women can achieve success and power on their own, so they're quick to credit any man they may have slept with.

Harris got to "the top" through being elected by the people of California.

In 2003, she was elected DA of San Francisco. She was elected attorney general of California in 2010 and re-elected in 2014. Harris served as the junior U.S. senator from California from 2017 to 2021; she defeated Loretta Sanchez in the 2016 Senate election to become the second African-American woman and the first South Asian American to serve in the U.S. Senate.