Paul Revere by Cyrus Dallin, North End, Boston



Saturday, July 20, 2024

Happy Saturday!



Les Carpenter said...

I just KNEW there were still sane republicans. Somewhere. May the brilliant Republican Voters Against Trump have a profoundly significant impact. Perhaps they can even take their party back from the stumbling and bumbling MAGA Blob of ignorance, hate, and delusion.

Shaw Kenawe said...

There are lots of them out there, Les.

BB-Idaho said...

Trump's niece, a clinical psychologist, reached the same conclusion.
Only in more technical terms. (His complex has a complex?)

Les Carpenter said...

I'm sure. Is it enough to defeat their party's candidate?

Well see.

Lots and lots of trumpers where I travel. Perhaps their just the more loudly vocal.

Shaw Kenawe said...


You're a "Uniparty" Cassandra. Here's conservative David French writing about that today in the NYTimes:

"...Trump’s most enthusiastic supporters have become deeply radicalized, convinced that the nation is on the verge of extinction, in need of revolution. Even worse, they feel personally persecuted by a “uniparty” or “regime” that supposedly despises them and rejects their values. They want disruptive change, and if violence is necessary, so be it. As the president of the Heritage Foundation, Kevin Roberts, put it recently, our country is “in the process of the second American Revolution, which will remain bloodless if the left allows it to be.”

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

Nope, not a revolution so much as a re-assessment and "national-based" retrogression of the "Capitalist Discourse". It's hard to change a ULCC's course and keep it from hitting the bridge. The ship of state needs a better pilot in order to achieve that goal.

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

As my favorite Democratic pundit James Carville used to say, "It's the economy, stupid!"

Les Carpenter said...

I fear Jan 2025 and predict open political violence and death. Instigated AND perpetuated by MAGA zealots if Trump loses.

Trump, MAGA zealots, and the Heritage Foundation are primed for a victory believing it is assured by God. They will, as in 2020, resort to violence in pursuit of their goal.the complete destruction of American democracy.

Dave Dubya said...

I'll have to admit, -FJ is an unusual Christian Nationalist.

His political partners include Dominionists, Opus Dei, (and its Heritage Foundation branch with Leonard Leo) and white Christian Evangelicals. And we can add neo-Nazis and Moonies to this happy club. They are joined in their mission to reshape America into the theocracy their fevered passions always sought. A Christian Nation...Hallelujah!

I look forward to joining -FJ in our forthcoming Second Class Citizen status...if we're not segregated in the camp.

Or perhaps we'll take the practical course and start chanting, "Praise Jesus! Donald Trump is God's Chosen One to save America". And hope for the best.

Grey One talks sass said...

Olo friends. I've been MIA due to what I call Concussion echoes. Loads of fun but please, don't try this at home. I tried to keep up with the conversation y'all were having on the other post but as I said, echoes so no comprehension here. I'll try again later.

That said the here/now is as it always has been when those of anger, hate, and violence see our love, inclusion, and ability to work together without an authoritarian presence. They see what we have and mean to take it over for their own profit. We The People tried to legislate against such folk back in the day but they got into power and rewrote the laws to favor themselves. Also, I'm not sure how to legislate against humans who see someone enjoying life as something to be squashed and suppressed (despite all mores and laws of consent strictly followed).

This fight we face is not so huge. We already know how our opponent will act when they eventually lose, and lose they will because their policies are not popular with We The People. The MAGA faithful received their marching orders at the convention as their Voices of Authority commanded them to 'come unhinged' if they lose the election. We know this. We The People can prepare. There isn't a rule that states any of us have to sit still while they march around and get ready to pillage our home. No. I plan to be a very inconvenient old lady.

Also more like minded folks are coming in from the cold because when one of We The People are threatened then All of Us are threatened.

Bonus - The lawyers are on top of this. Democracy Watch is an amazing resource. The veterans associations are all over this too. Topics I've picked up from them of note? Stolen valor, calling those who served suckers and losers, defunding the VA? They are NOT amused.

When I'm meditating with the whales and then shooting up through the cosmos (everything small gets big again) I'm not alone. There are so many souls with no words but filled with a fierce energy to defend democracy, not just in the USA but globally too. It is the hope of our species, it is the path out of adolescence and into adulthood. We've got this. All we have to do is Vote. I'd prefer we vote so blue both the House and the Senate are blue too. And then the real work begins because there will be many humans whose whole life just crashed in front of them. We'd best be the people we know we are and greet them with cautious love. Cautious because just in case.

Les Carpenter said...

We should have listened to Tesla. Our species would be so much more advanced. Probably much happier as well. But, our human ignorance won the day.

Power... Control.... The drugs of the capitalists, politicians, and religionists.

What it that has been said about insanity? Doing the same things over and over again while expecting different results. Yeah, that's it. As we carry on.

Joe Conservative said...

We no longer have a capitalist system Les. We have a technofeudal one that merely maintains the ILLUSION of a capitalist one, destroying the "invisible hand" of free-markets and replacing it with a % maximal-fee charging match-making slgorithmic one that makes profits for Jeff Bezos.