Paul Revere by Cyrus Dallin, North End, Boston



Wednesday, July 24, 2024

MAGA Republican Men and Their Plans for Women:







Is Elon getting cold feet?

2 hours ago — But, Trump demonstrated “great courage” after being shot on July 13, the CEO added.
Missing: give ‎| Show results with: give


Les Carpenter said...

:-) More Good News!

Looks like the Trump Barge is springing leaks.

May it sink along with with the ridiculously backwards and destructive sociopathic mentalities of Cotton and Just Dumb Vance.

Anonymous said...

We can guess that Musk’s people have run the numbers, realised that a deranged old Trump cannot now win , so just don’t want to waste $45 million per month until November . A wise commercial choice.

Les Carpenter said...

That may be. But what's important is the results of losing 45 million dollars a month from the campaign. Over 3 months that's 135 million dollars.

With luck more billionaire donors and corporate support drop off and the great Orange Turd's financial support dries up like a shriveled prune. Something the near octogenarian probably eats lots of.

Grey One talks sass said...

I listened to a bit of VP Harris's campaign speech in Wisconsin. Wow. Her most powerful moment? When she told the crowd that we aren't going back and they spontaneously erupted into a chant of never go back which morphed into Kamala. It gave me chills. We The People on the Democratic side found our voice and nothing will ever be the same again.

All over the evidence is in, MAGA policies are just not popular with We The People. Heritage Foundation's Project 2025 might have played with with the choir but it's not sitting well with the rest of the congregation, if you know what I mean. It must be bad if MAGA elite are doing their best to distance themselves from the topic, even as the topic at hand has their fingerprints, photos, and voice prints all over it.

A bit of gossip - two of my favorite Vance burns?

Gov Beshear saying Vance "you aren't from around here". Doesn't sound like much unless you speak rural and that quip right there is saying volumes. For a guy that was supposed to 'relate' to rural voters in the South, well, that's just a closer, not an opener.

My favorite though is this "he washes his skillets". I let out a whoop that disturbed the kitten when I heard that phrase. For those who don't know there are well entrenched camps as to whether or not to wash your cast iron skillets. My late husband and apparently the folks in Kentucky are on the Never, all it needs is a good wiping out with a greasy rag camp. My mom and dad and their parents were in the scrub the thing clean within an inch of it's life and re-season as needed camp. It gets testy when the two camps intermarry, just saying.

There were a few more, something about his butter tub full of Country Crock? I couldn't make out the details. Hope y'all hear some good ones too. It's been a while since I've felt a laugh just behind my eyes. I find I like the feeling.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Grey One talks sass,

Good to see you here. I was concerned because I hadn't seen you here for a few days.

As to VP Harris's speech in Wisconsin? It was electrifying! I hadn't felt that sort of energy since 2008!

There's been a seismic change in the 2024 race, and the MAGA know it! And they don't like it!

All one has to do is watch VP Harris and see the stark difference between her and Trump. It's like looking at a big, beautiful acai bowl of fresh, colorful, delicious food compared to last week's meatloaf.

Oh, that's kinda weird, I know, but when I visited my daughter in SoCal last May, she got me hooked on acai bowls. There's no going back to boring meatloaf! LOL!

Enjoy the feeling of HOPE! that Kamala Harris has brought to this election!

Shaw Kenawe said...

Vote.Org saw record new voter registrations with 38,500 people signing up since VP Harris’s announcement.

Not only is that a 700% increase & HIGHER than when Taylor Swift urged her followers to sign up, but most were under 34. The youth will save us.

Les Carpenter said...

VP Harris has a smile and a delivery that IS nothing short of electrifying. Her energy is indeed infectious and the positive upbeat vibrations I felt listening to her positive and energizing speech have not been felt in years.

President Biden, and VP Kamala Harris have turned me to once again being Very Proud to be an American following the drought and embarrassment of the Trump disaster of 2017 to 2021.

Les Carpenter said...

So, the absolutely over the top ignorance and stupidity of the neo-Nazis of the GOP/MAGA con movement is showing in spades. They are looking now to impeach VP Kamala Harris over the border situation.

These schmucks are pathetic desperate people who stop at NOTHING and stoop to the lowest of lows because of their extreme fear of what's coming.

Their cult of idiots WILL have a relatively short lifespan as the younger generations nudge the MAGA's into obscurity.

skudrunner said...

Ms. Shaw, I know you believe I would never support a democrat and if that make you sleep better then believe it. I will vote for a candidate who shares my views, as most people do. I supported BJ because he was a moderate and I support some democrats in local/state elections.

Harris believes in open borders, national healthcare, spending billions on the green new deal, against fracking and gas stoves. There is nothing in her agenda that I agree with. The only thing going against her is she shares biden's record on the economy, housing, inflation and the fact she did nothing to secure the border but according to her past motives she never had any intention to secure the border.

I also have to agree with joe scarborough when he said "Vance ‘one of dumbest picks ever" The republicans are off the rails and are handing the election to the democrats, so be it.

BB-Idaho said...

5 Score years ago -Deja Vu all over again-
“Standing in his characteristic pose,” the New York Times reported, “with chest well thrust out, thumping the Ministers’ bench with his tightly clenched fist to emphasize his points… he spoke with fire, passion and vehemence … Only force, he said, can decide between Fascism and the Opposition, and this force he now proposes to use.” History.Com
Attendees stood and applauded every sentence, and shouted “Vivo Mussolini! Vivo Fascismo!”
Black Shirts or Red Caps -as ever, time ticks evenly on, while the fatuity of humanity remans unchanged.

Dave Dubya said...

Any poll that doesn't include the words "the indicted insurrectionist and convicted felon Trump" is not serving any journalistic purpose.

Dave Miller said...

Grey... my mother in law showed up one summer and did the dishes for me after dinner one night. She was so proud to get all that gunk off my skillet before she put in the dishwasher.

Took me weeks to get it right again...

Les Carpenter said...

Netanyahu, the architect of 40,000 innocent women, children, and men's death is speaking to Congress. A disgrace. The speech is nothing but a propaganda exercise to prop up support to continue destroying Gaza and Palestinian lives.

The Zionist State has become a butchering state, no better than any other genocidal effort of the past.

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

Tom Cotton hates his wife? Who knew?

Les Carpenter said...

Probably not. At least as long as she doesn't attempt to exert self confidence and self respect.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Dave M., Grey One talks sass,

I usually just take a paper towel and wipe my cast iron frying pan, and that's it. Once in a while I run water over it, dry it and rub some olive oil in it.

I've made some fabulous Dutch baby pancakes in it. And cornbread. And frittatas!

Dave Dubya said...

Dutch babies...Mmmm.

"Harris believes in open borders."

Skud is likely too ignorant to be a liar, but he really does love regurgitating Republican hate and lies.

So Skud drank the Trumpist koolade that says Kamala was the "Border Czar". Figures. Intellectual laziness and a lack of curiosity are so comforting to some people.

A Politifact piece that Skud will ignore:

"'Border czar'? Kamala Harris assigned to tackle immigration's causes, not border security"

Joe Biden didn’t name Kamala Harris “border czar.” He tasked her with addressing the issues driving migration from El Salvador, Honduras and Guatemala. U.S. Border security is the Homeland Security Secretary’s responsibility.

Border security and management is the Homeland Security secretary’s responsibility.

BB-Idaho said...

Netanyahu - 39,000 civilians killed. Nagasaki - 30,000 civilians killed.

Les Carpenter said...

I really feel sorry for the people of Israel. They are a fine and generally decent caring people. Netanyahu is a power hungry butcher who has little if any incentive to see the war in Gaza end. Because like Trump wants to retain power. When the war ends Netanyahu is out of his cherished power trip.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Trump today:

Trump: "And then the campaign says 'I'm the prosecutor and he is the convicted felon.' I don't think people are going to buy it."

LOL! It's the absolute truth! Trump's a felon; Harris is a prosecutor!

The party of "Law and Order," the GOP , is all in for the FELON!

Shaw Kenawe said...


Trump: "You're not going to teach a criminal not to be a criminal. It's just not going to happen."

Trump's talking about himself again!

Dave Miller said...

Shawmala et al...

Here's where we are as it relates to today's iteration of the GOP, as reported in the WAPO...

House GOP leaders ask members to stop making racial attacks against Harris

Why do Republicans need to be asked by their leadership, in this case, Speaker Johnson and Rep. Richard Hudson chairman of the National Republican Congressional Committee to stop making racial/racist attacks against VP Harris and to focus on policy over personality?

Shouldn't this just be common decency? Why do they have to be told and/or asked?

Mike said...

Hey Shaw, have you got your burka picked out? I think they come in black or black. 😜

Les Carpenter said...

One name comes to mind Dave... Trump. Trump. And Trump again.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Dave M., "House GOP leaders ask members to stop making racial attacks against Harris

Why do Republicans need to be asked by their leadership, in this case, Speaker Johnson and Rep. Richard Hudson chairman of the National Republican Congressional Committee to stop making racial/racist attacks against VP Harris and to focus on policy over personality?"

It's pretty apparent why the House leadership had to tell their members to stop with the racial (and misogynistic slurs).

IMO, it is baked into who they are.

The sailors on the Mother Ship are your typical Trump supporters. And I've documented here on my blog their racial slurs against Barack Obama, Michelle Obama, Nikki Haley, and other POC.

They refer to Mr. Obama as the "Halfrican," Nikki Haley as the "ni**er in the wood pile," and Michelle Obama as "Mooch," and "Michael." And gawd knows what slurs they have ready to throw at VP Harris over the next few months.

Here's what they have to cryptically say about Barack Obama just today:

"But we DO have a fairly clear candid-cam shot of who’s actually directing policies, who’s making decisions, who’s the power behind the office — the NanSchumFrican triumvirate."

"For all they know the dems may be playing bait and switch with the latest halfrican waiting to take over the Oval office- a wg=hite president is so yesterday. Meanwhile the make up artists are are re-making Kho, preparing her like a disfigured accident accident victim laying on the funeral director’s table only and in addition from what is being reported the push for black men to abandon trump is gaining steam. Kamalabalabobana may be doing nothing more than warming up the crowd for Moosh’s grand entry

"The Big Mike loometh o’er the political horizon. The Mooch, beloved of lamestream media, fashionista perfecta, nutritionaliste extraordinaire, Soul Train Sista, mother magnifica . . .

Stop that snickering —"

And here's a frequent poster at the Mother Ship:

Joe Conservative says:
July 22, 2024 at 5:47 am
…and it’s NOT going to be Kamala. It never was.


See what I mean?

Les Carpenter said...

Racism in a significant percentage of the population of this nation is quite well and alive. All it took for them to crawl out of the dungeon and bring it into full view was a racist called Trump. In essence they now see it as safe and perfectly acceptable to treat all those unlike themselves as vermin, parasites, evil, and any number of derogatory names. All not true.

They are, confused frightened people without a clue as to why.

Grey One talks sass said...

Shaw, thanks for the note. When concussion echoes meet Fibro madness, well, it's a bedapolooza with a side of can't understand crap. Not where I want to be but there you are. If I had millions to spend on doctors I'd be in a better space, but honestly, with millions who wouldn't be in a better space? Sending loves to you and yours with extra sprinkles for the goats. :)

It is absolutely tickling my fancy to watch the MAGA crowd displaying their bigotry for all the undecided voters to see in real time.

To me this feels like validation received from when humans who speak truth, horrible truth to those without power while presenting public polite face to anyone with more power than themselves. What do I mean? Well, back in the day the MAGA precursors told the LGBTQA+ community exactly what they wanted to do with us (deported, sent to an island, killed, bashed, prevented from marrying or holding a job, and the list goes on) while presenting their "we love all humans" face for the public.

Now, with social media everything is everywhere all the time. The public/private face dichotomy may still occur it's just harder to hide. And lets not forget the invaluable work of undercover independent journalists who blow the lid off of decades long hypocrisy, sexual abuse, and misuse of funds ; huge hat tip to them!

As I see it love is winning this election. Love of country, love of freedom, and most importantly, love of our Constitution.

Added note: it is amusing to watch skud try to cover all his bases with the changes in the political landscape. It's like watching someone trying to cover the end of a table with a table cloth three inches too short; they keep pulling it one way or another only to reveal another part not covered. Again, amusing.

Joe Conservative said...

There's plenty of popcorn still in the bucket, Shaw... talk to me after the show.

Joe Conservative said...

btw - Weren't YOU saying last week that it was going to be Joe?

Shaw Kenawe said...

Grey One talks sass,

Glad to hear from you and know you're okay.

I think everyone's mood has improved since Sunday and then some.

MAGA is not happy -- especially the convicted felon and adjudicated sexual assaulter/rapist and tax fraudster.

I had to laugh at that police association that endorsed Trump. They're supporting a Perp and the guy who incited an insurrection against his own government that caused people's deaths and saw Trumpers beating up cops.