Paul Revere by Cyrus Dallin, North End, Boston


General John Kelly: "He said that, in his opinion, Mr. Trump met the definition of a fascist, would govern like a dictator if allowed, and had no understanding of the Constitution or the concept of rule of law."

Thursday, July 11, 2024


Steven Beschloss:  "This wasn’t so hard, was it? Why is the Philadelphia inquirer able to grasp the danger facing America—and say so, refusing to normalize Trump—while so many others are bent on driving Biden out?"


Historian Timothy Snyder:

Just a reminder of what a disgusting liar Trump is, was, and will always be. Never believe anything he says:

"All three of the guys behind Project 2025 worked in the White House for Trump when he was president."

"Trump's own SuperPAC is running ads highlighting Project 2025."

Head of The Heritage Foundation, Kevin Roberts, on Trump and Project 2025:

“We need to understand what time it is in America. And right now, Donald Trump, whether someone likes it or not – I happen to like it – is the standard bearer for conservatives,” Roberts said recently on MSNBC. He has said the project is “institutionalizing Trumpism” and sets the course for the conservative movement’s policy aims for many years to come.


skudrunner said...

After watching the spell binding interview with george I am convinced joey is our man of the future. The piercing questions and the thought out responses were riveting. How he performed as well as he did in the debate while suffering from a cold and only a week to prepare shows he is up to the job.

Yesterday in Wisconsin he declared he will beat trump in 2020 and I have to believe he will.

I am now all in for joey and as a country we will be fine as long as we are attacked after 8pm because he is not going to work after that.

Les Carpenter said...

While all of the above may be spot on, it is time to recognize that near 1/2 of this country is either to busy or simply does not care enough to consider the extreme danger Trump, Project 2025, and the neo-Nazi republican party present our democracy, as well as our freedoms and liberties.

We are losing America to bald faced lying neo-Nazis and Christian Nationalists. Soon, if conservatives win, Americans will be unable to criticize their leaders or the government. For if they do they will do so at the threat of prison or death.

This election is no joke. It is literally all about the choice between democracy and freedom or authoritarianism and tyranny.

With Biden in the race tyranny may very well be just around the corner. I for one no longer have faith America will make the right choice with Biden at head of the ticket. Better to act wisely and listen to concerns very many democrats and independents have about Biden at this juncture.

What is of most critical concern:


Dave Miller said...

Everyone, and I mean everyone, conservatives especially, but progressives too...

Why do people think leaders from China, Russia, Hungary and Turkey, all countries with Communist or dictatorial leaders, support President Trump?

Regardless of your view towards President Biden, why do these leader want Trump as the US President? Are they our allies and think he will be the best president for the US and democracy?


Someone must know. And please, no videos. Just explain it to me in 2nd grade English with words... 'cause sometimes I'm kinda slow.

Thersites said...

Why? Trump accepts a multi-polar world. Biden (and the UniParty) doesn't (America must dominate a unipolar war and levy economic sanctions on anyone who doesn't follow America's lead). The world is sick of being bullied into subsidizing America's "luxury values" like "green energy".

Joe Conservative said...

As for Project 2025...


Shaw Kenawe said...

Thersites, Joe Conservative

Trump is a liar. That’s all anyone needs to remember when he denies knowing anything about Project 2025.


never believe what he says.

PS, DOZENS OF COUNTRIES VALUE “green energy” policies. You just don’t agreed with them.

Mike said...

The documentary "Bad Faith" is available on TUBI for free.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Dave M .

The sad truth is that many in the MAGA GOP admire authoritarian leaders. They’re too invested in Trumpism to see how absurd the allegiance is to the anti-American policies of those dictators. The MAGA think it’s sticking it to the libs when they support dictators like Putin, Orban, etc., when, in fact, they’re “sticking it” to themselves

Thersites said...


Shaw Kenawe said...

Les, is it really half the country? Isn’t it more like 35%?

The only way the MAGAs can gain power is through the anti-democratic voting system of the electoral college. No Republican presidential candidate ( including Trump,) has won the popular vote since 2005. It’s the tyranny of the minority !

Anonymous said...

Trump claims he knows “nothing” about Project 2025.


—His Super PAC is running ads promoting Project 2025, calling it “Trump’s Project 2025”
—His top aide and former bag boy John McEntee is the guy behind Project 2025
—His press secretary is starring in recruitment ads for Project 2025
—Trump himself said he “needs” the Heritage Foundation, the organization behind Project 2025, to enact his MAGA agenda

Les Carpenter said...

For MAGATS the only thing that will change their minds is when MAGATS feel the pain of their own ignorance and delusions. Unfortunately that means we all have to suffer for MAGATS to feel the pain of their own errors of judgement.

Les Carpenter said...

We'll soon know Shaw. We'll soon know.

I no longer believe it's only 35%.

Thersites said...

Trump has the same RINO Heritage Foundation support problem that Bernie Sanders would have in finding presidential staff at the neo-liberal Brookings Institute. Personally, I prefer the Hoover Institute, but its' halls are rife with UniParty neoliberals, too. And CATO has too many libertarians. A white house $250 million budget has to buy a lot of staff (4 year 'temps'). Where does a political outsider find "confirmable experts", anyways? LinkedIn?

Dave Miller said...

Anon... regarding Project 2025. Trump claims he's knows nothing about it, then, in the same tweet, says he doesn't agree with everything in it.

So, he's either lying, disingenuous, sees his followers as unbelievable idiots or D, all of the above.

Dave Miller said...

Thersites raises a fair question... where does someone, perhaps the mythical independent president so many say they desire, get his/her cabinet and other appointees that must be confirmed from a system that only allows for either/or?

And it's a discussion that can be had independent of Trump, Biden, Bernie or anyone else.

If you desire real change in the way Washington operates, how does one respond to the question Thersites raised?

Joe Conservative said...

Trump claims he's knows nothing about it, then, in the same tweet, says he doesn't agree with everything in it.

How would anyone react to reading a preposterous press release about himself?

"I've never seen this before, I had nothing to do with it, and there's a lot of stuff stated here that I don't agree with."

Only Trump might say it a bit differently. But then, you'd also have to grant his spoken words the "benefit of the doubt". Most of his supporter, do.

Joe Conservative said...

...not because they're idiots. Because they've seen and experienced all the mainstream media shenannigans. Like putting the cloak of Gyges over Biden for 4 years.

Les Carpenter said...

Bla, bla, bla... ad infinitum.

Grey One talks sass said...

Joe Conservative, like the rest of MAGA tells a bit of the truth to make their deceptions 'sound' true. It's not a 'cloak' of Gyges Plato talked about, its a ring. Details matter.

To the point though that the media has willfully helped the Democratic party. Sure, sure, give me a second as I stop laughing at all the cartoon representations of exactly HOW the media historically has helped Democrats - like Bugs Bunny giving any of his opponents an anvil while skydiving. Mainstream media hasn't been on the side of facts for a very long time, something something facts have a liberal bias? Not biased, just that liberals believe in facts and MAGA believes in propaganda.

Media Matters, an impartial fact finding organization paints a picture of damaging stories against the Democratic Party deserved or not and a glossing over of anything Tea Party/MAGA. I believe the presses inability to report accurately what we all see happening is a contributing factor to the decline of our Democracy. No longer Americas independent oversite, they contribute to the lies spread by the MAGA cult. After all, didn't they give then candidate Donald Trump countless millions of unpaid advertising when he ran for president the first time? That's how I remember events unfolding.

Donald Trump sees the polling on Project 2025 going south so he distances himself even as he uses quotes about it's policies at his rallies. Even as we all see what we see and have heard MAGA elites praise and admit to contributing to the awful plan. And the NYT couldn't be bothered to cover such shenanigans because Joe Biden is old (gasp, really? He's old???).

Dave Miller said...

Joe... conversationally, regular ppl get the benefit of the doubt. Once, or maybe twice. After a pattern develops, that benefit seems to disappear.

Presidentially? Not so much. Their words can move kingdoms and start wars. As such, presidents and presidential candidates must take care with their words and it is not unfair or unreasonable to, when a president of any country but certainly the US, says, or in the case I cited, writes, to believe he or she thought it out and felt we should believe those words.

This was not a mistake while speaking. This was thought about, written, thought about again and crafted by Trump himself to send a specific message. Why else would he send it?

There were no main stream shenanigans in this instance.

Les Carpenter said...

The republican party knows how to obstruct, lie, obstruct, lie, obstruct, lie... ad infinitum. Why cut the party or Trump any slack at all? They sure as hell don't cut honest players any slack.

Joe Conservative said...

its a ring

Yes, of "conspirators" to place a cloak over the actions of the king, rendering him "invisible" like Harry Potter.

Joe Conservative said... least with Trump as President, there's no chance that the MSM will throw a CLOAK over all his misdeeds.

skudrunner said...

"Leaders from China, Russia, Hungary and Turkey, all countries with Communist or dictatorial leaders, support President Trump?"

Rev, Where did you come up with that. I didn't know these countries published opinions on American politics.

I do know why we had four years of relative peace, because trump is so unpredictable. Why did russia wait on Ukraine, why did hamas wait on gaza. They didn't know how trump would react and were certain biden would sit on the sidelines as his mentor and generals said he would.

Sam said...

A slow Biden beats an insane Trump every time, I hope.

Anonymous said...

Who cares. Really cares I mean. The gop grunts are apparently fine with tyranny coming to America. It must be what they want.

Dave Dubya said...

Skud is either copy and pasting or has left these same words as Anonymous at my blog.

I do know why we had four years of relative peace, because trump is so unpredictable. Why did russia wait on Ukraine, why did hamas wait on gaza. They didn't know how trump would react and were certain biden would sit on the sidelines as his mentor and generals said he would. You can’t say that about Biden. Reply

We don't want allies to be in the dark on how the US president would react to aggression against them. Biden made his support quite clear.

Yes, we can say Biden supports Ukraine more than Trump ever did, while he's catching hell for supporting Israel. Only a truly ignorant person would say that is "sitting on the sidelines". We know damn well Trump would let Putin have Ukraine and any NATO country he thinks doesn't "pay" enough money for defense.

Hamas and Israel have been at war for decades. Putin has been occupying/invading Ukraine for a decade. Trump praised him and threatened to cut off aid to Ukraine if they didn't accuse Biden of crimes. Trump then said Putin can do "whatever he wants" to NATO allies if they don't "pay up".

Trump's bigotry towards Muslims has been clear for years. He'd kill them all if he thought he could get away with it. Of course he'd make an exception for his pals in the Saudi dictatorship. He loves ALL dictators.

Anonymous is blind to the fact more US soldiers were killed in Afghanistan under Trump than Biden. 45 were killed while Trump was president, while 13 were killed by a terrorist bombing under Biden. (Note how they blame Biden for the terrorist attack, and not the terrorists or Trump for delaying withdrawal.)

There's my reply, Anonymous. Feel free to show me where I am mistaken. We know you can't, and will ignore every fact I've shown.

Trumpist have no idea how simple-minded their cult beliefs really are. They BELIEVE their malevolent mendacious messiah would never lie. His words are their gospel. How gullible is THAT?

Like a closeted Trumpist, Skud refuses good faith dialogue and ignores what anyone else has to say. Like a Trumpist he won't answer questions.

I told you Skud is undercover MAGA. He keeps proving it by being dishonest, disrespectful, and dismissive towards the rest of us.

Les Carpenter said...

Dave D. Is correct. skudzy is MAGA through and through.

skudrunner said...

Leslie, You are correct in the fact that I do want America to be great and the current candidates are not going to be able to achieve that We do have different opinions on a few issues. You are anti capitalism and support a person who is not up to leading the country and I am pro capitalism and want to see different candidates. What you fail to acknowledge is if biden steps down for a qualified candidate that candidate will win and the country will be better off.

Again head in the sand serves no one.

Dave Dubya said...

Skud is playing the old far Right game, "You are anti capitalism and support a person who is not up to leading the country and I am pro capitalism and want to see different candidates."

This is one step from calling us commies.

Let's play. Skud is anti-democracy and supports rule by the rich and powerful, and we love American ideals of equality, freedom, and democracy.

The facts are we OPPOSE a felonious, insurrectionist fascist, and he doesn't.

Dave Miller said...

Dave... I think we're missing a lot underneath what folks like Skud and at times, when he's coherent, the -FJ cabal of personalities...

What is it they're really looking for. Here's what I've seen.

Many conservatives today, especially the non overly religious ones, want fiscal responsibility in both DC and our homes. And if people make stupid decisions, that's their right, but they are on their own. For example... Someone has a ton of money, and an everyday job that pays all the bills and allows him to put some $$$ in savings. One day he decides to start a small business, but he goes belly up, loses everything and goes broke.

My conservative friends would say this to him... you gave it a good effort, but it didn't work out. I hope you saved some money in case of this so you could start over. If you didn't, good luck.

The friends I have would not, a la Trump, file for bankruptcy, because they are too proud to do so. Most would not apply for unemployment. I filed once almost 40 years ago and received payments for three weeks before I found another job. And I felt horrible for doing so.

I think the term is self reliancy. And I'd add family reliant. People need to be responsible for their own issues. I remember back in the day, no guy I knew had sex with a woman who wasn't on the pill, and/or without using some form, other than pulling out, for birth control. Unless, they had the $$$ for an abortion.

The ethos was this... if you can't pay for the consequences, don't do it. And the consequences are a lifetime of marriage/child care payments, etc.

It's a take care of your own s*#t attitude. Don't expect me or my goveernment to help if you've been stupid.

Now here's the rub... let's say that guy starting the business hits it big. We know he used general resources to do so. Roads, the electrical grid, utilities and more, all provided by government investment. But they do not see, or consider that. To them, they've made it all on their own, so they don't want to share.

I guess what I'm saying is this... there is truth in what at least some are saying on both sides of all of these issues. The problem, and we've seen it from Skud and -FJ et al, is that they seem to be unable to hold that tension together in their minds and so, go to the edges and add stupid responses.

I'll end with this...

Is Biden perfect? No, and I've said so repeatedly. Both months ago when I stated he should not run for a second term, and recently, post debate.

Trump seems energetic, his voice is strong, etc. But he, at least encouraged an insurrection/riot/coup/Capitol Tourist visit that turned violent and deadly and with tools available, stood by and watched for over three hours doing nothing.

I dare anyone to prove my statement about wrong, with facts.

If we look at the results of the policies of both presidents and their their admins, here's what we see...

Overall, discounting Covid, both presidents had a fair amount of success and the US econ was good. But by any metric, aside from inflation, the US economic and energy performance under Biden has been better.

Again, just facts.

So here we are. For whom should we vote?

Shaw Kenawe said...

Dave M.: ""Overall, discounting Covid, both presidents had a fair amount of success and the US econ was good. But by any metric, aside from inflation, the US economic and energy performance under Biden has been better.

Again, just facts.

So here we are. For whom should we vote?"

During the Lewinsky-Clinton scandal, the GOP made it crystal clear that in choOsing a POTUS, CHARACTER MATTERED!

I and many other Democrats were angered and appalled at Clinton's reckless and selfish behavior. Clinton knew policy backwards, forwards, and inside out, and he was good at what he did, but he squandered it all because of his lack of self-control and narcissism.

For whom should we vote in 2024? Trump was convicted of 34 felonies by a jury of his peers after a grand jury of ordinary Americans heard all of the evidence in his election interference allegations and found he should be indicted for those crimes and go to trial.

Paying off a porn star who he had sexual relations with while his fifth wife was pregnant with his 5th child, in addition to the fact that he was also carrying on an affair for 9 month with a playmate model at the same time exposes the depths of Trump's moral turpitude (also his serial adulteries with his two other wives).

We also know that he was made to pay a penalty for having been found guilty of scamming people who signed up for his Trump University; he and his 3 children are prohibited from running any charity in New York because of having been found guilty of fraud. Almost all of his closest aides from his administration were found guilty of felons.

And how can we forget that he promoted the Big Lie about a stolen election, when every case he brought to court to try to prove election fraud was thrown OUT. And he then, out of spite and malice, incited an insurrection against the United States, calling for the killing of his own VP.

Stack all of those moral failings against Joe Biden, and there is no other choice at this time, is there.

We have NEVER had a more corrupt, psychologically damaged human being seeking a second presidency term than Donald Trump. He is an irredeemably corrupt and mentally unbalanced scoundrel.

The question is: Who are the Americans who want more of his corruption, lies, and mental disorder (malignant narcissism)? And why?

Dave Dubya said...

We seem to understand those on the Right far more than they even CARE to understand us.

Not all of them are racists and bigots. Some are indeed, "very fine people" who would help a stranger in need if they encounter one. Most social programs, aka "socialism", are more removed from their immediate experience, and are more easily denied or dismissed.

But they don't want to give up Social Security or Medicare, even though they've been indoctrinated to fear the word socialism. They don't want to consider the fact that socialistic programs can be a part of a capitalist system. They are essentially a check and balance on each other. Their world view is more black and white than ours.

Too many of them have no experience with POC, or foreigners, or urban dwellers. They are indoctrinated to fear what they don't understand.

The single issue voters among them don't care what happens other than banning abortion or cutting taxes.

They can't, or refuse to, see that we love this country and love our families. Their "family values" are no different, except when they frame them within their narrow religious beliefs.

We want our government to adhere to our Constitutional regulation of commerce and provision for the general welfare through taxes. They call this "socialism" and do their best to eliminate these public benefits. Now they call us commies for holding to these principles of our Constitution.

We want all citizens to have an unobstructed right to vote. They don't. We want fair representation in Congress. They don't. Blacks are still gerrymandered and are less represented. They already have a Senate and electoral system rigged against democracy, but that's not enough for them. They want one-party authoritarian power. They want activist judges to shape the law to conform to religious and authoritarian power.

Their ideology is full of resentment and scapegoating for people they hate, while we want people to get along with mutual respect or at least basic human decency.

"Live and let live" never occurs to them. They have a need to control others and interfere in their private lives, education, and healthcare. They hate diversity and educators and curriculums they don't understand.

Their numbers include the most racist people in America. There's a reason neo-Nazis, the Klan, Proud Boys, Oath Keepers, etc. are all Trump voters who fear and hate brown immigrants, and brown citizens for that matter.

Regarding the Biden/Trump debate, does anyone else think if Biden had just talked as loudly as Trump, there wouldn't be any whining about him stepping down?

Just a few random points. :-)

Les Carpenter said...

So, skudzy, recognizing head in the sand serves no one why raise your view and actually do something to make thins better?

I, and multiple millions, actually the lions share, don't consider MAGA anywhere near a viable alternative headed up by America's very own neo-Nazi authoritarian, DJT.

Les Carpenter said...

So, skudzy, recognizing head in the sand serves no one why raise your view and actually do something to make thins better?

I, and multiple millions, actually the lions share, don't consider MAGA anywhere near a viable alternative headed up by America's very own neo-Nazi authoritarian, DJT.

skudrunner said...

Rev, Good measured response to my post. I do not agree with your statement that if you create a successful business you are unwilling to share because taxes are sharing with the government and most of the time for small businesses they pay way to much.

Ms. Shaw, I don't consider paying off a hooker even while you wife is in labor is a crime. Immoral maybe but not illegal. The left is making the most of the convictions but no one lost a dime and, so far, they haven't proven the money came from a forign company as a payoff for favors granted. If that changes then so will my opinion. The adjudication of rape by a judge who stated he will get trump is not very convincing either. An assault in a dressing room of a store 30 years ago is hard for most people to put faith in.

Leslie, I read both your posts and I still don't understand what you are saying. It must be too much of a Zen thing you learned in Tibet for me to understand.

Shaw Kenawe said...

skudrunner: "I don't consider paying off a hooker even while you wife is in labor is a crime. Immoral maybe but not illegal."

For the gazillionth time, skud, THAT'S NOT WHY TRUMP WAS FOUND GUILTY. Now you're either being deliberately obtuse, or you really have no idea why Trump was found guilty of 34 felony counts.

For you to keep repeating the lie that what Trump did in the election interference trial that found him guilty is not illegal means one of two things: 1) You have no comprehension of what the election interference trial was about; or 2) You are deliberately misrepresenting why Trump was put on trial so as to obfuscaYte the reason for his trial.

TO BE CLEAR: No matter how often you repeat that falsehood, it won't make it true.

skudrunner: "The adjudication of rape by a judge who stated he will get trump is not very convincing either. An assault in a dressing room of a store 30 years ago is hard for most people to put faith in."

A typical male reaction to rape, isn't that. Trump forcefully and brutally inserted his fingers into a woman's vagina, and later in his life bragged about being able to do it and get away with it because he's "a star!."

Gawd help this country and its women from men who think other men can sexually assault girls and women whenever they like, even it if happened years ago, and get away with it!

Maybe you, a man, think that's cute. Believe me when I tell you that girls and women who've suffered from having men violate them and get away with it do not agree with your arrogant and cavalier attitude toward rape.

Dave Miller said...

Dave D stated... "We seem to understand those on the Right far more than they even CARE to understand us.

I wouldn't argue with that Dave.

And we see it all the time.

Here's an interesting question for the group. We now have data that shows we can pretty much end childhood poverty and hunger with direct, cash payments to their families.

If we could do this, without raising the deficit, would anyone here support it?

It really highlights the divide between those who support big, or at least bigger government, and the pull yourself up by the bootstraps self reliant group.

I think progressives would gladly choose to help.

I think conservatives would say we should never just give money away as it will encourage government dependency.

My experience is this... I can see plusses and minuses on both sides. However the extremists, or purists, again on both sides, tend to be all in on what they favor.

Just some ruminations.

Dave Miller said...

A straight question for Skud...

Skud, do you understand that the recent case in New York v. Trump was about financial fraud?

Again, a simple or no will suffice.

Dave Dubya said...


As far as I can tell, the "bootstrap" people are fine with welfare for corporations, the rich, and white people, but HATE welfare for poor POC.

The "big government" trope is getting old. The Right wants big government in the exam room between women and their doctors. They want Trump to be above the law. They want a big government to round up millions and send them to camps. They want a big government of only Trump loyalists.

These "bootstrap" people and their corporate benefactors will coddle the rich, and are first in line for cronyism, nepotism, sweetheart deals, subsidies, bailouts, and handouts.

The "big government" they hate is the one that follows our Constitution's provision for the general welfare, taxation, and regulation of commerce.

As far as feeding the poor, I don't see the equivalence of extremism on both sides here.

In the words of Mike Royko: "It’s much harder to be a liberal that a conservative. Why?
Because it’s easier to give someone the finger than a helping hand."

skudrunner said...

Ms. Shaw, The women he was accused of sexual assaulting didn't know the year it happened much less the day because it was in 1996 or so and she reported it in 2019. It was deemed no rape but sexual assault. I know there are all kinds of reasons she didn't scream in a public store dressing room. BJ was accused of sexual assault of Broaddrick, Willey, Millwee, Jones but oops they just went away. -H- accused all of the women who came forward of a right wing conspiracy. Those allegations did not occur 30 years ago yet they were not pursued.
I am not saying trump didn't do it I am just saying why 30 years ago?

Rev, We have such a program that was started 1965 by LBJ. It has been so successful that after trillions of dollars spent the percent of families in poverty hasn't changed much but we keep giving money to families so we can feel like we are doing something. Progressives are all about feel good give away because it is not their money. Somehow that just doesn't work.

Shaw Kenawe said...

skud: "It was deemed no rape but sexual assault."

"A judge has now clarified that this is basically a legal distinction without a real-world difference. He says that what the jury found Trump did was in fact rape, as commonly understood." Jul 19, 2023 -

skud, Do you have a law degree? Do you know more about the law in sexual assault/rape cases than the judge who presided over the E. Jean Carroll case? If your answers are "no" to those questions, then what you wrote above is WRONG and nothing more than an uninformed opinion.

Your anger over Donald Trump finally being held responsible for shoving his fingers into E. Jean Carroll's vagina is telling. You and lots of other males have so little regard for girls and women that they sympathize with a pig like Trump and are outraged that he FINALLY faced consequences for what he did to E. Jean Carroll and other women.

I don't remember the exact date and time when a grown man sexually assaulted me when I was 6,7,8,+ years old. No one talked about such things then, and I was too young to understand what the hell he was doing to me. That man died without facing any consequences for what he did to me when I was a little girl. You might say I know something about what it feels like to have men get away with criminal sexual acts against girls and women and then have to read other men make excuses for them.

Dave Miller said...

As expected Skud, you declined, as you always do, to answer my granted, hypothetical question.

But that's okay. I've become used to you refusing to argue in good faith or join in a useful discussion. Probably because you favor a political viewpoint that does not have room for differences of opinion, facts, nuance and compromise.

You guys have it all figured out.

Grey One talks sass said...

A few observations -

re: pulling oneself up by their bootstraps ignores those who don't have boots or feet for that matter. All the property is owned. All. Of. It. Well, if there is a parcel unclaimed trust me, there is no water, access, or ability to place a garden - no water, how can you survive?

re: giving families money to help with raising children. Actually this concept is not new, it's been tested both here and internationally. And, it works. Families use the monies wisely and make good choices giving lie to the idea that 'they aka the poor' will waste it on drugs or alcohol. I won't lie, there were some (SOME) monies spent on those two items, but not what the detractors predicted. Universal Basic Income. It's going to become a thing because the current assistance programs are top heavy with hoops and loops and personal bias. UBI is free from all the soul crushing justifications as to why you need help (inferred is lazy, unwilling to work, always wanting a handout). And lets not forget recertifications where you have to reassert that no, you are no closer to getting a job today then you were when you applied for help. And the implication is that you are a loser if you can't carry boxes all day or fit into corporate squares or stand behind a counter for hours at a time serving customers who have no appreciation of the abuse you receive just for doing your job.

And the absolute crazy thing is Project 2025 addresses all this. Well, addresses it by cutting all funding for those who depend on assistance or disability payments and gutting any protections currently in place. This leaves many disabled folk, already on the edge in the street. Who needs death squads when you can just toss the human onto the streets when the Supreme Court just ruled it is illegal to sleep on those same streets. If anyone believes the bullies within the MAGA camp, filled with hatred and armed are going to practice kindness to the thousands of humans recently displaced.... Not sure there is anymore to say on the subject.

Shaw, skud like so many men just doesn't understand that when it comes to the topic of sexual assault, rape, violating consent, violating boundaries until it happens to them (not that I'm advocating such a horrible event occur to others) they need to SIT DOWN AND SHUT THE F*CK UP. Until you know you know nothing. I couldn't tell you the exact date or time of my rapes as it's something that alters you forever as your brain plays the events over and over while simultaneously protecting you by fuzzing out the exact when. With a metric ton of therapy I don't see the 'movies' anymore but my trust in humans is forever broken.

I understand Dave M's points as I was raised the same way - it's a shame to ask for help as if you are somehow less than. OK to ask family - of course, that's what family is for, amirite?

Here are my questions: But what happens when a person needs more help then the family can safely provide?

My takeaway: We need a government which addresses the needs of every citizen and not just the current one size fits all which only benefits the big Pharma, Oil, Agra, Sports, and the Military Industrial Complex.


skudrunner said...

Rev, Your question "Here's an interesting question for the group. We now have data that shows we can pretty much end childhood poverty and hunger with direct, cash payments to their families.

If we could do this, without raising the deficit, would anyone here support it?"

My Answer to your question "We have such a program that was started 1965 by LBJ. It has been so successful that after trillions of dollars spent the percent of families in poverty hasn't changed much but we keep giving money to families so we can feel like we are doing something."

Then you replied " As expected Skud, you declined, as you always do, to answer my granted, hypothetical question."

I will take it you either didn't read my response or you chose to just go on the attack because you disagree. Either way I did answer your question.

Ms. Shaw, I will admit I have never been sexually assaulted so I cannot relate. I do not understand why something so egregious occurring that the victim waits 30 years to bring it to light. Same holds for Kavanaugh and ford. Hold back and wait for an opportune time

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

You keep on with the nonsense responses to Trump's transgressions Skuds. It wasn't really a rape? Sexual assault isn't as bad as it sounds? I was once admonished by a lady when I was young for calling someone an asshole. She said butthole was cleaner. Interesting how your side thinks. Scary but interesting.

Les Carpenter said...

Row row your boat gently down the stream.

Merrily merrily merrily merrily life is but a dream.

Well skudzy, just think what we as a nation could accomplish if we returned to the tax structure during the Eisenhower administrations. America's middle class become stronger and more prosperous, our infrastructure improved as the economic growth was profound and America really took off. Eisenhower, a republican, understood all the stuff the GOP, Trump, and MAGA simply ignore today and create storylines the gullible will believe. I was a gullible at one time... Then I saw the light, truth if you will.

Either wake up or, continue rowing until it all falls apart due to greed and ego delusions.

Dave Miller said...

Well Skud. you didn't answer the question, what should I say?

It was a simple yes or no question. You hide behind potential failures in scenarios to avoid having to take a stand. It's one reason ppl get so exasperated with you.

But I hear your answer, and it seems like it's a no. Even a perfectly administered program of direct cash payments, with no waste, that could be shown to alleviate childhood poverty, would not be something you could, or would support.

In fact, we all hear you, loud and clear.

skudrunner said...

Simple answer to a complex issue is Yes. My Yes is as long as it was not administered by the government because they are incapable of doing anything that does not have pork and payoffs.

So far SNAP is the only beneficial program that the government is involved in to help people in need. They will figure out a way to profit from it but so far it seems to work.

Shaw Kenawe said...

skudrunner: . "My Yes is as long as it was not administered by the government because they are incapable of doing anything that does not have pork and payoffs."

Well, "the government" you have no trust in did manage to win two world wars, help Americans who were affected by floods, tornadoes, hurricanes, fires, earthquakes, etc., and through the implementation of Medicare and Medicaid, Social Security, and the VA saved millions and millions of Americans and senior Americans from destitution because of catastrophic accidents and illnesses.

You have a negative feeling towards government, and the anti-government Project 2025 people who want an even MORE intrusive and an even LARGER government to implement their agenda are happy to know your cynicism and so they can manipulate you even more than you've already been manipulated into thinking government is the problem.

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

Saying they don't trust government is the stock righty answer to anything they don't understand or know in their hearts is correct but are afraid to say so cause they may get a mean tweet of admit they're wrong. Ronald Reagan said Social Security is the greatest government program ever devised. But they hate Reagan now so Iguess that doesn't matter what he said.

Dave Miller said...

Thanks Skud... Here's why something like your yes is important for a guy like me.

I can sit down with a guy who has like, not necessarily identical, but like goals, and maybe we could get to a solution of a problem.

As it relates to my question, I get it, no one wants pork, no one wants waste, be it from government or private work.

Some, sadly is unavoidable. It's baked in.

I too wish it were not true.

BTW... the great majority of MAGA ppl and conservatives would not have answered that question with a yes, so you're an exception.

At least IMHO...

Les Carpenter said...

Maybe skudzy is really just an anarchist. No rules, no laws, just complete unbridled freedom to do whatever the hell anyone wants.

Actually, it's hard to know what skudzy really supports. Hope he's not disappointed when all his freedoms and SS go south. Which is exactly what will happen if Trump and Project 2025 become reality.